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Shadow Blade

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Everything posted by Shadow Blade

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Religion? Easy question. I put my faith in Christianity. Oh yeah, I'm also wondering whether anyone has heard of "Left Behind". A question out of curiosity. Nothing Special.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Wow I'm surprised, I guess nobody really did watch WWE Homecoming on USA. However Jimbobalo I do agree with you on Chris Masters. This guy is somewhat abnormal that it's sickening. Watching that guy flex all of his muscles kinda makes you wonder, "That guy is not normal" or "I wonder where he got his steroid perscription at?". I have to admit though (as much as I don't want to) that he's got an impressive signature move - the Master Lock. Crap! If I were a wrestler (Although I doubt that will ever happen - especially since I'm quite scrawny next to the Big Show) I would shut his big mouth for him, and maybe poke him with a pin just to see whether or not he will deflate. Oh yeah in case you didn't watch that Iron Man Match the winner was Edge - because his (slut of a) girlfriend helped him out. Therefore resulted in the fact that Matt was fired. Very disappointing.[/font][/color][/size]
  3. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]The Perfect Romance? I suck at love. I don't really care that much about appearances, but I do care about the personalities. I know it's weird. Once again I suck at Love.[/size][/color][/font]
  4. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Costumes? Last year I was a pshycotic murderer on a mission to kill and steal other kids for their candy. ( I thought,"Hey! I'm doing these kids a favor, from messing up their still-growing-teeth.") Even though I am so-called-Too-Old, I'm still going to dress up for the hell of it. This year I'm thinking of dressing up as a Sith Lord, or some other guy that is on the dark side. Any Suggestions?[/font][/color][/size] [quote name='Godelsensei']All you people claiming to be "too old" to dress up--get a life. Honestly. That's like claiming you're too old for Christmas presents: ridiculous.[/quote] [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Very True.[/font][/color][/size]
  5. [quote name='Al-araaf']But like I said it may have been like that once but societys labels change.[/quote] [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]True. If this was in a true of false question, the answer would be true. At any rate I have a friend who sees everyone in three different shades of colors. He believes that there are only three types of people: Christians Jews Samaritans Where he got the weird theory is beyond me. But come to think of it, it really makes you think don't it ?[/font][/color][/size]
  6. [QUOTE=Heruseki]I suppose I would be Vash. Because I can't think of anyone more like me. An idealistic whining baby with philosophic knowledge and weird random moments of seriousness. Very love and peace like. He's my anime hero. Or "cartoon hero," if you wanna go all DDR on me.[/QUOTE] [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Hmmm...... Vash the Stampede. Good Taste. From Trigun I would want to be Nicholas D. Wolfwood. Not because he is a fake man of God, But because of his cross full of fire arms. He has a good quote too, [quote name='Wolfwood']"No, no. I can't do that! What am I thinking? I'm a man of God for God's sakes!"[/quote][/size][/color][/font]
  7. [QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff]celestialcharm - yay! we shall enjoy our soap flavored beans together! ^_^; And to Shadow Blade - man, that's a REALLY nasty way to eat Every Flavor Beans. Like, wow, really nasty. And I honestly feel sorry for you, because that sounds so bad. >< I hope you do get back at them. Eheh. ^^; [/color][/QUOTE] [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]MistressRoxie. Your sympathy is accepted. Happily I did get my revenge (don't want to go into detail-especially since this is a jellybean thread). However I am curious how all of you guys reacted to your 1st taste of the cursed jellybeans. Anyone care to share?[/font][/color][/size]
  8. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Curfews, curfews, teens hate it - adults love it Where I live at the mayor has been stressing this issue for the last two years. The old guy had it set up and had everything working, however the curfew for the teens wasn't really working out. The curfew was set at 10 o' clock, by 11 o' clock teens had to be home, if not they were put in juvinile hall for a week or did community service for a week ( It really depended whether they had a good excuse or not). The only huge problem with this grand idea was that teens still found ways to stay out past curfew. Law Enforcement didn't have the time to go and enforce it. The plan was a total waste. So what Lady Katana said would happen eventually did happen. And I agree with her. The curfew did seem like a good idea, however the sneaky teenagers found a way out of it. On the other hand, I have some good news! [color=black]I just saved 15% on car insurance by switching to Geico![/color] Just Kidding. The good news was that the curfew thing did work , but only for a little while.[/font][/color][/size]
  9. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Creepy Crawlers? Well I'm not afraid of spiders or coakroaches simply because where I live at there lots of big tarantulas. I'm okay with coakroches. However I do fear bees, wasps, and anything that has wings and is armed with stingers. Bad experience. Please don't ask me. It's still rather embrassing.[/font][/color][/size]
  10. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Naruto. Inuyasha is quite good, however the 18 year old canine still acts immature. On the other hand Naruto has charaters that act more mature than their actual age. At any rate the question was sort of tough. If it was Inuyasha aganist another anime I would certainly chose the canine hero.[/font][/color][/size]
  11. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Another easy question. My favorite foods are anything edible. Literally. Except olives and a certain candy called "Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans". Bad experience. Utterally embrassing.[/font][/color][/size]
  12. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Not a hard question at all. I would choose dreams, yeah, most defiently dreams. Why? Because I suck at love.[/font][/color][/size]
  13. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Those vile, cursed, beans.... I'm not really into Harry Potter, but I still read the books. The first time I had B.B'S Every Flavored Beans, I was put in solitary confinement due to that fact that I vomited all over the toilet seat ( I thought that I would make it to the bathroom on time - apparently I didn't) at a friend's house. We were getting ready to blow the joint for a local skate park. Until my buddy offered some jelly beans (out of courtesy - so she claimed). Thinking it harmless and wanting to hurry and get going I literally stuffed the handful of beans in my mouth. Bad move. I tasted the beans for a fraction of a second before I realized they weren't your ordinary jelly beans. It was extremely embrassing for me. The bad news was that my scheming friend played the same trick on my other buddies and got the same results. The good news is that I saved a 15% on car insurance by switching to Geico. Nah! Just kidding. But I did find a way to torture my younger sibling (CANDY: my brother's weakness). On the other hand I could give it to the trick-or-treaters this Halloween..........[/font][/color][/size]
  14. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Short Temper...... Those two words use to describe me. But believe me I really worked on it. I use to get mad even for the slightest reason. When my guardians ask what the heck is wrong, I usually blamed something for my wrath outbreak. However today I'm not as paranoid as I use to be. Especially when I forced to see the shrink. Hmmm... it figures.[/font][/color][/size]
  15. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Lots of pet lovers in this thread. However, unlike most I didn't have a feline, canine, or a finch. Instead I had pet chickens. They were a cool pair. I acually still miss them.[/size][/color][/font]
  16. [QUOTE=Drifting soul]I think everyone should be seen as unique. They all have good and bad aspects so it's unfair to judge them by what they look like, act like or who they hang with. I'm quite weird myself! I may be weird and not many people like me but I don't really care!![/QUOTE] [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]One thing that we got in common is that were both Weird. On the other hand I think I was just born that way.... Aw what the Heck! Who cares!?![/font][/color][/size]
  17. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]An easily answered question, My favorite bands are -Marilyn Mason -KISS -System of a Down -SlipKnot -Slayer -Linkin Park -Green Day -etc. I like listening to punk and rock. Old Rock n' Roll is alright too.[/font][/color][/size]
  18. [quote name='SPARDA62']I vote that an anime character that has no purpose is BOBOBO-BO-BO-BOBO.[/quote] [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Another pointless manga and show. The whole idea is rather unusual. A guy with a fro and his sidekick Poppa Rocks (a candy mutant with somewhat human qualities) who exist only to save the very hairs on your head is weird as well as pointless. The purpose of this show doesn't contribute anything. Seriously.[/font][/color][/size]
  19. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Po'ke'mon Yeah, I know it's quite a cheesy anime show. I can't say it was a total attraction, cause it wasn't. Later Sailormoon, Wasn't total attraction either. I watched it because I was force to. That day was that was the day my sister had the remote control. But I have to admit good art. Sooner-than-later DBZ, Neither was this one instant attraction. There are a lot of generations though. And once again great art work. Started watching Inu-yasha & Naruto Great storyline and art work. Now that my friend was instant attraction.[/font][/color][/size]
  20. [quote name='Docbatman']You know? i'm not really sure where i fall anymore. I'm not with the jocks, the posers, the goths, or the nerds. I tend to float around to where i want to. In fact i think that that's what everyone should do. be cool like me[/quote] [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]This year I don't think I fall in any catagory, However according to my band of outkasts I'm a nerd, just becasue this year I'm quiet, talk only when there is no escape, and because I just started to cram the books.[/font][/color][/size]
  21. [quote name='After*Glow][COLOR=Teal']I would be Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho, he's just so cool. He has complete control over plants and if anybody tries to mess with him he has the skills and the brains to beat thier ***.[/COLOR][/quote] [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Kurama, Kurama.... An interesting charater. I would also want to be Kurama so that way I'll have a green thumb. The plant that I got as a gift is looking kinda brown. I keep watering it and watering it, However it's still not green.... [/font][/color][/size]
  22. [QUOTE=Doukeshi][SIZE=1]I'm sure you'll find quite a few people on the boards who enjoy non-manga related comics. I myself am a great fan of most DC based comics and several Marvel ones. I just recently won the whole series of Sin City by Frank Miller from my local Travelling Man so I'm reading those at the moment also. I'm really enjoying the Infinite Crisis countdown thats overtaking DC at the moment, it's going to be one heck of a series ^_~[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]I also read DC Comics. The comics that I do collect are Batman and X-men. Also Aliens vs. Predators ( not a DC Comic I believe).[/font][/color][/size]
  23. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]I'm just wondering...... Does anyone know about that speech that President Bush gave. I just heard a little about it . Did the guy say something about working only on Monday-Thursday, because gas has to be preserved. And that we the people need to use fuel only when we really need it? Did anyone hear about that? Uh? Anyone?[/font][/color][/size]
  24. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]$3.98 Those Cursed Digits are here to stay for a little while in my state. According to the morning news the gas prices are going to stay at $3.00 and something cents. Especially since Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita knocked down the oil industries/refineries in the unfortunate states. All I can say now is that this really sucks, when our state is actually capable of mining our own gas, only problem is , is that the damn EARTH FIRST PEOPLE don't want it to happen. Damn those cursed people..........[/font][/color][/size]
  25. [QUOTE=Howlingvampire4]Well, basically, in theotaku lounge, we talk bout anything or at least I think :animeswea I'm not too sure bout that one, my favorite is the anime lounge. That's where people talk about anything that has to do with anime. Well, basically, the otaku boards are where people talk about certain things, on certain topics. Does that make sense? :animesmil Well, I think it does anyways, welcome to theotaku boards, or know as the OB to some people. :D[/QUOTE] [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller]Hmmmmm.......... Howlingvampire4 pretty much told you all about the OB.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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