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Everything posted by Shadow Blade
[size=1][color=slategray]Alright it looks like I have to spill the beans. I work at a movie rental place called Gabes (my boss who owns it is really into his name I can't call him boss but Boss Gabes, and I don't even get an extra bonus for it). I work in the world of DVD's, VHS's, and CD's. I spend 5hrs there buffing DVD's, reshelving DVD's & VHS's, telling customers where certain movies are, and being lectured by Boss Gabes on controlling my tongue, when asked about certain movies (I tend to tell customers my opinions, which gets on the old man's nerves). However the pay is alright which is $5.16. I know a crummy pay but, hey it pays for my gas, and my junk food, plus I get discounts[shrugs]. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=slategray]Have no fear because Dr.Phil is here. Nah. Just kidding. I'm no romance master. But wish I could be. Like most of you here I'm a victim. I just can't seem to find the right person. But hey, just be patience is all I can say to the young and the restless including myself, except you kuroinuyoukai of course. I can't tell you to be patient, but I can tell you that despite the crummy, younger, idiots there is someone waiting for you I'm sure. I mean there's always someone for somebody right? [quote name='IceRose']We don't tell the guys we like we like them because we might be too nervous or afraid of rejection. Have you guys ever though of that?[/quote] [quote name='wayofthreversed']True. But that is not a one way street. We get the same feelings that you do; I just find it unfair that we are expected to be the askers.[/quote] You know IceRose I hate to admit but Wayofthereversed really does have a point. All guys have feelings too. The most worst and embrassing feeling a guy could have is rejection from the chick they admire. It's a total, utter, bitter, horrible feeling you get in the pits of your stomach. It kinda makes you ashame, really. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=slategray]I have a job (it's more like a mission)and a really good one. Being the middle child it's my burden to inflict pain upon my younger sibling, and solo responsibillity to annoy my older siblings. Yeah I know the job sucks but somebody has to do it. I don't even recieve any wages for the dirty work. But hey, I enjoy doing it and will do it for free. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=slategray] Well Renayiiq I'm not an expert (and uh, don't think I ever will be, considering the fact I suck at it. Just ask my ex.) at this kinda stuff and I'm not going be Dr.Phil here, but just stay with the dude you're with now especially since you really care this Korey, and plus Korey will probably have a emotional and maybe mental breakdown. As the other guy Jeremy, just remain friends with this guy. If you really value your friendship with this guy then don't date him, especially if those rumors that state if you date your best buddy things won't be the same anymore are true. That's all I have to say. I know a fat lot of help this statement truely is. Oh well did my best [shrugs]. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=slategray]I guess my biggest peeve is when I am really on a roll with my homework (which rarely happens), my snot-nose little brother has to say "What are you doing?" and keeps asking until I reply, "My homework. Now go away." Then he asks the big question..........."Why?" I usually say, " Because I have to." "Why?" "Because I want to. Go away." "Why?" "Because my teacher will sue me." "Why?" "Because she wants my money." "Why?" "Because if I don't she will destroy all mankind that's why!" "But Why?" "Why do you care?!" "Why does your teacher hate you?" "Aw, Shut Up and leave me alone!" "Why?" And it continues on and on and on.................. It's horrible torture. [/size][/color]
[quote name='Outlaw']Question: Whats more important, great tasting or less filling?[/quote] [size=1][color=slategray]Well that's particular easy to answer, great tasting. I believe that everything you eat is based on how it tastes on a chart of 1-10. 1 being the lowest taste of all and 10 being the greatest taste. I don't know but that's my philosophy. [center]My Question:[/center] On Naruto, the pink haired girl, Sakura doesn't seem to have any special talents. The other charaters like Gaara use sand, his sister Temari uses wind, and so forth. What I'm wondering is, does Sakura have any special techniques besides doppelganger and evenly contributing her chakra? I know it's a dumb question. Just thought I'd ask.*shrug* [/size][/color]
[QUOTE=Shinmaru]Raw last night was amazing... I was close to tears just about the entire time, and both the tribute video and Chris Benoit breaking down got me. Rey Mysterio taking off his mask almost did it for me, too... that was just wowing. [/QUOTE] [size=1][color=slategray]I watched the preview. I guess that what made me uh, sorta get choked up was the part where WWE presented the short show that served as a tribute to the legendary wrestler. I also thought that with the crowd chanting,"Thank You, Eddie" was also an eye blinker. And yes Shinmaru I agree with you on the part where Chris B. broke down. [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=slategray]Aw, come on Whats with the "LP sucks now because they are in allience with Jay Z". Does this mean that there are seriously no LP diehart fans. I have been a fan of their music for three years tops. Despite the blooper that LP made with Jay Z shouldn't be taken to the heart completely. It was a one time thing. I don't like rap or hip-hop never did and never will, but I still remain a faithful fan to LP. Plus if you ask me it's kinda stupid to hang on to the past, especially when the song "Numb" was originally sung without Jay Z. So if you don't like listening to Jay Z sing a duet with LP, then listen to the original version. Nobody is forcing you to listen to Jay Z and LP. There are lots of LP songs without rap artists. I know I sound pathetic, but it's the truth. [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=slategray]Holy Crap! By the sound of it I take it you really are a well accomplished artist. All I can say (which probaby won't difference) is that you shouldn't give up your passion for drawing. Just because a bucha losers are telling you to "give up", doesn't mean you have to drop everything and heed their every whim and orders. If you have such a passion for drawing then you don't need to ask for help. You already know what you're going to do, right? And just to make sure I'm on the right track you're not going to give up your love for drawing. I assure you, Ichibanotakubak you have a talent that other sophmores and not only 10th graders but practically all ages would kill to have . Face it you're gifted, blessed, chosen, however you want to view it. Some people are born with talents some other talents. At my school you got the better end of the stick. If you're taking this unique talent of yours as a curse, don't. I myself draw and I have several people who hate me for it. They tell my drawings are lame. I just brush them off though. No way am I going to listen to a butcha no clue idiots. You should do the same. End of Lecture. [/size][/color]
[QUOTE=renayiiq] [Quote=Gaara kun] Poser (a wannabe person who changes constantly)[/Quote] So...because I dress in one thing one day and another thing the next day (i.e., I dress preppy one day, goth the next), that would make me a poser? Wow, I didn't know that people could be so shallow. I wear what I feel like wearing, and I change when I wish. It's a part of growing up, accept it. Some people are just more fickle than others. FACT of LIFE. Get over it.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=slategray]Renayiiq, like you I dress based on what mood I'm in. Which is usually brown, black, grey, green, and dark blue. Yeah I know it's really cheesy to dress according to your mood. But I do it anyway. [/size][/color]
[quote name='BurnerMan']Pretty much nerd/neutral. I'm eventually going to play D&D with my 2 friends who are interested in it but first we are setting everything up and we need dice and a monsterbook. And I pretty much am not nerdy in front of people.[/quote] [size=1][color=slategray]Aw, yes. Another fellow nerd. I believe that I fit in the nerdy and loner catagory. As a matter of fact I believe my signature tells it all. [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=slategray]Eddie Guerrero. Such an unexpected turn. I was shock when then the news of his death hit the TV media last night. I was sitting in front of the television screen in the glow of the flashing pictures ready to chage the channel until the achorman annouced that a WWE Wrestler had died recently. When Eddie Guerrero's face appeared on the screen with numerals stating 1967-2000, then I was convinced that the pro wrestler legend was dead. However I will pay my respects this Thursday. According to the media Guerrero will be buried in Scottsdale, Arizona this Thursday. He was truly an inspiration. And one of the best wrestlers in the World Wresting Entertainment Industry. So,Eddie Rest in Peace. [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=slategray]Damn these Cursed Uniforms. Where I am currently going to school the school board are seriously thinking about installing school uniforms. The reason: These uniforms will decrease the molesting among students and peers. How can the School Board believe that if all students have the same attire the environment will become a safer place to learn . Sorry to bust your bubble Starr112 but uniforms aren't the solution to decrease the taunting and teasing that other students endure because of their sense of fashion. I swear if they make our highschool into some prep school I'm outta there. No way are they going to make me wear several uncomfortable garments. I just don't see any problems solved by having the same dress code. It's pathetic. It's lame. It's stupid. That's my philosophy. [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=slategray] The End. Seeing those words at the end of a happy fairy tale makes you think the ending was happy. But seeing those words on a dry eraser board in church sort of makes you think the opposite. But yeah, my family are christians. At the church that we attend the pastor is constantly stressing this point. I agree with you that all of these natural disasters are just coincidence. But my guardians are a bit tense about this. There are theories that the antichirst is going to be the man who has poliltical power and is going to be the one who unites all of the nations in the world. I don't think Bush is the antichrist. One he is all into war - I don't see how he is going to the one who unites the nations with a reputation like that. Two people think that the antichrist is going to be someone else other than an american. And Three the president says that he is a christian. So in my opinion, no, George Bush isn't the antichrist. As for the time limit that earth has left before it's destroyed I honestly don't know. [/color][/size]
[QUOTE=Derald][FONT=Lucida Console][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Scenario: You have contracted a fast-acting, lethal virus. Results confirm that you have but [B]one hour[/B] to live. What would you do? I will give my answer when I think of it.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=slategray]This thread looks familiar. I remember that I submitted a thread called 24hrs. to live, I didn't post a scenario however. But the thread disappeared. No idea where it's at. At any rate back to your question. I would probably go see a preacher for about 15 minutes. Write out a cheap will (given the fact that I won't have time hire a attorney). Perphaps that will take 30 minutes (I'm a slow writer). And with the last 15 minutes I would want to spend it alone. I don't really like crowds. [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=slategray]Sheesh. I forgot about this thread. However, I see that most of you guys liked last month's preview Death Note. I actually thought that Death Note was quite interesting. I plan to buy the manga. But as for this month's Shonen Jump I didn't get it yet, I've been really busy lately. But I believe that Rurouni Kenshin is this month's preview. What do you think of Kenshin Boy?[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=slategray]Username? Well, my username doesn't have an interesting orgin or is based on my own language or any other language. Shadow Blade, was just a name I came up with on the top of my head. So no impressive origin. Sorry. [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=slategray]Dating/ married to someone on OB. Well I have to say I have never dated anyone on the OB or on the internet. I always thought that cyber- relationship was a bit weird. But I have dated people in person. But most times it doesn't really work out. I really don't do good in love relationships. But I do good in friendships. Anybody interested? [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=slategray]Where am I from? Well I'm from about the most boring state in all America. We suck at College Football. We stink at Baseball. The only thing were probably good at is Track. But we do have an interesting history and multi-climate areas. Yeah. You guessed right; New Mexico. Right by Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Utah, Oklahoma, and Arizona. I basically live in a small community called Smith Lake. A very small community that you could pass by it without knowing it. However the area has lots of pinon trees, mesas, valleys, inhabited by critters that my little niece thinks are cute. Yeah. I know. I'm from where all the Native Americans are from. [/color][/size]
[QUOTE=JimiWiggy11][COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Times New Roman]The greatest wrestler in Smackdown today, Jay Reso, has quit. As Outlaw already pointed out; our buddy Christian has quit the WWE. Is there a reason to live anymore? Maybe he'll move over to TNA. TNA shoots most of their shows in Florida, the current home state of Christian. He could wrestle a few matches a week, but mostly spend time with his family. [U]RIP Christian[/U] - 1999-2005[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=slategray]Christian quit? I didn't watch Smackdown, so the news came as a shock. I'm surprised, didn't see that one coming.[/color][/size]
Jokes - You got any you want to share?
Shadow Blade replied to Shadow Blade's topic in General Discussion
[size=1][color=slategray]Lol. Several funny jokes. I'm quite impressed. I seriously thought no one was going to reply. However I do have some Your Mama so..... jokes. Their quite cheesy though.[/size][/color] [size=1]-Your mama is so dumb, she tripped over a cordless phone. - Your mama is so fat, that every time you smack her butt, you can ride the waves. -Your mama's so dumb, she drowned during the wave at the football stadium. -Your mama so ugly, when she was in labor the doctor asked which end. -Your mama is so fat when she skips a meal, the stock-market drops. -Your mama is so stupid, I told her Christmas was right around the corner - so she went looking for it. -Your mama is so fat that when your dad kisses her good-bye he punches her belly and rides the 3rd wave in.[/size] [size=1][color=slategray]Yeah I know their a bit weird. I also have one more.[/size][/color] [size=1]-You were so ugly when you were born that when your mom said " Awww, my little treasure!" Your dad said, " Great! Let's go bury it!"[/size] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]In the realm of my unconscience mind I decided to do a really cheesy thread, based on jokes. You can share them. However in this thread - nothing too explicited ( I don't think the moderators or Site Director will really like that). But you can tell jokes on: -Your Mama is.... -Blonde -Sports -Foreign -Politics -Whatever -etc. And whatever else as long as it's a joke. Oh yeah, these are just jokes so don't get offended. This thread is dedicated to jokesters, humor-happy people, and people who need a laugh. Yeah, I know this thread is cheesy.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[QUOTE=indifference][COLOR=Indigo]Just over a month ago several threads throughout OtakuBoards mysteriously vanished due to a glitch in the system. So what I?d like to do is restart one of the threads that vanished. It was really quite interesting to see what people?s random questions were so I?d love to see the discussion running again. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=slategray]Same thing happened here. I posted a thread called - 24 hrs. to Live. That unfortunately mysteriously vanished too. However I do remember posting a reply in this thread before it disappered. As for Raiyuu, I'm not really good when it comes food mixtures. I love food but mixtures isn't my strong point. So what I did was I got a article on mincemeat from a web site called, FoodReference.com [/color][/size] [size=2][quote=www.foodreference.com :] "Mincemeat was originally a medieval (England) sweet, spicy mixture of chopped (minced) lean meat (usually beef, or beef tongue), suet and fruit. It was generally served as an entree. Gradually the meat content was reduced, and today the mixture contains nuts, dried fruit (raisins, apples, pears, citrus peel, etc.), beef suet, spices and brandy or rum, but no beef. Mincemeat is used primarily in pies and tarts"[/size][/quote] [size=1][color=slategray]Don't know if that helped answer your question. But did my best. I got a question for the people who are still in school. Do you have a teacher/professor that you really hate, that you played a joke on them? If so do tell. Me. I have loads of teachers I hate, all of them I did played a trick on them.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=slategray]Brings back fond memories. I remember that I use to watch those shows, when I was a bratty snot nose kid whose imaginations always got the better half. I remember that I use to yell at the television set when a one of my (childhood) heros got the bad end of the stick. I guess what was cool about it was that I learned to fight, and the moves came in handy during various fights at school among the other kindergardeners. I got a lot of detentions (you know sitting in the corner). However today I have to admit the whole thing is kinda getting a little cheap. The original was a knock out among the younger generations. But the newer versions is getting stupid. There is way too many series that its dumb. But Inuyasha7271 you ask what happened to the Power Rangers? Well I guess you could say that it's wearing thin. It's like the same way that girls get hiked up about fashion. The fashion is a skirt then it changes to a whole new attire. Things get old and lose their former glory. Now that my friend is what exactly happened to the Power Rangers. It's a boom and bust thing. Happens all the time.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE=Box Hoy]I'm so mad. I was hoping Kane was going to come back with his mask again. I agree the storylines have been complete **** recently. They haven't been taking full advantage of what they could. But now they're back on the USA network so we should see some of the old excitment we saw back in the day. All I care about though is Kane, cuzz he's my favorite wrestler. Although I doubt it would happen, judging by Kane's focus on Cena when he returned last Monday, it would be nice to him wanting revenge on Lita. Maybe a tag up with Matt Hardy or something even though Kane's the one that sort of started this mess for Matt.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=SLATEGRAY]You know what. I was hoping for the same thing. I was practically crossing my fingers in hope that Kane would punish Lita's slutty, lustful, and downright messed up act. Crap! Lita was one of my all-time favorite female wrestlers, until she meant her downfall. I'd hate to say this but Lita is now a love toy, and Trish is actually starting to grow on me (it has nothing to do with her attire, I assure you). However like I said before. Lita.............Such a sad case.[/COLOR][/SIZE]