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Everything posted by Pressure
Voltage:She's good! Piro:Yeah.. but now what do we do? Voltage:I don't kno-oh.. oh! Travis! Sam! Dark! Get down! [i]The other three snap back into reality and duck behind the nearest rocks. Voltage looks at them and growls.[/i] Voltage:How did we get stuck with them? Dark:Beats me.. Piro:One of us should go out there and deem our presence.. Voltage:Your right.. okay.. I volunteer.. Dark! to go.. Dark:Thank you so much Voltage.. [i]Voltage bows her head and boots him out behind Valeigh. He looks back and she simply smiles and waves. He steps forward and turns to Valeigh.[/i] Dark:W-what about us? And what about your side? [i]Back behind the rock.[/i] Piro:What was that nonsense about "all must die except for warriors"? Voltage:Rubbish.. probably afraid of mages.. Piro:He has perfect reason to be afraid of you.. Sparky.. Voltage:Sparky? Piro:Yup.. I'm gonna call you Sparky from now on.. Voltage:Ooooh.. kaaaaaaay..
Writing More writing, a bit of violence in this one...
Pressure replied to Ravenstorture's topic in Creative Works
[color=purple]Every work of your I read astounds me Ravenstorture. Each different from the last, all painfully beautiful. This one was amazing but I must ask two questions.. 1)[i]Have[/i] you been to Egypt? 2)And did you know the woman who died? [/color] -
Writing Ok, I have a challenge for you.
Pressure replied to duomaxwell1202's topic in Creative Works
[color=purple]Where are the moderators when you need them? There are rules against this.. if you want a funny Gundam Wing story.. right one yourself.. *looks around* Oh Raiha-san..[/color] -
[color=purple]Ken-san.. I must say.. your poetic libido is astounding.. reading your work strikes a chord inside.. one that many can't even reach.. just reading your work makes me want to make my own.. that to me is true poetry.. it awakens that inner rage that I never let out but long to.. so far.. your poetry is all I can find that has been able to do that for me.. I want to thank you so much and this meager post is a poor way of doing it.. but it [i]is[/i] a start.. so for now all I can offer you in return for this amazing work.. is.. Thank You -Alice[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]1. Do you spend much time in this forum? 2. Do you contribute a lot of poetry? 3. Do you read a lot of poetry posted here? 4. For the most part, do you enjoy it? 5. How would you describe most of the poetry posted here? Insightful? Light hearted? Moving? Mind-numbingly depressing? 6. Do you write [or have you, in the past, written] much poetry that could be considered "depressing"? 7. Did writing it make you feel any better? 8. Do you prefer reading "depressing" or "lighthearted" poetry? 9. And does the phrase "you have to suffer to write" mean anything to you? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]1)Yes, lately I've begun to.. 2)Not really.. stories about the one I long for.. cough.. but I plan to.. 3)Absolutely, DeathKnight and Ravenstorture are amazing writers.. 4)Unconditionally.. 5)Ming-numbingly depressing.. well.. half of it.. about.. 6)Yes.. 7)Yes.. 8)Eh heh.. don't take this the wrong way.. but depressing.. light hearted is usually to sugary for me.. 9)No.. because you don't [/color]
[color=purple]The jist of it and the idea behind it are good.. but your spelling and rhyming could use some work.. scar and small don't rhyme well.. and innocence is spelling incorrectly.. but aside from that and a few other easily corrected things.. it was a very nice poem.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Well, it's not clairvoyancy girl, it's prerecognition.[/COLOR] :demon: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]But precognition IS calirvoyancy.. anyways.. due to extreme boredom last night and today in school.. i hate written.. MORE! Yes.. more about.. *cough* him *cough* this one has no title.. maybe you wonderful people out there can think of one [i]for[/i] me.. Everyone is flitting around stupidly, questing for an unknown escape from their pointless lives. I can't stand the way they dance their dillusionous dances or the way they chatter mindlessly. Honestly, get a soul! But your different, your not like them. A tall, dark Seraphim. You walk shrowded in an invisible cloak of underlying guilt, swinging to and fro your insence burner which leaks it's msuty scent of desire. A scent which drives me mad. Which entrances the mind in a dark dance of passion and longing. I know that you see me, but I also know you don't. Hidden invisibly in sight, I'm nothing but an unwanted, transparent, figure of glass. I'm simply one more pebble in your shoe, no different than all the rest. But someday I hope to be more than an ordinary rock. I want to be a jewel held close to your heart. All my wildest dreams and fantasies consist of you. Deep, dark fantasies I share with no one. Dark, sexual, terrible, wonderful, pleasent, scary. Each different with am indentical core. All of them about you. Nothing else matters to me so much as you do. I fear I am growing to loose my mind, and loose my soul. I'm drowning in your body, hoping to never again reach the surface. That's it.. horrible punctuation and language usage. My signiature fault would be the run on sentences.. but.. I think you get the point..[/color]
[color=purple]I've seen it.. and still I fear the Nuhaul.. it haunts me.. o.o;;[/color]
[color=purple]I said it before.. I say it again.. DeathKnight you are a god.. *worship*[/color]
[i]The group stared into the vacuum and as they did a dark flash of lightning slammed into Siren, knocking her from her feet. Shocks whirled around to help her up and as she did they both stared at the vaccum. The dark form of a tall man materialzed and soon before them stood the tall, maliciouss looking Arch Angel of Oblivian. Zylik winced as Oblivian stepped forward and stopped before Valeigh. Shocks helped Siren to her feet as dark whirling shadow beasts screamed around them. Some of the swirling shadow spirits screamed in rage, others in fear, while some laughed terribly.[/i] Oblivian:Who summoned me and what purpose have they?
Writing creative writing (drug references)
Pressure replied to Ravenstorture's topic in Creative Works
[color=purple]Raiha-san recommended I read this and I'm glad she did. Your work is amazing and deep. It's really a work of intelligent and plagued art. This really is amazing and I hope to be able to read more in the future.[/color] -
Voltage:Question.. why did they just melt the metal? I thought we were getting at whatever is behind this wall.. if anything is at all.. Piro:Search me.. I don't know what they are doing.. melting metal, spreading Mercury, floating skateboards.. all too weird for me.. Voltage:Silly Piro.. [i]Voltage grins and lightly pinches his strong arm. Piro looks down at her and raises and eyebrow. Voltage simply flashes her signiature cocky grin and smiles back up at him.[/i]
[color=purple]Sorry Rico.. but whoa.. your post literally scared me.. I could feel my stomach in knots.. thats like something DeathKnight would post.. it jsut caught me off guard.. that's all.. I'm sorry.[/color] ~~~~~~~~ Viper:We should keep moving.. Peri:She's right.. [i]They silently mount their horses and ride back out the way they came.[/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]*sigh* That's beautiful, even if your spacing is a bit wacko. Don't quit yet, give us more about this tall willowy handsome fallen angel.....[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]Oh yeah.. I'm sorry.. when I copied it into the reply it came out like that.. I fixed it as well as I could.. sorry.. O_O;; how did you know he is tall? It's not in the blurb I wrote.. I don't think.. whoa.. clairvoyancy rocks.. :D [/color]
[color=purple]*reads Rico's post* Man.. your seriously f-cked in the head.. you may want to seek some therapy or something.. Outlaw isn't supposed to live!!! the Otaku Member Outlaw never posts anymore and we really have no use for the Outlaw character.. its the same thing I did with Tenx.. but geez.. god.. eww Rico.. *cringes* [/color] ~~~~~ Viper:If we did this.. it would seriously slow us down.. Alan:What do you mean? Viper:If we save his life.. the Underlord would be really upset and would probably attack us with fury.. Chole:Well.. your the Goddess of Protection aren't you? Viper:Yes.. but his power is much greater than mine.. Peri:What do we do? Liam:Take his life as quickly as possible.. Alan:Kill him!? Viper:Euthanasia.. Alan:What? Peri:Kill him painlessly for mercy.. Chole:We must.. he wouldn't live even with bandages.. and even if he did he would have severe brain damage.. Liam:Thats all well and good, but who will do it? Viper:I.. I.. I will.. Only I can make it truly painless.. [i]Shaking visibly, Viper stepped forward and placed on hand on Outlaw's chest. She gazed into his bloodshot eyes and cried harder. She bent forward and kissed him softly on the lips. She lifted her head slightly and let a tear fall onto his cheek. Viper raised a shaky hand and put it on Outlaw's slit. She almost felt Outlaw's pulse quicken and she shut her eyes. As the other's watched, Outlaw's chest rose high in a large breath and fall silently back. Viper winced and stood back up. She removed her fingers from the cut, and turned comberly to the group.[/i] Viper:It is done.. [i]With that she walked past the rest of the group and collapsed sobbing into Alan's arms.[/i]
[color=purple]Last night I had a dream that I touched a puddle of Mercury with one finger and it burned really bad, then the Mercury enveloped my entire body, and.. I.. woke up. O.o;; Martixy..[/color]
[color=purple]That sounds like me.. Waiting really doesn't help.. Tell her to move on.[/color]
[color=purple]Please edit that and make it easier to read.[/color]
[color=purple]It's not Mr.Clinton's fault at all. He simply thought at the time that it would be best if they were freed. There is no possible way Clinton could have known Atta would fly a plane into the WTC. 9/11 was in no way his fault.[/color]
[i]Viper groaned softly and cracked her neck.The sound ricocheted off the walls and the group turned back to look at her.[/i] Viper:Eh heh.. sorry.. didn't know it would do that.. [i]Peregrine rolled her eyes and shook her head. Chole stared at her with one eyebrow raised and Alan waited. Liam looked back and so did Peregrine. They noticed Viper scanning the group and the darkness with her eyebrows knitted.[/i] Alan:Viper what is it? [i]Viper jumped down from her horse and scanned the group again. She looked around the dark tunnel and finally her eyes fell on the floor. There was a long, wide strip of dark liquid mixed in with the sand that she had not noticed before. Viper walked back behind the group, squinting at the ground as though she didn't believe what she was seeing. Then she turned and ran quickly ahead of Peregrine's horse, which was the first. In the light cast by Chole's glowing ball, Viper knew her thoughts were confirmed. She turned back and mounted her horse.[/i] Peregrine:Viper, have you gone mad? Viper:I can't believe none of us noticed this before.. [i]Viper dismounted her horse again and dipped her fingers in the liquid. She dropped her hand from view and mounted her horse again. Again she turned and faced the group.[/i] Chole:What haven't we noticed? Viper:Liam, this tunnel of yours came at a grave price.. [i]Viper drew her hand from her back and showed the group. Her fingers were covered in blood. Peregrine and Alan recoiled, though Liam bent forward and inspected it.[/i] Liam:This blood is fresh.. no more than 10 miutes old.. where ever this blood came from.. whatever it was died only a few minutes ago.. it may even still be alive.. Viper:I don't think it is.. that would be too kind of the Underlord to do.. I kewn we shouldn't have trusted him.. Alan:But what do you mean this tunnel came at a very grave price? Peregrine:And where did the blood come from? [i]Viper opened her mouth to speak, but Chole beat her to the punch.[/i] Chole:Guys.. where is Outlaw?
[color=purple]Yet another emotional mess written by Alice. Just the pathetic ramblings that I wrote from boredom and inert stress. So here ya' go! This story has absolutely nothing to do with God. Well, the only relation is that the person it's being written about, his real name means "Close to God".. so.. here it is.. The music blares and the lights flash, but still I hear and see nothing but you. A million miles is wrapped in the sheepskin of a few feet. Friends laugh and jeer around me, talking rapidly about things I care not to hear. Over my shoulder I know you laugh and I sneak daring looks. Even in this room, ignorant of white light, your chocolate eyes flash dangerously. Your eyes flick upwards too fast for any eyes but mine to spy as you steal a quick glance. I wonder what it is your looking at, but nothing can explain the annoying and ever-growing enigma to me as your eyes again cascade down to the floor. A fresh young filly laughs stupidly into your ear and I feel the malevolence in myself wanting to lash forward and strike her down. Still I move not, for if I did nothing would come of it. This girl I do not know, nor even do you. You met her of this night and already your angelic lips graze hers in a beautiful but painful dance. My stomach falls through the floor and my heart is ablaze with fury and rage. Yet again I must remind myself I know neither you nor her intimately. The stupidity of the entire mess screams inaudibly in my head and I feel as though I must rush from the room in a flood of tears that will drench your soul and bring you to me. But I do not move. My feet have taken root to the soil of the floor and I wonder if I'll ever be free to move again. Again I gaze longingly at your seraph-like face. The curve of your chin, the glitter of your eyes, the smoothness of your skin. None of it escapes my watchful eye. The destruction of the girl who steals you away from my fantasies overshadows all my thoughts and feelings. I want to shred her clothes and slash her face. I can even feel the blades of spite bonding to my fingers, ready to tear her apart. Again your lips meet hers in a malicious ballet of passion and carelessness and my dreams of her bloody end fade as I realize in great anguish that you'll never be mine. As my close companions called "friends" chatter endlessly I am forced to recede from the room and add to the space between us. I retire to the lonely, desolate, silence of another room where all my aches are spilled to the floor in salty drops. Your name says you are close to god but I know your the devil wrapped in a beautiful package of mystery. Sent only to damn my soul and force me to hate you for all time. Um.. The end..[/color]
Writing I'll give a cookie to anyone that can figure this sucker out.
Pressure replied to Charles's topic in Creative Works
[color=purple]O_o;; Well I was off.. I saw it as someone writing after being heartbroken and left. Or possibly someone being heartbroken after seeing their true love with another woman.. I interpreted this "someone" as a man.. by the way.. You know CWB, you and Raiha should really look into being author's. As soon as your published I want to know![/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]Raving. I just can't stop. Sex is also addicting, but thats another story. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]*cough* *choke* O_o;; whoa now.. That was way more information than I needed..[/color]
[color=purple]A shimmering panel of metal? Hmm.. doesn't give me much to work off of.. could you maybe go into depth a bit more? I'm gonna try my best to do this.. but I don't think I'll do it right.. if I don't I'll edit my post later.[/color] ~~~~~~~ Seth:Fine.. [i]Voltage raises her eyebrows and waits as Seth cautiously steps onto the metal panel. He takes one slow step after another, barely moving across the panel. He feels a hand on his shoulder and startled, whirls around. Valeigh stares at him like he's blowing things out of proportion.[/i] Voltage:I wonder why there was Mercury covering this panel.. Piro:What kind of metal is this? Valeigh:It's cobalt.. Piro:How can you tell? [i]Valeigh doesn't answer but keeps on walking. Lauren waits for them across by the wall. Voltage pokes Piro lightly in the arm and smiles reassuringly up at him. Finally they all cross the metal and wait by the Obsidian wall.[/i] Travis:So now what do we do?
[color=purple] Q: My mother's age A: A shooting star[/color]