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Shadow Blade

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Everything posted by Shadow Blade

  1. [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller]I haven't posted a thread in quite a while so I thought that I will do one today. I thought of this subject when I sitting class listening to another boring lecture on the ancient civilizations of the world. And because of the anime fan that I am I started doodling on my notes. Then eventually started to daydream. I was thinking about which anime/manga charater I would want to be. So I came up with the top results: Anime: I would want to be Hatake Kakashi from Naruto 1.) He always keeps his cool- remains calm 2.) He's a fast thinker 3.) Good fighting skills 4.) Also gots a cool shiragan eye on the left Manga: I would want to be Roronoa Zolo from One Piece 1.) He's a master of the three sword fighting style 2.) Serious 3.) Cares a lot for his friends Yeah, well those are the charaters that I would want to be.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. what i am isn't really cool, but at any rate i'm 100% native american. to narrow down the search i'm a navajo, and just to see if i'm related any other natives my clan is the Meadow people born for the Charcoal-Streaked, my maternal grandparent's is the Tangle clan, and my paternal grandparent's is the Red House clan. So does any of these clans seem familiar with you?
  3. I know that nearly everyone who's into the future has been stressing this question, but now that ROBOTS are really starting to make the headlines why not ask yourself what's the future going to bring? From what I was told, in Japan they have designed household robots that can help w/ the cleaning, and other models designed especially for little kids, elders, and entertainment. The thought of them starting to talk, walk, and probably starting to think like humans is kind of scary * Especially if you watched " iROBOTS"*! The sort of models that were created was: 1.) Sony Dream Robot: A robot that provides entertainment it can jump, dance, and kick balls 2.) Kismet: A robot that could interpret and respond to human expression 3.) Nomad (NASA): A robot that went to space and made a path for other robots to go to space 4.) Kitano's Pino: A robot believed to one day mimic the human brain 5.) Mark Tilden's Buglike robots: Small robots that can dust and clip grass *there goes my summer job!* 6.) They also made some robodogs Now, ever since I had watched, " iROBOTS" i don't think i would want a robot. But at any rate in this thread you could talk about whether you think Robots will become lincensed citizens (in other words do you think it's a good idea for robots to live with humans?). Or what you think about the whole robot issue.
  4. [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller]In this thread you could talk about which sterotype rules your school, or which type you think you fall in, or what do you think about them (Nerds, Geeks, Weirdos, Punk, Goth, Popular Kids........etc.) As for my high school, there's mainly Goths, Punks, Nerds, Popular Kids, and of course the Jocks. I don't have anything against the sterotypes, and I think that without them high school would suck, because they actually make highschool life more fun. Especially with all the unique people and their own theories. However I don't like the jocks, the popular kids, posers, and thug-want-to-be's. Why? may you ask, well because: 1.) Jocks always have to show off with their athletic abilities, plus I find them to be reatoo into themselves. 2.) Popular Kids are most likely the solo caretakers of the school (in short the school is their property- or so they think).They got the right to judge to people - or so they believe. Three words, Annoying Snobby Brats. Teachers love them . majority of them are boy-crazy/ girl-crazy ( can't seem to control their hormones) 3.) Posers are the sort of people that keep on evolving constantly which gets annoying. Ex. 1st their punk, then they are a jock, and then their goth, then all of a sudden their cowboys! The word, Loyal isn't in their vocab. 4.) Thug-want-to-be's have some special connection with posers for reason So once again: "In this thread you could talk about which sterotype rules your school, or which type you think you fall in, or what do you think about them (Nerds, Geeks, Weirdos, Punk, Goth, Popular Kids........etc.)" [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. "I believe in love at first site but it can happen only with you sokata. (soul mate) i believe everyone has one and when you find that soulmate you will fall in love at first site. Its kindve cheesy but its what i felt when i found my love even though we can never be together. He is always in my mind and i in his. So do i believe in love at first site. Yes I like to think so." - ORIGINALLY POSTED BY SBREBABY- Okay! To be completely honest I didn't really give much thought to the whole soul-mate thing, but I think those are really good pointers, and I really think that you all have some reasons, but I'm still not convinced that love at first sight exist. Please tell me i'm not the only here at the boards who belives that!!
  6. Okay! I get it that none of us passed the D.A.R.E or the G.R.E.A.T programs. I guess that I wasn't the only who didn't pay attention to the instructer......
  7. Anyone believe in LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? This thread is dedicated to one of my buddies who is a huge believer, fan, supporter, *you know the works* love at first sight Incorperated. As for me I personally believe that seeing-your-knight-in-shining-armor really stupid. Taking one look, and declaring your love is utterly dumb. Especially in cheesy chick flicks. So i don't know what you think. Do you think it's stupid and impossible or do you think it's stupendous and wonderful?
  8. Has anyone ever lost a loyal pet due to dumb drivers, little cousins with a tight grip, forgetting to drain the bath tub, or worse allowing your sister's dog to drink out the toilet. Well i lost my faithful dog, "Kouga", and the chickens i got for a birthday from my grandparents ( Aragon, Arwen, Ewyon, Mary, and Pippin). This is their story: It was a sunny day, and unfortunatly i stuck at school, being punish with the long lecture that our history teacher set up in his-boring-lifeless-wifeless-life. I was just sitting in class counting down the hours, minutes, seconds..................until "RINGGGGGG!!!!!!" finally school was over, i survived another in the Boot Camp of Hell. But however the day brought ended in total saddness. As soon as I got home there were chicken feathers all over the place! Shoot! I was like Whoa! What happen here? It was like Mr.Kentucky Fried Chicken himself came over. So my 1st thought was " Gotta get to the Chicken House!" And boy did I run over there! When I arrived, the chicken house door was hanging wide open on one hing. So what did i do. I did what a lot of other kids would i went investigating. I checked everywhere expect in the dog houses. So i ventered into their lairs. And I saw.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... my little birdies half bald from running around , and however i found out that the culprit was my own dog! Well he was something else! He actually looked kind of smug for a dead dog! The conclusion of his death was that he died protecting the chickens from my sister's dog "Shaggy". He died of heart failure I guess but he was a cool dog well it lasted. But he was really getting old. I have to admit though i really do miss that mutt. So i don't know if you ever expericed a time like i did.
  9. Hmmm.... now that's a tough question, it probably would be inu-yasha, trigun, chrono crusade, sailor moon, or hacksign. but out of them all i think that i most certainly like to be in hack//SIGN thought, hmmmm....figures.
  10. It's so good to know that I'm not the only one going insane by my older 18 yr. old sister, 17 yr. old brother, and 7 yr. old bother. Shoot! But at any rate I still love them. So it was good to hear *actually read* that some you guys actually experience the same thing that I go throught 24/7.
  11. The most addicting that I have played was, um? Well actually there's two addicting games that I have ever played, which is Halo 2 and Kingdom of Hearts. To me they both have the perfect plots and great visuals (especially in Halo 2). As for Gameboy Advance, The Legend of Zelda and The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
  12. I was wondering if anyone had watch the Amazing Race Season Finale last night? I did. And guess who won it was *drumroll please!* Uchenna and Joyce ! Yup! They won the One Million Dollars! And I was really hoping that Rob and Amber won that 1 million $. But however, I was grateful that Ron and Kelly didn't win, Boy! did they just constantly bicker during the last two legs of the race! But however if you didn't get to watch it, the second to the last leg of the race,Uchenna and Joyce came in last but weren't eliminated from the race. Instead all of their belonging and money were taken away from them.So they started the last leg of the race without any money. However they manage to beg for some money to pay for some expenses. Uchenna and Joyce went to a hotel first to beg for some money, however they ended up hitchiking a ride to a Airport to beg for some money there, (they didn't do so good, but they manage to make enough to continue on to their next desination).Then the whole Detour and Challeges started. Then as I told this leg of the race was a non-elimintion race. So begins the second the last day of the race. In this last race they did some more Detours and Challanges. Rsulting in the Million Dollar Win awarded to Uchenna and Joyce. Well at the end the eliminated teams were there to greet them. As for Rob and Amber they came in 2nd, Ron and Kelly they came in 3rd. So as for Uchenna and Joyce they hinted that with the money they were going to adopt a child *how sweet huh?*. I apoligize for the poor Update on the "Amazing Race Finale". So Um? are you happy with WON?
  13. i am a punk fan and to assure you my friend in the Southwest, Punk isn't dying, it's just appears to be. If you look around you will see a lot of Punk fans, don't worry about it, Punk isn't Dead. as a matter of fact it's growing, and it's growing quite rapidly. so don't dramatize it.
  14. [SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller]Micheal Jackson is a GUILTY little white @#$%& who has to go after children to get some.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. I don't know if anyone has any problems with their siblings, but I know for a fact that I do! I 'm actually the middle child of my family which means I must cope with my bratty, bossy, I-owe-all-the-candy-in-the-world-and-you-can't-have-any! little annoying brother. I swear he must spends all day, plotting ways to annoy me after school! * I wonder if there's a book called:" The younger siblings Guide to annoyig Older Siblings."* But in any case my Older siblings are a different story. I really do think that they love all the power that they posse from the day that they were born and pronounce the Older Brother And Eldest Sister, boy does that send chills down back! As for me I'm basically their slave. M y older brother and sister have a "cause-i'm-older-that's-why! ego,attitude, personality. So please tell me I'm not the only person enduring my older and younger siblings! PLEASE!
  16. favorite anime?: Vash the stampede why?: cause he rocks that why! i like his personality and attacks that he shoots from his firesticks. Sweet!
  17. Big Star Wars Fan Right Here!!
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