Fairy Dust
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Everything posted by Fairy Dust
I watch Furi Kuri with my mates and we loved the whole soundtrack and we found out it was a japanese band called the pilliows! I advise everyone to listen to them especially Crazy sunshine and ride on shooting star :D
Hmmm I don't really have a type though when I have a boyfriend I always try to get them to grow some facial hair. Its my weakness :animeshy: Oh and if they can play the bass or drums they start falling into dream guy catogory!
Gaming What is the best Final Fantasy couple?
Fairy Dust replied to Sea Of Chaos666's topic in Noosphere
My fave couple is Irivne and selphie! They are best couple but then i do like cowboys and hyper people! I probably would have like ff8 if Selphie or Irvine were the main characters. But then having Zell as the main character would be cool!!! -
The Cheecky Girls [COLOR=Red]"The Cheecky Song"[/COLOR] a really bad song they were on Pop idol or something and the song went" we are the cheecky girls, you are the cheecky boys, touch our bums," as you can tell moving and life changing experminments. any rave song.... :animeangr and the bad thing is all my friends love rave so if we go out its usally to a club and they play rave music
The only famous people I've met is Ralph Fiennes the actor from schinlers list, quiz show and maid in manhattan. It was in a restuarnt and I couldn't find the tomatoe sauce and he was at the next table and he said I could have his. I found out who he was afterwards cause my mum loves me and she was stunned for the rest of the day! I was happy I got my tomatoe sauce. :animesmil
Manga Manga or the Real world, which would you choose?
Fairy Dust replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in Otaku Central
OOOHH sneaky Baka! I like your style! :animesmil Though I worked out one thing I share with some anmie characters is :animenose yeap nosebleeds my friend was telling me about her date and my nose started to bleed! Now she makes fun saying it was like I got overly exitced so now I've got the nickname perv...hmm maybe I should invest in a pair of glass! lol -
I usally watch anmie in Japanese with subs. But sometimes the english dubs are pretty good like cowboy beepbop and hellisign...though I never liked the Trigun english dub!!
YEP!! It was to the guy that had sparks coming out of him! This was supposed to be a kind of game that when you guessed the quote you put a quote on and someone guesses that and so on! Really for people like me that get very bored during free periods!
[QUOTE]More than likely though, Blair will win the election again, Britain will stay and support the United States troops and there will be more American causualties[/QUOTE] Yep that has happened Blair got in. He hasn't mention the war yet has he?!?! But I glad that Micheal Howard didn't win, the man who "has something of the night about him":demon: About the british or Irish I'm lucky I can go for Dual nationality!! I would say I'm Irish but if England wins the ruby or football hey I'm british lol :D
Hey if theres a thread already like this then sorry. But I'm sitting in class bored out of my tree. So I thought about a game to play some one posts a quote from a movie or tv programme and then everyone has to guess and who gets it post another quote from a movie, tv programme of their choice. (yes I've far too much time on my hands!) heres mine Jack: You know what old Jack Burton says at a time like this... Thunder: Who? Jack: JACK BURTON...ME!!
Manga Manga or the Real world, which would you choose?
Fairy Dust replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in Otaku Central
I would have to pick manga. But I then I'm not a big fan of reality, give me the dream world anyday :animesigh If I was in a manga i'd love to be either a ninja or a catgirl :catgirl:, but I would love to been in an action, sci fci, or a werid comdey like furi kuri. but I have to deal with reality :animeangr lol -
I love the manga and the anime is one of my favs. but I do wish there was more of a plot and better character development in the anime. I hope for the OVA Yasushi Ishii will do the music for the soundtrack . I also want to hear, in the OVA is a return of the English vocal cast. Some people i''ve talked to say they will never watch it in Englsih no matter how good they are, but I think Crispin Freeman as Alucard was incredible. :animestun He fit Alucard almost perfectly. While I did enjoy the Japanese casting, I liked the English version just as much if not a little more. I really wanna see all of them return. :D
A film that is brilliant but far too overlooked is [COLOR=Red]Barton Fink.[/COLOR] John Goodman acts his role of lifetime I think this is one of the Coen brothers most moody film even beyond their other masterpiece, "Fargo." Another film I love but is really underrated is [COLOR=Purple]Big trouble in Little China[/COLOR] it has everything you could ask from a B-movie action, suspense, cheesy diaologue, and martial arts galore. [/COLOR] I loved it especially [spoiler]the lift scene when after they drink the magic potion and Jack Burtons says "I feel good and I'm not scared at all. I just fell kind of..kind of invincible. Is it hot in here or is it just me?" [/spoiler] it has some of the best quotes ever! [COLOR=Red]"Henry Swansons my name and excitements my game " (such a porn star line! lol) Jack - Then you're off to rule the universe beyond the grave. Lo Pan - Indeed! Jack - Or check into a psycho ward whichever comes first, huh? And when that 7ft ape is bashing the back of your favourite head against the wall and says "Jack have you paid your doos? Just Do what old Jack Burton always does. Stare that monster sqaure in the eye and say, Yes sir the cheque is in the mail" [/COLOR]
[QUOTE]Such as Northern Ireland ? doukeshi03 by all right the Republic of Ireland should just tell Paisley and his crowd of unionist extremists to shove off, Northern Ireland is part of Ireland, and Ireland should be ruled by the Irish and nobody else.[/QUOTE] Yeah but the DUP (Paisley and his crowd of unionist extremist) won the marjority of seats in N.Ireland! so N.Ireland will still be part of Britian for a good while! The annoying thing about living in Northern Ireland is that tribal voting will continue! People here don't care if your going to improve our education system lower crime rates NO all we care is if your a protestant or catholic! :animeangr Makes me sick and embrassed to say I'm from belfast :o [QUOTE]Reading over it I guess it did sound harsh which wasn't at all the way I intended it to sound, if you were taken aback by my comments then I'd like to apologise. It seems my Nationalistic side got the better of my common sense, something that seems to happen when Northern Ireland is discussed[/QUOTE] Hey don't worry happens to me all the time! :D
What thought comes into your mind most often?
Fairy Dust replied to Filipinorocker1's topic in General Discussion
Random thoughts usally pop up in my head when talking to someone that has nothing to do with the subject we were talking about. But menories and thoughts have no patterns so I usally think of food, silly things I've seen or heard, BUT what plauges my mind the most when talking to people and I get bored is "why can't a person lick their own elbow!?!?!?!?" -
Too much Sex? (slightly mature discussion)
Fairy Dust replied to vegeta rocker's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE]I am very in love with him but he says he doesn't love me anymore. He says he cares about me a lot but that he just doesn't love me the way he used to.[/QUOTE] At first I thought someone in a relationship getting sex regulary and I though why in sam's hill are you complaining (my new fave saying) but after I read that he says hes doesn't love but cares for you has changed my mind! Thats why I'm only foucsing on a few questions! [COLOR=Red] 2. If so, is it bad for our relationship? ( keep in mind we are each others first so we are still kind of reveling ion the novelty of it.)[/COLOR] Your relationship doesn't seem great if hes not in love with you. If hes your first boyfriend do you think your ready for sex that becomes mundane and meaningless so soon?? Sex is an enjoyable pastime but if you do something alot it can get boring real fast! [COLOR=Red]3. Should people only have sex if they are in love?[/COLOR] Nope but if hes the first guy you slept with I think you should both at least have strong feeling for each other! [COLOR=Red]4. Should i try and cut down?[/COLOR] I don't think the amount of sex is your problem I thinks you should really consider his feelings for you! -
I saw the Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy last Saturday! I really enjoy it! I'd advise you - and anyone enjoyed the film and is a fan of HG2G you should try to hunt down the original radio series, if you liked the film you'll love this. Also, if you go to [URL=http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/hitchhikers/game.shtml ]http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/hitchhikers/game.shtml [/URL] You can play the old 1980's infocom adventure that Douglas Adams co-wrote, I find it really addictive :animestun
I can't wait to see this movie but one bad thing about where I live is I have to wait months after everywhere else has seen it and sometimes they don't show some movies! :animeangr Movies like Hero, oldboy and shoalin soccer were adverstied over here but never showen! :animedepr But kung fu hustle looks great and its coming out on june 3rd and at least 3 moviehouses said there showing it YAY!
Horror films don't really shock or scare me they might make me jump at bits! Mostly films that usally distrub me yet i love are films like Ichic the killer :animestun Though a film called audition I found freaky and one film I haven't watched in years was cat people the 1942 one what scare me was you never saw the moster
[QUOTE][QUOTE]...so basically if you laugh at my lame jokes you're a saint to me heh... [/QUOTE][/QUOTE] Even if its a pity laughs? lol The whole reilgion thing doesn't work for me cause one of my ex was uber religious! It started of ok until he join a christian group and his friends kept telling me I was "evil for leading their friend down the path of sin and debauchery" :animestun and then he turned on me because I drank and somehow me being an athiest was wrong! Reilgion in a relationship I think can work if both parties [COLOR=Red]DON'T[/COLOR] force each other to convert to theirs!
there is a lack of people in the uk that like anime I found at least 20 people like it in my school but as its an all girl school the topics of conversation range from sailor moon to fruit baskets! :animedepr and most guys I know that like anime are 5 year old boys who wanna be a pokemon master :animesigh
Fun dip the thing closes to that which I've tried is sherbert. Its this fizzy sugary type thingy and you get a liquorice stick that you lick and then dip in sherbert....hmm thats put me in the mood for one now...stupid school having lunch so late in the day! :(
Most of you are saying that you are about 5ft 7 or 5ft9 or even 6ft 1 and you wanna be taller? Ireland must be a place for small people cause the average height for a girl here is 5ft 4 and for a guy its 5ft 9 :animedepr Maybe I should invest in more high heels. Hey has anyone heard of the operation to make you legs longer its huge in Asia!
I personally don't like this song and it doesn't help that major of girls in my art class love this song and play it at least 5 times a day :animeangr I'm not into rapping and probably never will the only song that I ever liked was mc hammer can't touch this :D (i guess some people will tell me this isn't rap but hey)
Yep I mean't as! Sorry my spelling and grammer skills are really bad! I don't mindd being short I've had 18years to get used to it!lol Though thats why my last boyfriend dated me cause he thought I was cute and my height added to the cutness thing :catgirl: