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Everything posted by BlackTigerGurl

  1. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Amaya looked at the bird and sighed. [B]"This would be child's play for me though,"[/B] she said placing the spear over her shoulder. As if hearing her insult, the bird looked down her way and rushed down at her. Using quick speed, Amaya jumped out of the way of the bird her eyes slightly closed with boredum. The bird kept coming at her with it's beak straight at her but Amaya still kept dodging the blows as if they were nothing. The bird came at her again and Amaya dodged but this time, she grabbed the bird by it's tail feathers and jumped on it's back. The giant bird swore into the air trying to release Amaya from it's back. Amaya dugged her claws into the birds feathers determined not to be thrown off. [B]"I get bored of your game. It's time for you to just die," [/B]Amaya said using one of her hands to grab her spear. Calling on the burning sensation within, Amaya sent a burning flame through her spear which turned it into a firey red orangish color. She raised the spear over the creatures head and dug it deep into it's feathers and into it's flesh. The minute the spear made contact with the massive bird, it exploded into a mass of flames and blood. Amaya fell down from the sky and landed on the ground on her knees. She was covered in blood and feathers. [B]"See, it was child's play,"[/B] Amaya said standing up only to fall back down with pain. She cringed and noticed a long slash down her leg. [B]"How did that get there," [/B] she asked wincing with pain. [B]"You were a bit careless. You got to cocky. The bird sliced your leg while you were dodging,"[/B] Kokolukia said folding his arms across his chest.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER]Amaya stared at Kokolukia for a while and at his medaillion. She stood up slowly, still sore from her training, and bowed at Kokulukia. [B]"I'm glad your mission was a success then,"[/B] she said looking down at the ground. She stood up slowly and turned to face the water. [B]"I can not be of different elements. I was trained to be of fire and nothing else."[/B] Amaya said her eyes growing fierce with anger. [B]"I will always be something that burns and nothing else."[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Winds blowing through her hair, stillness around her, nothing moving but the trees around her. Amaya stood in front of a lake, that glisten in the morning light, with her hands flexing at her sides. [B]'I know I've been losing focus but at least I'm still here, alive,'[/B] she thought to herself as she reached behind her back and unshealthed her spear. [B]"I need to focus,"[/B] she said to herself as she sliced the air. She did different spins, jumps, downward attacks, ect. without losing her footing or her grace. A few minutes later, she was kneeling on the ground panting. [B]"I need to be more like fire. Strong and fierce,"[/B] she said to herself continuing to pant.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Amaya left the group while they steady talked to Kokolukia about him leaving the group. It didn't matter much to her anymore. She knew it was bound to happen. She had noticed it in his eyes that he wanted to leave that day he talked to her. With great agility, Amaya jumped up into a tree, and jumped from branch to branch getting far from the group as she may dare take. She needed some breathing room from them. ALL of them. But little did she know that she was being followed by one of Satan's little messengers...[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Standing behind a tree, close by Sky and Leondis, Amaya stood, trying hard not to be noticed. She had watched them in awe in her eyes and hurt in her heart. She placed a hand above her left breast where her heart was. She quickly left Sky and Leondis alone, not wanting to disturbed them. [B][I]'Why do I feel as if my chest is on fire,'[/I][/B] she asked herself walking away from where she was just hidden. [B][I]'I'm not suppose to let[/I][/B] anything[B][I] distract me,'[/I][/B] she continued. Amaya came to where Kokolukia layed on the ground. Quietly, she walked over to him, knelting down by his side. [B]"I wonder how long it will take for him to find his inner power? And how different will he be when he awakes,"[/B] Amaya thought out loud. She bent down to Kokolukia's ear and whispered[B]," Please, wake up soon. I need someone to talk to and you're the only one I can turn to at the moment."[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]{OOC: I was involved in Terror Town I but I missed the sign up sheets for part II. I'm glad to be apart of III though. I'm just going to make a new character though.} [B]Name:[/B] Mizuki [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Appearance:[/B][URL=http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r212/sakiglo14/773338180_l.jpg]Mizuki[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] You will never meet a girl like her. She's such a fun loving girl to be around, it just makes you love her even more. He gentle soft voice can sooth you out of your worst attitudes. It only happens once in a while when she gets really upset. At those times, it just seem quiet awkward. You will hear her yelling and screaming, and pouting. Things she'll never do. She only gets like this when someone tries to mess with her friends her mess with her. [B]Weapons:[/B] A long spear with a small crystal orb at the end that strengthens her power. [B]Magic:[/B] Wind. She is able to use the wind as knifes. Making the wind pick up she can use it's speed as a deadly weapon slicing up her enemies. She can use the wind to take away any oxygen around her enemy also.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]With sullen eyes, Amaya watched as Sky and Leondis sat together on log discussing about her hidden secret. Watching them reminded her of her mother and father. Lovers. Amaya blinked tears as she turned away from Sky and Leondis leaving them to their conversation. Leading herself away from the group, Amaya found a nice little tree to sit under while she waited for the rest to give news of their next move. [B]"Are you always this distant,''[/B] said a soft gentle voice from the side of Amaya. Amaya looked up into the gentle eyes of Kokolukia. She looked away and stared out into the distance. [B]"I just rather not get to attach to people,"[/B] she replied her voice low. [B]"Why,"[/B] he asked leaning against the tree folding his arms over his chest. [B]"Because, when you are to attach to people, they tend to die after a while. Then you feel like dying yourself."[/B] [B]"Everyone dies, you can't stop that. It's the way of life. If you left yourself so unattached, you will start to feel the pain of being...empty. Like you have nothing to live for or no one to live for,"[/B] Kokolukia said staring down at her. Amaya looked up at him. [B]"You seem to know a lot,"[/B] she said her face emotionless. Kokolukia shrugged. Amaya could tell his mind was elsewhere now. It was the look in his eyes that told her. [B]"If you want to leave, you can. You don't need to stay by my side like glue,"[/B] Amaya said turning away from. Kokolukia shooked his head. [B]"Nah, it's alright. I'll keep you company.. You seem like you need it."[/B] he said with a smile. A smile that made Amaya blush.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Sitting in the wind of healing, irritated with herself and fusing with herself. How could she of all people, let her guard down so quickly leading into a injury like this? If her master saw the way she fought, he would have beaten the shit out of her for the lack of focus. [I][B]'What is up with me? Why have I lost so much focus,'[/I][/B]Amaya asked herself feeling the pain from her back disappear little by little. She was grateful that Leondis was doing this for her but inside she felt that he could of used it on someone other than herself. She was a demon after all. She could of healed soon enough, right? A few minutes later, her wounds were completely healed and the wind set her down to the ground as if handling a little kitten. Taken a tight hold on her spear, she made sure that her sense were up to there fullest. [B][I]'This time, I won't lose focus,'[/I][/B]she thought cutting the head off of a demon that tried to sneak up from behind.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Amaya was surround by at least 10 demons. They circled around her snarling at her, laughing at her, taunting her, but yet, she never yelled or glared back at them. She just stood there her eyes closed, very calm. She knew what the demons were trying to do. They were trying to make her be filled with fury which would cause her to lose focus and also be an easy target. She was taught that when the demons started their annoying taunting just stand there and think about something else. It would drive them crazy. Her master was right. She could sense the demons irritation. She heard them unshealth there claws as the started to move. Amaya flashed her eyes opened dangeriously. [B]"That would be a bad idea,''[/B]she said looking at the demons calmly. [B]"The only bad thing is us not killing you quick enough,''[/B]said one demon who charged at her quickly. Bad move. With the speed of a cheetah, Amaya evaded the demons attack also removing her spear from her back. She held the spear out at full length spinning in a quick circle slicing the demon in half, across his torso. The other demonss' eyes shifted as they watched their camraded burn to ashes. They all suddenly charge at Amaya swearing loudly. [B]"Curse you,you bitch"[/B] they hollered clawing at her. Amaya evaded their attacks quickly jumping backwards every time they charged at her. Using her spear, she held it high and then dropped it down quickly slicing two demons in half. Blood splatter all over her but she didn't care. Amaya was careless and a demon came up behind her slicing open her back. She let out a scream as one of her knee puckled as she fell onto it. Gritting her teeth, Amaya bend over backwards raising the spear abover heard slicing the demons' head wide open. Blood splattered on her open wound feeling like acid against her skin. She bit her lip trying to not let the pain consume her.[B] [I]'Stay focus,'[/I][/B]she told herself repeatly. She stood up, and finished the rest of the demons as quickly as possible.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Amaya was walking behind the group her eyes unfocus on what they were talking about. She took in mind what Haruko said that the demon, Satan, could transform into any form he wanted. Any person he wanted to be. She was train to kill anyone that tried to harm her, and they had tested her to see if she could someone she cared about. But, could she still do that now? The group walked out of the DH building chatting amongest themselves. Amaya didn't try to get into the conversation that the group was discussing. They were mostly talking about Sky being the leader of the group and how some of them couldn't believe it. Amaya herself didn't see it coming but she didn't have anything to say about it. "What's up with you," Kokolukia asked walking next to her. "You said very little since we got here." "I have...a lack of communication skills," Amaya replied still looking straight up ahead of her. "I doubt that. You probably haven't been around a lot of people." "No, I started training when I was 5 years of age." "No wonder they asked you to come then..." "Yes, I'm a useful tool but I doubt I can even come close to some of the people here. Especially Sky,"Amaya said staring at Sky as she talked with Sersu.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Amaya stared at Sky from the corner of her eyes. She didn't say anything to her or Kokolukia but she knew that there was more to them then what they appear. She kept a steady pace behind Kokolukia and Sky as they talked about her Alchemy necklace. She felt like an outsider but she has always felt this way and it usually doesn't bother her. [I]'So why does it bother me now,'[/I]Amaya asked herself as she eyes scanned the forest floors. "Look, I think we are nearly there," Sky said pointing into the distance. She was right. Not to far along was a village.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Amaya stared at Sky seeing the glow very easily. She was to scared to say anything about because she wasn't sure if Sky would yell at her or not. She watched as Kokolukia tried to see what it was but Sky turned away as she approach her. "You should...leave her alone. If she wants to show...what she is hidding, she will... in time," Amaya said to no one in particular. Some people stared at her which made her look down at the ground, blushing of embarrassment.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Amaya walked through the forest her eyes straight in front of her. Her speared was a held onto her back, sliding across the dirt path as she walked. She had her arms folded across her chest as she continued to walk. She then came across a small group of people walking down the path. It seems they had just come from a visous battle. She slowly approached the group, heading to the front. "Excuse me," Amaya said in a gentle voice to Sky," Are you prehaps Sky?" "Yes I am." "That's good. I was sent to aid you in killing some demon. I'm starting to wonder if you would need the help," Amaya said looking around at the others. "We could use your help,"Sky replied. Amaya bowed at her a walked with them to the Village of Light.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Stretch out on a tree branch, with a spear in hand, Amaya was randomly swinging her blade as she gazed up at the sky thinking of just different things in her past. A sudden wind blew past her making her hair gently cross over her face. That's when she heard a tree branch break nearby. She jumped down from the tree her eyes and her ears alert. Then a small peice of paper blew in front of her, slowly. She quickly grapped it in mid air and opened it. She read over it quickly. When she was finished she crumbled up the paper and began walking to her destination. [/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  15. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Hiding are for those scared of a challenge. I would get my dad's samuri swords, kanntas, and whatever other japanese weapons he has and go on an all night war. Mwhaha!!![/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER] [B]Name-[/B] Amaya [B]Age-[/B] 16 [B]Race-[/B] Neko demon [B]Personality-[/B] Quiet, very to herself. She rather still by herself then with anyone else. Of course she does talk but she talks very little around new people. But after a while, she will warm up to you. If she believes that you are trust worthy. [B]Appearance-[/B][URL=http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b225/Insert-Username-Here/Anime%20Girls/Nekogirl4.jpg]Amaya[/URL] [B]Weapons-[/B] A long spear attach to her back [B]Bio/Writing example-[/B]Living in a village far from civilization, Amaya was raise. She lived with her fellow clan members training to fight off other demons that came to attack them. Amaya was the best in her clan. A pro at what she did. No one was able to defeat her. That is why they sent for her, hoping that she would be able to kill the demon that haunted them. [/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Walking with her head down and her mind deep in thought, Rumi walked the silent woods in silence. Her mind was on the demon she was trying her hardest to find. She hadn't caught wift of him since her sister died by his hands. [I]'I know, I know he's out there somewhere. I still can sense this overwhelming energy,'[/I]Rumi thought to herself as she continued walking down the narrow dirt pathway. Coming closer to the end of the pathway, the woods start to clear. Rumi could see something from the distance but since the trees were still in her way, she couldn't make it out. Using her neko like strength, she used the muscles of her claves and jumped up into a nearby tree. There she searched around until she was facing a village. "Hm? Maybe people in that village would have answers for me about the demon," Rumi said silently to herself as she jumped from the tree to another repeatly, getting closer to the village. Rumi jumped down from one of the trees and landed not to far from the enterence gate. As she approached the gate, gaurds unshealthed their weapons and slowly surrounded her. "Demon, what do you think you are doing here," one of the guards to the right of her asked. "My business here is none of your concern. Just let me pass and their will be no harm done,"Rumi said not looking at the guard. "The chance. You are probably one of the demons sent here to kill us off by the mysterious demon," the guard to the left said. "No! I am here to ask question about him. I want to slay that bastard." "Hm? If that is the case, then we will let you path, but start any trouble, and we will slay you, demon." With that the opened the gate, and let Rumi past. [I'm the second to post!! :catgirl: ][/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]For me, anime is like an escape. An escape from the real world. It is were you can sit back and just watch what's on TV branging yourself into the show. It's not only the animation that gets me, it's the way some of the shows portray life it self. Sometimes, it is based on one's views of reality. And then, it is based on one's fantasies. I just really like the creativity into it. So I guess for me, anime is more of an escape from reality.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [quote name='Raina][COLOR=Blue]It's nearly [B]2 months[/B'] since we started dating. And my 20th birthday is coming up. So, do you guys think that it would be okay, if we went "all the way"? I [/COLOR][/quote] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]I personally think you should wait awhile. As you said, it's been 2 months since you guys started dating and going all the way is a bit fast, in my own opinion. After all, he is your first boyfriend, your first kiss, ect. Do you want him to be your first time too in just 2 months? I'm a sophmore in hight school and only had 2 boyfriends. My first one just wanted to get in my pants and had some serious issues. We dated for 6 months. To this day, he still calls me a b****. :animedepr My second was a real sweety but his mother hated me because of the color of my skin, so we broke up but are semi- friends now. We dated for 5 months. Not once did I ever thought about going all the way with either of them. To me, I just thought it to soon. I rather take things slow and see if they are really into me. If not, move on to the next. :animesmil But at the moment, I'm still single and like it that way. But I'm keeping my options open. But seriously, you should take it slow and not worry about age. Going all the way is really a serious matter, and shouldn't be taken wisely.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER][B]Name:[/B] SquirrelStar [B]Gender:[/B] Shecat [B]Rank:[/B] Leader [B]Description:[/B] Dark ginger looking shecat with bright green eyes. Her fur is very sleek with a bushy tail(The name Squirrel comes in) [B]Original Clan:[/B]Thunder [B]Personality:[/B] She is very energetic and when she was younger got into all sorts of trouble. All she wanted to do was take after her father and thats just what she did by becoming leader.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Rumi [B]Age:[/B] Appears around the age of 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g227/BlackTiger_of_Fire/Rumi.png]Rumi[/URL] [B]Weapon:[/B] Twister [URL=http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g227/BlackTiger_of_Fire/Twister.jpg][Pic][/URL] [B]Race:[/B] Demon [B]Side:[/B] neutral [B]Personallity:[/B] She is very to herself. Every since the 'accident' she manly keeps to herself. She doesn't usually like being around people. She finds them nowadays, quite irritable. She will have reason to just yell and scream out them, that or become really sarcastic. She never was able to really 'communicate' with people outside her own race, matter of fact, outsider her own family. [B]Bio:[/B] When Rumi was only very young, she lived with her older sister and her mother. Her father, sadly, past away in a deadly war unknown to the clan, but the leader knew about and wouldn't tell a soul. Rumi never pressed on the matter though. When Rumi was 8, and her sister was 13, they discovered that their mother was very ill, and was possibly blind. In her clan, they believe that if you have any illness, you aren't worth much and must be banished. Rumi's sister tried her best to keep her mother's secret a secret from the clan but soon someone found out and banished their mother from the clan. This banishment left Rumi with depression. She was easily sad and easily distracted. The only thing that really helped her was her elder sister, Sumi. She able to get her out of her most unsocial states with a few jokes, tickles, or anything. But then..something happened that changed her forever. Rumi's sister and her, banished themselves from the clan after their mother's banishment. They lived on their own in the woods with nothing but their exticnts to guide them. Lucky for Rumi, her sister was excellent with finding out herbs that were good enough to eat and good for wounds. But Rumi sensed that something was different about Sumi. When Rumi was 13, she saw less and less of her sister. Upon asking her one day, her sister just replied," You are stressing on the matter to much. Forget about it.." Rumi knew something was up and she was going to find out what. When her sister left, Rumi followed her deep with the forest until they came to a little clearing in the center. Rumi could hear a deep siring voice that sent chills down her spine. The voice was talking to her sister as if 'it' was upset. "Why haven't you found it yet," the voice said coldly. "I'm sorry...I just don't...please forgive me, master,''Rumi heard her sister said. She knew that her sister had feel to her knees for she could her the grass fall under her weight. "I will not take anymore of this," the voice replied. Rumi heard the sound of a weapon being drawn from it's shealth and the slice of the weapon hitting flesh. Then...silence. When Rumi thought it was safe, she crept from her hiding space into the open. She saw her sister lying there, in a pool of black substance, beheaded. Not only that, Rumi sensed a powerful demon nearby. That day, she swore to seek revenge on the demon that slayed her sister, even if it cost her her own life. [I hope that is good enough][/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. BlackTigerGurl


    [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]I've only listened to one of Metallica's Album and that's [I]St. Anger[/I]. I never heard of any other Metallica albums. I'm not really all that into metal. But when my friend introduced me to it, I feel in love with it and I was ticked off when it the CD broke. But, I think my favorite song from that album had to be St. Anger. Only because it expressed how I feel here and there. Like right now. I need to download that song and the whole CD. Not only that but maybe some other songs that you guys have mention.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Okay, I've only read a couple of post and there is a mix crowd. Some of you like the show and others can't stand it. I'm with the people that like it. I think it is a funny anime that makes no sense and isn't to complicated for little kids. Sure, there are better animes out there then this one but this one is only good for a good laugh. When I first saw Bobobo, I was kind of upset about a few things but this show was like WTF and it changed my whole mood. It's a good laugh especially with friends. Then show has not point to it. But who cares really? I don't. As long as it keeps me in a good mood, I'm fine with it. I don't care for the plot to much but I don't think the plot was made to be serious. That is what some people need to realize. It was made for laughter. Not for rates or other crud like that. It was made for people's enjoyment and to cheer people up. Criticism. Ugh. I hate it. :catgirl: [/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Hm? I got one: My mother had just came back from Wal-Mart and didn't feel like cooking, so she went out and got my sisters and I some MickeyDs(MccDonalds). So there I am on the floor eating my BigMac and some fries will my dumb*** sister flicks channels until she flicks it onto....FearFactor. Seeing as I love FearFactor, I don't say anything as we watch it. So there we are, my 3 sisters, my mother, and myself watching FearFactor eating some MickeyD's that will blow up your stomach. Well, the people on the show had to eat some rolled up roaches, bees, and some other weird crud like that. It was while I was sipping on my strawberry milkshake that my stomach had that weird sicking feeling. At first, I was just going to shake it off thinking I was freaking out about the people eating live bugs but after a while, I realized I had to barf. I tried to get up as fast as I could which was a bad idea because it made want to barf even more. Which in the end, I did. I throw up on the living room carpet and all the way down the hallway carpet into the bathroom. It was just a trail of vomit from the living to the bathroom. I was in the bathroom for quite a while. Afterwards, I had to clean up the whole mess. Ugh. After that, I never watched FearFactor again, especially while eating. :animedepr [/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Katrina....something that will be never be forgotten. I'm just curious how nothing has been seriously been done since then. It's been a whole year and some of my friends are still living in mobile homes, trailers, or has moved because the process was so slow. Sometimes, I think the government, doesn't really care about the horrors a lot of people had to face and the fact that a lot of people lost [B]EVERYTHING[/B]! Some of friend's friends either lost something or lost a family memeber. Someone not far from me died! Died in my neighborhood. I could never walk around the streets again without thinking about Katrina. I was scared out of my mind when I realized that I had to stay for the Hurricane. That I couldn't pack up and live. It was to late and traffic was pretty bad. That's why most of the cars got blown away. I know that there is a war going on in some places (that we shouldn't even be apart of), but help is needed here. Why doesn't anyone realize that?[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
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