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Everything posted by gatorschick99

  1. i would have to say it depends on the persons definition of popular, at our school it just means you know and get along with a lot of the people their..which i do so i would be popular. pepole get classified as preps, skaters, nerds, etc. at our school but i don't have a "group" cause im always running around and talking to everybody, and you shouldent care what other people think, they should respect you for who you are not what you have or what you do
  2. my dreams are very weird. one of my most mermorable dreams happend when i was being called many names by one kid (david) so i hated him and wanted to hurt him so here is my dream: i was driving my 4-wheeler down the road when out of know where he showed up and started calling me names which pissed me off, so i ran him over, but he was still alive...so i got off and walked over to him and helped him up and then punched him as hard as i could causing him to fall agian, by this point he was very angry..so i continued beating him and then stabbed him with a knife and sold viles of his blood n ebay and becam rich and bought more 4-wheelers and a motorcycle. i have had weirder dreams but the other one is hard to explain with all the details and such..i pretty much know what my dream ment..i wanted to kill david..but my friend lives near him and this summer (since we all hate him) me and a few other girls are gonna spend the night at her house and jump him :animesmil
  3. you think something like that wouldnet matter, what matters is the persons personality, likes and dislikes...some people don't even know what blood type they are (that would be me)
  4. i am addicted to sports, getting in trouble, and sun flower seeds :animeswea
  5. well, going off how my life has been this past week i wouldnt take a bullet for anyone but i would love the thought of death and no longer being in this world
  6. i play many sports!! some of them you might not consider sports but it's still what i do. i play paintball, softball (since i was 5), volleyball, basketball, hocky, football, soccer, surfing, skateboarding,swimming, and 4-wheeling...i plan on taking up a few new sports, like im going to learn how to scuba dive which will be cool. i guess you could say in inhareted my mothers athletic ability considering my dad only wrestled..which in another thing im good at :catgirl: i have also done teaquandow. i just recently quit because it was boring me, there wasnt enough good sparers for me, i reached my black belt, i was a black belt for a year....when i finish college i plan on starting grapling...but that will be a while for me.
  7. my parents are smarter than me in a few subjects like math, history, and language arts. im the only one in my family who is learning spanish so my mom wants me to teach my brother. i also have more knowlge when it comes to sports and the computer or any thing to do with electronics. every member in my family has gone to college, my couzin will be the first not to go.
  8. jello ppl!! *waves* im new and need some friends! lets see...i am 13 turning 14 may 14th..(yyeess), i get my drivers permit next summer!! lets see..my personality smartass,hyper,tomboy,tough,outgoing,caring,loyal, smart but acts stupid, i can be quite depressing i enjoy 4-wheeling, paintball, dirtbiking, airsoft, softball, volleyball, football, hanging out with friends, dancing, swimming, surfing, skateboarding, etc... umm..thats all i can think of at this moment...i would like someone who could "show me the ropes" or just someone to talk to so please PM me
  9. hmmm...maybe be Reme?? i like that name but thats me
  10. love, is it real or all in our heads?? it is a question i have been poundering about for a while now and have came to no conclusion i asked my friend and this was his responce: both..if both people love each other then its real, but if one person loves the other, but the other doesnt love them then its all in your head.
  11. i stay away from the school bathrooms, they are always nasty and crap, always water on the ground (don't wanna know how it got their) and it smells really bad, and if do use it i choose the cleanest one
  12. well i live in florida so i don't have to worry bout travling :animesmil but i plan on learning to surf and doing many softball tournaments and going 4-wheeling and paintballing
  13. i can truthfuly say that i have no fear, the old saying "theirs nothing to fear, but fear its self",i have been through many things being and air force brat and expeirenced so no, i don't not fear, fear or anything else
  14. i stongly agree that the girl should have been locked up
  15. well, the meaning of life for me is to live it to the and to surpass your enimes and conqour your fears, redeaming yourself for the lord, and having fun. other than that, everyone else has said what i would say
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