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Everything posted by Pressure
[color=purple]Don't get smart with me Sere.. yes you have been spamming dear! Micheal J Fox has absolutely nothing to do with X-Men.. don't be stupid.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]It was clearly stated by pioneer that the Tenchi marrying Ryoko infamous "wedding pic" was no more then just a picture made for the art book it is not suppose to be taken literally nor has ever been deemed official, the fact is that a rumor started about that picture being true and pioneer/AIC was forced to put out an official press statement deeming that the pic was in fact just that a picture that is not to be taken literally!;) If you doubt me on this please go email Pioneer and they will tell you the same thing I did too! As of now we will not know who Tenchi chooses until the continuation to the Ova's come out!:) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]Seriously? damnit!!! >.
[color=purple]Good LORD! This thread is spam-ridden!!! Name:Alexia X-Name:Mercury Child of:Scott and Rogue O.o;; Powers:Can transform into a Mercury like substance, can make people insane with one touch, when in her Mercury form is immune to all attcks except hydro-attacks Age:17 Appearence:Rogue with longer hair, and without the white streaks. Dresses as a punk. Thick black eye makeup. Bio:Mercury is not one to be messed with, takes after her mother a lot.. Backround:When she was four, an angry Jean Grey killed her father and left her mother in the hospital. Mercury's mother died when she was 8. Mercury is the sworn enemy of Jean's daughter... Cassandra[/color]
[color=purple]Oh.. oops.. sorry.. I'll try not to flaunt it.. :blush:[/color] ~~~~~~~ [i]Viper sighs wearily and picks her cantene[sp] off the horse's side and takes a long drink. She sets the cantene back in it's holder and leans froward on the horse, her head lolling softly on the horse's neck. She lifts her feet up behind her and suceeds in laying on her stomach, on a moving horse.[/i] Alan:Showoff.. Viper:Pish-posh.. it isn't hard Alan.. try it.. [i]Alan attempts the same thing and falls off the horse into the dust. Viper snickers and sits up regularly on the horse.[/i] Viper:Guess I was wrong.. heh.. sorry Alan.. [i]Alan grumbles and climbs back on the horse. Viper shakes her head and smiles. She lolls her head on the horse's warm neck again, but doesn't move from there.[/i]
[i]Voltage smiles as Piro turns his head away and she follows suit. Lauren mounts the skateboard and prepares.[/i] Lauren:Merrcoa! [i]The skateboard floats steadily into the air and crosses the wide pool of Mercury easily. Lauren laughs triumphantly as she lands on the other side of the pool. While Sam cheers her on and claps in pride, the rest of the group knows better.[/i] Voltage:Well that was wonderful dear, but how do you propose the rest of us get across? Sam:Oh yeah.. um.. so could we like pole vault or something? Valeigh:First let's see what's behind the wall, Lauren if you would, inspect the wall and see if there is a crack or something that we can open it with.. the rest of us will continue trying to get across.. Voltage:Say Valeigh.. Valeigh:Yes? Voltage:Is it possible.. that.. Valeigh:What? Voltage:Could it be possible that we aren't actually supposed to cross the puddle? Piro:What do you mean? Seth: Do you mean there may be something at the bottom of the puddle? Dark:How are we going to get it there? Voltage:Will you let me FINISH?! I meeeeean.. is it possible, could it be, that this is just a diversion, maybe to lead us away from something else and keep us occupied.. I mean.. what if there is nothing behind that wall but more Obsidian? Valeigh:That's a very good question.. ~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]For all the Legolas lovers!![/color]
[color=purple]Dreaming of stardom huh? Tips:Observe the musical culture around you.. if you are living in a town full of punks and bangers.. don't start a pop band.. And always remember.. The music you make and play define who you are..[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen_Isanity [/i] [B] I know my mom loves me, but unlike you. I don't do things behind my moms back, and yet she thinks I do. She thinks I'm going out behind her back, even though most guys @ 13 are waaaaaaaay imature. I will never do drugs or have intercourse before I'm married. But still my mom watches me like a hawk. & Mom if you ever read this: GIVE ME SOME BREATHING ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:help: [/B][/QUOTE] My mom KNOWS I do things I don't tell her about.. she just doesn't know WHAT I do.. she trusts me enough to know that I wouldn't do anything that would put myself in danger.. so she accepts it.. She doesn't worry about you.. its the world around you.. and peer pressure is a b.tch.. she knows that.. and doesn't want you to give into it.. *cough* Some of the guys? *cough* Most men don't mature until they are in their late 30's early 40's.. then there is the percentage that doesn't mature at all.. Your mom is worried for you.. Be thankful that someone loves you that much.. Sure I know it can be frustrating.. but if you sit down and talk with your mother, even if you've already done it do it again, then the worst that can happen is thigns may stay the same. But usually they change for the better. It's frustrating.. and it will be until you move out, but if you stop dwelling on how unfair it is and stop focusing on what you can't do and start focusing on what you can, life will become a LOT easier.[/color]
[color=purple]Is it wrong to be addicted to gossiping? YEAH.. that's what I thought.. What about making up stupid nicknames? like Pervy Bunny and Springy Rabbit? Maybe thats just me..[/color]
[i]Shocks walked over and put a hand on Zylik's shoulder. He looked up at the Fallen Angel and she smiled down at him. She lifted her hand and turned to Valeigh.[/i] Shocks:Why are we here? What can the moon do for us? Can it save Zylik?
[color=purple]Damn you Raiha! Stoic.. it's b/c of you that I keep a dictionary next to my computer! I love learning new words and all.. but geezie-peezie.. yah mind not putting a new one in every post? Confuzzle me to death..[/color] ~~~~~~ [i]Voltage nods her head and tugs gently at Piro's hand, leading him in. Why she was leading him, she had no idea. She followed Valeigh silently, growling in her throat as Lauren chattered on behind them. She sighed and turned to Piro. Voltage cockd an eyebrow and rested her head lightlt on his shoulder, bored. Valeigh stepped on a few paces and stopped suddenly, flicking her hand up for them to stop. Voltage stopped and took her head off Piro's shoulder. Her eyes widened as she tried to peer into the darkness of the cave, seeing nothing.[/i] Valeigh:We need light.. something is ahead.. it would be suicide to go ahead without light.. Piro:Alright.. I'll get us some light.. [i]Piro held his hands out in front of him and summoned three demonic dogs of flame. They bowed their heads to him and without so much as a breath of an order, walked before Valeigh and lit the way. Before them was a huge dark wall made of Obsidian. Voltage stepped forward a few paces and knelt down. Infront of the wall was a huge puddle of what appeared to be liquid silver. Valeigh knelt next to her and peered at the liquid. Voltage reached out a hand to touch it but Valeigh stopped her. Valeigh drew her sword and prodded the end into the puddle. It was very deep and Valeigh appeared to be having trouble forcing the sword in. Finally Valeigh gave in a dropped the sword. It FLOATED![/i] Valeigh:I thought so.. it's Mercury.. dont touch it.. the fumes are toxic and can literally make you insane.. Voltage:Then why is it here? Dark:It's guarding the wall.. Piro:Why would a wall need guarding? Seth:It's guarding whatever is behind the wall.. Voltage:So how do we go about getting around it? Piro:Without us all going insane.. Seth:Too late for her.. [i]Set points to Voltage who flicks him off and turns back to face Valeigh.[/i] Piro:The puddle is too big to jump over, we can't go through it obviously, so how do we get past it?
Anime So Does Tenchi Ever Get With Anyone????
Pressure replied to SSJ Gotenks ok's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]As I have stated in the past the movies do not tell you who tenchi ends up with. According to the creator of Tenchi, Tenchi will indeed pick his love interest in the continution to Tenchi Muyo, but until then he has as of yet not repeat not picked a love interest nor do we know who he ends up with! sigh how many times do I have to repeat myself!:mad: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]Well actually Mr.I am God and know everything.. your wrong The age old question is answered.. Tenchi's actualy love in the end is.. Ryoko Yes, Tenchi marries Ryoko. The wedding picture is famous. It's everywhere. The one with Ryoko in the white kimono with a sole tear running down her cheek, is the icing on the cake. It's the wedding picture. It's known to Tenchi experts everywhere. Besides.. like the hints aren't obvious enough.. they are everywhere.. and anyways.. the next Tenchi series, set to come out in either 2003 or 2004.. supposedly is only going to feature Tenchi and Mihokiyo.. from what I've heard.. the rest of the cast isn't there.. it's supposed to be Tenchi GP.. Tenchi Galaxy Police.. duh.. so yeah.. it's supposed to star Tenchi and Mihoshi and Kiyone.. but back on topic.. the truth is.. before Tenchi's creator knew he was going to make another series, he thought he was done after In Tokyo.. the word from Japan is that he held a press conference where he answered a reporter's question, it was infact Ryoko. And please, if you notice, before his untimely Ban, Kuja made the last female thread. This really belongs there.[/color] -
Voltage:Whoa.. good job.. Figure#2:Thank you.. [i]Valeigh rolls her eyes and steps in front of Chris, shielding him from the 3 men.[/i] Figure#3:Let him go.. you wish not to know what happens when you don't.. Piro:Love your grammar.. [i]Voltage snickers and she and Piro turn and begin to leave. Without warning, Piro is slammed into the ground, Valeigh laying ontop of him. She had a severe burn mark on her back and was unconcious. Chris was running away and the three men were in pursuit when Voltage screamed at them.[/i] Voltage:STOP! Nobody hurts my friends and gets away with it!!! [i]Voltage rolls up her sleeves as Piro sits up behind her, trying not to harm Valeigh's already mutilated body. He lays her gently on her stomach. Then he turns and goes after Voltage who is in stalking slowly behind the 3 Figures.[/i] Piro:Voltage stop! You can't fight yet, you haven't recovered from nearly wiping that other boy out of existence.. don't do this.. you'll kill yourself! Travis:Please.. Lauren:I don't care about you, but we do need all 10 people.. so you can't be killed or captured.. Voltage:Well then.. you might want to get off your lazy -beep- and HELP me! Piro:Voltage! [i]Piro runs up behind Voltage and grabs her by the waist, pulling her back. Her eyes flicker dangerously into his but he holds her fast. Voltage glares angrily up at him but Piro keeps her still. Finally Voltage relents and lets her arms drop. She turns her head away and he lets go of her. Piro smiles to himself and turns to the three men. With an evil glares in his eyes he holds his hands in front of himself and concenrates on the ground. From it rise huge dogs made of fire and teeth. They rush for the men, teeth gleeming and rip them apart piece by piece. When they finish at last, the ground is stained red. The dogs turn and bow on one paw to Piro. Piro nods his head and the dogs return to the ground. Piro swivels's his head and sees Voltage knelt next to Valeigh. Her hands are positioned over the wound and as Piro watches in amazement, tiny blue strands of electricity, no thicker than a spider's thread, charge from Voltage's hands into the wound. Valeigh's skin pricks up at the sensation and it heals quickly, leaving no mark. It was as if nothing had happened and Valeigh were merely asleep. Piro knelt beside Voltage.[/i] Voltage:Neat little trick isn't it? Piro:Amazing.. [i]Voltage looked up at him and smiled sweetly. She shut her eyes as she smiled. As her smile faded she opened her eyes, curiously locking them with Piro's.[/i]
[color=purple]I bow my head and hope the Gods put him in a much better place. Lord and Lady be with him. Prayers to his family. Blessed Be. I also wish much love on his "murderer". Bullies only put others down b/c they don't love themselves. I hope he sees what he has done and has the courage to love himself enough to stop bullying others. Blessed Be.[/color]
[color=purple]Actually what I meant was.. I broke the rules by bringing back from page 2.. your not supposed to do that.. but I did anyways..[/color]
Viper:Well Liam.. if that is your wish.. [i]Viper reached out a hand and gently caressed the side of Liam's smooth face, filling him with warmth and radiance. She smiled into his eyes and withdrew her hand.[/i] Viper:So be it.. [i]Bowing her head, Viper turned and rode to catch up with Alan.[/i]
Shocks:Wait.. you guys.. something is wrong here.. Siren:WHAT are you TALKING about??? [i]Shocks' eyes slowly scan the woods Zylik leans against.[/i] Shocks:Someone.. else.. is.. here.. Valeigh:What?! [i]Valeigh whirls around, sword ready as two more cloaked figures jump from the bushes. One stands and draws it's hood back before Shocks, the other before Valeigh. A third rushes around to Siren. Shocks stands wide eyed in horror.[/i] Shocks:Sc-scott? [i]The hooded figure laughs and draws a sword fast as lightning to Shocks' throat. She feels pressure on her throat and warmth signifying blood dribbles down her cheek. Next to her, even the ever ready Valeigh isn't faring well. Shocks turns back to Scott.[/i] Shocks:Scott.. it's me.. don't you remember? Scott? Siren:These... are... are.. our.. demons.. Shocks:But thats not possible! I love Scott.. Valeigh:It's not real.. he's not Scott.. Shocks:But how is that possible??? Valeigh:Would Scott try to hurt you? Shocks:No.. your right.. Scott loves me.. he would never.. YOUR NOT SCOTT!! [i]Shocks' face was streaked with tears as she fell into the sword and screamed as it cut through her, but she fell onto him and smashed her hands against his chest, eliciting a huge electric shock into his heart, killing him and melting away the image of Scott. She felt her throat blazing with fire-like pain. Her throat seared and the pain spread throughout her. She looked down and saw the blood covering her exposed skin vanish and she felt her throat close. She took in a deep breath and was amazed to find herself living. Wide eyed she looked down at erh hadsn, barely daring to believe it.[/i]
[color=purple]3 pages overnight! SCORE! o-o;; sorry.. Other addictions.. chocolate.. milk not dark.. marshmellows.. dancing.. music.. dance music.. O.o bothering my sister.. and making these things --> O_o;; okay.. I'm officially as insane as DeathKnight now.. fear..[/color]
Voltage:Whatever.. sword or no sword.. I'm still going to the Ruins of Arestotle.. with or without your help.. Valeigh:Can we quit dilly-dallying and move along? Voltage:Mmhmm.. [i]Voltage nods her head and limps forward with her arm around Piro.[/i] Piro:You gonna be okay? [i]Voltage looked up at him and smiled gently.[/i] Voltage:Your the only one who's cared this much about me.. [i]Piro's eyes widen and he blushes deeply.[/i] Voltage:Thank you.. I wish I'd had a friend like you growing up.. but anyways.. yeah, I'll be fine..
[color=purple]See? Now how did I know? hehehe.. cookies.. mweh heh.. Gods.. I always thought the guys in our sig had the most awesome hair.. I'd love hair like that..[/color]
[color=purple]Gods.. I wonder if I ever had my mom's trust.. no I'm jk.. my Mom trusts me if I show her I can be trusted.[/color]
[color=purple]Mweh heh.. before I discovered Hot Pockets, my blood was 70% Cup O' Noodles water.. heh heh heh[/color]
[color=purple]Queen Asuka, I love your rope metaphor. Sweetie.. if you want to earn your parent's trust, stop being so damn immature. I used to think the same thing, I thought my Mom was put on this Earth to ruin my life and hide behind the mask of Motherhood. Everyone else's parent's let them go out with their friends and have co-ed sleep overs. I thought they were lucky as hell. Then I decided to grow up. Your parents believe it or not, actually DO do this stuff because they love you. They don't just say that to make you shut up. They say it because it's true. My mom warned me about these people that I thought were cool. She saw through the fog of coolness that I didn't. She saw what their parent's were like and knew that affected their kids and 98% of the time, she was right in keeping me away from these people. I hated her for not letting me go, but then as life went on, I saw these kids morph from being cool into being jerks that drank, smoked, took drugs, and were sexually active. I thank my mom frequently for doing it. She thinks I'm crazy and doesn't believe I'm really thanking her, but I am. Now I'm not a saint, don't think I am. I'm more like BabyGirl. I do crap behind my mom's back. I've snuck out with my friend Jess'ca at 2 am on a Saturday, which was unbelievable stupid, and walked around my town. I've gone skinnydipping with my friends, and I've gone to Teen Clubs and taken E. My mom told me not to do any of these, and while she doesn't know I've done any of them, she still trusts me. To a degree. When I was 12 I seriously screwed myself over and pushed my mom to the limit. I never helped around the house, my grades were falling, my attitude sucked, and I was an all around evil b*tch to my mother. I lost all my time online, I couldn't go to dances, my weekends I was locked in my room and even put on rations. I was only allowed to come downstairs once a day, and that was only if I was cleaning. I was only allowed to go to the bathroom twice a day, and I was lucky if she felt generous enough to give me dinner. Most weekends, I would get crackers and orange juice. It made me insane and I hated every fiber of my mother's existence. But I had been making life hell for her and I swear I deserved everything I got. I swallowed my pride, which was the best thing I ever did for myself. And I started to do what she asked, without question. Now, I still have to substanciate being able to go out and see my friends, but I just get it over with and do it anyways. I can go to friend's houses, I can visit my cousins, I can go to dances. Just quit thinking your parent's are the problem. You have to show them that your worthy of their trust and you won't give in to something you don't want to do. Forget that your even doing it for your parents. Do it for you. And be thankful your parents care about you. My father calls once a year if I'm lucky, never sends any money, and will only do it, if he gets something in return. Stop being a victim and earn your parent's trust.[/color]
[color=purple]What are you addicted to? I don't mean are you addictied to alcohol, cigarettes, heroin, etc. I mean what can't you get enough of. Like it would be humanly impossible for you to get enough of this thing. For example, I'd say TN was addicted to Japanese music. Lady Macaiodh is addicted to the guitar. Cloud is addicted to Final Fantasy. BabyGirl is addicted to photography. I'm not asking what your bad addicitons are, but your good ones. Personanlly, I am addicted to.. Nirvana, Ham n' Cheese Hot Pockets, Red Shirts, Punks, Sharpie's, Eye Shadow, Jeans, Tropicana Twister Passionfruit Eruption, Dancing and having fun with friends, Science, and Drawing. Though if I had to pick my number one addiction, it'd be Shopping. SO...... what are you addicted to?[/color]
Viper:Liam.. if you wish.. I can strip you of your evil powers and fulfill your heart with powerful, but peaceful ones.. Liam:I will take our time riding to decide.. but thank you Viper.. [i]Viper bowed her head and turned to the rest of the group.[/i] Viper:I trust the rest of you would prefer a less evil horse to ride? [i]Everyone nods.[/i] Viper:That is what I thought.. let me see.. ah.. Lady Peregrine.. [i]Viper waves her arm and a beautiful brown horse, adorned with a royal blue saddle with gold trimmings and a golden bit appears before Peregrine.[/i] Viper:A dusky Mare.. her named is Anastasia.. now for Outlaw.. [i]Viper waves her hand and a huge muscular, dark brown with white spots, Clydesdale, much larger than Liam's, appears before Outlaw. A dark brown, leather saddle sits on it's back.[/i] Viper:This.. is Vixen.. He is the horse of the God Ares, so he is a borrowed horse, treat him kindly.. and don't worry.. he's not as mean as he looks.. actually he quite enjoys sugar.. and for Chole.. [i]Viper again waved her arm and a stunning Golden Palamino appeared, with a soft coat the same color as Chole's hair. His saddle was a strong, black, leather saddle with green trimmings the same color as Chole's eyes.[/i] Viper:This is Glo'.. he is quite affectionate.. though has a bit of a temper.. be careful with him.. Chole:Ya'.. give me the homocidal horse.. Viper:Your lucky I gave you a horse at all.. so shut up.. now.. for Alan.. [i]For the fourth time, Viper waved her arm and before her love appeared a magestic sable horse, strong and fantastic, appeared before Alan. The sheer magnitude of the horse made Anastasia squirm under Peregrine. It's beauty and grace outdid the other male horses 10 fold. It's sapphire eyes shone miraculously under it's long, flowing, ebony mane. It's blood red saddle was made from a material no one could identify. Viper smiled widley.[/i] Viper:And this my friends.. is my gift to Alan.. this is Hawk.. he is your from now on Alan.. when we find Todus and Yuna.. the other horses go back, but you get to keep Hawk.. Alan:Excellent.. [i]Viper smiled and waved her arm a final time. A beautiful silverish gray Arabian appeared before them with a soft, creamy mane. It's black eyes glittered beautifully. It was without reins or a saddle. Viper smiled softly to herself and mounted it gracefully.[/i] Peregrine:Riding bareback? Viper:Absolutely.. I feel no need to tie Cirrus here down with a restrictive saddle.. so she lets me ride without one.. though I caution none of you to touch her.. she'll turn into a cloud again.. that's how she got her name.. Chole:Cool.. Viper:Quite.. well now that we have our horses, shall we go? The Dreaming Mountains will take a while to get through.. Liam:Yeah alright, let's go..
Shocks:No.. Zylik.. I will not walk away and leave you to die.. I could never do anything of that nature.. Zylik:You must.. Shocks:No! I must not.. if you die.. I will be here with you on your final day.. if you do not die.. I will be here to pull you to your feet and tell you that I always believed that you'd make it.. and I still do.. Nothing is going to happen to you if there is any chance that it won't.. If there is any chance that you'll live.. if there is anything I can do to help you to live on.. The Gods above have my solemn word that I'll do whatever it takes.. Harm come to myself or not.. Zylik you will live.. Zylik:You barely know me or anyone here.. and I've betrayed you all.. how can you still be willing to die for me? Shocks:I'm always willing to die for my friends.. I would die for anyone here.. I swear it..