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Everything posted by BlackTigerGurl

  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Ranifa ignored Katt's comment. He walked to the other side of the room where it was the darkest there, his appearance no disappearing into the shadows. "Hey, where do you think you're going? I thought you were going to torment me," Katt said with a laugh. "I am,"Ranifa said though she couldn't see him," Tormenting you with your past. The thing you would hate the most I bet." Katt didn't speak. She just looked down at the ground anger showing within her eyes. "Your silence says it all. Want to know how I tormented you father? It was wonderful to hear his screams of help and mercy,"he said chuckling in the shadows. "You're a stinking lier!!!! My father would never scream for mercy from a vile creature like you!!!! I can't believe anyone would bow to something as vile and............" A quick slash across the face shut her up. Blood trickled from her left cheek as threw claw marks where left there. Ranifa licked the blood off of his claws.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Alphiya sat against a wall her knees to her chest. She was worried for Katt. It's been over an hour and she still hasn't been back yet. She felt something wasn't right, like she had gotten hurt or something. "Where is she? She shoulda been back by now," Alphiya said slamming her fist onto the ground. "She's probably side tracked or something. Just let her come on her own time," said Spector speaking for the first time. "No, I can't. Something happened to her. I know it. I can feel it," Alphiya shouted jumping up. "And if you guys aren't going to help find her, then I'll go alone." She started to walk out the dojo but someone grabbed her by the shoulder. It was Lolita. "Don't. You are not allowed to leave this place. It is protect my a very strong enchantment that no one can get threw. If you leave, then you'll be an easy traget to get to. Just wait a little longer, Alphiya. I'm sure she'll be back any minute now." So they waited. But the longer they waited the longer Katt didn't return... :catgirl: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed][B] Meanwhile:[/B] Anileah stood next to Ranifa's side. Watching his every movement. "Well well well, if it isn't Katt the kittykat," he said laughing hard at Katt as she struggled from her binds. "I haven't seen you since the day your father die. So how have you been? "Bastard," was all she could say to him. As she looked into his cold hearted eyes she wanted nothing better to do then rip them right out of his head. Anger filled Ranifa's face. He walked over to Katt and smacked her hard across her face. "Don't you ever speak to me like that," he shouted at her. Anileah winced at the hard slap and his booming voice. "I can speak to you how ever I want," Katt replied spitting blood from her lips. "Well see about that. Now tell me where the girl is?" "Bite me." "Grrr!!! Do not work my patiences girl." "Whatever." "ERRIKU!! Come handle this vile created. Make sure you show her who's boss," Ranifa said walking away swiftly. Erriku appeared from out of the shadows bowing slightly at the demon king. "Yes sir." :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Ooc: I'm 'game' for this. Hehe. [CENTER][B]Name:[/B]Tona Shema [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Short Description/Short Bio:[/B] Has long jet black hair that are always in a kidish pigtail tied with red ribbons. She wears her school uniform which is a black and white shirt with a plaided black and pink skirt. She wears knee high white stockings with black sneakers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tona moved her from Tokyo, Japan when she was about 12 years old. She had just gotten started with this new virtual video game. Her father got a new job in the U.S., so they had to moved to New York city. She hated it so much, but as long as she had the game she was good. She never really spends time with her family. Her father works for the government and her mother is a famous japanese anime artist. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Character Name:[/B] Alika [B]Character Age:[/B] 16 [B]Character Apearance:[/B] She looks the same as Tona, but she has dark red eyes with a slight blue tent to them. She has black wolf ears on the top of her head (Tona is obssessed with wolves) and a black tail with a white tip. She is like a warrior. Strong and brave. {Think of Rena's outfit. Only its blue and yellow.} [B]Character Weponry:[/B] Cresent Blades: Level 2 Short Sword: Level 1[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Ooc: PM me if there is a problem. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Alegra Maning [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]You are:[/B] Agent [B]Appearance:[/B] She has long jet black hair that is always in a ponytail tied with a red ribbon. She has dark red streaks flowing within her hair also. Her eyes appear to be black but look closely enough and they're a dark brown. She has a dark creaming brown skin complextion that shines in the right lighting. Most of the times she wears dark tight clothing. She wears a tight half shirt with a long trench coat to hide her weapons. She has on black baggy pants with red thread running down the sides of her legs. On her feet she wears black, pink, sliver, sketcher shoes. Instead of black shoe strings she has black of course. She is a bit curvy and slender, aren't all black girls are? [B]Personality:[/B] She's tough and hard headed at times. She keeps to herself at times and tends to get a bit coaky headed. At times she can be open up but that is rarely. She cares for her teammates and will never leave a person behind. But sometimes doing so brangs out her coakiness... [B]Weapons:[/B] She has cresent elbow blades hanging from her waist. They are hidden under her trench coat so no one can see them. In her pockets are a bag of posion gas. She only uses them when necessary.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed]Ooc: PM me if anything is wrong. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Alphiya just looked at Katt and then smiled. "I want to stay," she said putting her hands on her hips. "You can't stay. You could get yourself killed," Lolita said grabbing her arms. Alphiya snatched herself away from her grasp. "No! I want to help. I may not know anything about fighting but this could help me. Please let me stay," she said with begging eyes. "I really don't think you should. This could be very dangerous. You could possibly get killed. No you can't stay. You need to go to the dojo and train with Lolita until I get back," said Katt glaring down at Alphiya. "So get going. What are you guys waiting for?" Lolita grabbed Alphiya's arm whether she liked it or not. She threw her on her back and ran off with such speed it made Alphiya's stomach turned. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Alphiya still looked up at Katt still a bit teary eyed after the blow. She sniffed a bit and stood back. "I promise I'll work my hardest to please both of you. So where are we going to train at? We can't train here in the middle of the park," she said looking around as many people beings to start looking at them. :animeswea "I think we should go in hiding," Alphiya whispered to the rest feeling a bit uneasy around the people that were starting at them. She kept getting this feeling that someone was watching her. Someone that wasn't on there side. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Lania [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Vampire [B]Position:[/B] So fair she is on no position. [B]Ability:[/B] She has extreme speed and can lure just about any creature within her grasp. [B]Appearance:[/B] Her raven short hair hung low to her shoulders and had a bit of a bounce as she walked. Her chocolate cream complextion was slightly pale do to the fact that she wasn't human. She stood about 5ft 6''. So she was around the age of 16 or maybe 17 at the least. She blended with the night crisped air by wearing nothing but black. She wears a loosely black belly shirt that hangs low a bit when it reaches her breast. The sleeves looked ripped when they come to her shoulders, due to the fact that shde had teared them herself. Imprinted on the shirt was a white wolf with bloodie up fangs that dripped red words spelling, "Death". She wore some black baggy jeans that had chains running threw the belt loops of her pants. The chains looked a bit rusty but still had a sort of shine to them. Her black pants had many zippers up and down the side of her legs. Hanging from the chains on her sides where her weapons, elbow blades. Completing her outfit were her black skater shoes with no slight of white on them. Black shoe strings and black or gray designs. [B]Personality:[/B] Personality? This makes me laugh. Lania has many different personalities just can choose between one. Lania has a condition that many vampires do not have. She has an illness that causes her to be the most visous then the most gentle at times. Sometimes she can crave for nothing but lust and get what she wants by luring the weak with her skillful powers. She mostly keeps to herself cause she knows she would be killed by other vamps if they knew of her secret. The personality that she usually keeps is her solitude one. The one to keep to herself but times she will turn visous or suduce whoever she wants. [B]Character Snippets:[/B] "I'm sorry, but your daughter is suffering from an illness that we have know clue on how to cure. We do know she may stay this way for life," said the doctor 6 years after Lania was bored. Being born with an unknown disease freaked her vampire parents out most of all. They didn't want there only daughter to suffer of this disease cause they knew if she did they would be ridicule by other other vampires. Vampires that would call them weak only because of their stupid minded daughter. "What can we do for her," asked the mother her hands shaking at the thought of the humiliation. "Nothing. We just have to see if she can destory one of the so called personalities and keep one just for her. Whether its good or bad," the doctor replied unknowning of what they were or why they were so worried. They took their 'retard' daughter home and tried to settle her. Over the years, she grew and so did her condition. The one that freaked them out the most was the fact that she snucked out at night to kill mortals. She killed more then what she was need to. She killed for the pleasure of the kill. The amusement of the kill. There was always something about 10-15 mortals killed in one night. Just one night. Not possible unless you have a gun. But for vampires it was most certainly was possible for them. Vampires came and complain to the mother and father. "Your daughter is killing our meals. She's out of hand. If you can't control her we will," they all shouted at them. Some even laughed at them when they couldn't control her. Time past and she grew worse. Her parents couldn't take it anymore. Ashamed of their daughter they made an atempt to kill her.... In the middle of the night, they followed her. The cold air peircing their unimpure face making them cold skin even colder to even the lightless touch. With nothing but gleam in their eyes, they stalked her. She appeared to be a lost child. Darting this way and that, looking with confusion on her face. Then Lania suddenly stopped. Her parents farther ways behind, watched her. They had never seen her hunt before or kill. So this is something they wanted to see. They had to see. A mortal approached where Lania stood. He looked to be in his mid 30's. He looked at the girl who appeared to be lost. "Hello there, young lass," he said in a scotchish accent. She smiled up at him with the most unhuman smile any child could make. Like in a trance, he stood up. She turned and went into an alley way. He followed and so did the parents. Lania had the man's head in her hands. It was an odd position for him to be but it was the only for her to feast on him. Just as she was about to bit him, Lania's parent jumped apon her grabbing her arms. "That is enough, Lania," her mother shouted at her. Lania struggled for a life time. But her mother and father were stronger than she was. Or so they thought. Lania's eyes turned a bright red making her have no pupil or iris at all. A low growl formed in the back of her throat. Using strength her parents had no idea she had, she flipped them off of her throwing them into a wall. Busting threw the wall the parents stood up and held their heads. "Where on earth," they said to each other. They looked around for Lania but she was no where in sight. "Where did that bastard of a daughter go," said her father. "Right here, father," said an evil childish voice behind them. They turned with horror struck on their faces. For she had in her hand a stake. She twirled it within her hand and glared at them. She then tossed it at her mother's chest where her heart should of been. She grabbed at it but was to late. She fall to the ground blood gushing out everwhere. Lania walked over to her mother and pulled it out. Her father stepped back. "You wicked. You're messed up in the head," he shouted making a run for it. Lania ran after with more speed than what he had. She tripped him with the stake as he ran. He fell head first into the ground. Her tried to crawl away but couldn't move fast enough. Lania walked over to him towering over him. "Bastards fathers don't get a second chance," she said staking him in the chest.... Years later, Lania walked the streets night, with nothing but anger in her eyes. She hasn't killed anyone or anything after that day. Now walking the streets of the age of 16 or 17, no one could really tell, she watched other vamps kill but stayed clear of them. She knew of nothing of the war going on for she kept to herself and ignored others around her.[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Blue]Ooc: Okay, I'm done. PM me if they're any problems. :catgirl: Another thing, if this does get stepped up in Adventure Square Tuesday, I won't be able to post until Friday. You'll noticed why in my siggy. Thanks again. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
  8. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Alphiya looked at Katt and Sen for a while. "Yuk," was all she could mutter. SHe didn't really like couples all to much. "Well, if I die training and without gettin my revenge, my ghost shall haunt you," she said jokingly. :catgirl: ooc: Sorry for the short post. Getting sleepy. :sleep: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Tammy sat there still with the fireballs. She glanced over at Duo and Loki. [I]'They seem sweet. Guess they really like each other,"[/I]she thought to herself. She sighed deeply feeling alone. Like there was no one here to talk to. She felt that since she was the clumsiest girl at school no one liked her. Friend or more. None the less, she would move on a pass all her classes. With or without friends. "Time....time is something we do not have together. We can't remember the way we felt together, thes past few months. These past few years were something none should forget but we have.....," Tammy faded on with this unfamilar poem that had just popped into her head. The small fire balls zoomed around her forming a red firey glowing heart. Then suddenly it broke into firey pieces that faded away. "Time....has killed us all," she mutter the last few words like it wasn't her own. This moment, wasn't her. Couldn't be her. Yes she wrote poetry from time to time, but she mostly draws. Her she just made up a poem. Something she could never do in her life. She looked up her face slightly red. She glance over at Duo and Loki who were just staring at her like she was weird. She turned her face and ignored they eyes. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Tammy got really upset with all the commotion and went outside. She sat down on a bench and started to make fireballs within her hands. She then started juggling them slowly but one slipped from her grasp and fell to the ground. As soon as it did it caught fire on the grass. "Oh no," Tammy mutter to herself throwing herself at the flames. [I]'Stop! Stop!,'[/I]she kept telling the flames trying to tame them. Soon the flames settle down and just went to small little flames. Tammy sighed and settle down on the ground. She started to juggling again but carefully... :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Tasha rolled her eyes getting very annoyed with the two. "I'm telling you we should just go home. Maybe he's sick. I don't think we should barge in like this," she said leaning against the house with her arms crossed over her chest. She looked down at the ground as she watched Michell climb in the house through the window. She didn't do anything or say anything more. It just seem that they were throwing her comments to the wind and she didn't care much anyways. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Alphiya starred at her in awe. "Teach me to do that,"she said excitingly. She put her hands on her hips and waited for Katt to do something. "Oh and my muscles can handle it. I can handle just about anything," she said with gleam. Alphiya was starting to get a little bit big headed with this. She loved having people around her giving her some attention. Attention she had never gotten in her life at all. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Tammy was left there clueless and confuse the same time. She watch as Kuken left her there alone with no one to talk to. "Uh....I guess I should head for my class now,"she said to herself as she walked the empty hallway. As she was walking down the hallway, she bumped into someone she had never seen before. He was big a muslucar and seem to be stuck on himself alot. She had knocked his books out his hand which he didn't take to lightly. "Why don't you watch were you're going," he shouted at her balling his fist. "I'm....I'm....terribly sorry, sir. I...I..didn't see you,"Tammy said in a shy high pitched voice. She had her head bent over and her hands in front of her. "Well, I don't think I can forgive a prep up girl like you,"he said holding his fist in the air getting ready to sock her directly in the face.... :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]"Well then maybe we should leave then," said Tasha in a very mature voice unlike her own. "I'm starting to get a funny feeling about ditching school anyways." She walked slowly to the car with her hands behind her back. She leaned against the car and waited for them to follow. "There is no point in waiting all day for him." They both just stared at her which caused her to blush shyly. She looked down at her shoes instead of looking them straight in the face. :catgirl: ooc: Won't be able to post until Friday.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Tasha sat in the car with her legs crossed and her hands folded in her lap like usually. She actually looked a bit preppy. Well of course she was raised that way and she couldn't get out of her system. As she looked out the window she noticed that they had turned a corner and where getting closer to their destination. She sighed deeply as she couldn't partly wait to get out of the car and see for real if what Michell was turn about Frank having a crush on 'some' girl in his class. Thinking about it made her blush slightly again :animeblus and she looked at her hands that were being to sweat. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Before Tammy could answer to the notes though, the boy named Kuken had flipped a teacher right out of the window along with her desk. She quickly ran over to the window looking over it. She blinked a few times and turned to the others. "Uh....I guess I will skip then,"she said shyly her face turning red slightly still. She felt rather stupid by ditching class which she has never done in her whole entire life. She watched as Ala, Kuken, and Loki smirk at one another. She felt a bit left out. "So what is your name,"said Kuken as he walked up to her. "Uh....I'm Tammy,"she replied looking down at the ground. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Tammy busted threw the classroom door carrying all her things in one hand and her backpack in the other. "Sorry I'm late," she said panting,"I couldn't find my locker and couldn't open it." Her face flushed as she watched everyone grin at her like she was a moron. The teacher just looked at her not saying a word to her. Tammy got a funny feeling that if you're late there will be consequences. She didn't say another word. She quickly walked to the back of the class setting her things down on her desk. She kept dropping most of her things on the floor and had trouble keeping them to stay on her desk. Then with utter shock someone was talking to her in her mind. "Will you hurry up,"said one of the teachers with an irritated expression on her face. Tammy's blushed deepen as she sat down at her desk her hands folded in her lap. [I]'Great, my first day of school and already I made a cults of myself,'[/I]she thought to herself. As soon as she thought that the teacher grinned at her knowing what she had read in her mind. Tammy sanked down in her seat and looked over at the little group that was passing notes around. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Luka walked around the school searching for something to do. She had noticed a group of girls on the ground sporting bruises and cuts all over them. [I]'Hm? Looked like a huge fight broke out. To bad I wasn't here to see it,'[/I]she thought to herself gleaming down at them. She then pushed the doors to the cafateria opened and walked inside. She looked up at the menu and found nothing of her liking. She stuck out her tongue in disgust at the choices they had. "Rotten pork soup with over cooked green beans with a side dish of half frozen pie. What a lunch,"she said mockingly as she walked off. Not watching were she was going, she bumped into a girl not much younger than her. She staggered backwards a bit but the girl fell flat on her butt. "Why don't you watch were you're going," Luka shouted at Lauren. "I was unlike you,"she shouted back. Luka didn't have time to pick on people she barely knew, plus she didn't want to make another enemy today. Luka shrugged her shoulders. "Sorry about that," she mumbled looking toward the lunch line. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Tasha gave Michell a disgusted look. She really didn't like when people showed their chewed up gum to people. "Yes, lets go," she said getting very irritated. She leaned against Nick's car and looked at Michell and Nick. [I]'Love birds. Who needs them,'[/I]she asked herself turning to look at the trees blowing swiftly in the winds. She watches as the leaves blow off of the tree and float lightly with the wind. She pushed back her hair that had blown onto her face from the blow of the wind. She looked down at the ground and waited for the others to finish their converstation. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Alphiya gleamed at Lolita. "Thanks oh so much. I'm really glad you're going to help me with this,"she said as she looked down at the ground.[I]'I will get my revenge for what happened to my parents. No one is going to stop me,'[/I]thought Alphiya to herself. "So when are we going to start?" :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Yeah, that's what I was trying to go at. I just couldn't explain it. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Tasha kept her head down unable to stop the blushing. "Okay, we...we..can go see him,"she said stuttering a bit. She still kept her eyes off of them. She still felt really stupid being here and she just wanted to disappear, evanesced or something. Anything. "I'll...give him his work. If he wants it, which I highly doubt he does,"she said turning to face a tree as some of the leaves blew off of it. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]1. Homeroom 2. English 3. P.E. 4. Control fire bending 5. Poetry 6. Math 7. Soccer How's that? :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Tasha quickly turned around to face Michell her face a bit red. "Yeah,"she said with a gulp. She followed Michell back to the car her head slightly down. She heaved a sighed and tried not to look Michell or Nick in the face. [I]'Who cares? I don't. I mean, I'm more about school then boys,'[/I]she thought to herself letting her eyes wondered from here and there. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Maybe it's just down here in America because 4Kids had a different name than that. It's kinda confusing so I won't go into detail about it. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
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