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Everything posted by Pressure
Viper:We can save Liam, but I fear that doing so will rob me of my last mortal energy and I will have to ascend.. Peri:Into a better life.. Viper:I will not leave you down here and do nothing to protect you.. I owe my life and future to you.. and Liam.. which is why I must not let him die.. Peregrine.. Peri:Viper.. Viper:We cannot wait any longer.. it is time.. [i]Peregrine and Viper nodded to each other and Viper left over the top balcony. She plummeted and fell onto the balcony three floors below. She grabbed a stricken Chole and leapt again, grabbing Alan and finally landing on the ground. The thirif stood in the doorway next to Lady Peregrine.[/i] Peri:Come, my father owns the swiftest horses in the land.. [i]Peregrine gestured to the back of the house and Viper followed her swiftly. She stood before several tall, muscular, built, brown horses. Viper was not choosy in that she leapt on the first one. Viper sped off towards the epicenter of the demons, waiting for no one. Her eyes glittered dangerously and the weather grew angry around her.[/i]
[color=purple]Wow.. I haven't posted in this thread in forever! o.o[/color] ~~~~~~~~ [i]Slowing from her run, Feather stops and flips her hair. Her eyes glitter from an unseen lightsource. She bends forward and adjusts the top of one of her boots. Standing up slowly and majestically, Feather smiles softly at Axel. She blinks slowly and keeps walking.[/i]
Voltage:What do you think we'll find in the North? Piro:Cold weather.. I don't like cold weather.. Voltage:Gee I wonder why.. [i]Piro punched Voltage lightly in the arm. She smiled and walked 50 feet behind everyone else, firing little static balls at plants and watching them burst. She snickered lightly and looked at the clouds as she walked.[/i] Voltage:I fight to protect this..
Voltage:Thank you captain obvious.. [i]Voltage shuts her eyes and raises her arms. She puts her hands together and forms a triangle with her fingers. She hums softly, deep in her throat. Flickers of silver lightning bolts flash around her eyes. She opens them and and opaque, swirling grey covers her entire eyes, making it impossible to see behind it. The hum in her throat becomes louder, almost to a growl. She raises one hand above her head and points the other, palm forward, at the nearest three warriors.[/i] Voltage:SILVER LIGHTNING! [i]A huge bolt of silver crashes from the sky into the hand Voltage had raised to the sky. She channeled it through her body and it erupted from the hand she pointed at the warriors. The bolt slashed through them, tearing them apart. She continued tearing the attacking warriors apart, with no remorse, no mercy, and no feeling.[/i]
[color=purple]I'm all for it! I lurve yaoi and yuri.. though there isnt much yuri to be found that doesnt in some way or another link to the two Sailor Senshis.. But yaoi is bountiful and I love it.. Now give me a reason why not :evil3:[/color]
Anime If you were to be any Anime character out there.........
Pressure replied to Krillen's topic in Otaku Central
[color=purple]Kevin! Hey.. last time I checked.. you were banned.. yeah registering here would be a direct violation of the rules.. leave by your own will and I wont "accidentally" let this secret slip to the mods..[/color] -
[i]Viper turns to Alan and smiles. She feels its best not to involve herself. Viper doesn't want the entire city to know she is a goddess. She turns again to Peri. Viper waits for a few minutes until there is a break in the silence. She sets her hand on Peri's shoulder and whispers into her ear.[/i] Viper:I'd like to speak to you alone after dinner for a few minutes please.. Peri:Alright.. [i]Viper smiles and sits back up. She turns and asks for the potatoes.[/i]
[color=purple]Arigato Fett-san. This thread is considered spam. I was in the last RPG like this and Flash closed it. It really is a pointless use of the boards. Wanna make it easy on the mods and close it yourself?[/color]
Voltage:No! STOP! [i]Voltage holds out a hand, but too late. Seth and Dark race forward, blades raised. They slash the horses and fall back in shock as they realizes that the horses are made of nothing more than black mist. Their red eyes glint dangerously against their black fur. Voltage, Piro, and Valeigh step forward. Voltage purposely bumps hard into Seth's shoulder, making him turn.[/i] Voltage:You didn't actually think it would be that easy did you? Valeigh:If they had meant to attack us, you would have never heard their horses. And by now, we would all be dead. [i]Piro stands next to Voltage as Seth and Dark step next to them. Valeigh stands before the tallest rider.[/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]Uh, Tiger, calm down, you're SPAMMING... Besides, you can't get custom avies until you reach like, 500 or 1000 posts or something... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]Uh sweetie.. did you even READ the thread? The new installment would be that now anyone can have a custom avatar. Newbies, who post from 1-100 can have any custom avatar 50x50 pixels. Anyone from 100-500 can have a avatar 60x60 pixels. Anyone with posts over 500 can have a custom avatar 80x80 pixels.[/color]
Dark:An improvement really.. Valeigh:You'll pay for that.. [i]Valeigh charges Dark with her sword held above her head. Just as she had hoped, Dark ducked below the blade. Valeigh's eyes flashed and she smiled, slamming the hilt straight into Dark's stomach. Blood flew from his mouth and he collapsed to the ground. Valeigh stood with her sword facing the incorrect way. Seth did not wait before knocking her feet out from underneath her. Seth stabbed with his sword, but Valeigh rolled to the side and slashed his ankle open. She jumped up as Seth's leg bent in with pain. Valeigh flipped backwards and landed facing an already in fighting stance Seth. She charged him, and he her. Before their blades met, they both heard a loud, angry yell and were thrown to their knees as a huge lightning bolt raced between them and spilt the ground open into a deep crevice.[/i] Voice:That is enough.. [i]Seth and Valeigh looked up and saw Piro and Voltage standing in the cave doorway. Voltage looked extremely angry and her fists were clenched at her sides. She was panting heavily and the top of her forehead was barely damp. [/i] Piro:What is the matter with you three? Think this is just some tornament to see who is the strongest warrior of them all? Or are you all to headstrong and egotistical to see past your own powers? Voltage:This isn't about you three or whos strongest. This is about the fate of the world. No single one of you is superior to the other or to us. We all have equal power. Yes there are some here that have more skill than the others, but that is irrelevant.. Piro:We are all the remains of a group chosen and sworn to protect this planet from whatever is menacing it.. Voltage:Have you three forgotten that we our safety and everyone elses is currently being threatened by an INSASE SORCERER?! Will you three grow up and stop thinking about who is better than the other? Can you try for just a little while to think about someone other than yourselves? Can you be adults long enough to save the human race? [i]Voltage finished speaking and turned to Piro. They lcoked eyes and without looking back at the three on the ground, they turned and left. Voltage called back as they walked.[/i] Voltage:When you three grow up.. your help would be appreciated..
Anime If you were to be any Anime character out there.........
Pressure replied to Krillen's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE]You know, Gohan has a pretty similar presonality to me.... [/QUOTE] [color=purple]*cough* Uh-huh.. What are you smoking?! [/color] [QUOTE] Hes really smart......Oh wait, scratch the smart part, im an idiot. [/QUOTE] [color=purple]Knew that.. Gohan is a scholar.. and your flunking Algebra..[/color] [QUOTE] Hes good looking for one..... [/QUOTE] [color=purple]Dear god yes he is!!![/color] [QUOTE]and hes pretty shy around girls[/QUOTE] [color=purple]Unlike you...[/color] [QUOTE] All I need to work on now is the Ki Blasts and Flying. [/QUOTE] [color=purple]I will pay sooooooooo much money to see you, Nate, Caleb, and Emanuel doing this.. What anime character would I like to be? Mamano Hunter Yohko.. She gets it on with Osamu in the first movie! Lucky! >_ -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]In Middle-earth, Jenna Winter was a [b]Lonely Dragon[/b]. Aww, that's sad :( Elven Name Possibilities [for mesa]: [b]Gayaaraniel Gayaaranien Gayaaranwen[/b] I think I like [b]Gayaaraniel[/b] best :) Hobbit lass name [for me]: [b]Rose Burrows from the North Moors[/b] Interesting...that was neat :whoops:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]Hey! Be happy you are a Lonely Dragon!!! In Middle-earth, Alice Isn't giving you the rest of her name, was an Unwanted Goblin >_
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sere Tuscumbia [/i] [B] And Alice, if you get onto me saying this is spam, I'm gonna hunt you down and spork you, got it? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]I shake with fear.. I am being threatened by a peice of plastic that I could break with my pinky.. I should star running shouldn't I? I really don't want to fight back because I don't like to insult my intelligence.. And as no one is doing a very good job, except stormwing, of actually making this an RPG, I'm withdrawing.. I'll say it for you Sere.. "Good ridance!" Are you happy? I best leave before my IQ begins to drop to your level..[/color]
[color=purple]Ah.. Everworld? I've been wanting to read that for some time.. but I never knew I would be able to get into it. Usually I wait for someone, like you, who is serious about reading and writing to reccomend a book I'm unsure about before I read it. Thank you, I'll have to go pick up a copy now. Justin.. I never knew there was a difference between Heracles and Herculese. What is different about them? I always thought it was just a mis-spelling. I really like reading about Pagan mythology.[/color]
Alan:Viper? Viper:Magic..
[i]Voltage found her way under a large oak tree. She sat on the grass and pulled her legs up to her chest again. She held them there and laid her forehead ontop of her knees to she hid her face from the world. She sat there, unmoving for what seemed like years before she heard any sounds. Voltage lifted her head. She heard a crackling like fire and a panting like an animal. She coiled inside and waited, feeling unfarmiliarly too vulnerable. She waited and watched her surrounding trees. She didn't want to be killed in the middle of a forest. Something rustled to her right and she saw leaves curling and puffs of smoke rising from the side of a tree. She waited, ready to spring up and flee, and around the corner of the tree came a demonic dog. One of Piro's. She recognized it instantly but still she coiled inside. [/i] Voltage:Piro isn't here.. what if this thing attacks me? [i]Voltage began to stand and slowly back away, never taking her eyes off the dog. As she backed away, her eyes widened in fear as two more dogs appeared next to the first. Her breaths became quick and fearful as the dogs edged closer. The two beasts on the outside stopped moving, but the one in the middle remained. It inched closer and closer to Voltage. She screamed and sheilded her eyes with her arms.[/i] Voltage:Leave me alone!!!!! [i]Voltage braced herself for razor sharp teeth burning into her flesh. She waited and waited in fear but nothing happened. She finally let her arms down from her face and peered at the dogs. She gasped and almsot fell over. All three of the dogs hand bent one knee and were bowing with their heads down. Two of the dogs disappeared back into the ground while one remained. Voltage sunk to the ground again and sat before the dog. It raised it's head and looked at her with it's shining black eyes. This made her stomach drop slightly but the dog simply stepped forward and laid at her feet. Voltage welcomed the warmth it ommitted and smiled quietly at the dog. Cautiously Voltage lifted a hand. She winced slightly before stretched it out. She carefully lowered it just above the flames and taking a deep breath, let it fall through the flames onto the dog. [/i] Voltage:My hand! It's not burning! Maybe this is only the case if they like someone.. or are instructed to.. gods where is Piro? [i]Almost on cue, Voltage heard Piro calling her name. She and the dog lifted their heads at the same time. The dog rose to it's feet and left Voltage. Within a few minutes, it was back, Piro trailing behind it. Piro smiled and knelt beside Voltage.[/i] Voltage:Piro..
Shocks: Do you think it was worth it? Siren:Worth what? Shocks:There [i]has[/i] to be a catch.. the Angel of Oblivion doesn't just give things away and save people freely.. Siren:Whatever it is.. I'm sure Valeigh will be up to it.. Shocks:I think your right..
[i]Voltage sulks slowly behind the other three. She falls farther and farther behind Piro. Finally he turns back and sees her sitting on the ground, leaning against a rock, her knees drawn to her chest. He turns back and kneels down to meet her. Voltage's hair hides her face well. Piro reaches behind the obstructive wall of supple golden strands in an attempt to stroke her cheek without being able to see it. He quickly withdraws his hands as he feels wetness on her face. He looks down at his fingers and sees a few droplets of a watery substance perched on his forefinger.[/i] Voltage:All my life I've been told I've done everything wrong.. and everything awful that happened was my fault.. until I got my powers.. I was nothing.. just one more punching bag for the world to reign it's fists down on.. I [i]thought[/i] I was past that.. but as I'm still finding myself pathetically crying in the corner.. I guess I'm not.. Piro:Voltage.. Voltage:Too many people have told me I was immature or inadecuate or I didn't do things the right way or I'd messed something else up.. damnit! I don't think I'm cut out to be one of the ten.. [i]Voltage stands up and runs from the cavern. She knocked into Dark, sprawling him against the wall, but took off before he could respond and make herself fell anymore pain. She burst out into the light and sheilded her eyes. Searching her directions frantically, she finally sped off without knowing where she was going, hoping it was far away from Valeigh and Seth.[/i]
[color=purple]Yes sweet one.. I knew that already.. but it's hard to try and mask the fact that your poem was rhyming.. but I am glad you fixed innocence.. thats a start..[/color]
[i]Ping[/i] Viper:Peregrine! [i]Peregrine whirls around, shocked at Viper's sudden loud outburst.[/i] Peri:Whoa! What? What is it? Viper:It's Liam.. something is wrong.. something evil.. we have to go find him.. Chole:Isn't he still underground or something? [i]Viper ignores him and looks straight at Peregrine.[/i] Viper:Something is horribly wrong..
[i]Voltage grabs Piro by the sleeve of the shirt and pulls him up. She jumps up from behind the rock and strolls proudly in front of Piro, walking towards the guard and the door. The guard lifts an eyebrow thinking she must be insane. He lifts a hand to halt them[/i] Guard:And where do you think your going? Voltage:In.. this is your only warning to step aside.. [i]Voltage speaks with a smile stretched across her face.[/i] Guard:You don't scare me little girl.. Voltage:What a pity.. oh well.. your loss.. [i]Voltage lifts her hand to the man's chest and elicits a large electric shock into him, knocking him clear off his feet. He slams hard into the Obsidian and falls to the floor, a trickle of blood running from the back of his head. Voltage turns and smiles up at Piro. [/i] Piro:Sparky.. [i]Voltage smiles even wider and turns to the dark door. She takes a deep breath, seizes Piro's hand, and plunges them both into the darkness.[/i]
Writing I'll give a cookie to anyone that can figure this sucker out.
Pressure replied to Charles's topic in Creative Works
[color=purple]Dagnabbit!! You, Ravenstoture, Raiha, and Ken are making me salivate everytime I read this stuff! It's amazing.. my work is crap compared.. >_ -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] but still... anyway back to the point... they all felt as strongly, if not stronger to their gods/goddesses as modern day religions do.... there's not much difference besides those religions aren't practiced anymore...[/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]There are other differences? Oh goodness.. I'm going to start yet [i]another[/i] Religious War in the threads.. I'm imfamous for those.. I should stop rambling now.. anyway back to the topic.. I'm a HUGE fan of Greek and Egyptian Mythology.. I have no life so I take up my time by reading book after book of Mythology.. In the sixth grade I had to be transfered to another class during our Mythology unit.. because I kept correcting the teacher.. ^-^;; I've read just about every Greek myth there is.. know most of them by heart.. and can usually recite them for my friends upon command.. I've also always loved reading about the Ancient Egyptian gods and customs.. perhaps not so much the myths as the gods.. Celtic myths are intriguing to me because they are my backround and birthright.. but I don't put effort into learning them..[/color]
[color=purple]I like Otaku the way it is.. I haven't experienced any problems with it.. well I can't see tesy colors.. but thats my piece of crap computer.. not OB.. so.. anyways.. if you say this will make it better.. more power to you Adam.. Project Picasso.. is that what's coming in May that James keeps hinting at and leaving us in excruciating suspense over? [/color]