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Everything posted by BlackTigerGurl

  1. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][LEFT][B]OOC:[/B] :animeswea Sorry for posting late. I got grounded. Sasha could feel the power flowing through her body in wonderful seeps. It felt wonderful and gave her new confident in herself. [I]'This power....it is wonderful. Running threw my whole body making me...forget,'[/I]Sasha taking it all in at once[I],'What's going on?[/I] [I]'You're being your transformation, Sasha,'[/I]said the Blue Stone in her mind. [I]'Transformation?[/I] [I]'Yes, you are being to get closed to the others. The others are giving you strength from them as you get closer and closer. Plus, you are taking my power. Getting strength to fight the darkness. Do feel it? Do you feel the darkness also transforming?'[/I] Sasha concentrated on only the darkness. The power that was flowing threw her body now was blocking the darkness but the longer she thought about it and the bitterness she could feel it. The darkness also growing stronger and itching for a kill. It sent shivers threw her body thinking about it. Blood chilling shivers. [I]'Do not fear them, Sasha. Let them fear you,'[/I]the Blue Stone said feeling her terror. [I]'Let them fear me? That is impossible. I'm a coward and no one will ever fear me,'[/I]Sasha replied back. [I]'I am the stone of fear which means you have the power of controling others fears. Making self images of what they fear the most and turning against them. This is a useful trick on destoring the darkness, Sasha. But you mustn't be afraid. If you have any fear within you body, you power will turn against you showing your most fear. You must focus, Sasha. Focus on their fears and not your own. Do you understand?'[/I] [I]Yes, I understand everything,'[/I]Sasha said the feeling of power becoming fusing into her body. Sasha could feel the presents of the other stones becoming closer as she stepped off the train the glow around her body becoming brighter but no one else seemed to notice. She turned to look at Sandra who also felt two other stones coming toward them, quickly. She smiled and Sasha returned it. This was the first time Sasha wasn't afraid. Afraid of death and afraid of losing. She then noticed two guys running toward them, the same bright energy flowing through their bodies also. [I]'One of these boys carries the white stone. He is are leader and will lead us to the darkness and shal help us overcome them. The other is the carrier of the sliver stone, the co-leader,'[/I]the Blue Stone said as the boys approached them. "Are you the carriers of the Blue and the Pink stone,"said one of the boys sensing the power over the girls.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][LEFT][B]OOC:[/B]This seems interesting. I'll give it a shot. [B]Name:[/B]Talim Mojo [B]Age:[/B]16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B][URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/tifa.jpg ]Talim[/URL] Add some white tiger ears, a tail, some claws, and red peircing eyes and you have Talim. [B]Personality:[/B]She comes as she goes. Does what she please. She doesn't listen to anybody because she thinks she is better than the rest. She is mostly blunt and will sock a person out just for pointless causes. Most stay away because of her mean streak. [B]Side:[/B]Reject [B]Type:[/B]Prefect [B]Spliced with:[/B] White Tiger [B]Abilites:[/B] Enhanced senses {Hearing, sight, movement.}She is very sly and can move gracefully without a sound. Her strength is at a high level like her movement. She has very sharp canines that can peirce into almost anything. [B]Bio:[/B]Walking the deserted streets of New York, Talim had her hands shoved into her shorts with her eyes closed in deep thought. She carried a dark black bookbag on her back which made some sort of jingling noise as she walked. A bright substance was poking out from one of the side pockets of the bag. It appeared to be a bright silver merchandise from a very expensive jewlery store. Talim sneered to herself as she kept walking down the empty streets with broken lights that barely even flickered. She pulled her hands from her out of her pockets and flinged her back onto the ground removing some of the goods she had stolen. "Great. Everything is still here and they still have no clue who stole them. Heh. Idiots of the century,"Talim said putting the jewel that was sticking out of the bag back in correctly. Then she suddenly she heard sirens nearby. "Crap! The the po-pos,"she said under her breath slinging the bag back onto her back and dashing away into the darker parts of the alleyways. Her boots hit water from time to time running across the streets trying to escape to her hideout. Her breath came in small pants since she was used to all the running from the cops all the time. Passing the dead part of the city, Talim came to an old worn out department store at the end of the road of Elm Street. She panted a few times before walking up to the store with its broken windows, doors that were off the hinges slightly, and the wood appears to be made from the year of 100b.c. or something. But it didn't matter to Talim. It was the only place the cops didn't check. They never check down town New York. She walked over to the door open it which made an eerie screeching sound as it was open and closed. She dropped her goods onto a nearby table and walked over to what appeared to be an uncomforable sofa that was placed in there by her. She threw her legs up on the sofa and layed her head back letting the awful memories flood into her head. [CENTER][B][I]Starting of Memory-Talim telling the Story[/B] 'Mother, look at me. I'm doing it,'I remember saying when I was about 5 years old. I was attempting to do a back stroke in my l tiny pool with my mother watching from the side line. 'Yes you are, Talim. Yes you are,'said my mother. My mother had a gentle face with beautiful brown eyes that shine in the moon light. Her teeth were pearly white which brought a shimmer glow to her appearance. I loved her dearly. My father wasn't in our life then. He had packed up and lefted when he realized that my mother was pregnant. He thought it the most terrible thing in his life time. After that it was just my mother and I. I remember everything as if it was yesterday. There we were goofing around like always. Then she left to get the door and I heard the gun shots. I ran in the living scared out of my mind for my mother. She was the only one that loved me. "Mother! Mother,"I remember screaming. To my horror I found her body on the sofa blood falling from her chest. The person who had killed her had ran up and left. I still have no clue who it was. I cried on her shoulder until the neighbors came wondering what had happen. From there on I was taken to my Aunt who rejected me. She didn't want me because I was nothing but trouble. The foster care people said that they even contacted my father but he refused to claim me as his daughter. So then I was placed in a foster home but even there the people didn't want me. So I left at the age of 10. Been on my on ever since. [B]End of memory[/B][/I][/CENTER] Talim turned in the sofa when suddenly someone burst through the door tearing it down. "Talim Mojo, you are under arrest for murder and bank robbing,'said an officer with a gun pointed right at her. Unprepare for this, she sat up on the sofa with her hands out ready for the cuffs. They cuffed her and took her off. But not to jail but to Antarctica. "Why am I here,"she asked when they released her cuffs and sent her with someone else. "You're being used as an experiment for your punishment,"replied the officer as he got back into his jet and took off leaving her there with this strange man who took her into a room for studing and preparing her for the experiment. [B]OOC:[/B]I'm finally done and boy is it long. Sorry about that, I was just really bored and had nothing better to do. If there is anything wrong iwth the Bio,Pm me and I'll made any of the necessary changes. Oh and Sliver, how's this? :catgirl: [/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][LEFT]Sasha picked at her food unwilling to eat it. Something inside of her wouldn't let her eat the finest food she would ever get in front of her. The aroma should have made her mouth water but instead it made her sick. "I'm not all to hungry right now,"she said setting her plate on the table by her bed. "But you must eat. You need your strength for when we go to battle the darkness," Sandra said staring at Sasha as she slowly got up and walked over to the of the bathroom. "I'll eat...Just not now,"she said opening the door and stepping in shutting it behind her. Sandra just stared at the closed door of the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, Sasha stared at her reflection in the mirror thinking hard. This was still a big shock to her, it all just came so suddenly. She had asked for an escape and she gotten one but why? Why her? "Why me,"she mutter to herself looking away at her reflection in disgust,"I know I asked for an escape but this is sending me farther into the shadows I tried to run away from. I...I...don't have the confidence for this. I'll..end up...letting everyone down." She gripped the edge of the sink tightly as she let the tears fall down from her face into the sink. She gripped the sink so tightly that her hands actually turned a very pale white. "I'll let them all down like I did my mother and I can't afford that. I can't afford the pain again." [I]'Stop it, Sasha,'[/I]said the Blue Stone clearly in her mind. It sounded furious and full of rage sending a shiver down Sasha's spine. The Stone glowed brightly either from anger or annoyance but either or it was still magnificent in the dim lighting of the bathroom. "It's the truth. This is how I feel and I don't...,"she started but was cut of before she could finish. [I]'That won't happen. I know you have seen death in your life time and that is why you hold tuch terror to your heart. But you need to release this fright from your body, Sasha. It will only get in the way of this battle,'[/I]the Stone said calming its self down a bit,[I]'I'm the stone of fear and I can help you overcome your fear. Just trust me and your teammates, okay?"[/I] Sasha sniffed for a minute finally letting go of the sink. "I'll try," she muttered ripping some tissue for her nose. [I]'You won't try, you will.'[/I] "I will..." With that she opened the door of the bathroom and sat back on the bed. "Are you okay,"Sandra asked looking at her concerned. "I'm fine. I just needed to think some things over, that's all,"Sasha said smiling warmly up at Sandra. "I'm glad,"she said returning the smile.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]"Heh, I don't see what the big deal is. The Ak-Baba have awoken, so what? They are no match for our present self and our future self,"Salima said thrusting for a fight. And not an easy fight more of a challenge of a fight. "That's probably not such a good idea. We shouldn't just rush into battle without knowing about our enemies. They could contain powers that we have never heard of. This isn't our time. This isn't our place. Everything is different here. A maxium of different,"said Edgar. Salima didn't say anything just looked down at the ground. [I]''Maybe she is right,''[/I]she thought to herself as she looked off in the distance at the tiny little dots that appeared to be coming closer.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][LEFT]Sasha left late that afternoon her bag full of clothes, first aid kit, food, and other important needs. She needed to leave earily for her foster mother would be coming home any soon. She tucked her foster brother in bed for his nap and left. [I]'I love you always,'[/I]she whispered as she closed the door of his room behind her. She opened the front door and closed it softly after her. She carried her bag on her shoulder looking as if she was running late for school. "Were are we going,"she asked the stone as it dangled from her neck on a beautiful gold chain. [I]'The train station,'[/I]it replied. Sasha was thinking on what else to say but her mind was swimming with questions and she didn't know what to ask first. [I]'All your questions will be answered shortly. The girl with the pink stone shall help you. I can sense that she isn't fair away.'[/I] Sasha didn't know what to say after that last comment so she didn't say anything at all. She past her old school and shivers ran down her spine as if someone had dump a pail of freezing water on her back. She dare not look at the teens that were outside. She walked a few more blocks until she came to the train station. "Is this the place,"she muttered under her breath making sure no one was listening to her. [I]'Yes, now get aboard the train. She should be there,'[/I]the stone said calmly. "How do you know so much,"Sasha said paying the token it cost to board the train. [I]"I know because I am one of the stones of power. You remember the stones at the musuem with the stolen stones. I am one of them. You found me, Sasha. We stones can feel each others power, good or evil. And we must move fast for the darkness is near.'[/I] Sasha nodded not asking anything more. She boarded the train and looked around. She walked down the aisle of the train her eyes on the ground. [I]'I shouldn't be here. My foster parents will be worry sick.'[/I] [I]'Try not to be afraid,'[/I]the stone said to her calmly. Sasha nodded and took a seat in the front section she was in. There she saw a girl sitting by herself a flute case next to her. She looked up at their eyes met for a sec and then Sasha looked down. [I]'It is her. The master of the pink stone.'[/I][/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][LEFT]Sitting in front of a tiny table her feet under her, Sasha sat with a very large open book in front of her. Her bright green eyes skimmed the pages carefully as she listened to her tutor speak, well partly listen. She was off in her own little world thinking about the gem she had found a while back. It's beautiful blue surface branging memories of happiness and despair to her troubled mind. "Sasha, are you listening to me or are you pretending to be reading but just daydreaming," said the tutor in a very stern voice catching her eyes lose focus of what he was saying. "Um...yes...Mr.Hence,"she said in a shaky untruthful voice. Her adult tutor sighed deeply and looked up at the ceiling. "I get the feeling that you are listening to me again. I really don't think this tutor thing is working much for you, Sasha." "Please don't say that....I'm trying my best,"Sasha said in barely a whisper. "This is like the fourth time you've been daydreaming while I was lecturing. If you can't pay attention they I quit." Sasha looked down at the glass table looking at her own reflection. Her eyes appeared sad and lost. Like there was no where for her to go. "Excuse me,"she said standing up slowly and walking up stairs to her bedroom her feet slagging across the carpet as she did so. Once in her room she walking over to her dresser draw and opened. Immediately a bright burning light of crystal blue flutter from the drawer. Sasha grasped the stone in her hand and gazed at it. "Mother,"she whispered," how I miss you so much." The tears fell from her face in tiny crystal like balls hitting her hand and the crystal blue stone. Suddenly, there was a loud bang of a door being shut. She knew that sound and it was her foster father returning from work. She could hear him and Mr. Hence talking softly down the stairs. She couldn't make out what they were saying but she had a clue. Then she heard the door shut again. "Sasha, come down stairs please,"she heard her father say calmly after setting his stuff down. Sasha came stumbling down the stairs the stone still in her hand but behind her back. "Yes..."she said looking down at the ground. "Your tutor told me you weren't paying attention agian. Is this true?" "Yes...but I was..." "I don't care what you were thinking about,"her foster father said cutting her off," your education is more important then anything else. Right now your foster mother and I can't afford another tutor. We've been thinking about it for quite some time and we think you should go back to school were they are professionals to help you learn and study." "But I don't want to,"Sasha said quietly. She never spoke up and never spoke her mind. That is why she never gets what she wants. "It doesn't matter. You'll be starting school tomarrow. I already filled out the application." Sasha didn't say anything. She knew that once she was back in school the beating would being. She didn't want to see her own blood again. The blood that she was born with. "I-I-I'll go,"she stuttered fighting back tears. She then slowly turned on her heels and walked back up to her room. Sitting at her desk with her hands in her face, Sasha cried scared of going back. Scared of getting hurt. Scared of everything. The stone layed next to her burning brightly still. [I]'Don't be afraid,'[/I]came a low moan from the stone. She looked up and around and then at the stone. "W-What?" [I]'I understand your fear but right now you have to be brave. We have to find the others. Don't ask question just pack. Hurry, the darkness will be here shortly."[/I] Confuse, Sasha did as she was told packing only what was need. "I just want...to get away,"she said using it as an excuse as she finished her packing.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]Salima came out the house a bit satisfied with her conversation with her folks. She then took notice of Edgar and her very stern look as she looked at Neiro and Loki. "What is going on,"she said approaching them. "The Ak-Baba have awoken,"Edgar said the face expression staying the same," you know about them, right Salima?" "Slightly, yes,"was her only reply,"But the stories said that they had died years ago." "Apparently not. They've awoken and its bad. We must find the rest of our companions,"Edgar said walking off as the others followed closely behind her.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]Salima whipped the tears from her face and looked over the horizon. "My mother is like any other mother. Of course she protects her kids during life threating situtations but other than that she is very kind and carries the aura of cinnamon around her. Her eyes are like mine but they carry more of a softer touch. That's probably why she wasn't the fighting type of person. My father on the other hand is the fighter and wanted my brother to be. He had the heart of a warrior but a soul of a child. You would never believe that he would act like such a kid when you saw him. Muscular and a very stern look when ever he talks or just looks at you. My family, at least to me, is something special and I never wanted to lose them. It's my fault that my brother is gone now," she said all this sinking down to the ground her eyes slowly filled with tears again but she didn't let them fall. She sniffed from time to time trying to control herself to stop these useless emtions. She heard Loki sit next to her, his eyes just on her. It gave her this weird feeling. Like she was giving herself away to him little by little in small peices. Then she suddenly, for no apparent reason or maybe she just needed someone with her, rest her head on his shoulder her hair falling onto her face barely revealing the tears the fell down her face. She mutter something softely under her breath but he didn't hear and she was partly thankful for it.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]Salima looks at her future self not really interested. She saw Loki awe her future self for a few but regain himself quickly. Salima really didn't like the future her. The F.Salima was wearing black pleather pants with a red tank top. She didn't wear a cloak like the real Salima usually does. "I guess I turned into a real scank,"Salima said putting her hands on her hips eyeing herself. F.Salima smiled calmly and says," And I see the past me is still into the dark look and that sassy attitude of mine. I still have it too anyways. Guess I'll never grow up in life." She sighed deeply at this own comment she made humoring herself. Salima glared at her future self but didn't say anything. "Where mother and father?" "Inside,"F.Salima said,"and yes they will be a bit upset when you see them again in the near future. It will be about another 5 months until you finally see them again. When you do you will be greatly upset." "Why,"Salima asked becoming serious now. F.Salima couldn't look her past self in the eyes but Salima saw all she wanted to see looking in her eyes. She knew the heart ache she would have to face once she gotten home. She knew that someone she had love and dispise all at once was no longer with them. "It's brother, isn't it,"was all she could mutter through a hoarse voice. F.Salima just nodded still not looking her in the eyes. Salima turned away. "I don't want to see them...I'm going to go for a while,"she said turning on her heels tears falling from her face looking like small glass crystals as she walked steadly away from the group. "Great, another one leaves us,"Salima heard Edgara mutter to herself,"we are suppose to stick together." But at the moment, Salima just wanted to cry the pain away before going anywhere.[I]'My brother. My only brother. How can he have died?! Why must it have been him?! Why,'[/I]Salima said to herself walking up a hill.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]Salima stared into Lokin's eyes for a few minutes then finally pulled herself away from him. The flames settle down as she heard his words of encouragment. "You best pray that everyone in my clan is fine and no of them dead,"she growled slightly folding her arms across her chest. "They are, I asure you,"Lokin said with a slight gracefully bow. She blushed but didn't let them see it. She pulled her hood over her face and walked away to a small lump of dirt and sat by herself. She put her legs under her and rested her hands on her legs with her head down. The others didn't payed much attention to her and just talked among themselves. [I]'Mother....Father...after all these months without seeing you how will you act about seeing me now, even if you saw the future me,'[/I]she asked herself staring out at the horizon.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][LEFT][B]Name:[/B] Sasha Maning [B]Gender:[/B]Female [B]Age:[/B]17 [B]Night Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/girls172.jpg ]Sasha[/URL] [B]Day Appearance:[/B] In her day appearance she just wears a school uniform much like [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/girls211.jpg ]this one.[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] At times she can be mostly shy in a new environment. She is the kind of girl to just sit back and listen without speaking her mind unless it is something she really didn't want to do. When approached to she will usually start to ramble about just plain out anything. After she opens up, which usually doesn't happen much, she is very sweet. She is a bit talkative when she is really interested into something. Since Sasha is a shy person she tends to lose confident in herself and gets scared. She doesn't have a lot of focus to subdue the fears that she holds. [B]IC:[/B]After Sasha's mother passed away when she was only a child, she lived in a foster home most of her life. It wasn't all bad. She went to a descent school, had descent friends, a good foster mother and father, and lived in a gentle town. But all that changed on her 14th birthday... "Open it, Sasha! Open it," said a small child no older than 5 years old. He had a gently boyish face with dirty blonde hair, and blue eyes. "I'm opening it as fast as I can,"Sasha said ripping the paper off her gift that her foster father just laid in front of her at the table. When she finished unwrapping the bright pink wrapper, there was a small wooden box with her initials on it. Sasha slowly opened the tiny box and what laid rest in the wooden box where tiny heart shape necklaces each with a different name. She turned to her foster father and embraced him. "Thank you so much,"she said. "You are welcome. Now off to school,"he said in a deep hoarse voice. "Okay..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ School was the last place she wanted to be right now. Lately she's been picked on by girls much older than her. Nothing really serious, just the normal name calling but today was different. "Give me your homework you little *****,"shouted a girl about the same age as Sasha. The only different was she was a lot taller with a pig-like face. "I c-c-can't,"studdered Sasha against a wall behind the school building. Her eyes were filled with fear and tears were running down her face steadily. "Why not? You're in my history class and the teacher won't mind if he doesn't find out,"sneered the girl grapping Sasha by her blouse. Sasha let out a scream but no on heard her or didn't care. Many called her a weakling even her so called friends did. No one wanted her as a friend anymore. She was classed as a loser now. A pathetic loser for no reason at all. "Screaming will just get you hurt,"shouted the bully as she sucker punched her in the stomach sending her flying across the ground. Just as this occured the school bell started to ring for first period class. "You're lucky the bell saved you or I could of done a lot worse to you,"the bully said stalking off,"Oh, and you better have your homework for me before 4th period." Then she was off. Sasha laid curled up on the ground clutching her stomach in pain. From time to time she cough up a sticky red substances from her mouth.[I]'Blood....? It's my own blood...'[/I]she thought to herself looking at the red pool of blood on the ground. Seeing the blood made her remember the time her mother died. [I]'The blood...it was everywhere...it was all over her. The doctors...the doctors said she would stay alive...they lied! Lied to me! She was the only thing I had left,'[/I]Sasha thought as she slowly stood up and walked away. She skipped school for the first time and went home. When her foster parents saw her bloody up school uniform and her bleeding lip they decided that it was time for her to be home school. From that day forward she was home schooled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Three years after that, she was still home school from a professional tutor. She hated her life as it was now. From time to time she had seen her bullier at random stores, random parks, and more. The girl gave her threating glares and hand gestures evertime there eyes met. One day in the park she saw something shimmering deep within the trees. Picking it up it appeared to be a crystaly blue the same color her mother liked. And she kept it for that same reason. [B]OOC:[/B]Done at last! If there are any changes needed let me know.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]"So almost everyone gots a future them. Who cares? I say, lets go kick their butts and go,"Salima said frustrated with this little chat. All she wanted to do was get to present time instead of lagging around here in the future. But something had her puzzled. Where was the future her? Salima clenched her fist. "I just want to go home,"she muttered to herself her eyes turning a firry red. Flames started to tease with her hair as they rouse from the surface of the ground. Her blades turned a bright crimson red that dazzled brightly. [I]'Why am I feeling such rage,'[/I]she thought her eyes turning dark by the minutes. Everyone eyed her for a moment. Not because they were scared but because they were confused. [I]'If this is the future then...then...then...they'll all dead. All of them are dead. My family! My friends! They are all dead,'[/I]Salima thought after a while. She hated the future. Hated it for the death it cause. For the heartache she was feeling. The person that kill her clan was...someone she really cared about...someone she trusted and yet he killed them all. [/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=TimesNewRoman][COLOR=Silver][LEFT][B]Real Name:[/B] Tasha Jones [B]Code Name:[/B] Lust [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Weapons:[/B] Machine guns: BackYard Artillary with 12 rotating barrels, Gatling guns with 10 Barrels, firing about 700-1000 rounds per minute, heavy duty, M16. Super9.AK-47, this gun is extremely heavy for even a male to handle. How Lust manages it is complicated. Another weapon is just a regular hand held pistol gun. This gun she only uses as back up. [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Reason for participating:[/B] Tasha, 16 at the time, walked down the dark lonely alley way with a hand full of bags. She had just finished her shopping at a very richy store but all this wasn't for her or anyone in her family. Matter of fact, she didn't have a family. She lived on her own for as long as she can remember. These clothes were for the ones who couldn't afford them. That was the kind of person she was, just really caring for others and wanting them to have a life she never had. As she dropped off her things at the locial foster home, she was suddenly being followed. She could hear the clattering of chains and the loud steps of the person as they followed at a distance. "What the hell is going on here,"she thought to herself as she picked up her steps. But the person kept following her. She started to break into a run and she could hear the splashing of their boots in water. Her heart was about to cave in from all the running she was doing but she didn't stop. She had heard stories about people, especially girls like her, getting raped in alleyways alone. Tasha kept running until she finally came to her own half wore down shack. She was breathless betime she ran inside and shut the door behind her, loudly. She leaned against the door waiting for the person to try to bust in but heard nothing. Relieved, she walked over to a worn out couch and sat. She took a book off a table that was supported by a book for it was missing a piece of its' leg. As she was getting lost within her book, she heard the shattering of broken glass. She placed the book on the table and walked to the source of the noise which came from the kitchen. The tiles in the kitchen were tainted a bright ugly yellow and the walls were so old they were also turning yellow. The sinks were just barely silver anymore. Truly this house was worn out. When Tasha walked into the kitchen she saw glass in front of the sink were the window was. She started to freak out. She looked around when suddenly the kitchen door slammed shut. She turned to face a stranger in black hidding his appearance. "W-w-who are y-y-you,"she studdered backing up a bit. "My name is none of your bussiness but I work for Mr.Saint and he asked me to destory you like he did to your family,"the stranger said with a stiffle laughed. Tasha starred shocked at him, then he lunged at her with get force that she fell backwards with him on top of her, a knife in his hand, she let out a loud peircing scream. She held the his hand pushing it away from her, then she bit him hard making blood ooze out. He let out a scream and dropped the knife to stop the pain in his hand. Tasha made her move and lunged at the knife like a tiger pouncing on it's prey. She turned to her attacker and threw the knife right at his head hitting him directly in the head. He fell onto his back blood gushing from his forehead. Tasha panted deeply until she heard the door open with a loud creak. She turned to see an old man that reminded her of the Punisher. "I heard a scream and came to investigate but it seems you have everthing under control," he said slightly smiling. "Who are you,"Tasha said in between pants. "I'm here to help you." And Tasha didn't care. She went with him because he told her that he could train her to get revenge for her family. Not knowing how they die and now finally knowing that it was the only thing her mind for 6 years of training... [B]Appearance:[/B]Lust has long jet black hair that are in pig tails that fall lovely down to the middle of her back. Her skin complextion is a creamy chocolate that shimmers in a perfect lighting. Her eyes are a crystal black that appear to be a crystal painted black but still has its beautiful. She is a well shaped female with slender curves and a grace to match. Her outfit is a black tank that shows off part of her six pack. Some black baggy pants for moving easily in. Along with her outfit she has a long black trench coat to hide her weapons. To complete her look she has on well polished black boots. The only reason for this dark look is to be hidden in the night. On regular bases, she wears a long T-shirt with some faded jeans. Nothing really fancy like. [B]OOC:[/B]Alrighty, I'm finally done and I hope it is toward you liking. If not PM me and I'll make any changes, again :animedepr . Thank you, -BlackTigerGurl :catgirl: [/FONT][/LEFT][/COLOR]
  14. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Silver][LEFT]ooc: Hope there is room for one more. :animeswea [B]Name:[/B]Tained [B]Age:[/B]Looks to be the age of 19 but is really 191 in demon years. [B]Gender:[/B]Female [B]Class:[/B]Demon [B]Appearance:[/B][URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/janis.jpg] Tained [/URL]Instead of that skimpy little outfit, she is wearing leather pants with a tank top, the design stays the same. Keep the arm bracelets and the collar on. She has crimson red streaks within her hair. Her nails are polished with the same color. She was black well polished boots that rises to her knees but are hidden by her leather pants. Also, she can change into a tiger at any giving moment. [B]Character snippet:[/B][I]'I must hurry or I shall be late again and I don't need another lecture from mother again,'[/I]Tained thought as she ran threw the forest blending with the colors. She was in her magnificent tiger form and was running with such grace she was hardly noticable, except for the fact that she kept roaring from time to time. Tained, such an peculiar name for a young girl such as herself, at least for the humans it was. How she got her name wasn't all that interesting unless you think so. As a young child she always ran off doing something wild and crazy,like fighting demons that no other clan of hers could kill, or messing with other demon clans for fun. She was an untained child. So they gave her the name Tained because they thought, her parents that is, thought that could tained her but were so wrong. Now Tained was running there the forest to get to her clan after she had messed with the wolf clan. Tainted their water supply, cutting down their food supply, and tormenting the wolf clan's kids. How she got away is still a mystery. Tained let a loud roar as she ran at top speed to her clan which was hidden in the deepest darkest part of the forest in a cave. When she approached the cave, a whiff of blood hit her nose. "Ugh! Hey mother, are we having that tasteless orcs today again,"Tained said as she turned into her normal form and slowly entered the cave. [I]"Something isn't right. I can feel it,"[/I]she thought to herself that atmosphere turning eerie all of a sudden. As she walked her feet hit a wet spot. She looked down and saw a bloody trail, her eyes turned horrificed as she followed the trail and what she saw was something she would never forget. There on the cold hard ground of the cave layed her tiger clan in both forms. Tained couldn't breath. She felt all the air was being blocked by an unknow force. "H-h-how could this have h-h-happened,"she mutter tears streaming down her face. She left. She just got up and left killing all the demons she came across. Nothing really matter to her now. Nothing. OOC: I'm done now and I hope it is to your contentment. I like just made this one up. Thanks, -BlackTigerGurl :catgirl: [/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Purple][LEFT]Talon felt all too confused about this all. How did this person know about her loving gem? And why is it so important to him? She had so much to ask but didn't know how to put it all in words. She felt as if she was going to be sick and vomit all over the floor but she held her ground and looked up at the strange man, Sarin. "What's going on here? How do you know about my gem and what is it's importance to you,"Talon choked after regaining her voice. Sarin turned to her with a slight demented grin to his face. "You mean you don't know?" He smile grew bigger as she shook her head no. "Really? Typical." "Are you going to answer me or not?!"[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]Salima quickly walked over to Loki and knelt down next to him. She put a concerned hand on his back and offer to help him. "Are you okay? It seems you are a bit tried and weaken,"Salima said helping him up. "Nah, I'm fine that's all,"Loki said grinning at her with an reassuring smile. "If you say so."[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Purple][LEFT]Talon was running. Running for her life from a monsterious creature. Of course she could fight it but she rather not. She was still so weak from the lack of eating and her fighting abilities would be cut in half. She was panting so fast and hard that her chest felt like it was going to burn. It felt as if someone had light a huge fire within her chest but she still kept running. [I]'I need to get to a nearby village, quick!,'[/I]she thought to herself panting harder. She could hear the creature's strides as it followed her a low growl in the back of it's throat. The weird thing about the demon was...it looked like her in an odd sort of way. But Talon couldn't think about that now. She still kept running at a very fast pace. Then a joy of hope ran threw her chest as she approached what appeared to be a gate. The city was colded and everything looked oddly dead around it but she didn't care.[I]'As long as I am safe there,'[/I]was the only thing that ran threw her mind. She approached the gates slamming into it with a loud crash! "Who goes there,"said one of the gate keepers as the looked out to see what the sound was. "Just a traveler asking for enterance,"Talon said in the most innocent voice she could summon.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]Salima had to stay focus and trying her best to ignore Loki but a smile crept upon her face at his sudden comment. Then when she heard Neiro said don't kill them she wanted to exploded. But she didn't. She stayed really calm until she was done regain her lost strength. After a few more minutes of generating the flames subsided and she stood quickly and walked over to Neiro. "What do you mean don't kill them?! You rather it be us then them?! You really need to work the math kid,"Salima shouted at him with a feiry of burning rage in her eyes.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Purple][LEFT]"Gaaaaaaaaah," that was a yell from a very irritated traveler. This traveler was in fact the young girl who had a suddenly just vanished from her home. Her pale blue eyes looked down doubtfully at the ground with sadden eyes. "I didn't think leaving would be this hard,"she mutter under her breath holdng her blades tightly in her hands. Her blades were dripping with what seemed of demon blood. Talon, the name of this young but dangerous girl, was yelling for the fact that she had killed her tenth demon on this monsterous trail she was walking on. Having no idea were she was or were she was going, she kept moving on with no care in the world. "I guess it isn't too bad as long as I'm away from my aunt and uncle,"she said with a sigh. Her stomach growled loudly as she kept moving. She ignored it for what seem like the 100th time for her. She had recently finished feasting on rabbit she had skinned a while back but the little creature didn't satisfied her much. But no matter what she wasn't going to give up just over some hunger. Talon stopped only for a minute to replace her blades back on her waist. Afterwards she kept moving on with her head held up hight. [I]'I'm not going to be defeated. I'm going to continue on,'[/I]she thought to herself. She then suddenly flew one of her hands to a crimson pounch that was wrapped tightly to her waist. "And this little thing here will help me gain that strength,"she said smiling down at it. Her face appeared to gain some more confidence as she patted the pouch gently. You could say it was true, the gem did give her a bit more strength as she trailed down the trail to what hopefully would a rest area up ahead.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]Salima glanced over at Loki with concern written all over her face. She wanted to go over to him and help but didn't have the nerve too. Instead she said from afar,"Loki, are you okay?" He nodded with much frustration but didn't say anything. He slowly stood like he was carring weights on his back. Salima watched him hoping he would be fine and he seem so. She didn't try to get up though. She sat down on the ground her legs crossed and her eyes closed. She was trying to store up some more power from the great lost. Flames engulfed her and teased at her hair while the rest of the party continued to fight. From time to time the creatures came at her but turned to ashes instantly for trying to break her fire barrier.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]When do you think you'll be getting this up?[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]Salima threw her head back in irritation. "Fighting again? Gosh, this will be a waste of time,"she said pulling her cresent blades from her waist quickly. "Let me just get this over with then." She twirled her blades with such speed it caused a whirl wind to start up. Fire started raising up her arms mixing with the wind of the blades creating a whirlwind of fire. The fire whirlwind turned into a giant tornado that sucked the creatures into its strong vortex. The vitims burned in the tornado and was turned into ashes. "How dull these fighters are,"she said twirling her weapons with a grin. Suddenly something crept up behind her and grabbed her around her arms and held her tightly. Her body felt cold as the creature continued to hold her, binding her of her powers. She tried to light a fire with her hands but it seemed the creature was preventing her of doing so. "What..are you doing,"she said with chattering teeth. The thing didn't say anything.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Purple][LEFT][B]Name:[/B] Talon Sanny [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B]Talon is a layed back sort of person. She is quiet it but not all the time. It takes her a few to open up to people. After she opens up to people she's really friendly and fun to talk to. She gives the greatest advice in tough situations since she's been there almost all her life. [B]Gem:[/B] Jade [B]Appearance:[/B][URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/maggirl1.jpg]Talon[/URL]Keep her hair in the pigtails though with the same hair peice. That is what she looks like but here's her outfit:[URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/magna.jpg ]Outfit[/URL] And finally her weapon:[URL=http://www.firewhip.com/product-back-minisword.jpg ]weapon[/URL] [B]Bio:[/B]As a young child, Talon lived with her mother only. Her father abondoned her mother and herself when she was just a baby, not wanting to take the of a responsibilities father. She lived with her mother until she was about 10 years when her mother was diagnose with an known diseased that for some reason killed her in less time than the doctors thought it would be. Talon's life was unbelievable miserable. She's been abused and raped while living with her aunt and uncle. She told but had not proof. Even the bruises weren't proof enough for the pain of her mother's death that had cause her such a terrible life. No one ever believed her of the rape an abuse so she just let it happened until on fateful day. That day she ran away and left. Packed up her things and left never returning. She took her weapons and any other special things she might needed for this journey she had no clue she was going on. One day on her journey, she saw a bright glow in a near by cave. She enter the cave with caution. The source of the light was coming from the ground burning brightly that it blinded her. Digging into the earth with her bare hands she pulled out a beautiful gem the color of jade. Taking it as a sign, she put the gem into a pouch, the shade of crimson blood. Not knowing what it was, she set off once again with her treasure.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]Salima turned her head slightly to the elf and Loki hearing her name being mention several times. It slightly irritated her when people talked about her behind her back. Her ears twitched as she picked up bits and peices of Edgar and Loki's conversation. She then started to slow her walk 'till she was next to them. "I heard you guys talking about me,"she said sneering at Edgar and Loki," What were you guys talking about." They both stopped abrutly in the middle of their conversation. "Uh...nothing negative about you,"Loki said immdetaily. "Oh really,"she said eyeing the both of them. "Well, I shall walk ahead," Edgar said grinning to herself as she walked ahead of Loki and Salima.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]"We should all stick together instead of running off alone somewhere. We have no clue were we are at and what lies in this wasteland,"Salima said her back turn to Ayumu and Loki. She walked over to the unconscious boy and gentle lifted him up onto her back. As she did so the glass floated by his side still. "Odd." "What are you doing,"Edgar said watching her with caution. "I'm carrying him. What does it look like I'm doing. Geez, he's the only one that could possibly take us back home,"Salima said in a sassy tone as she postion Neiro more comfortably on her back. "Good idea,um...,"Loki said not knowing Salima's name. "Salima,"she said puffing from the weight of the boy. "Oh yeah, Salima,"he grinned.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
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