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Fairy Dust

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Everything posted by Fairy Dust

  1. I come from Ireland and there next to none anime conventions here but getting your hands on anime isn't that hard I mostly get mine from HMV Virgin and comic shops. Try looking for stundent cinemas near you theres one near me queens film theater and it shows alot of anime it usually has anime weeks!! I saw Cowboy Bepbop the movie there. Also if theres any film festivels happening go to them cause they always show anime even if its just one but over here usally 15+ are mostly show but the demand over here would be more teenagers plus
  2. I tried to get tickets for it but couldn't but I really wanted to see Foo Fighters, now I'm trying to get tickets for Oxygen but knowing my luck I won't be able to! :animesigh
  3. My type like most girls used to be what kind of guy could piss my parents off the most! but that never worked as they annoyed me as well! Now the think I look for in guys is facial hair sound shallow but if they have good facial hair and a good personalitly thats me hooked!! :animestun But its meant to be that guys usally tend to go with girls that have same traits as their mum and girls tend to go with guys like their dads! So that means I'll go with a guy that can cook, makes bad jokes and a coffee addict...hmm sounds a tad like me! As for the blood in N.Ireland 50% of people that give blood are o type same as me so I don't have much to worry about. :animesmil
  4. I'm addicted to mostly glitter, I guess its cause I'm easy distracted by shiney things, also I'm addicted to coffee! Its now so bad its got to the stage if I don't drink coffee I get the shakes though coke sometimes stops them!!
  5. Well thats taller than me I'm only 5ft 1" :animeblus though I was told thats the same height a wolvierine!!! :catgirl: ...though i guess someone will prove me wrong and steal my thunder :(
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