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Everything posted by BlackTigerGurl

  1. [QUOTE]It can't be Neville. They already stated that at first they THOUGHT it might be Neville, but it ended up being Harry because that's the family that Voldemort attacked. So yeah, Neville is out of the question.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2]I kinda thought that, but my mother still thinks its Neville. :animeswea :catgirl: [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] I love the Harry Potter series so much. It really upset me that [spoiler]Sirus dying behind that veil. I know for sure he didn't die though.[/spoiler] My mother and I have been thinking,[spoiler] is harry really the one who has to defeat The Dark Lord? We think it my be Neville because his parents were attacked by The Dark Lord also. We don't know for sure about the scar. He could have one also just don't talk about it much.[/spoiler] This is what my mother and I think though. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. Sign up: [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Name: Alerga Mansu Age: 18 Appearence: She has jet black hair with blue hightlights. She has black eyes but if you look closely they appear dark brown. She wears a long black baggy shirt with "Dare you to care" writen in red on the front. She has on loose fitting pants on so they don't hang on to loose in battle. She wears skater shoes that are vey comfortable while running. Gender: Female Bio: She has no living relative in her family. Her father died when she was little in some sort of a mob. Her sister died from cancer. And her mother died from that same mob her father died in. She worked her hardest to protect her mother who died last after everyone else but failed. She wasn't strong or didn't have the agility to. So she went to this school to learn how to protect yourself and others. position: Guard. Hope this is alright and good enough. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [QUOTE=Forever Frozen]I guess i'll sign up for Ranifa if its okay. Since no one else has yet... Name: Ranifa Age: really old (appears about 25) Race; demon of course Appearance: Ranifa has cold blue eyes that turn red when he is angered or using any kind of power. His hair is silver and extreemly long. Sometimes its pulled back but most of the time it hangs freely and there is always a bit of it in his face. Ranifa is well built and taller than a normal male human. he wears a black cloack over black trousers and a midnight blue tunic. he takes the cloak off to fight or if he feels very comfortable. Bio:What can you say about the king of demons? not much is known about him. What is known is he has a fasination with the human/demon halfling child and wants her captured or destroyed. Many fear him including those who work for him. he rarely acknowladges them though and has been know to kill his own in random outbursts of anger.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]If you think you can handle being two people, that's fine by me. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [QUOTE=QuikSilver04]lol! Your not alone! My mom pokes fun at my anime too. She calls them my "grenudos", spanish for something like "messy-haired" :animesigh . She thought Inuyasha was a girl just cause he has long hair. I don't think she pays attention when I watch the show 'cause he clearly has a mans voice x_x! My mother is crazy XP.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Same with my mother. She would always ask I could I be crushing on a girl. She still thinks Inuyasha is a chick.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [QUOTE=Erriku][B]Name: Erriku Age:around 23 Gender: Male Race: Demon Appearance: Very tall 6.8' with big feet, brown with blonde spiked hair with two long streaks of red dangling in front of his face. Reason: for being good friends with someone who loves him. Bio: A stealthy, rouge ninja, great with infiltration missions, daggers, and shurikens.He was abandoned after his mothers death. How: a frienda friend of Anileah who seemed to have fallen in love with the demon king.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] You have been accepted, but next time please put in a bit more detail about your character. Thank you. :animesmil :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I know what you're saying is true. I live here in America and I hate the fact that they change different animes up. Like Tokyo Mew Mew, now is Mew Mew Power. The names have been changed and the story line has also been changed. Mew Mew Power kinda reminds me of Sailor Moon. A sorry Sailor Moon though. I dispise living here in America for changing my favorite animes and making me hate them when they come onto TV. Just going to have to live with it. :animesigh [/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]With my father, he's cool with anime. When he comes over we watch some anime shows together. With my mother its a different story. Her and I were watching Inuyasha and she says,"How can someone like Kikyo be alive? She's not a real perist. She's trying to brang someone to Hell with her." Then she'll start making fun of Inuyasha's attacks. Like with his Wind scar, she says that he keeps hitting the ground and not the enamy. It's hard to explain it to her. She doesn't really like me watching some of these [AS] shows. :animedepr [/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [quote name='ffgrl_Ashe]Did anyone see the last episode? I wonder if [spoiler']the Lil slugger killed the copycat becaause they found him on the floor with blood everywhere. But he never kills his victoms.[/spoiler][/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]That is something I've noticed also. My theory is [spoiler]that Lil Slugger didn't want a copycat. So he dealed away with him giving a warning of anyone else who tried to do his job.[/spoiler] My theory could be wrong though.[/COLOR][/FONT] :catgirl:
  10. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] You have been accepted. Thanks for joining. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]In a place far far away from the human world there is a demon world. And in that demon world there are demons of all sort. Some of take on the shape of humans so they can travel into the human world. You may think that if the demons can travel to the human world that means humans can do the same and travel to their world. Wrong. Humans can not see go to the demon world. There is a secret door that leads to the demon world, but no mear human can see it. So there hasn't been any problems with humans going to the demon world until one day: A demon women who can take on the form of human came to the human world. She fell in love with a human and they had a child name Alphiya. She was a beautiful child. All the guys at school fell for her, but the demons in the demon world thought it a sin and came to kill her father and her mother. The humans saw the terrible demons come into their world and were scared out of there minds. It was a terrible battle between the humans and the demons but in the end the demons won. They killed Alphiya's mother and father and kiddnapped her when she was only 7. But somewhere during the battle Alphiya lost her memory forgetting who she is and where she is form. All she knows is that she is part demon and part human. She also knows that something is not right with her new 'family' either. It's been 8 years and she finally ran away from her 'family' to find out the truth about her past. She romes around the place searching when she meets this guy called Sen. "Hello there little one," he says in a dreamy voice. Alphiya is startled. "Hello," she whispers her ears resting on her head. "What is the matter?" "I'm searching for something." "For what?" "My memories." "Hm...then your the one I've been looking for," he said smiling. "What do you mean?" "You'll see," he walks away fading into the shadows. Alphiya is so confuse but she goes on. Alphiya's foster family realizes after two days that she is gone. Now the King of the demons, Ranifa, is sending armies to find her. Why is he going to through so much trouble? She's just a 14 year old half human and demon girl. Something is up and you must be the one to find out. You can either be on Ranifa's side or somehow met up with Alphiya and help her on her journey.[/I][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Okay this might be a little bit confusing.... Let me break it down for you if your lost. Alphiya is now a 14 year old girl with no memories. Some how during the fight when she was kidnapped some explosion struck her and caused her to lose her memories. She knows that something is up because everyone is acting all weird around her. So she ran away searching for her memories, finding clues here and there. One day she mets Sen, a mysterious guy that says he's been looking for Alphiya. Now Ranifa is sending an army out to find her. Why? That is something that will be revealed farther into the story. A long the way she mets different people that want to try and help her (that will be your character). So you must decide who's side your on: Ranifa's or Alphiya. Sign up list Name: Age: Gender: Race: Appearance: (No pictures, I prefer detailed descriptions. But if you want you can.) Reason: (Put why you would join Alphiya or Ranifa.) Bio: How: (Put how you got into the army of Ranifa or how you met Alphiya) Good luck. And If you want, someone has to be Sen or Ranifa but if no one signs up for them I'll be them both. His Sign up Name: (Ranifa or Sen) Age: Race; (Only if your Sen) Appearance: Bio: I hope I get many people to join! :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Indigo]I must agree. FLCL is a great anime. To bad there is only like 6 eps though. I hope they create more though. If not I'll just keep watching the reruns. :animesmil [/Font][/Color]
  13. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo] I Yu Yu Hakusho! It's one of my favorite animes. I love the demon fights and the powers. I really think they should start up with new ep. At first I thought Yu Yu Hakusho was corny at the begining but as I watched it more often, it became more intersting. I really like. No, I love it![/Font][/Color]
  14. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy] I would like to be on Inuyasha. The romance is nice and the action is too. I really think I would be a better fighter than Kagome. Lol. Jk about that. But I would try to get inuyasha. :catgirl: [/Font][/Color]
  15. [QUOTE=Dagger]FMA isn't on next week (it's being replaced by Samurai Champloo, which everyone absolutely must watch!), so it looks like the news about the break holds true. It's just that episode 26 is the stopping point they're using, rather than episode 25. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy] So....their going to brang bak F.M.A. right? And what happened on episode 26? I think i missed it.[/Font][/Color]
  16. [QUOTE=elementalshadow][COLOR=DarkGreen]Name: Raiden Age: 70 (looks to be in early twenties) Gender: Female Race: Demon Appearance: Beautiful and elegent she tends to be a real charmer. Slanted exotic eyes, emerald green but so dark they often seem black. She has long black hair which she keeps out of her face by tying a small leather strip across her brow. She has tanned skin and a fit body. She wears black pants and a dark red shirt, for shoes she wears riding boots that come to her knees, concealing her calves and small feet. Her clothing hide her figure, but are rough and warm. Because she is a demon she has pointed ears. Reason: She found Alphiya a while ago and, being one of the few demons who feel sorry for her, decided to help her on her journey. She enjoys travel and feels as thou it is her job to protect Alphiya. Bio: She trained for the longest time as a warrior and spy. Taken from her parents a long time ago she was taken to Ranifa and sent to earth as an assassin. When she found the girl she didn't have the heart to kill her. Ever since she has been like a body-gaurd to Alphiya.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo] Welcome welcome. Thanks for joining. I think I'll do my characater now. Name: Alphiya Age: 14 Gender: Female Race: Half human half demon( half fox half human) Appearance: She is beautiful and charming for a girl her age. She looks more mature for her age too. She has long flowing raven hair that goes down to her back side. She keeps it up in a red ribbon that has black hearts on it. She has gray color eyes that sometimes they appear to be black. She's wearing tight black pants to show out have curved her legs are. Wearing a long black T-shirt that says "I love me" on it. For shoes she has skater kinds that are very comfortable running in. The only weapons hse carries is the one she told from her foster family, double chain elbow swords( Like Taliems off of SoulCaliber2). She also has a red foxy tail. Reason: She is searching for her memories that she lost when she was little. She knows something is up by the way other demons look at her. Seh can't remember a thing but she's hoping she will find it on her long journey. Bio: Her parents died in a fight against demons and humans only because her mother got with a human. The demons thought it a sin for a human and demon to have a child so they went to the human world and killed her mother and her father. Kidnapped her and during the kidnapp she was hit with an explosion causing her to lose her memories. She hardly can fight but by watching others she can learn quick and easy.[/Font][/Color]
  17. [QUOTE=Latharix_sama]Name: Hoarfrost Age: 100 Gender: female Race: demon Appearance: She has a tall willowy body and brown hair that is chopped off right under her neck except for a long braid. She wears a long, lacy black dress. She possesses the piercing grey eyes of a devil. Reason: She clings to Ranifa's side, because she adores him with every ounce of black blood that flows through her veigns. Bio: Hoarfrost, having lost her mother at birth and her father being dead long before, grew up roaming about the confines of the demon lord's castle,working as a servant girl. When Ranifa came to power she found herself watching him in the shadows, admiring him. She soon grew to love him in a platonic, spiritual way. She would die for him. How: The minute Hoarfrost heard of her Ranifa's predicament she sprang into action. She came before him for the first time and begged to help him. Amused by her pleading, Ranifa consented. She now stands among the highest ranking officers in the army.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo] Well then, welcome Hoarfrost. Why don't we wait for some more people to come. Hopefully..... :animedepr:[/Font][/Color]
  18. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy][I] In a place far far away from the human world there is a demon world. And in that demon world there are demons of all sort. Some of take on the shape of humans so they can travel into the human world. You may think that if the demons can travel to the human world that means humans can do the same and travel to their world. Wrong. Humans can not see go to the demon world. There is a secret door that leads to the demon world, but no mear human can see it. So there hasn't been any problems with humans going to the demon world until one day: A demon women who can take on the form of human came to the human world. She fell in love with a human and they had a child name Alphiya. She was a beautiful child. All the guys at school fell for her, but the demons in the demon world thought it a sin and came to kill her father and her mother. The humans saw the terrible demons come into their world and were scared out of there minds. It was a terrible battle between the humans and the demons but in the end the demons won. They killed Alphiya's mother and father and kiddnapped her when she was only 7. But somewhere during the battle Alphiya lost her memory forgetting who she is and where she is form. All she knows is that she is part demon and part human. She also knows that something is not right with her new 'family' either. It's been 8 years and she finally ran away from her 'family' to find out the truth about her past. She romes around the place searching when she meets this guy called Sen. "Hello ther little one," he says in a dreamy voice. Alphiya is startled. "Hello," she whispers her ears resting on her head. "What is the matter?" "I'm searching for something." "For what?" "My memories." "Hm...then your the one I've been looking for," he said smiling. "What do you mean?" "You'll see," he walks away fading into the shadows. Alphiya is so confuse but she goes on. Alphiya's foster family realizes after two days that she is gone. Now the King of the demons, Ranifa, is sending armies to find her. Why is he going to through so much trouble? She's just a 14 year old half human and demon girl. Something is up and you must be the one to find out. You can either be on Ranifa's side or somehow met up with Alphiya and help her on her journey. [/I] Okay this might be a little bit confusing.... Let me break it down for you if your lost. Alphiya is now a 14 year old girl with no memories. Some how during the fight when she was kidnapped some explosion struck her and caused her to lose her memories. She knows that something is up because everyone is acting all weird around her. So she ran away searching for her memories, finding clues here and there. One day she mets Sen, a mysterious guy that says he's been looking for Alphiya. Now Ranifa is sending an army out to find her. Why? That is something that will be revealed farther into the story. A long the way she mets different people that want to try and help her (that will be your character). So you must decide who's side your on: Ranifa's or Alphiya. Sign up list Name: Age: Gender: Race: Appearance: (No pictures, I prefer detailed descriptions.But if you want you can.) Reason:(Put why you would join Alphiya or Ranifa.) Bio: How:(Put how you got into the army of Ranifa or how you met Alphiya) Good luck. And If you want, someone has to be Sen or Ranifa but if no one signs up for them I'll be them both. His Sign up Name:(Ranifa or Sen) Age: Race:(Only if your Sen) Appearance: Bio: I hope I get many people to join! :catgirl: [/Font][/Color]
  19. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy] I really dont know who my favorite anime character is. there are way to many, but if I had to think off the top of my head it would have to be......Inuyasha, from Inuyasha duh!, Ed-from F.M.A, Ed-from cowboybebop, um....I can't think of anymore. :animesweat: Oh Well. BlackTiger-I live by the night. Don't look for me. I'm find you! :catgirl: [/Font][/Color]
  20. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy] I really don't want to talk about that ep but I must. I just watched it yesterday and again today. I was really upset that [spoiler] Hughes died. Well I knew he was going to die because someone told me he would. I cried harder though when the little girl was saying," Mommy, why are they buring daddy? If they do, then daddy won't be able to get back to work." And much more.[/spoiler] Great, I'm crying again. :animecry: BlackTigerGurl[/Font][/Color]
  21. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo] I think another of my favorite anime would have to be Magical Shopping Arcade Anobashin. This anime is really funny. Sometimes they make fun of other animes like: DBZ, Power Rangers, and other anime I can't think of at the moment. If you want an anime to laugh at this is the one.[/Font][/Color]
  22. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy] Well I wish they would put it back on the air. Sailor Moon was my first anime. I can't get any of the dvds here. I really would like to see my very first anime again. I thought it was cute though. [/Font][/Color]
  23. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo] Let's see....I started watching anime ever since i was about nine. The first anime I ever watched was Sailor Moon. I like it because it had girls fighting and dressing up in cute little outfits. I really didn't know what anime was at that time until i was in 6th grade. I started hanging out with people who knew what anime was. Then I started to get obessed with anime. Now all I do is watch it and draw it. :animesmile: BlackTigerGurl :catgirl: [/Font][/Color]
  24. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy] yeah i must agree. FLCL is a very kewl anime. the art and the plot of the story is very good. I haven't seen the anime in a while but i must say its pretty kewl. But what I really want to know is there going to be any more new eps? BlackTigerGurl :catgirl: [/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Purple] I know I'm going to get hated for this but i have to say it. I think Tokyo Mew Mew reminds me of Sailor Moon. The way they transform and the way "Zoey" acts is kinda similiar to Serrina(sorry if I spelled her name wrong) I still like it only because Sailor Moon is not playing anymore. But I like the comics better than the series. I hate the fact that they changed the names to English instead of keeping them the same. :animesigh: I do think it's a cute anime but still.... BlackTigerGurl[/FONT][/COLOR]
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