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Everything posted by BlackTigerGurl

  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Mika opened her eyes her head pounding. She felt as if she'd been strapped down for a while. She sat up putting a hand to her head. Then an unfamiliar voice said to her," Ahh, you are awake now. How are you feeling?" Mika turned to see a boy sitting by what appeared to be a small coat. "W-where am I," she asked looking around her. "You are just in a dorm room. Hey, I'm Derrick. I'm one of the guys that saved you sort of." "Saved me? From what?" "Some other mutants like us that want to kill you because of your attitude and your powers. They were attacking you but Char saved you." "Char? His name seems familiar," Mika said looking down at her feet. Her head was so hurting so bad but she couldn't remember much. Actually she couldn't remember even getting here at this school. "It should be. You and him known each other for a while now," Derrick said with a heart warming grin. Mika had a chill sent down her spine from that grin. It appeared to be fake. Before there was an real explaintion on what Mika was doing here, there was a loud raspy voice that yelled "Get her, dammit." Derrick immediatly got up from her side and headed to the door. He stopped about 2 feet from the door and turned to her. "Coming?" Mika nodded and got up from the coat, a bit groggy still, and walked over to Derrick. He opened the door and not to far away, were Daemon, Char, and Miloe, who was trapped in a cage looking as if she had just ran a 3 miled track race. "Whose that," Mika asked getting closer to the small group looking at the trapped girl. "That's one of the people that were trying to kill you," Derrick asked smiling at Daemon and Char who just smiled back at him. "Are you sure? Her face seems...so...familiar. Like I seen it before...except.." "Mika...you...can't....believe a...word they... are ...saying to you. It's all lies," Miloe said through desperate pants. "Shut up! You are the only one lying here, you disgusting witch! I won't fall for your lies! Why should I fall for someone's lies who had tried to kill me," Mika said glaring at Miloe her eyes burning with pure hatred they seemed to be glowing red. She snapped her fingers and a burst of flames surrounded the cage. "I should kill you."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Rae sat in the shadows her legs crossed and her head down. She had her hands rested on her knees as if she was deep in medatation. She didn't bother to see what Damien had found. She wasn't going to let this place get to her. She was going to stay calm. "Hey Rae, come get some weapons before they are all gone,"she heard Damien shout from the bottom of the basement. She didn't answer him. She stayed where she sat her eyes still closed, her head still down, and still sitting in that same position. [I]'We have to get out of here. We have to get home. I know some familes are worried about their kids. But it seems we are trapped in here. But there has to be a way out,'[/I]thoughts of escape kept running through Rae's mind but nothing that seemed easy or even doable keep to her. "Hey, are you alright," Damien asked walking toward her a bit. Rae opened her eyes and lifted her head to look at him. Her eyes were a bit glassy. It appeared that she was about to cry. When she felt the drops of tears fall from her face she turned away. "I'm fine."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Rae spun her double swords, the weapons she choosen, around a bit. Then she placed them in between her belt and her pants. She heard Naru ask Damien about this place and walked closer to them. "Yeah Damien. I would like an explaintion. I think we all would." A lot of people nodded. Some with fright spread across their faces. She too, seemed to be a bit scared.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]"I'll go,"Mika said holding her hand up quickly. "It's better than standing around here." "Okay then, Miloe and Pierrot will search the east wing together. If you find anything, give us a sign," Chad said. "Like what," asked Pierrot. "Use your powers. Just a little sign though. Try not to attrach much attention, alright." "Okay." Through all this chat, Miloe stand silent and so did Mika. She wasn't really in the mood for chit chat. She just want to find Daemon and find some action. "Let's move it people,"she said after a while. "Okay, okay. We're going. You have one hotty attitude, Mika," Chad said with a grin. Mika grinned back and says," I'm 'Fire Chick'. What did you expect?" He only laughed and them two went on their way. ((Sorry it took me so long to post. Finals are coming up.))[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Rae just watched everyone and waiting for Jak to come back shortly. "If he doesn't come back, I"m going out to find him," she said impatiently after a few minutes. "Don't be in such a rush to get yourself killed," Damien said side glancing at her. "Well, he's been gone a while."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Rae raised and eyebrow at Damien for a second and just watched him wabbled a bit. She looked around the bus for something to work as a weapon. What she found was a pipe that was as long as a sword. "Guess this will have to do,"she said giving it a bit of a swing almost hitting Damien in the back of his head. "Whatch it before you hit someone,"someone on the bus yelled at her. Rae didn't see her said it but she had her eyes on everyone that was behind her.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Rae stood up quick bored with the consist bickering going on. She flipped her hair behind her and faced everyone with a very stern look on her face. "I say we get the hell out of here and find some place warm to sleep. The bus is down and there is not heat. Plus, if we move we will stay warm and if we don't find anything we can just head back tried." "But what about flashlights," Jak said turning to her. "I have a flashlight in my bag. I pretty sure other peeps got some, right?" There were a few murmors here and there to her question. It seemed everyone was scared to go out in the forest where dangered lay up ahead. Rae turned to Damien. "How far is the nearest town do you think?" "Not sure. Possible pretty far especially since we are traveling in a big group." "Well, I still think we should go," Sora said heading to the door of the bus. "If we go, we need weapons first,"Rae said.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]For way up high in a blossoming tree, Shisuki saw the action take place. "Dammit," Shisuki shouted as she jumped from the tree her eyes filled with frustration and anger "My team is going to fry my ass for this!'' Her hair brushed against her face as she fell to the ground, landing on her feet with elegancy. She stood up quickly and ran as fast as she could to the others. "I don't even know where my team is," she said to herself as she came closer and closer to the gate. When she was close, she saw a laser blast from a distance. "What was that," she shouted as she ran up ahead some more. All around where dead soldiers. Heads either cut off, bodies sliced in half, or bones crushed. "No!!! I missed the fight. Hm? Hiro has to be around here somewhere. I hope he doesn't hurt me when I tell him why I was late to battle." She cringed but kept going on. From time to time, Shisuki saw men running up ahead of her and by the way they dressed they were the enemy. "If I didn't have to run at this pace, I would kill them but I must find my team," she said as she jumped over their heads dodging their bloody attacks. Shisuki got frustrated with all the running and not running into anyone she knew, she began to shout. "Hiro! Where the hell are you?!?!" Nothing. Silence. She kept running on calling everyone's name that she could think of. "Renée!!!!" Nothing. "Azuroth!!" Still nothing, still silence. She kept doing this for a few minutes until: "Shut up!! You'll give us away!!" She recongized that voice. It was Hiro. As she came closer, she notice that Renée accompany him. Not to far off was Azuroth who was deep in battle. As she approaced them she notice a giant machine getting ready for another blast. "What is that?" ((Sorry I'm late. Computer was down for a while. :animeswea ))[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]((I'm really sorry if I haven't been posting lately. My computer was down. And I'm so lost and I can't read all the post to figure out what's going on so can someone PM me and tell me, please and tell me what's going on[/COLOR][/FONT]?))
  10. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Mika looked up at Pierrot who seemed to be enjoying himself by making a fool of himself. "Why would anyone want to show there powers here and now? It could give some one the chance to find a weakness against someone they hated,"she said to him sitting up in her seat. "So we can learn a bit more about one another," He replied looking back at her. "Why would anyone want to really know about each other? I mean, some of us just want to keep to ourself. Not everyone is socially active here." Mika glanced at a few people who return her look with an evil glar. She just sneered and returned her eyes on Pierrot.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Mika propped her feet on her desk staring out the window. The teacher, Mr. Crouch, had giving them a free day today. "What a lack of teaching,"she said not really paying to anyone that was chatting, laughing goofing off. She just stayed to herself. She must of been really bored because soon she took out her sketch pad and began to draw a picture of the school. She drew in much detail that it looked directly like the school but yet it didn't. It was Mika's own idea of the school. The way she wanted the school to look like. It was all black surround by flames. Demons popped out here and there with red peircing eyes. They looked as if they were lusting for blood. Human blood more than ever. Mika pulled back from her pictured and make a disgusted face at it. She ripped the picture out of the sketch pad and turned it to ashes. She through the ball of burning paper ball flame at a nearby desk. She then put her feet back on her desk and closed her eyes. "Yeah, this is starting to turn out real great."[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Rae Tallis Age:16 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/Natsuki-Chan/Anime%20Girls/PunkGirl.jpg]Rae[/URL] Short Bio: Her parents deserted her when she was just a young girl. Ever since they, she's been very hateful to other people that have parents. She's always getting detention or going to jail. She lives with her foster parents Jake and July, who just want the very best of her but no mater what they say or do, nothing works for her. She is a very smart brilliant girl and does her homework every night but it is still a wonder why she gets all these detentions. Personality: She's a bad girl. Very sarcastic. She doesn't like to hang out with her friends much but she doesn't sometimes. She's not Weapon: Double swords but for now she just has a pipe.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Rae Tallis [B]Age:[/B]16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d85/Akira_1357/Not%20in%20Anime%20Pics/1e6a0481.jpg]Rae[/URL] [B]Short Bio:[/B] Her parents deserted her when she was just a young girl. Ever since they, she's been very hateful to other people that have parents. She's always getting detention or going to jail. She lives with her foster parents Jake and July, who just want the very best of her but no mater what they say or do, nothing works for her. She is a very smart brilliant girl and does her homework every night but it is still a wonder why she gets all these detentions. [B]Personality:[/B] She's a bad girl. Very sarcastic. She doesn't like to hang out with her friends much but she doesn't sometimes. She's not [B]Weapon:[/B] Double swords but for now she just has a pipe.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed]Mika was running down the halls her stuff falling from her arms as she looked down at her schedule and up at the numbers posted on the doors. "Dammit! I'm already late for my class,"she said trying to hurry. She finally found the class she was looking for. She rearranged her things and opened the door. She knew that the teacher would already be lecturing and the teachers barely paying attention but she wasn't ready for the teacher's glare. That teacher frozen her in her place. Mika couldn't move but she didn't make herself appeared frighten amongst the students. She could tell that her teacher was pretty pissed off at her for being so late but really she didn't have time for this. She pulled up some courage and walked to an empty dest in the back by a window. [I]'I don't care if this is my seat or not. I'll sit here until the teacher tells me something differently,'[/I]she thought to herself looking out the window. After a while the teacher started her lecture again but kept making glances at Mika for a while. "This is going to be a long day,"Mika said to herself sighing deeply.[/COLOR]
  15. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed] [B]Name:[/B]Shisuki Layer [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Race:[/B] Neko demon. [B]Position:[/B]Mercenary [B]Personality:[/B] She is a very serious person. She has this look in her eyes that makes everyone stop doing what they are doing and listen to what she's got to say. Even though she has a very serious attitude, she still has a energetic side to her. Sometimes she'll goof around a bit as if she were back in college. [B]Appearance:[/B][URL=http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f225/vixenassassin/Neko_Warrior.jpg]Shisuki[/URL] [B]Weapon:[/B] Double cresent moon elbow blades. [B]Abilities/magic:[/B] Magic- Element fire. [B]Character Snippet: [/B]NO! You can't leave me again! I won't let you," said a helpless little girl pulling on her mother's sleeve. The mother snatched her arm away from the girl and glared at her. "I'm sorry but I have to go, Shisuki. I must. So stop your whining and leave me alone,"her mother shouted at her. The girl's eyes start to water. She sniffed a few times but looked up at her mother. "Why do you have to leave me?" "Do you want to stay in this house? I think you do, so I have to go to work to pay for this house. Don't worry, you'll father will be here to watch you so you won't be alone." "NO!!! He's not my father! He's just some guy you married out of the blue when papa died! I hate this man who is not my father! I hate him and I hate you," Shisuki shouted her fist clenched, tears streaming down her childish face. KA-BOW!! Shisuki's mother strucked her in the back of her head with the back of her hand making her stumble. "DON'T YOU SAY THAT! I LOVE THAT MAN AND HE LOVES ME! THAT'S WHY I MARRIED HIM YOU UNGRATEFUL CHILD!!!" "It's not like he loves you," Shisuki muttered in a low voice. "What?" "Nothing,"she said sniffling a bit. "Good, I'm leaving now so behave yourself,"with that her mother walked out the door without another word. A man around the age of 30 came into the room and looked down apon Shisuki. "Your mother gone," he asked smiling down at her with one of his charming smiles that could make a girl fall to their knees. Shisuki walked past the man quickly nodding her head slowly, tears falling down her face. "Yes," she said her voice cracked. The man, Mark, grabbed Shisuki around her little waist and pulled her close. "Working again." "Leave me alone," she screamed pulling away from him and running into the kitchen. He followed in there with a grin on his face. "You know I love it when you run. It just makes it more fun,"he said with a maniac laugh. "So where are you hiding now? Are you under the cabinet or under the sink?" Shisuki was hiding in the kitchen closet her body pressed hard against the selves. [I]'I have something. So if he finds me, I'll be ready for him. If he touches me again, I'll be ready for him.'[/I] These were her thoughts. Evil thoughts ran through her mind at how she could do this. This deadly sin she was about to pull off. [I]'It's been going on too long and I just can't take it anymore,'[/I]she thought crying. Then suddenly the door flew wide open and Mark stood there smiling at her. "Here again. You hide here last time," he said making a grab for her but she was ready. She pulled the butcher knife from behind her back and stabbed his hand. He let a scream of pain and pulled away from her but Shisuki wasn't satisfied. She wanted blood, his blood. This little girl filled with rage, and hate from both him and her mother, charged at Mark stabbing him in his stomach, his chest, every inch she could reach until he layed helpless dead on the floor...... 5 Hours later, Shisuki's mother return finding Mark in the kitchen his body stabbed all around. Written next to his body in crimson liquid was a message [B]'I tried to warn you about him. I tried to warn you about me but you don't know me. You don't know me at all. Since you didn't listen to me, I just did what was meant to be done. I can never forgive you mother dearest. It's because of you I'm like this. It's because of you, I'm no longer me.'[/B] Occ: I'm done! Hope it's okay. Any problems, PM me! :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Basic schedule 1. Homeroom 2. English 3. Elective 4. Something based on your skill 5. Elective 6. Math 7. Soccer Here is the registration form. Name: Mika Taylor Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c283/piggies_go_oink/Anime%20Pictures/neko_anime_1.jpg]Mika[/URL] [URL=http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c283/piggies_go_oink/Anime%20Pictures/goth_anime_1.jpg]Her Clothing.[/URL] Personality: She is mostly a quiet kind of girl with a very sarcastic mouth. She keeps to herself a lot because she doesn't really trust other people all that much. Sometimes she becomes out of character. Instead of that shy sarcastic girl she became more talkative with others, that is if they know how to respect her. Bio: Mika was born in a small town in New Jersey. Both her parents were mortals but her mother's mother was a mutant and it skipped a generation. Instead of her mother getting the mutant powers, Mika got them. Her mother, I guess in anyone's opinion, was very hateful to her daughter. She abused her a lot and her father was never around to see. Her father worked in the military, I guess that's when he met his match. During one of his missions, he was shot out of the sky while in a USA aircraft. His jet sunk to the sea never to be found in years. After that tragic day, Mika kept abusing her more and more. Mika was only 13 at the time when she discovered her powers. She kept them a secret from her mother for months. She was tried of the abuse and did something she would never be forgiven for. She murdered her own mother. She didn't mean to. It was out of rage. Her mother came to whip her while she was cooking dinner. She slipped on the wet floor and started crying out of fear. Then the flames from the stove burst into giant flames that surrounded her mother instantly. Mika had no clue what was going on but she ran. Leaving the house to caught on fire. Leaving everything she had behind. Mika has lived in one foster home after another, everyone wanting to know what really happened to her mother. She never told a single soul. She found out about this school and thought it the best way to control this power deep inside of her. Power: Mika has conrol over anything fire. She can either create it herself or use it from a source nearby. When using it from a source near by it won't take much energy to use and it will last longer. When she creates it herself, she tends to over drain herself. She can make small orbs of fire, that when touched by another explodes into rays of fire. When out of energy she'll just use her cat claws. PM me if I should make any changes.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Thanks so much everyone and I decided to use one of each of yours. They all looked really good. I especially liked Keyblade Wielder's because of the stars and all. So thanks to all for helping me and I might ask one of you for help on a new avitar. :catgirl: [/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]They are all great but I will make my final decision when Keyblade Wielder is finished.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=2]I haven't been here in a while and I think I need a new banner. [URL=http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c283/piggies_go_oink/Anime%20Pictures/neko_anime_1.jpg]Here[/URL] is the pic I want to be use as my banner. Can anyone make it smaller though? If not I'll find a new pic. I also would like 'BlackTigerGurl' in cury lettering. If anything else let me know. Thanks, BlackTigerGurl :catgirl: [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]I already got the banner I want. (Thanks you guys but I need an avi resized for me. Can anyone do that for me? Here's the link to the picture: [URL=http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f15/H_Ningyo/neko-girl13.gif]BlackTigerGurl[/URL] Thanks to anyone that does this. Oh, can you add color to the background too? If not, don't worry about it. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][LEFT]"Um...I know I don't have much say...but I think we should...um...work out a stradegy. We don't want to go into battle...um...without knowing what we are going to...do, right,"Sasha said in barely a whisper. "What was that,Sasha,"Kain asked just noticing she had said something. "Oh, nevermind. It was nothing,"she said looking down at the ground. "I think,"Sandra started,"Sasha implied that we should wait awhile. Study our powers and see how we can use them in battle. We don't want the darkness to win over us now do we?" Sasha smiled at Sandra. She didn't think anyone had heard her or would of agreed to her proposition. Sasha was glad to have met a girl like Sandra. [I]'Please, let the leader go over our powers, our stradegy before battle. I don't think I'm quite ready for battle yet,'[/I]Sasha thought to herself.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][LEFT]Sasha wanted to speak up but she thought that no one would listen to her like other times. Instead of speaking out she kept her mouth shut and followed the others. [I]'I hope we are going somewhere to work on our strategy instead of going straight to the darkness,'[/I]she thought to herself behind the group. [I]'It all depends on what the leader wants. If he thinks we are ready to fight the darkness then we shall follow after him,'[/I]said Fear clearly into Sasha's mind. [I]'But I don't think I'm quite that ready. I may have completed my transformation but I don't have any fight abilities within me.'[/I] [I]'That is what Kain and Benard are here for. I suspect they will be the greater fights. Sandra and you will help them in battles.'[/I]Fear said stopping there. Sasha nodded understanding a bit. [I]'I'll just do my best,'[/I]she thought to herself.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][LEFT][I]'It seems everyone has greater abilities than I do,'[/I]Sasha thought to herself as she watch Sandra killed the child using her powers of Happiness. [I]'That isn't true, Sasha. You are still growing. Your transformation isn't quite finish yet,'[/I]said the Blue Stone clearly in her mind with a slight irritation in it's voice. [I]'Then why am I the last to complete my transformation?'[/I] [I]'Your mind is troubled. You had a troubled life as a young child and now. Enable to complete the transformation in a quicker way, you must clear you mind of all that frightens you.'[/I] [I]'All that frightens me....,'[/I]Sasha said repeating the worlds in her mind as she tried to block out all the thoughts that had hunted her for years. She wanted to get stronger like the rest. She wanted more abilities then just making images of what frightens people. She could feel the power flow her body faster then before. It was hurting her but she bared with it. [I]'I have...to get stronger....to fight the darkness,'[/I]Sasha baring with the pain. She felt the power fun through the tip of the fingers down to the bottom of her feet. Sasha closed her eyes feeling all the power run through her body sending chills down her spin. [I]'Very good Sasha. Your transformation is completed! How do you feel,'[/I]said Fear with a sigh of relief. [I]'I feel...great,'[/I]Sasha said opening her eyes feeling the power all over her giving her a tingling sensation. [I]'Now you have a few other abilities.[/I] [I]'Which are?'[/I] [I]'Don't be impatient. In time you will see them for yourself,'[/I]Fear said with a bit of laughter in it's voice. [I]'Okay,'[/I]Sasha said sighing,"So where are we going to now, guys,''she asked the group as Sandra return after healing the young girl.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]Let's see, I think I need a new banner. Hm? What should it be? I want something dark. I don't care what picture it is of but something that resembles darkness. Then I would like the words [I]'I'm trapped in total darkness of you.'[/I] Is someone up for the job? And if you can't find a pic I would be glad to find one. :animesmil Thanks to anyone who takes the job. -BlackTigerGurl :catgirl: [/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkOrchid][LEFT] [B]Name:[/B] Alethea [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B][URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/girls178.jpg ] Alethea[/URL] [B]Chosen Position:[/B] Honesty [B]Weapon:[/B] Crescent elbow blades for head to head combat. Alethea is more of the type to go head on then stand back. So these weapons fit her best in head to head combat with its easy grip and the thickness of the blades she could take out an enemy instantly. [B]Personality:[/B] Alethea is sort of shy around new comers. Although she maybe shy she will speak what is on her mind. She isn't afraid of telling the truth. She is an honest girl and stays true to herself and others. When in battle, she is a tought girl to beat. No she isn't all powerful but you never except a girl to hold such power such as herself. She wields her weapon with such skill it seems she was the master of a clan or the teacher of a school. It is weird though. In battle she acts as if she was totally a different person.[/LEFT] [CENTER][I][B] Writing Sample:[/B] 'I...I...can't breath...This can't be real. It...It has to be a dream.' It was a dream. A dream that hunt Alethea late at night when the moon was bright with the stars guiding it as light. In her dream, she was floating in the air. But it was different. How so different? The air was...empty. The only thing that filled the air was darkness, bitterness, and a great cold that sent chills down her spine as the dream deepen. Images started to float past her as she stayed in the pit of darkness. The images where of her past life. The life she abandon long ago and hoped never to returned to again. But these dreams, these dreams kept hunting her every night as long as she could remember. "I just...I just want to leave,"she said in her sleep. She tossed and turned in her bed but didn't awaken from her slupper. At first the images were blurry but soon they became cleary in her child-like mind. The images shown a dead body lying in her coffin. The body was of a woman's shaped wearing a white laced gown. In her hands she carried a many verity of flowers. From tulips to roses to anything you could think of, there they laid. From this point, Alethea could move. She sat up right in her dream and walked over to the coffin afraid of what she might see. Alethea rested her hands that shook violently on the coffin and peered inside. Her eyes became wide with terror. Blood suddenly oozed from the coffin and spilled over. She backed up trying to escape it but where was she to run? She was in total darkness, surround by it all. The blood ran down the coffin and ran against the floor at her. "No! Not again. Why? Why do you do this to me, mother?! Why,"Alethea shouted as she tried to run but the thick ooze off blood followed after her. Then she realized she was surround. The blood had leaded her into a trap but how? It wasn't something that could think? But for some reason it tricked her into a dead end where she was surround by it. The blood slowly made its way up her leg, slowly devouring her body little by little. She screamed as loud as she could but no one heard her in her sleep. Then shortly after the scream when the blood had arisen to her chest, a bright blinding light approached her in the depth of her dream. A young figure approached her slashing the blood away. She collapse to the ground sweat falling from her face. "You are safe now,"said the young figure the voice of a young boy,"You put up quite a fight. By now you would of been gone to the darkness. Maybe you should considering joining the Keeper of Dreams." She just stared at him confused but nodded anyways. Shortly afterwards he explained everything about the Keeper of Dreams and their mission. Eager to join, she did all the necessary requirment to become a member. "I want to protect those that have fear the darkness for so long. I want to destory which that that tried to destory me," Alethea said with such passion that she believed she could do it. She grasped her weapon tightly and set out for her mission to destory the darkness that only appeared in the mind of a child, in their dreams.[/CENTER][/I] [B]OOC:[/B] I hope this is good enough since I'm the first female to join. :animesmil Please PM me if I need to make any changes. -BlackTigerGurl :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][LEFT]Sasha looked at the three as they waited patiently for introduction. She sighed really not wanting to say anything about herself but she knew she had to. "My name is Sasha and I carry the Blue Stone of Fear. I am 17 years and out of school. Up still now I lived with my foster parents. Now I carry this stone and I guess I'm suppose to help in this battle between light and evil,"she said shyly looking down at the ground, her hands sweating terribly. [I]'It's okay, Sasha. They are your friends now and are going to help you,'[/I] the Blue Stone said cleary into her mind[I],'Your transformation is almost complete. You just need to calm yourself down a bit to actually be able to control the power.'[/I] [I]'Okay, I got you,'[/I]Sasha said taking a deep breath.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
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