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Everything posted by chaoschris89

  1. my mom made this site and i figured you could consider it art [color=teal][website removed][/color]
  2. hey Missa your right not all younger men love to party Id rather stay home and do absolutly nothing just hang out with one or two friends and my gf. That and my mom would kick my *** for not inviting her lol.
  3. they look geat kitty the hi tech on is awsome the bright colors look cool but it could have used a different though but very nice o and theres nothin wrong with being lazy hehe :D
  4. Thank you nashvilledream i cant save it yet or anthing cause this is my dads comp and its going to be reformated and every thing of mine is gonna go poof :animecry: but it is awsome and again im sorry i wasnt very descriptive but thank you again :D :D :D
  5. im sorry i forgot to say im not very picky my bad :animedepr
  6. could someone pretty plz make me a yu yu hakusho banner with hiei on it plz
  7. I think that when it comes to stuff like relationships theres people that you just click with and you like them for who they are just like what innocent said. Me and my girlfriend have been going out for 2 years and we love each other deeply even though her dad hates me, dont know why though he just doe lol.
  8. i did every thing you told me boo but am i sposed to be able to see my banner?? i really think im lost with this im really sad lol
  9. ok i got every thing you said but what if i dont have any upload to anything?? i know im pityful :animecry: and thank you greatly for answering me and thank you for the welcome
  10. wow kitty these are awsome i love the way they look with the one part darker than the middle its awsome :D
  11. umm ok im new to online groups like this and im lost im not sure what format i need to save my signature in can some kind person please help me?
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