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Everything posted by Pressure

  1. [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=Silver]Deb... Ooh I'm so glad you remembered me. Even though I've pretty much dropped off the face of OB.... :sweat: I miss talking to you so much, but I want you to know that you are still in my heart and will always stay there. I think about you often, and wonder how you're doing. I miss you very much, especially during those times when growing up gets really hard. You've always been a mentor and an idol to me. Going on... 3 years now. Heheh. If you need to talk, let me know. I'm always here. :heart:[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Motfati [/i] [B][size=1] I think that it brings complete boredom especially if you're stuck at home with nothing to do except be on a certain website you love. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=silver][size=1]Why do you think certain people around here have such high post counts? >.> I'm almost always bored. No matter what I'm doing. I get bored very easily. So I usually just sit online all day, doing nothing. It's sad when the activity I look forward to most during the day is taking a shower...[/size][/color]
  3. Pressure


    [color=silver][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Alice. [b]Nicknames:[/b] Bunny. Booger. [b]Age:[/b] 15. [b]Hair Color:[/b] Mauve/Violet. [b]Hair Style:[/b] Flipped over one eye. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue surrounding green. [b]Weight:[/b] 13.......5? [b]Height:[/b] 5'6''.. I think.. [b]Wardrobe:[/b] Black. And I almost never take off my Spitfire hoodie. So yah. Fishnet, my black Chucks that I painted rainbow colored, uh, bracelets, labret stud. But I've been known to whip out my raver clothes, so I look like a walking highliter. Yah. Have fun and go die. [b]Personality:[/b] Wow. I'm your typical not-kind, intelligent, bisexual, closet Goth kid I guess. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Writing. Reading. Photography. Drawing. Oekaki. Internet addict. Going out with friends. I'm a mall rat. [b]Favorite Music Type:[/b] I like a lot of everything. I'm a rock/metal/screamo type of person I guess. Not going to lie, I do like pop. Uhm, love classical. I am definetly into techno and rave and all that good stuff. [b]Favorite Bands:[/b] [b]AFI[/b], Sugarcult, Aerosmith, Thursday, Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, ICP, MSI, Gackt, Anti Flag, Alanis Morisette, No Doubt, Our Lady Peace, The Beatles, Linkin Park, Nirvana, Orgy. [b]Yah. That's probably about all you really need to know about me...[/b][/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][color=silver]Here's a hint, [b]get over it[/b]. Schools have the right to block or ban anything that is not educational. Whether or not they choose to exercise this right is up to them. If you're school is one that chooses to go ahead and block anime sites, then that's up to them. Sure, it may not be fun for you, but you can't do much about it. You're only in school for a few hours a day, and you shouldn't be spending that time on OB. I'm not going to lie, I have come on OB during school, but I wouldn't reccomend it. Learning is vital, anime is not. You could do what Sara said, but do you honestly feel the need to research and brainstorm and spend your time finding loop holes so that you can come onto OB for 3o minutes a day at school? Just let it go and spend less time worrying about what you can't do, it's Thanksgiving, be thankful for what you can.[/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=silver]-Stretch- It has been quite a while since I have visited Otaku. Hello to all who read this and remember me. :) I'm not dressing up as an anime character this year. Instead, I'm probably going to go as Madonna. Old Madonna, before the pointed breasts and nipple tassles. I'm going as Madonna when she first came out, with the frizzy hair, the 6 skirts, the corsets, fingerless gloves, crucifixes. You know. And if not, well, then I'll probably be a Wood Nymph. [ Nymphomaniac for the after parties :devil: ][/color][/size]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssjBrolli [/i] [B]Well I just found out that I not only sing Kryptonite in the shower but also Linkin Park song's, lol. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=silver][size=1]My mother asked me to stop doing that. My neighbor's didn't like hearing me belt out 'Don't Stay' at 6:oo a.m. Do you sing in the shower?[b];;[/b] Yes. Yes I do. I was in the shower about a half an hour ago, and I was singing. What songs do you sing?[b];;[/b] That depends on whether or not I bring my CD player into the bathroom. Though generally the song I sing [ and dance to ] the most frequently, is Christina Aguilera's 'Dirrty'. But that's not all I'm limited to. The song I sing depends on the mood I'm in a what's in my head. I often end up singing songs I don't know the words to. Orgy, Mindless Self Indulgence, Principal's List, Nsync, Joan Armatradding, Michelle Branch, Godsmack, KoRn, Hanson, Beyonce, Briteny, Sex Pistols, Billy Idol, Insane Clown Posse, The Misfits, etc. Why do you sing in the shower?[b];;[/b] To wake myself up. And to get the song out of my head.[/size][/color]
  7. [color=silver][size=1]If I could live my life over, and chose my own form of education, based on my experiences thus far, I would actually [b]prefer[/b] to go to a private school. Private, [b]not[/b] Catholic. My private school of choice, McDonogh, instilled strong work ethics into it's students, and drove them to reach their full potential. In the 2oo3 graduating class, 8o% of the students had achieved full scholarships to the top schools in the country. My cousin attened McDonogh since second grade, so I knew quite a few of the students myself. It was amazing to see people that I'd known since their 8th grade year, walk proudly down the grassy hill, and to hear the Headmaster announce their scholarships to Harvard, Princeton, Duke, Yale, etc. Of course, McDonogh was thousands a year, costing the same as many small colleges. Only the rich and powerful need apply. Therefor, I've been in public school my entire life. My boyfriend, Adam, is now in his third year at DeMatha Catholic High School. He has been in Catholic Schools his entire life. I often feel like I've been deprived when talking to Carrie or Adam about my school work. Subject matter that I am learning this year, in 1oth grade, they've known since Middle School. I feel very under privileged. It is too late for me to enroll in McDonogh, and I would never survive in Catholic school, due to my blatant hatred of religion. So I'll spend the rest of my high school years, being mentally raped and deprived in public school.[/color][/size]
  8. [color=silver][size=1]Well, I can't say I'm entirely suprised theOtaku was mentioned, it is a fabulous site in itself. It is a bit eye-opening I must say. I always thought of theOtaku as a little-known community, snuggled in our own little corner of the cyber world. But, I guess we're really going global. Congratulations Adam and James and everyone else that made theOtaku as spectacular as it is!! -Two resounding thumbs up-[/color][/size]
  9. [color=silver][size=1]I love rain. Rain is so peaceful and beautiful to me. Thunderstorms are excruciatingly beautiful, and so completely natural. I am a child of nature, and I have a rare appreciation for the beauty of nature. I love absolutely all forms of precipitation. Rain, Snow, Sleet, Hail. It doesn't matter to me. Powerful thunder and lightning storms spark something inside of me. Standing on my porch, or in the street, watching the dangerous, dark cloud churning, I experience nothing short of a massive adrenaline rush. I feel alive and powerful. It feels as though the storm is channeling it's fury into me. At the same time, I feel so relaxed and secure. I feel much safer in a wicked down pour, than on a beach in the blazing sun. I would much rather run through a dark forest in a lightning storm, than to hide inside a house. There is something so, uplifting about seeing a bright red ribbon of lightning streak across a churning purple cloud. So, erotic. Some of the best sex of my life, has stemmed from either watching a thunderstorm, or being in it. Something purely instinctive awakens inside me when I hear a loud crack of thunder. At the loudest thunderclaps, I start like everyone else, but my suprise quickly turns into animalistic passion. There is nothing in the world like a powerful thunderstorm. Rain crashing down on the world, thunder beating into the sky, lightning screaming it's beauty across the churning clouds, wind falling hundred year old trees helplessly. It's beautiful. And I am always in the middle of it.[/color][/size]
  10. [color=silver][size=1]It's what a teenager's life is made of.[/size][/color]
  11. [color=silver][size=1]I have RPed in just about every possible manner. Chat Room RPs, Message Board RPs, Instant Message RPs, E-mail RPs, and a few times in 7th grade I actually role-played Android 18 when my friends would play Dragonball Z. [ I was the only blonde -_-; ] I love[d] Role Playing. Kevin and I used to Role Play through E-mails, and I'll never forget those. They were great. Though I have to say, the best RPGs I've ever been in, were on Otaku. And the three top, all had Raiha in them. :P X-Men. X-Men 2. And Dragonhearts. Those were the best RPGs of my life.[/color][/size]
  12. [color=silver][size=1]Well, it's impossible for men to ever know how women think. Women are naturally born more intelligent. [ This is why we've been suppressed and degraded for centuries ] Men can only think on two levels. Women can think on multiple planes. It's not possible for men to understand the way women think, because we think differently. The majority of the men in the world stick with the belief that 'There is either right. Or there is wrong.' Only two possibilities, only two planes. Women know that there are multiple possibilities, with different reprocussions, good or bad. There are no absolutes. This confuses the majority of the men in the world. Since most men do not udnerstand that, they then get angry at being confused, and since humans are naturally arrogant, men jump to defense immedeately, and push the blame on women. Keep always in mind, that I said there are no absolutes, therefor, this does not apply to all men. For example, Harlequin is ridiculously intelligent, as is DeathKnight. So. Yah. o_O; Nothing is absolute.[/color][/size]
  13. [color=silver][size=1]Buy batteries in bulk. Never forget your CD player. Ever. Was it not for my CD player, I would not have made it through freshman year. Of course, I was given numerous detentions [ that I never attended ] for listening to music between classes. Buy those little itty bitty headphones that fit in your ear. You can stick one in your ear and hide it with a beanie. I can't tell you how many horrible tests I got through simply by listening to Aerosmith or Eifel 65 in one ear. As for the social interaction, don't worry about it. You're going to spend a lot more time worrying about the upper classmen, then they're going to spend worrying about you. Expect to be teased about being 'fresh meat' or a 'freshie'. Personally I enjoyed being called a 'freshie'. The best advice I can give you, is have fun. You're only going to be a freshman in highschool once. My freshman year was by far the best year of my life. Life is so much more relaxed and easy-going. The work is harder, but the atmosphere is great. If you're into the punk scene, you'll be amazed at how many shows there are. Go to as many as you can. Enjoy yourself. :) Good luck. :devil:[/color][/size]
  14. [color=silver][size=1]This thread is pointless and offensive. No real discussion can come of this, only offense and retaliation.[/color][/size]
  15. Pressure


    [color=silver][size=1]My friends are all very different. I have some friends who would take my secrets to the grave, and I have others that would gladly run and tell the supermarket tabloids if they thought they could get enough oney from it. Then again, I don't really have much to hide. I don't care who knows what about me. Though no one has, if someone were to ask me, I'd gladly tell them that I visit Yaoi sites. I'd probably even recommend a few for their looking pleasure. :D[/color][/size]
  16. [color=silver][size=1]This is impossible. It violates the rules of mathematics. First off [ though this itself also violates a rule ] if the saying is "Girls are time and money", the equation would be Girls= Time + Money. 'And' suggests addition, not multiplication. Anyways, these equations are impossible. You cannot multiply or add two different variables, to produce a third. Orange + Apple does not yeild Lemon.[/size][/color]
  17. [color=silver][size=1]Good luck. It's my responsibility to uphold the rules on Otaku, so I must close this thread. No one is an exception to the rules, no matter how much they were loved. Good luck.[/size][/color]
  18. [color=silver][size=1]I don't remember who asked before, but the terminology for piercings on the sides of the lower lip is 'Medusa'. It's twin, piercings on the sides of the top lip is 'Monroe'. Wow That was oddly worded. As Raven said before, deep piercings scare me. [b]Especially[/b] a deep oral piercing. Why anyone would want a deep body piercing is beyond me. The deep hand seems utterly ridiculous. The collarbone looks pretty cool, but looks painful beyond words. I mean, I understand that people want to be 'original' in their piercings, but why in the hell would someone get a smiley piercing or a uvula piercing? It just makes absolutely no sense to me. I'd end up swallowing my uvula piercings. I know it. I myself only have one piercing right now. My labret. My ears I had done two years ago, but they got infected when I changed the earrings, so I took them out. I looked bad with ear piercings anyways. I absolutely love my labret piercing more than words can express, and I love how it looks on me. Not everyone can pull off a labret piercing. You have to have just the right kind of lips. And I do. :love: I know that a while back I posted that I wanted 15 more piercings. Hah. Right. No. I'm down to only wanting 3 more. My next piercing will most likely be my septum, but I'm going to have to put serious thought into that, as I sneeze very violently, and several times in a row. And that could suck if I blew my nose ring out. I also desperately want anti-eyebrow piercings. I think they'd look marvelous on me, and would accent my facial features perfectly. Mmmm tattoos. -purr- I want a tattoo on my lower back before I die. Probably of a big, thick, black Ankh. And I'd also like a barcode tattooed on my wrist. I love the Synthetic look. I also want a little blue star outline on my hand between my thumb and forefinger. I don't think I will have to worry about my skin stretching in any of those places. ^_^ I'm definetly a fan of Body Modification.[/color][/size]
  19. [color=silver][size=1]Because that's what we commonly refer to as [b]life[/b].[/size][/color]
  20. Pressure


    [color=silver][size=1]-yawns and stretches- Welcome to Otaku. :D Anyways. I myself do not have ADHD, but my boyfriend does. Though his parents, being the rich, white, republicans that they are, won't admit it. So, he's going untreated. My mother is a clinical social worker, and one of her side responsibilities at the University of Maryland Medical Center, is to head an ADHD Treatment Clinic, for parents and their children.[/size][/color]
  21. [color=silver][size=1][b]Most[/b] embarassing? Is there such a thing? My life is one string after another of embarassing moments. Homecoming last year is pretty high in the ranks. I spent $135 dollars on the dress. $115 dollars having my hair professionally dyed to match. [ Midnight blue ] And while my friend and I were looking all over the Gym for my friend Jeff, I slipped on some water, and did a complete split, ripping the hem of my dress, and undoing half my hair. All that, and Jeff never came to homecoming. Another Jeff-capade, was when I went to Rock-N-Bowl [ Bowling from 1o pm to 1 am ]. I had a huge crush on Jeff, so I wanted to show off my getting a strike. I was wearing my favorite pair of pants, a huge pair of Bugle Boys, and a Spiderman shirt that barely covered my midriff. I [ being the genius ] forgot to wear a belt that night, so my pants were falling off as it was already. Well, forgetting that I ran up for a strike, and as I ran, my pants slipped down to my knees, bearing my bright purple thong to the world, and tripping me as I ran. I slid forward on the ground, and got a gutterball to top it off. That's just the tip of the iceberg.[/color][/size]
  22. [color=silver][size=1]Darkside, your post quality thus far is very poor. If you'd like to stay on at OB, you should re-read the rules, and modify your posting habits. I go back to school in exactly one Month. August 25th. I have mixed feelings about it. I really do want to go back, for most likely the first year of my life, because I miss all of my friends. I also want to go back because I'm psyched about some of the classes I'm going to be taking this year. Especially Latin and Computer Graphics. Today I have to go up to the school and modify my schedule a bit though. I'm going to drop Guitar and take Theater 1 instead. I may have to drop a class I like for Photo, unless I put off Photo for Junior year. I am really excited to go back, last year was a blast, and I'm sure this year will be too.[/size][/color]
  23. [color=silver][size=1]Transtic is right. There is really nothing you can do. Once someone changes, it doesn't really matter how much you talk to them, they probably won't change back. Just accept that he's different now, and he may have changed for the worse. You two are growing apart, it's totally natural. Just let him go and do what he wants to.[/size][/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OtakuSennen [/i] [B]Hm.. When I was in 3rd grade (4 years ago) we used to have a crummy old Windows 95.. Then my dad got a job when internet access WAS required, so then we got a vamped up 98 and got internet access. I started off looking at Pokemon sites, mostly.. *shudders* Then, once I entered my "golden age of anime" I started searching for Evangelion and .hack//SIGN episode guides, which brought me to The Otaku, thus putting me in OtakuBoards! l-] The rest is history. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=silver][size=1]I honestly have no idea why this caught my attention, but I guess it was the line, "The rest is history." Don't take this offensively, but wasn't your [b]entire post[/b] history? :whoops: I discovered the internet in 4th grade. All six years ago. -nostalgia- I remember I flipped out when Mattel started advertising the part of their website where you could customize your **own** Barbie. I was floored. In 5th grade my "huge" discovery was [b]Hamster Dance[/b]. Dun dun dunnnn. And I thought Ask Jeeves was the most amazing thing ever. I didn't discover Otaku until 8th grade. Dragonball Z was suddenly the *huge craze*. Even though I'd been watching it for two years previous to the Dragonball fad. Then, three days into 8th grade, I was getting my bookbag out of my locker, and a tall, handsome, quiet stranger walked up to me and handed me a folded up piece of paper. Sorry for the cliche. On the piece of paper, was the mysterious creature's name, phone number, and several websites. The first one below his name was 'OtakuBoards.com [ cool ]' And below that it said 'Krillin6913' So, I jumped online that night, tore through the site, signed up, and spammed in at least 4 threads. :D "The rest is history." :whoops: [/size][/color]
  25. [color=silver][size=1]Oh Deb.. I wish I was there to put my arms around you. I may still be a mere child, just awakening into the world, but it's enough to feel a swell of remorse in my breast for the pain you have endured. My heart grieves for you and the life of Christophe, who's thread of life was too swiftly cut. The one comforting thought I can bear to allow myself, is that the beautiful young infant was, at least, able to see his beautiful mother's smiling face before his life was ended. I know, that you will forever bear the scars of this tragedy, both physical and emotional, and I will bear a thorn in my heart for your loss. I'm here for you Deb. Call whenever you want. If I miss your call, leave a message, I swear I'll call you back.[/color][/size]
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