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Shadow Blade

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Everything posted by Shadow Blade

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] Oh, alright now I finally understand. Thanks to Stuart. So, the_sixth_child I got a question, that has been nagging at me after I had view the Risembool Rangers website you know the gallery, the fan fiction, art, forum, basically the works. Is the whole R.Rangers only about one guy named Vic Mignogna? Well I must say, that Vic is really talented to have his voice bring the character Edward Elric in Full Mental Alchemist to life, as well as other characters from DBZ, DNAngel, etc. But really do all of you members do nothing but talk about the guy, I mean seriously the whole website had to only do with him. So please don't hate me if I had offended you or other R.Rangers, but I'm just one curious idiot. Yes, I admit my flaws. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE=the_sixth_child]I forgot weither or not I made one of these. Hello! Risembool Rangers Unite! Come and talk about Fuhrer Vic! (I know, I know, it's not very discriptive. But I hope my fellow rangers will understand :animeswea ) RED DAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] Uh? Exactly what are you trying to say. The message isn't exactly clear. And I'm sure others will probably feel the same way. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] Brokeback Mountain? To be quite honest, the film made me extremely uncomfortable. I basically watched it out of curiosity. The film turned out to be hard to watch, in my case. I don't really know what happened due to the fact that I kept getting more popcorn from the consession stand and taking a lot of restroom breaks to last me a lifetime. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Grey. That is my favorite color. Why I like it? Easy. It's the only color between both of the usual colors I wear, black and white. I know not much of a reply.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']If Hilary Clinton winds up running, regardless of how bad her opponent could possibly be, a huge section of the US would simply not vote for her.[/quote] [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] As much as I would hate to admit it, but Gen.NPC#3 you're right. Today's society wouldn't vote for Hilary because of her husband's scandal with Monica L. but basically because of her sex. America is literally full of sexists. But get this, according to population recorders they predict that women will be the stronger sex. There is about two women for every male. What I'm predicting is that maybe 10 or 20 years (give or take a few) from now, women will be the stronger sex and have a female president.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='Starwind']I believe women in the presidency is just like anything else, it depends on the woman. Now obviously Martha Stewart has no business running the country. But the same can be said in many other situations. SOme people question whether or not we could have a black president, it depends on the black guy. Nelson Mandella, absolutly; Mr. T, I'll say this, the day he becomes president is the day I move to Canada. Can I get an Amen here people?[/quote] [size=1][color=slategray] Amen. I have read several interesting posts. Obiviously most of the strongest posts were done by females I presume. However with most of you guys I strongly agree. And Starwind I have heard of people saying there should be a black guy or some other guy who has a different ethic background, to show that America is really a all National Ethic happy country. [/size][/color]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Slategray] In my family as well in most of my classes, I'm usually outnumbered by the opposite sex. Yes, and that is females. At any rate, several girls come up to me and ask for my opinion on whether there should be, or if I think a women is capable of taking up Presidency. Being the quiet bum that I am, I shrug my shoulders and mumble something out that sounds like, "I don't know". Of course I say that just so they will get bored, walk away, and leave me alone. When they finally did leave after asking me personal questions like,"Do you have a girlfriend?", do I start to breathe better and think about this question of a female president. I believe that a woman with a good head on her shoulders, who can think nationally that also includes thinking for the people, and has good leadership ability is capable of taking up presidency. So the question is do you think that a woman is capable of taking up presidency? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [size=1][color=slategray] My custom title doesn't really relate to anything. Among my buddies I have a lot of nick names, Village Idiot, is just one of the lame names I have aquired. However I do admit that I am an idiot............sometimes. Pathetic. [/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=slategray] Aw, yes JROTC. Brings back good memories. I use to be in JROTC. The trainings were cool and hard. I was in Charlie Troop and specialized in Colorguard. The highest rank I recieved in the program of two years was Sergent. I know not much of a climb, but, hey the experience was interesting. [/size][/color]
  10. [quote name='Kirika']Well, when I was little, and when The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time was new, I was scared of those ReDeads. Almost every day at night, after playing a little bit, I'd run into bed with the covers completely over me, thinking that the ReDeads were out to get me XD[/quote] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Slategray] Hmmm...... Kirika, as you already know my film fear is Chuckie. Yeah I know it's pathetic.But like you I was once afraid of one of my games which was the.....please don't laugh at me, but I was once afriad of the Ninja Turtles [head hung in shame]. You know the hard-shelled heros, Michaelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello, and Raphael. I guess you could say I was cool with the rat, Splinter. But I eventually got over the fear especially after I learned to use Raphael really well. But what can I say, I was one paranoid little kid. LOL. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [size=1][color=slategray] Crap. All you lucky people. In New Mexico the weather sucks. There isn't literally a cloud in sight. Yeah sure, we have a light frost over but nothing to get all worked up for. Even if there was a snow day in my area, we are still required to go to school. I have an academic principle who gets exited everyday there is school, I swear the bum must actually come to school at midnight and wait all excited for the day to start. Pathetic Loser. At any rate rain or shine, snow or slush, my highschool is always open. I really loathe my school and radio stations that never says there is no school today. Yeah, I know typical. [/size][/color]
  12. [size=1][color=slategray] This may not seem really funny, and it also doesn't have anything to do with me except I just did what other older siblings do to their younger siblings, just so they would shut up. Apparently I did the exact thing to a cousin not my kid brother. My cousin when he was a little nerdy guy about 5 years old he was at the age where he believed that his T.V. and video games were best friends, thought that the moon was made of cheese, and that aliens were real, you know the really gullible type. Well at this early stage, he was chewing gum and drinking soda (he was really bossy as well as bratty) until he accidentally shallowed his gum. Being angry at the little booger I told him that the gum he just shallowed will stick to his liver and continue to pile up, that maggots and tapeworms were going to be born out of it. The little teeny-booper believed it, and I was enjoying his fear that I made more bizarre lies about his soda, telling him that the soda will turn into acid and when it comes into contact with his liver it will speed up the birth process of the maggots and tapeworms. Meaning he will have only 10 seconds to live before they eat him inside out. The Little kid was so scared, that I felt proud of myself. Four years has passed from that time, meaning that he is now 9 yrs and I was 11 when I told that little lie. When we were hauling all the cousins back from the movies, My cousin accidently swallowed his gum. My cousin was quiet through out the entire trip back home, that I got kinda worried him and asked him if he wanted any soda. The kid looked at me in horror and said, "No! You really want me to died huh?" I was like "What?" He replied, "You want those maggots and tapeworms to eat me alive, huh?" I stood and thought for a moment, then I started to crack up. My cousin stared at me as if I was crazy. He was like, "What? Why are you laughing?" I finally caught my breath and said,"Dude, you actually still believe that? I made that all up a long time ago. I can't believe you still believe in that crap!" So it turns out my nerdy cousin actually believed my little gum and soda myth for 4 years. I tried it on my kid brother and got the same results, he still thinks that gum will stick to his liver, I wonder how long it's going to take my brother to realize that I lied. I'm betting 5 years. [/size][/color]
  13. [QUOTE=Morgan-Chan]Well, for me it was always the fact that when I was younger my closet never really closed all the way...it always came off the track and whatnot...and there was always this sort of crack that made it look like someone was trying to peek out of it! What a weird thing, eh? :animeswea :animesmil[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=slategray] Aw, yes the closet and under the bed. Classic place where childhood monsters dwell. When I was a toddler I thought that there were skinwalkers (A navajo witch in native beliefs- believe to have the power to transform into animals and cause trials and torment) lurking in the closet and under the bed. To this day I laugh about my foolish fears. [/size][/color]
  14. [color=slategray][size=1] NOTE TO THE READER: THIS Joke is quite hilarious. Before you read this joke be sure you have a piece of paper and writing instrument. Be sure you write down the same coded message that George W. received. Enjoy![/size][/color] [QUOTE] From his underground bunker, Saddam Insane sent George W. Bush a letter in his own handwriting to announce that he is still in the game. Bush opened the letter and it contained a coded message: 370HSSV - 0773H George W. couldn't figure it out, so he emailed it to Colin Powell. Colin and his aides had no clue either, so they sent it to the CIA. No one could solve it so it went to the NSA and then to MIT and then later to NASA and then the Secret Services????the list got longer and longer. Eventually they asked and elderly Navajo named, Cecil Begay ( one of the WWII Navajo Codetalkers). Mr. Begay took one look at the message and replied: ?Tell the President he is looking at the message upside down?. [/QUOTE] [size=1][color=slategray] NOW YOU WRITE THE SAME MESSAGE ON A PIECE OF PAPER AND TURN IT UPSIDE DOWN. YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO SEE THE SAME MESSAGE. IF NOT PM.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [size=1][color=slategray] Easy the thing that I long to change is my scrawny frame. What can I say I'm skinny for my age and fragile looking too, my darn skin complexion doesn't help one bit (I'm considered fair skinned-whatever the heck that's suppose to mean) many people consider me ill looking. It's also kinda funny too because whatever I eat it doesn't seem to contribute to my weight one bit, girls consider it a blessing I consider it a mixed blessing. It's also kinda annoying how teachers come up and ask me, "Are you being well fed at home?" Of course no matter how annoying the question is to me, the funnier the question is for my buddies [Shrug]. [/size][/color]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Slategray] This thread has got to be one of the weirdest threads that I have done so far. The question was just something that was floating around in my empty skull for some time now. I guess the main purpose of this thread is to convict my best friend Micheal, that no matter how old I am, I still get scared by my,'childhood boogyman'. When I was a little kid I had a crazy, and I mean, a really brain dead crazy uncle, who use to terrify my siblings and myself (my younger sibling wasn't born yet so he was lucky and spared the torture) with a doll called Chuckie. Yeah, you know the little trooper in blue overalls, with carrot top, and would run around saying,"Hi I'm Chuckie." Anyway my uncle would force us little kids to watch these films, and literally ran around after us with an exact replica laughing his head off, well us kids were running around the house trying to get away, screaming with all the air in our tiny lungs. The crazy idiot went as far as to waking us up in the middle of the night with the stupid doll in our face. As old as I am everytime I see the doll my heart would beat faster, but other than that I don't run away screaming like I use to. To this day I try to laugh off the experiment. At any rate I was curious whether anyone here at the OB ever had been scared of the 'boogyman' or any other 'thing'. In this thread you can pretty much tell your experiance, or tell about your younger sibling's fear (or if you scare them yourself and how). [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [size=1][color=slategray]I just got this joke through email.[/size][/color] [QUOTE=Thatcrazyidiot]A priest was driving along and saw nun on the side of the road. He stopped and offered her a lift which she accepted. She got in and crossed her legs, forcing the habit to open and reveal a leg. The priest looks and nearly has an accident, and after changing gear lets his hand slide up her leg. She immediately says, "Father, remember Psalm 129". The priest says sorry and removes his hand but is unable to remove his eyes from her leg. Further on when he changes gear and has ogled at her leg for the zillionth time he lets the hand slide up the leg again. The Nun once again says, "Father remember Psalm 129". Arriving at the convent the nun gets out and the priest goes on his way. Once he arrives at his church he rushes to the bible and looks up Psalm 129 and it said, "GO FORTH AND SEEK, FURTHER UP YOU WILL FIND GLORY" [b]Moral of the Story[/b]: In your job should always be well informed or you may miss a great opportunity.[/QUOTE]
  18. [size=1][color=slategray] Figure or board? I have to admit that they are both are hard to learn, and not as easy to obtain the talent for either. Figure skating was always hard for me. I suck so bad at it that I can't really manage to stand up straight for 15 minutes without falling on my face, making a huge fool of myself. However skateboarding I can do. In the beginning even this wasn't easily accomplished. I had to have balance and good foot work, before I started. When learning to skateboard I obtained a lot bruises, but kept trying. To this day I'm not really good, but hey I can travel around and do a few tricks. So in my opinion they both are hard to do. [/size][/color]
  19. [size=1][color=slategray]Thanks to Hug Monster and Sakurasuka for helping to clear my head of whether or not Sakura has any special techniques of her own. I however have another question which goes out to the people in Japan. Question: Where I live at (America) the movie theaters usually show 'real live' movies. So I am wondering, in Japan do you guys have movie theaters that shows animation? I am just wondering. If you could answer the ? that would be great. [/size][/color]
  20. [size=1][color=slategray]I'd rather die. And face eternal damnation in the fiery pits of Hades! Nah just kidding! But I would rather die. If I were given immortality I would have to watch my family members and friends die, which would be really depressing. Plus I would see more advanced technology and new generations be born which would make me feel extremely old. Which isn't cool in my opinion. Besides I'm afraid of death. I have a religion that makes me less afriad of it. It's pretty much like that Latin saying: [center]"Memento Mori" In english translation,"Remember you will Die"[/center] [/size][/color]
  21. [size=1][color=slategray] I guess that since everyone is giving their names might as well give mine. Name: Terrell. Age: 15. Turning 16 in March. Ethnic: Native American (Navajo). And no I'm not related to Crazy Horse or Chief Manuelito, so please don't ask. Species: Homo Sapien Bio: People consider me weird and quiet. I draw my own manga style. I play the guitar and the nerdy instrument, the harmonica. I currently reside in New Mexico (The Land of Enchantment). I have three and a half siblings. Two of them are older than me at 19 and 18 yrs male and female. The other two are younger at 6 and 9yrs male and female. Three of my siblings are blood related including myself, and one is the result of my father and step mother. Yes, my parents are divorced, my biological mother is now residing somewhere in Colorado, with a new marriage and set of kids. Me, I live with my paternal family. I listen to rock and punk rock. I wear several sets of colors which is only white, black, dark green, dark blue, and blood red. I'm considered fair skin (whatever that means [shrugs]). I also stakeboard. I know my life is rather boring isn't it? At any rate that concludes today's lecture about me. If you have any questions feel free to PM. [/size][/color]
  22. [size=1][color=slategray]Where have I been. Easy on Earth, but that's not the point of discussion is it? Alright I have been to only to a few states in the U.S. which is Arizona, Oklahoma, Nevada, California, Texas, Utah, and Florida. The countries are only two Mexico and Canada. And other than that my life pretty much sucks. I don't really travel that much partly because we had to drive instead of flying. Nearly all the adults in my family are afraid of flying (which means we spend more money on gas than souverniers. I know it's sad isn't it?) [/size][/color]
  23. [size=1][color=slategray]I don't know if a vampire would fit in this type of thread. I guess it could because instead of turning into a flapping black bat I would turn into a wolf instead. Plus I would be able to dine on human flesh (according to books they make it sound good), I would be the Prince of the Darkness and the Lord of Shadows (I know it sounds really cheesy, but hey that's what I would to be). Oh yeah not to forget to mention I would have superior strenght, the ability to read minds, and probably for once I won't be consider scrawny. I know a lame animal/demon I would turn out to be, huh? [/size][/color]
  24. [size=1][color=slategray]My favorite genres are Comendy, Horror, Action, and Suspense. I know really nerdy favorites. As for my favorite movie. I really don't know. I could say that I admire films by the movie director and writer M. Night Shyamalan. You know the guy behind the films of The Village, and Signs. [/size][/color]
  25. [size=1][color=slategray]I have never been hitted on a gay guy, but I do have a science lab partner that is one. This guy is really quiet and keeps to himself. I do talk to him and try to make friendly conversation, but everytime I do he winces and is scared of me, I don't know why. But back on track, I have a friend named Micheal and this lab partner of mine seemed to have had a crush on him for the longest time. Of course I was unaware of the whole thing because the guy is scared of me. Now one morning I go to my third block as usually, talk a little about science stuff, then the bell rings for lunch. I get my things and throw in my bag and prepare myself to take off at full speed before the lunch lines get too long. Before I burst out of there my lab partner taps me on the back and asks me if he could talk to me. I was like alright but please make it quick the cafateria is serving hamburgers (which is rarely ever served). So I ask what's up, he tells me to remain calm and blurts out the whole thing in one breath. Just so you know I have never encountered a gay guy before and with my lab partner telling me his secret I get shocked, but I keep my cool. Then I went ahead and told him that Micheal is straight because he asked me. But all in all despite his secret I'm still nice to him, and Mike now knows but told the dude that he was straight and like Boba Fett said it's cool to know that he is that attractive. Lol. I know this story doesn't really help but hey the good news is that my former lab partner moved but he has a boyfriend. So I know my advice is really crummy but maybe you need to go out and get some fresh air and meet new people. That seemed to have help my lab partner. Sorry the advice isn't intelligent one bit. But if I hitted on by another guy I would probably get shocked, a little flattered, and the strongest emotion may probably be anger. I would think to myself,"Dang. Was I hitted on because I look or act like a gay?" I don't know but it would defiently give me the willies. [/size][/color]
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