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Shadow Blade

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Everything posted by Shadow Blade

  1. [quote name='benakittie']AHHH!!! Diana!!! :flaming: From Sailor Moon, the light purplr kitten supposedly Artemis and Luna's kid. AHHHH!!! SHE IS SOOOOO ANNOYING!! IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!! :animeangr[/quote] [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller]I have a sister who watches Sailor Moon. *If you ask me I believe that the whole show is quite pointless.......* However I do agree w/ on that one. That purple kitten didn't have to be in there, and that also includes Shippo from inuyasha.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller]No offense...... But this survior series kinda looks like it's going into the kinda-cheap-but-still-okay-to-watch pile. All I have to say is that later on in the series, you kinda notice that the players are a little too weak looking. But I don't know, this is suppose to be a Survivor Thread. So allow me to say that I strongly believe that Bobby Jon or Steph won't even be a part of the final four. They're most likely going to be voted out. Shoot! If I were there I would vote, them out simply because they played the game before and they're a threat.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller]Hmmm....... Several interesting replys. However I do agree Lunox the most. [quote name='Lunox']I love both literature and film. It makes me angry that some people just use books to make ****** movies that are a sad attempt to use a good story to make some money, but if a director is really inspired by a book, I'm all for it. I love film in the fact that it can make things more emotional, because of the actual visuals of the acting and etc., so I enjoy it sometimes. The third Harry Potter movie was good, and I think the fourth one coming out this year is going to be great as well. Needless to say, LotR was a great book to movie transition. Peter Jackson really loved and knew the books and what he was doing, which turned into an amazing result.[/quote] I guess that all I'm trying to say is if any of you guys are really into books, and a majority of books that are now major motion pictures have a really messed up ending then I'm sure you would understand. For an example the Lord of the Rings Triology was a major break in the movie making industries, however they made the elves too stuck up and made Frodo look like a weak little soft-footed idiot.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Hmmm...... The most cheesiest anime to me is Yu-Gi-Oh. Yeah sure the art is a blow out but the story is weird, or cheesy I should say. It strikes me odd how a bad-hair-day-dude, is supposedly the pharoh of all Egypt, I mean even with the gold and costumes he still seems to be a walking joke. And also it's kinda weird how a 15 year old boy already has a deep voice. [/font][/color][/size]
  5. [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller]I turned off the stupid movie..... The name of it was "The last of the Mohicans". Such a dumb film in my perspective. The only reason as to why I forced myself to watch it was because there were no other movie in the house. All of our movies I have already watched. Even when I go to Blockbuster there are usually movies that are based on novels or sequences to the original movie (Ex. Terminator) that was out about a good 2-3 years before making the 2nd or 3rd film to it. Even in the theaters. I guess that what I'm trying to say is that, Where the heck is the creativity in film making today? Shoot! Did movie producers lose their sense of creativity, that they have to base their films on books or make sequals? In this thread you can agree or disagree, with some reasons.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Like all of you, I'm a victim..... I'm trying to find my thread; 24hrs. to live Can't find it. Has anyone seen it? If so contact me.[/font][/color][/size]
  7. [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]The first manga DBZ, I can't say that it was instant attraction because it wasn't. I guess that it was all the generations and the weird charaters that got me. However at the time I was into aliens vs. preditor stuff. Yeah I know, typical. On a lighter note I got more involved with the manga stuff when one of friends introduced a much more better manga called Ghost in the Shell. Now, that my friend was instant attraction.[/font][/color][/size]
  8. [quote name='Chef_Sanji']I read it! I like One Piece (lol) and I cant wait for Death Note to come out!! I saw it online somewhere and i have been a fan since so im excited about it coming out..finally! :catgirl:[/quote] [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]One Piece.... A very interesting manga comic. I have to admit though, I do admire the art. And the swordsman, Zolo.[/font][/color][/size]
  9. [QUOTE=matts lil neko]i wanna b hiei from yu yu hakusho!!!! hes hott!!! hey i need help email me here if u can help me :catgirl:[/QUOTE] [size=4][color=slategray][font=chiller]Hiei.... Another interesting charater. However, what is it that you do need help with? [/font][/color][/size]
  10. [quote name='Shinmaru']I don't think that it was a work at the beginning. Lita cheated on Matt with Edge, and Matt ended up leaving the company because of that. I think that Matt realizes that he could potentially make some nice money off of all of this, though, and he decided to head back to WWE when the offer was on the table. Even if things don't work out after the angle for Matt, his stock will rise on the independant scene, I think. He's already working some shows for Ring of Honor, which he mentioned last night while on the air. This angle could make his profile much higher when it's all said and done.[/quote] [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller]Lita..... Such a sad case, especially since Lita was w/ Matt in the beginning, then switched to Kane, then to Edge. I'm wondering if anyone will agree w/ me on the fact that Lita is a SLUT.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE=Kaise]I AM Miroku from Inuyasha. I look and act just like him, only minus the monk. Anybody wanna be sango?[/QUOTE] [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller]LOL...... Good one. If I were to a charater from Inu-yasha I would want to be Koga. Simply because I would be the terror of the Feudal era, and dine on human flesh.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller]I was just wondering whether anyone here reads SHONEN JUMP....... If so what's your favorite manga on this month's issue and um...why ? Issue # 34. This month's issue has the following: - Naruto - Yu-gi-oh - Hikaru No Go - One Piece - Shaman King - Yu Yu Hakasho - And this month's Preview: Death Note My favortism is awarded to Naruto. As you can see my avatar is a clue. Why? I guess I like it because of the art work and the story line, and also because you don't have a clue as to what time Period it takes place in.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [QUOTE=Art Master]Does anyone remember where survivor is going to be held. Do you know what I think would be cool, if there was a kids survivor. I know it couldn't happen but it's still a cool thought. I would be first to sign up! Art Master [/QUOTE] [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller]Survivor....... Actually, the show started last night (15 Sept. 05') at 8:00 p.m. *I think, I'm NOT good at remembering numrals*.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [size=4][color=SlateGray][font=Chiller]$3.28..... When I was a amatuer I believed that 3 bucks were just digits that your parents could easily pay. I was wrong. Turns out that when you have a job and a banged-up ford truck, it takes about half or sometimes a third of my check just to pay for a tank of gas. Damn it! But what sucks is that I have my parents on my back who remind me that I can't go for the cheaper gas, like Malco or Shell. Because they add water to the gasoline which caused my truck to stall sometimes. But at any rate the gas prices are starting to go down where I live. Which is good news for me.[/font][/color][/size] [quote name='YohsAnna']i think the prices of gas is rediculous in the morning it was $2.70 and by noon $3.00 its so stupid! somday the people are going to wake up and find out we cant afford it anymore! some people will die from hunger beacause we spend it all on gas. my friend dosnt get lunch or breakfast just dinner and very little of it beacause his parents have to spend every cent they get on gas! i say we start a righit or somthing but that wont do anything. those gas people need to get those stick out of their butts and think about others not just themselfs! come on we need to stop what there doing! those people actualy need to be killed i swear! i cant afford breakfast and i wont be able to go to the collage i want to. i can hardly buy stuff for school now! i say we stop buying gas for a while and thell bring the prices down. and dont give me the bull crap that the reason prices are up is beacause of the hurricane we get most of our gas from Mexico! this needs to be stopped either by choice or by force![/quote] [size=4][color=SlateGray][font=Chiller]Totally Agreeable...[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [QUOTE=PrinceofTennis]AHAHA CHIDORI!!!!! i would be sasuke!!! because he acts soo cool man!! and evil!! at 1st he was just a wannabe strong boy now hes evill!!! all evil!!! MUWHAHAHA and he has the Sharingan aswell which Makes!! Himmore evil looking!! MUWHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHAAHAH and for manga i would be Echizen Ryoma because he is just F***ing PRO AT TENNIS i mean the ohhh.....i cant say it its toooo damn goood that manga / series!!![/QUOTE] [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller] Wow lot's of enthusiasm/feelings in this reply........ You would want to be Sasuke. Interesting charater he is. So I'm getting the vibes that you admire EVIL. Come to think of it , I would want to be Orochimaru if I wanted to be a bad guy...................[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [quote name='mllry][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial Black][I][B]I go to a Christian school and I cant even talk about anime in front of the teachers. One time I brought a Yugioh folder and the principal threw it away.[/B][/I][/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller] How Devastating....... Been there before. My religion was all against anime/manga, rock music, and various type of people. Because the church was against anime/manga and rock music my relatives were always on my back. But fortunately I didn't budge and so they sort of got use to the idea. Now a few of relatives are starting to see the light and understand that the devil doesn't live in the animation or the manga, there is no masktaping behind the various stories, and there is nothing satanic about the charaters. However my suggestion is to continue to follow the things that interest you (like yu-gi-oh, and other anime that you admire). Just because the church is against anime doesn't mean you have to drop all your ties to anime/manga. I guess that it all depends on you, whether or not you belive that the Devil is using anime/manga to persuade you to go to hell. If you don't believe that anime is wicked then continue with your admiration for the animation. [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [quote name='spawn']i suppose i would like to be jin from samurai champloo......silent and patient, but also skilled and deadly......a god among men....[/quote] [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][Font=chiller]Good point........... Come to think of it Jin would be a good anime charater[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=2][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Courier New]shyness..... how much I hate that word. Like you I hate doing speeches, having to stand in front of a crowd suddenly feeling exposed is a uncomfortable feeling. My Father is always reminded that they don't know me and that I shouldn't a damn about what they think. Two remember to breathe. Three stay focus, and just pretend that your talking to the people your comfortable talking with. And four think of it this way you have more guts to stand in front of a crowd and declare your point. I don't know if this tips are any good, but for me they work just fine.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller]Kinda funny isn't it.... I sure thought that Suvivor and The Amazing Race were going to be boring, cheap, and actually not worth watching . But it turned out that I was wrong. It actually turned out that these reality shows were actually interesting ( if you consider the fact that we didn't pay our cable bill therefore we watched the 1st episode). So now I'm looking forward to the new season which will take place in anicent civilization ruins.... I think. I'm also looking forward to the new season of The Amazing Race, which won't be a race for pairs but with a family of 4. hmmmm..... Kinda makes me wonder if their going to be able to hack it this time w/out complaints?[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. I think it really sucks for the People out in New Orleans . Especially when thousands of people died, hundreds of pets died, a cool tourist attraction died, and it seems that time stopped there. Hurricane Katrina took thousands of lives which isn't cool. So don't get me wrong I'm trying to be funny or anything about this horriable tradgedy, but right now New Orleans official has the title," New Atlantis" The exact same thing that happened to the mythical city Atlantis, had happened to New Orleans. Thousands of people died without warning. In New Orleans thousands of people drowned either in their basement or their houses. I just want to say that my family continues to pray about this issue. And if any of you guys have a friend or family member out there.....my family is praying for you guys.
  21. [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller]You have my deepest sympathy..... I understand how you get a mammel that seems to believe that it's only purpose in life is to make yours a living hell. But maybe the self-confinement thing went way too far. I believe that animals are given to owners who have the ability to care for them. But hey I have 6 words for you: "It would suck to be you."[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. Hmmmm.......Quite Interesting this thread appears to be. It appears to me that Naruto is starting to become the most popular anime around. Maybe even more popular than Inuyasha. Than again there are always some rises and some falls in the anime/manga world. Looks like this year it will be Naruto! But at any rate if the polls were still open I would have chosen Sasuke.
  23. [QUOTE=Sir Crocodile] About 4Kids, here are my prediction of what they're gonna do about it. -Edit all blood out of the fight scenes -No swearing -Digitally get rid of Sanji and Smoker's smoking habits -Change some names -Change it so Sanji isn't such a pervert -Never use the word die Those are just a few. It upsets me that 4Kids is doing this. I just hope someone makes some unedited DVDs or something.[/QUOTE] As much as I enjoy the manga/anime "One Piece" I agree with Sir Crocodile that as soon as the new hit anime show hits 4Kids, they are definately going to have censored out all graphic fighting scenes, redit the language, and make into a total rated G scene. Which is going to prove a huge disappointment, especially since it was the graphic battles and unqiue names that had drawn me toward it.
  24. Well that's the easiest question asked. The song that gets on my nerves the most is "over and over again". How much I hate that song. I also hate all songs that has to do, or pertains to hip-hop, gangster rap, and country. Especially since country is not what it use to be in the good old days, with a twang to it. Instead it turned into the cursed music of hip-hop. And while I'm on a roll here, I also hate songs have to deal with a girl singing about her damn heartbreak! I mean there are fish in the ocean right?
  25. [QUOTE=Stuart][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Ello, Shadow Blade. For future reference please post threads regarding any form of anime in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=27]Anime Lounge[/URL].That's where I'll be redirecting this thread to. Okies, thanks.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][Font=Chiller]Alright sorry about that, it won't happen again.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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