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Everything posted by BlackTigerGurl

  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Marcissa Moshia [B]Age:[/B][SIZE=1] 16[/SIZE] [B]Sex:[/B] [SIZE=1]Female[/SIZE] [B]Appearance:[/B] [SIZE=1]She stands at a 5' 5" with short black currly hair. Within the hair is electric blue streaks that look like waves flowing in her hair. She has radishing brown color skin that when in the right light, she shines. She has dark brown eyes with a black tint to them. Most of the time she wears any color tank top with hip huggers. She usually has chains running threw the belt loop of her pants. On her feet would be any kind of skecher shoes.[/SIZE] [B]Continent you live on:[/B][SIZE=1] North America (Salem, NJ)[/SIZE] [B]The thing you?re being haunted through:[/B] [SIZE=1]Cell phone [/SIZE] [B]Character Snipit:[/B] [SIZE=1]Marcissa lives with her mother and her older brother, Josh. Her father past away when she was only 5 years old and her mother has never remarried since. Her small family has never settled in once place at a time. Moving to New Jersey was probably her 9th moved yet and of course she would be the new kid at school. "Bye mom! I'm heading to the store," Marcissa shouted running out the door, but before she could shut the door behind her, her brother says,"While you're out grab me a bag of cheetos." Marcissa mutters something under her breath but doesn't argue. She closes the door behind her and heads out. She walks on the payment with her hands in her pockets. She suddenly feels a speck of frost on the top of her head. She looks up and realize that it is snowing about. "The holidays are coming soon,"she says in a sanging tone. She starts humming a tone while she gets to the store when suddenly her phone rings. She swings off her bag that she carries on her back and pulls out her mobile phone. "Hello, this is Marcissa may I ask who's calling,"she asked in a sweet girlish tone. Nothing. No one says anything. The person on the other end is totally quiet. "Hello," asked Marcissa," is anyone there?" The phone goes dead. She shrugs her shoulders and puts her phone back in her bag. When she gets to the store, she picks up cheetos for her bro and milk. She gets to the end of the line for the cash resigter. Again her phone rings. She huffs and pulls it out her bag. "Hello,"she answers. Nothing for a while, then," Death, is coming for you," says someone on the other end in the most eery creepist voice Marcissa has ever heard. "What,"she says a bit shock. The line dies again. She hangs up her phone and says to herself[I],"That was just someone playing a joke on me. I mean why would death come for me? I have so much to live for.'[/I] She gets to the casher and puts her stuff on the mechine. He registers them up and bags them. "Your total is $8.17," he says handing the bag to her. When she pulls out her dept card she notices that the mechine no longer says $8.17. Instead it says,"Death is coming." Marcissa jumps back slightly. "Anything wrong, miss," the casher asks in a concern vioce. She shakes her head and gives him cash instead. On the way home her phone rings again. With shaken hands she pulls her phone from her bag. "Death is coming closer," says the person on the other line before she could say anything. Marcissa hangs it up and keeps walking. Her eyes look frightening as she walks faster. Her phone rings again. She answers with this," What do you want with me?!" People around her look as if she's gone crazy or shouting to someone she knows. The phone goes dead on the other line. Marcissa opens the door to her house and puts the milk in the frig. "Hey, where are my cheetos,"her brother shoutes from the living room. She looks at him with shocked frighten eyes. "What's wrong with you,"he askes. She shakes her head and tosses him his snacks. Then she goes up to her room and shuts the door. "Its all in my head,"she keeps telling herself over and over again. Her phone rings again. She doesn't answer it. It just keeps ringing....and she finally answers it. "You can't run from death..." She slams the phone on the desk... :catgirl: [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Tasha looked at Michelle and says," I have never ditched before. Do you think we shall get caught?" She had put a hand to her face at the thought that she might actually ditch. Apart of her wanted to make friends but if it involved ditching classes she didn't know for sure. She had only ditch one class but that was only because she wasn't feeling oh to good. She had excellent grades and her parents wouldn't really care at all. Her folks had never cared for her during school or anything. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]When Tasha came back from the nurse's office she saw and heard Michelle. She walked over to her slightly and says,"You are a loud someone, aren't you?" She regretted saying that the moment it slipped from her mouth. She put a hand to her mouth in shout at the thought she had said something like that to anyone. She bowed her head and says,"Please excuse me. I didn't mean to be rude to you." She said all this in a shy regretful voice. She wasn't really good talking to anyone. She lifted her head and looked at Nick. She slightly smiled but was still shamed at the comment she made toward Michell. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Tasha didn't go to her class that day. She skipped for the first time. Instead she stay in the girls domitory and looked at herself in the mirror. She had sweat trickling down her face and she was gasping for air. [I]'What's wrong with me,'[/I]she thought to herself. [I]'Maybe I'm sick or something. I guess I should see the nurse.'[/I] She went off slowly to the nurse's office. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Alphiya stood in front of Sen with her arms crossed over her chest. She was tapping her foot in annoyance. "This makes no sense. First, this guy is looking for me,"she points at Spector,"Then my so called guardin demon is looking for me and now you! Why is everyone looking for me?!" :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Tasha felt outta place. She felt she didn't belong here like she wasn't one of the others. Always shy and never talking. [I]"What am I doing here? I have no reason to be here. I'm just useless with no friends or anything,"[/I]she thought to herself. As she was walking the hallways going to one of her classes she stopped. She stood in the hall with a blank look on her face. She looked around here and there but didn't move. Her arms went slack at her side. She seemed to be just staring in space looking at the ground. "Tasha, what are you doing in the hallway? Shouldn't you be getting to your next period class,"said one of her English teachers. Tasha gerked up and looked at her. "Is anything wrong,"the teacher asked in a concern voice. "No, everythings.... fine,"Tasha replied walking down the hall with her head down and her hands by her side. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Tasha saw Nick up ahead and gave him a shy generous smile his way. She didn't really like seeing people all bummed out or down. Sometimes that could be to suicide. So she always made an atempt to help others around her. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Alphiya looked at Lolita and says," You knew my mother? My real mother? What was she like? What did she look like?" She didn't mean to ask all this questions in a rush but she couldn't help it. Before Lolita could answer this question, however, a boy fell from about a tree and landed infront of the whole group. Alphiya looked down at him and tilted her head to the side twitching her ears. "Who are you,"she asked looking at Sen. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Tasha sat at the table with her head down and her hands in her lap. She didn't say anything as the two talked. She nodded here and there to their comments. Then as Eric got up for his class she got up also. She brushed her skirt off and followed behind him. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Alphiya was totally at lost. She didn't know who these people were but them seem to know her. She tilted her head at the one her hugged her and says,"Who are you again? My guardian demon demon?" Alphiya was a bit frighten. She scooted away on the bench away from the strangers. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Anileah walked over to Ranifa in a swifted movement. She kneeled at his feet and said in a calm voice,"Sir, must you be so harsh on him? I know he made you mad but still...." She stopped. She didn't want the the King to be mad at her also.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Alphiya looked up at Spector slightly confused. "Yes, my name is Alphiya,"she said looking up at him," and you might be?" Alphiya really doesn't like strangers coming up to her and saying they know her. She slightly glared at Spector not trusting him the least bit.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][CENTER][U]Sign ups:[/U][/CENTER] Name: Tasha Natan Age: 17 Gender: Female Personality: She can be sometimes shy about meeting new people. She keeps to herself unless someone approaches her. Even though she's shy she is really helpful to others and would do anything for them. Strengths: Speed, good with technology Appearance: Has shoulder length curly brown hair with black highlights. Light beautiful brown hairs. Her skin complextion is that of a cinnamon color. She wears a half blue shirt with ruffles around the hem and the sleevs. A long denim skirt with pockets. She wears many bracelets on her right arms. She has on white tennis shoes also. Ooc: If this isn't good enough, PM me. I had to rush with this one because its thundering and lightning outside so I'll finish up later. Bye! :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Okay I'm finally setting this up after a while. Here are the characters and who will be playing them: [B]Alphiya:[/B] Me [B]Anileah:[/B] Also be played by me until Forever Frozen returns. [B]Erriku:[/B] Erriku [B]Ranifa:[/B] Erriku possibly until Forever Frozen returns also. [B]Lolita:[/B] Latharix_sama [B]Specter:[/B] Ghost [B]Sen:[/B]Valen [B]Kattsukie:[/B]Cheese Master This should be the only ones in this RPG. No one else is allowed to join. Your first post (for those on Alphiya's side) should be finding her and confronting how you will help her. The ones on Ranifa's side should tell him how Alphiya escaped her 'family' and ask how to deal away from him. I will post where Ranifa's castle is later today. Thanks all for joining and have fun! :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] I'm afraid to say that the RP sign up are closed. I am opening this in Adventure Square very soon. Thanks all for signing up. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Jet black hair that is tied up in a tight hight ponytail. Tied with a black ribbon with white butterflies. My skin complextion would be a good average chocolate cream color. Beautiful brown color eyes. The kind that can attracted more guys. :animeshy: (I love the buys. Hehe.) Well shape body, slightly curvy. My stomach well ton also. I would have a white wolf ears, claws, and a white tail with the tip part being black. Clothes wise: I would always were a different color half shirt, to show off my well ton stomach. Hip huggers, to show off the curves in my hips. I would have silver chains going threw the looks of my pants letting them dangle loosely at him hip so when I walk it makes a jingle sound. Black skater shoes with blue starred shoe strings. Weapn wise: I think the only weapons I would carry are elbow blades, like the ones Talim has off of Soul CalibarII. That is it I think. :animeswea :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Since forever frozen won't be here for a while, if anyone wants to take her character or be the Demon King please let me know. If no one will then I'll just be both.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed][I]There are people who hate there parents. They keep secrets from the parents. When parents find these secrets out it starts a war between a mother and a son. A father and his daughter. Once or twice the mother or father with smack their child. In retaliation the son or daughter will fight back. In the Bible, sons and daughters are suppose to respect their mothers and fathers, but as the grow old they forget that.... Amisha, a 16 year old girl, had a white boyfriend. Her mother, who she lived with since her father died, was racist agaist white people. One day her mother figured out what she was doing and argued about it with her. "Why didn't you tell me?! I can't stand the fact that you're dating him. Not to long ago he was dating your best friend,"shouted the mother. "That was months ago, mother,"Amisha shouted back. They were crussing each other out. The mother got sick of it and smacked Amisha. Amisha smacked her back and lefted the house on her bike(she has yet to own her own car yet). Her mother got in her old beat up car and ran Amisha into the traffic. Suddenly a supposedly drunk drive hit Amisha. Armisha's body flew high in the sky and landed on top of the car. The car swerved making Amisha's body to fall onto the ground. Her leg was badly broken and she was lying in a pool of her own stick dark red blood. Her eyes half closed. The last thing she could remember is hearing her mother scream. Few hours later, her mother was talking to the doctor. "She's in a very deep coma. She possibly will never awake,"said the doctor," You know this is kinda odd. There seems to be over 10 patients with the same condition. All of them been hit by a drunk drive but the drive just disappearing." Odd, yes. A few months later all the patients awaken at the same moment. The only thing on there mind is how did they survive. The only one who could answer this question is the one that attacked them...[/I] What's going on is that theses people are immortal about. They've been hit by that mysterious car but didn't die. They want to knw why they've been hit in the first place and didn't die. They journey out together only at night because, the doctors ar confused at how they survived and want to run test on them. Som of the people who've been hit might have some strange unnatural powers. Then there are some people who don't mind being immortal. Why give up the chance to live forever," they ask the ones who don't want to live forever. "Because you watch everyone you know die. People will start calling you a witch or something,"replies the others. So journey out to help them find this mysterious attacker. Oh one more thing, try not to get caught. [B]Sign Up[/B] [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B] (You have to be older than 11 but younger than 20.) [B]Bio:[/B] (More than a few sentences. At least 3 paragraphs.) [B]Appearance:[/B]No pictures. Descriptions only. This will test your creativeness.) [B]Powers:[/B] (Something simple. Nothing fancy.) [B]How and Where:[/B] (Where you were attacked at. Nothing silly. How did it happen?) [B] Why:[/B] (Put why the mysterious attacker attacked you.) [B]Are you against living forever or not?[/B] No more than about 12 people or until I feel the need that it is enough. I will PM you if your've been accepted or if I find your sign in to my displeasure. Thank you and enjoy. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][b][u]Enrollment[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Regene Holway [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Origin:[/b] Albany, New York [b]Teacher or student:[/b] Student [b]Appearance:[/b] Regene has curly brown hair with jet blue streaks within her hair. Her hair has a little bounce to it whenever she walks. Her eyes are a dark brown but appear black at times. Her skin complextion is that of a light chocolate. She is average height with a slender curvy body. She is wearing a dirty white button up shirt with baggy boy pants. The only thing holding up the pants is a black leather belt. Her brown leather shoes are very faded and are tight fittening on her feet. She tries to make herself look mostly like a boy so she can run from the sewer to grab food here and there. [b]Powers:[/b] Her powers are controling all of fire. She can make fire swords or any weaponary out of fire. She also posses lightning but has no control over it, so she barely uses lightning. [b]Biography:[/b] Her and her family lived down in the sewers of Albany, New York. Many other 'special' people lived down there also. "I don't see why you have to be with me. You're not special like me,"she said to her parents one day when they heard people running over top of the sewer holes. "Because we love you, deary," said her mother. "And we shall be with you no matter what," replied her father. The goverment of Albany think that all 'special' people should be reported to this school for 'special' kids. "Why don't I just go to this school they're making us go to? I bet it's not that bad." "We don't want you to go to this school. You're the only daughter we have, even if you're different," replied her father. Regene sighed saying nuthin' more of the matter. Late that night she left the sewers while her family was asleep. She turned herself in to this school which she now leaves at. [b]Personality:[/b] Regene was a free spirited person. She was like a party girl who never stopped partying. Sometimes her partying gets her in trouble because she'll get out of hand. People love to mess with her but when they do she will go boiling mad with anger and you can tell because firey aura will form around her. [b]Character snippet:[/b] Ooc: At the age of 5 her mother and father gave birth to a baby boy. Regene was slightly upset that she wouldn't be an only child anymore. She sometimes mopped around the house when her family talked about the new child. Then one day they discovered that the baby had cancer and in this life time there was no cure for it. They doctors tried as they must to cure the baby but it died when Regene was 6 years old. Ever since that day, Regene thought it was her fault her baby brother died. "At night I wished he would go away, mama,"she said to her mother one night. Her mother was shocked at what her daughter said to her she just hugged her. "It wasn't your fault he died. God just wanted him. Maybe there is something specail about you. I don't know." A few months after that, Regene's school caught on fire. Her teachers were running in and out of the school trying to save everyone, but she was left in the school for a while. Soon after a while they found her in one of the closet passed out and surrreally burnt. They put her in the hospital and she stayed in a coma for a few weeks. Then one day she came out of it with these fire powers. She didn't know how she started it but it happened. Her blankets caught on fire and then it spread. People ran screaming seeing the flames absorb everything. The doctors ran into Regene's room and noticed the fire not hurting her. They called her a 'freak' a 'special'. Then suddenly, the flames just stopped...... Ooc: Well here is the snippet. Hope it's good. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][U][B]SIGN UP[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Luka Uvina. [B]Age:[/B] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female. Obviously. [b]Personality:[/b] She keeps to herself most of the time. She is dark, mean, and sometimes loves to hurt other's feelings. But deep down this is only a front. She is really kind a sweet. She loves to right poetry but no one knows of it. She draws also, but dark things. At home she is really mean to her parents and sisters. She crusses them out or just locks herself in her room. No one really knows the real her. [b]Apperance:[/b] Long jet black hair with purple streaks flowing within her hair. She mostly keeps her hair in a ponytail tied with a black ribbon. She is wearing a black belly shirt with an evil cat on it. The cat has blood dripping from its fangs and it's eyes look very evil. The shirt fits comfortable at the chest. Not tight or to loss. She wears black hip huggers that really show out her curves in her hips. She has chains going threw the belt loops of her hip huggers. They hang lossly at her hips and make a jiggle sound when they hit her side. She wears black skater shoes with red starred shoe strings. She doesn't wear much make up. She thinks her dark black eyes are creepy enough. [b]Where Do You Belong:[/b] Gothic/Loner [b]Charcter Snipit or Bio:[/b] Luka's real parents died in a car crash one night when she was about 2 years of age. After the accident she has never forgotten about it. She's been having nightmares about them. She never was open to anyone after the day her folks died. She's been past to one home to another. Either being raped or almost killing someone. She's been raped about 2 times and tried to killed her foster sisters or brother once. Now she is living with the Lomster's and she hates them already. They try to shove themself into her bussiness but she keeps pushing them out. "Why can't you just leave me alone,"she shouts at them. "Because we care," is their only reply. [I]'How can you care for someone you just met,'[/I]she thinks to herself at night. Her pictures get more and more dark. Blood spilling from them. Soon later into her life she starts cutting herself. Her 'family' takes her for some help. Now at this school she just keeps to herself.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I just finished this book early this morning. I was really upset about the [spoiler]headmaster dying. :animecry: I want to know though who R.A.B is. My mother and I think it might be Sirius's(if spelled wrong forgive me) younger brother, Regulus Black. We do not know, however, his middle name. But if anyone remembers in the 5th book, he was a death eater that tried to back out once he realized what Tom was up to. When he tried to back out Tom order him killed. This is only a guess that he could be R.A.B. [/spoiler]:catgirl: [/FONT][/COLOR] [color=red][size=1]BlackTigerGirl, I have already said [i]in this thread[/i] that [b]everone is to include spoilers.[/b] If I find out that you have again failed to spoiler your post, I will be very displeased. -- Lady Asphyxia.[/size][/color]
  22. [QUOTE=Ghost]Name: Specter Age: 16 Gender: Male Race: 1/2 Shadow demon, 1/2 human Appearance: [IMG]http://www.amazingcomics.it/blackpanther_1.jpg[/IMG] Reason: Specter joins Alphiya because he feels connected to her somehow, like they were family. Bio: Specter's father was a shadow demon that came to the human world and just like Alphiya's mother, he fell in love with a human. Alphiya's aunt. Specter only slightly remembers his little cousin. How: Specter meets Alphiya at a park near his High School.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Thanks for joining. Hm, I might open this is Adventrue Square pretty soon. Just waiting for someone who said they might be Sen to join. :catgirl: [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Sign Up Name: Ranisha Race: Half breed Look:She was 16 of age and 5ft 8" in height. Has long jet black hair that flows down to her bottom with jet blue streaks within her hair. Her eye color was dark black. Sometimes they seem kind but then they could grow very dark with anger. Her skin complextion was that of a lovely chocolate. She most of the times were black gothic clothes, but she isn't gothic. She is wearing a black half shirt with "Dare you to care" on the front in red. The shirt fit her perfectly at the top. Not to baggy and not to tight either. She had on hip huggers that show what great curve she had. Going threw the belt loops of her black hip huggers where chains that looks like she stole them out of a trash can. The chains hung loosely at her hips from the sides. On her feet she wore black skater shoes with red starred shoes strings. First Abilitie: Agility What made her pure: Walking back from the store, Ranisha carried many bags with her filled with food. Just as she was about to crossed the street she noticed an old homeless guy beseeching for food. She turned and smiled at the homeless man. She digged within her bag and gave him a sub that she bought at the subway. She handed it to the old man and he took it gratefully. "Thank you, young lass. You are kind of heart," he replied to her ripping open the rapper and tearing at the sub. "You are quite welcome. So you don't have a home? If you want I can take you to a shelter for the homeless," she said looking around for someone who might have knew this old man. "No I don't have a home and I would love you to take me to the shelter." She took the old man's hand and helped him across the street. After that they walked a couple of blocks from where they were to a shelter. SHELTER FOR THE UNWANTED said a sign above a nicely disigned building. "I guess you might like it here, sir," Ranisha said looking over at the man. He nodded his head and walked to the door opening it. But before he went inside he turned to her and said," You really are something special." Then he walked inside. Ranisha smiled to herself loving his replied. She turned on her heels swiftly and quickly walking up the street to a street light. She crossed the street when said so, but someone who didn't see the light turn red or was just to drunk to see. Ranisha scream as she was hit full blast by the car.......... "That old fellow you saved was going to die if no one helped him. You went out of your way to save him and because of it cause you to die. Your sacrafice will not be in vein. Do you promise to follow the path of good and stand by me forever," said a strong sternly voice in a lighten room. The room was bright with a fire place and food. Ranisha closed her eyes and knew at once where she was. "I promise," she replied to this stranger she did not but who she trusted with her life..... Ooc: Hope this is good and if it's not please PM me to make any changes. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [QUOTE=Latharix_sama]OOC: Oh, wow, Forevor Frozen! That was my story when I signed up for the first one of these! (It got locked) [B]Name[/B] Lolita [B]Age[/B] looks about 18 [B]Gender [/B] Female [B]Race[/B] Demon [B]Appearance[/B] Stands at 5'7, long dark brown hair pulled into two braids tied with black ribbons, pale skin, grey eyes; wears a lacy ruffled white dress with short shoulder sleeves and a back corset over it, black ribbons around her neck and wrists, and black boots. [B]Reason[/B] She was one of Alphiya's mother's dearest friends, and after her death, Lolita watched over Alphiya in secret. [B]Bio[/B] After her best friend's death, Lolita watched over her daughter from a safe distance to make sure she was okay. When she heard of Ranifa's plans, she made herself known to Alphiya. She was found out, and banished from her home. She will stop at nothing to keep her friend's treasure safe. [B]How[/B] Alphiya accepted Lolita as a friend and asks her to help her find her memories. Lolita slowly gives her what information she can give her.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Thanks for joining!! :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Ooc: I shall pray for your sister in hope that she will be okay.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
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