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Everything posted by Pressure
[color=purple]*cough* lair *cough*[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Voltage:Preps.. Piro:Be nice Voltage.. Voltage:That old fart of a wizard only said I had to fight some evil guy named Draco.. he never said I had to be ncie to anyone.. Lauren:Pff.. are you ever? Voltage:You wanna start something with me? I'll do the same thing to you that I did to the last guy! Piro:Aaha ha ha.. very [i]funny[/i] Voltage.. what a joker.. uh will you all excuse us.. we need to be going.. Valeigh:Wait.. you 10 are supposed to fight together.. and we two are to protect you.. you can't leave.. Voltage:Alright, but where are we going? Lauren:We are going to- Voltage:I don't remember asking you.. I was asking her.. Valeigh:My name is Valeigh.. we are going to the old Ruins of Arestotle's Final Resting Place.. Lauren:Who's Arestotle? Voltage:Novice.. Arestotle was an ancient Greek Philosopher, the one who said that Earth, Fire, Air, and Water made up everything in the Universe. He named them the original four elements.. you got that? Lauren:How informative.. Voltage:Sorry if it was over your head.. now then.. Valeigh.. shall we go to these ruins? Valeigh:That would be best.. [i]Voltage nods and she limps on Piro's shoulder as she follows Valeigh. The rest of the group lumbers slowly behind them.[/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]i don't have a bedroom & haven't in years. however, when i was a teenager, one wall was filled w/ a shrine to kurt cobain & nirvana (his death day just happened on april 5th, btw) & the other walls were painted or sketched all over until there was no space left. those drawings are still there. i'm hoping that one day, when i have a son or daughter, they'll spend the night in there & feel connected w/ their mother. or something else sentimental. of course, all the drawings were from nirvana cds or inspired by nirvana lyrics. i was slightly obsessed. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]you say it like its a bad thing!!! Okay im gonna steal Piro's idea.. *after about 10 mins* here it is!! minus the fact that the walls are plastered with my pictures...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]i don't really listen to either unless i'm at a rave. but as long as i can dance my *** off, i have no preference. :D [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]pretty much the same thing with me.. I don't really tend to care or differ betweent hem.. as long as it has a good beat.. i like it.[/color]
[color=purple]*pant* *pant* *pant* See what happens when I get angry?[/color] ~~~~~~~ [i]Voltage stirs softly in her rest and groans. She opens her eyes and sees Piro sitting above her.[/i] Piro:You okay? [i]Voltage smiles softly and nods her head.[/i] Piro:C'mon Sparky.. let's get you up.. [i]Piro lifts Voltage softly out of the cardboard box and pulls her up to a sitting position. Voltage cocks her head and stares at the group[/i] Voltage:What are all these [i]preps[/i] doing here?
[COLOR=purple]EEEE!! *showers Tn-san with kisses* THANK YOU! DOMO ARIGATO! GRACIAS! I've been trying to remember for the longest time who did "Sandstorm" Darude.. oh thank god.. but anyways.. trying to salvage all hope of staying on topic.. one last artist.. what about Kylie Minogue's "Can't get you out of my head"?[/color]
[color=purple]Say Raiha.. are you a published author yet? B/c if not.. you really aught to be..[/color] `````````````````````````````````````````` [i]Viper turns her final corner and flies stright up the side of the mountain, top speed when she sees a brilliant white flash, telling her that Peregrine is more than half-way, and that Peregrine has transformed into some animal. Viper's eyes narrowed and she landed on the mountain top. Tranforming quickly, a silver gazzel flew up the mountain's final stretch of land. It could smell the sun sweet air and almost taste the victory as it took a final leap and tranforming back into Viper, landed perfectly on her feet, skirt fluttering around her. Amazingly, aftre Viper had bent forward to brace the impact and was coming back up, Peregrine, or rather a white elk, leapt over the bushes and landed next to Viper, also transofrming back into Peregrine.[/i] Peri:Should have known not to take on a goddess.. Viper:Quite the contrary really, you did famously, actually, you almost had that goddess.. you were already in the running for goddess but I think your chances just increased 10 fold.. Peri:Well.. complimented by a goddess.. what more can a girl want.. Viper:Ummm.. [i]Viper scanned the area from Mt.Sapphire's peak.[/i] Peri:What? Viper:I'd like to know where the horses went.. Peri:What?! [i]Peregrine transformed into a ... Peregrine.. O_o;; Falcon and flew down to the ground, settling on the dust before changing back to her original self. Viper shrugged and simply leapt from the peak, landing delicately on the soles of her feet, silver hair careening down her shoulders.[/i] Peri:What do you MEAN you don't know where the horses are?! Chole:Sorry Peregrine.. I just.. don't.. [i]Alan snuck up behind Viper and wrapped his arms around her waist. He stook in the scent of clouds that was her and nibbled gently on her earlobe, making her squirm.[/i] Alan:So who won? Viper:Alan! This is hardly the time! [i]Alan sighed and let go of a still giggling Viper. She took a deep breath and returned to seriousness.[/i] Viper:Okay.. enough playing around you guys.. where are the horses? Outlaw:Lady Viper.. we really do not know.. Viper:Someone dares steal the horses FROM A GODDESS?! [i]Viper thundered and growled as her echo repeated loudly.[/i] Viper:I'll find them.. but for now.. we must walk..
[color=purple]*growls* WHAT THE -beep- IS WITH EVERYBODY THINKING THEY ARE STRONGER THAN US?! THIS IS SERIOUSLY -beep-ING ME OFF! WILL YOU ALL KNOCK OFF THE "HOLIER THAN THOU' THING!?" I'M SICK OF IT![/color] ``````````````````` [i]The boy turns his back on the two and begins to walk down the street. Piro lifts his eyebrows, but keeps his lids half shut as he turns to Voltage. Piro's eyes widen as he see's Voltage's eyebrows knitted and her eyes blazing silver. Her fists are clenched and shaking. Without warning she charges the boy and leaps at him...[/i] Voltage:BASTARD!! [i]Voltage slams into the boy's back and he crashes to the ground, his face smashing into the pavement. The apple flies out of his hand and skips down the road a few feet before rolling into the gutter. Voltage locks her hands together in a two handed fist and smashes them into the back of the boy's head. He groans in pain and Voltage flips him over and sits on his chest. Face flushed red with anger, and eyes blazing, Voltage repeatedly smashes her knuclkes into the boy's face, her rings making deep cuts in his cheeks. She finally stands up after 10 minutes of torturing him and kicks him hard in the temples. She stands above him with a foot on either side of his body as he cringes and holds his head, rolling in pain, dripping blood everywhere. She raises her hands to the sky, which is quickly clouding dark blue. Her eyes flamed a cerulean color and her body glowed with a cyan aura.[/i] Voltage:BLUE JAPAN!! [i]From the dark blue clouds a huge lightning bolt with a blue outline erupted and smashed into the boy's chest. Because her was magical, he did not die, but he did awful burns and he was rendered completely unconcious. Voltage stood, hands still raised, above the boy's unmoving figure, panting. She let her left arm fall to her side and with her right she wiped the moisture from her forehead. Kicking him meagerly one last time, Voltage turned away from his body and walked back to Piro, who stood clapping behind her.[/i] Piro:Wow.. very nice.. remind me not to -beep- you off.. Voltage:Thanks.. [i]Voltage laughed softly and collapsed into Piro, completely exhausted. Piro caught her and held her from falling. He looked over her shoulder at the body of the boy who'd stolen her apple and insulted them both. Then he looked back down at his age old friend. He smiled softly and picked Voltage up in his arms, cradling her like a groom does his new bride.[/i] Piro:Well at least he'll stay down longer than you..
[i]Shocks groans softly and she lifts a hand to rub her temples. She slowly opens her eyelids and sees Zylik backed up against a tree, clutching his arm. She opens her eyes fully and snaps to attention. Scrambling to her feet, she runs over to Valeigh.[/i] Shocks:Valeigh what's happeneing to him? Valeigh:He's not a True Angel like you, Siren, and I.. Shocks:What does that mean? Valeigh:Before you joined our group Shocks, I blessed Zylik with his powers.. he was not born with them.. Shocks:Will he be alright? I mean.. look at him..
Voltage:Me and my apples Piro? [i]Piro slurps up a mouthful of noodles and chokes.[/i] Voltage:Uh.. huh.. that's what I thought.. please.. no more cockiness unless there is an actual reason.. [i]Piro wipes his mouth and looks down at her.[/i] Piro:Cold Voltage.. very cold.. Voltage:I know! Isn't it fun??? Say who was that -beep- with the sword? It was a nice sword.. but when he pulled it out I felt sick.. Piro:Barfing sick or love sick? Voltage:Your do diluted.. Piro:Are you sure it wasn't... fear? [i]Voltage's looks up at Piro and her eyes flash silver/grey and she smacks Piro upside the head, statically charging his hair. She snickers and eats some of his noodles.[/i] Piro:Hey! [i]Slurp[/i] Voltage:Yum.. but anyways.. no it wasn't fear.. it was something.. else.. something about that sword.. I felt myself getting sick and weak.. and all in a few seconds.. ugh.. that -beep- Piro:Potty-mouth.. Voltage:Potty-brain.. Piro:Potty-head.. smoking the magical plant.. Voltage:I'm going to end this game.. Piro:Stoner.. Voltage:So? Piro:Stoner.. Voltage:Hemaphroditical mellow-dramatic skitzophrenic pathalogical denrophyliac.. [i]Silence..[/i] Piro:You win.. [i]Voltage smiles a wide smile, flashing all of her snow-white teeth. She cocks an eyebrow at Piro and eats more of his noodles as they walk down the warm steet.[/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] ACK ACK ACK! You spelled Paul van Dyk wrong..... lol sorry, I just point that out because so many people do it... he's my favorite artist and just love everything about his music... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]*sigh* I don't think Gackt will be very happy to hear this TN-san.. okay, now personally, I don't see what the big deal is.. I love techno and trance.. it really depends on my mood.. I LIKE ALICE DJ VELVET PAWS!!! and not only b/c my name is Alice.. but I like her music.. better than that "Oops I did it again" that hardly constitues as music to me.. but truly it depends on my mood.. Trance and Techno aren't my favorite genres of music, that slot is currently occupied by Alternative.. but every now and then I like to dip my toes into the celestial Trance pool.. of the two I was forced to pick Trance, I love it to death.. and it fits better with me.. but now I challenge the rest of you.. Would you consider these to be Trance, Techno, Dance, Club, or N.O.T.A? 1)Eifel 65's "Blue (Da ba de)" and "Move Your Body" 2)Sonique's "It Feels So Good" and "Sky" 3)ATC's "Around the World" and.. 4)The killer music on Queer as Folk[/color]
[COLOR=purple]TN you liar.. sweetie, you look nothing like Gackt.. *waggles picture of Gackt in front of TN's face* now when you wipe the drool from your mouth, you'll see you don't look anything like him.. he's a blonde, hott, japanese guy, with blue eyes.. O_o;; and you my dear.. have brown hair.. unless there is something your not telling us.. and I have no idea what color your eyes are.. *holds picture of TN next to picture of Gackt for all the world to see* yeah I tdon't think they look alike either.. sorry Tn-san.. celebrity sightings.. well I was at Kings Dominion and I almost chucked glass mugs at Drew Barrymore.. god I hate her[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]*reads Cera, Justin, & jcoudy's posts* I so missed the inside joke there.. *merf* let me see.. my sister.. on Otaku.. *cracks up* Carrie? Sheah right.. if she got her head out of the clouds.. sister or brothers on Otaku? LM is [i]like[/i] a sister.. and Krillen.. meh he's just a plague..[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]they aren't gonna give one rats bottom what you think. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]I'll hopefully stop laughing sometime before 2003.. hmm pornofied is he? *points* so is Krillen.. and it's not like your sister is going to just throw her life away, spread her legs and be like, "Oh okay, sure, gee I hope my brother doesn't walk in." if she's made it this far in life, your sister isn't, well hopefully isnt, just gonna uncross her heels and strip for him, even if he is a porofied freak, most 17 year olds are.. relax.. she can take care of herself.. however.. if he tries to rape her.. dag.. I don't even want to begin on all the things you could do to him.. god my butt would be up there kicking his -beep-[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]Being high hmm? I'm sure you'd know Son Goten.. Last nights dreamw as one I hope I [u]never[/u] forget.. I went to bed last night literally RIGHT AFTER Candidate for Goddess ended.. and so I was really happy when my dreams consisted of Candidate for Goddess characters.. First I had to kill Hied's repairer b/c she had a crush on him, then I had to convince Kizuna, Clay, Yamagi, and the was fat now thin blue haired guy that I didn't have a crush on Zero. Then I woke up and fell back asleep and was lucky enough to continue my dream. Kizuna and I then had to go rescue Hied, gods like he'd ever need rescuing, and we did and I became the third Pilot that was female, and I flew alongside Hied. And of course, in the end, I melted Hied's icy heart and we fell in love. Gods it was the most amazing dream I've ever had.. *hums the Orgy song* She dreams in digital...[/COLOR]
[i]Six days after Piro's 16th birthday, Merlin appears and tells him about his power of summoning fire demon dog things from the ground. Merlin disappears and Piro takes a walk to wear off the shock factor. As he's walking, he trips over some girl's legs and goes sprawling down on the sidewalk. When he looks back up, his old friend[/i] Voltage[i] suprise suprise, is sitting on the ground, with her legs out in front of her, snickering at him.[/i] Piro:Aaah.. shut up Alana! Voltage: Don't you dare call me by that name... Piro: Nyah! :p Voltage:Piro! Ooh I outta.. Piro:Heh heh.. I'm just playin'.. relax.. Voltage:My name is Voltage.. Piro:Sorry.. Voltage:Say Piro.. want an apple? [i]From her zillion pockets Voltage pulls out a bunch of apples, assorted sizes, colors, and textures.[/i] Piro:Er.. no thanks.. so what have you been up to? I haven't seen you all summer.. Voltage:Well yeah.. Florida is a big place.. I've somehow gotten myself mixed up in this little war against some evil dude named Draco.. ah you msut think I'm crazy.. Piro:I always did.. Voltage:Oh that's very charming Piro.. thank you so much.. Piro:But anyways.. this creepy dude thats like a zillion years old came and told me I also had to fight this evil creature thing.. Voltage:Sweet, no way.. Piro:WAY.. He said I was one of 10 gifted with powers and crap.. but mines pretty cool.. I can summon evil spirits.. watch.. [i]Piro concentrated on the ground and from it rose an evil looking fire dog. It growled at Voltage, who simply cocked one eyebrow, then it turned and bowed it's head and front paws before Piro. Piro smiled and turned bak to Voltage.[/i] Voltage:So what is your power? [i]Voltage smiled a wide, evil grin and pointed a finger at the dog. An electric charge flew from her figer and disintigrated(sp) the dog.[/i] Voltage:Cool huh? Piro:I'd have to say..
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]vB does certainly have its share of problems, but thankfully, they are pretty minor ones. I wouldn't worry about our site shutting down anytime soon. Not every website has an expert programmer in its midst (Adam). By the way, OtakuBoards members can expect something exciting to happen in May of this year. :)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Translation:vB has had problems but there is no need to worry about them because they are small problems that most likely will not affect OB.. Adam is an expert programmer and it is he that keeps OB in great shape. It is because of him that the few problems OB has had have been quickly dealt with and we are running better than ever. Gawd.. I never really appreciated Adam for all he did until now.. maybe I should make him a card or something... James you little.. May? how many days away is that.. well lets see.. today is the 6th.. 30 days has September.. oh I can't do it.. math is too complicated for me.. well can you at least tell us the date of this amazing thing in May we're getting?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]Have you ever gotten that feeling where in your dream you are falling and when your eyes open you still feel that pressure like you've just hit your bed? And your sitting there tyring to remember if the you couldn't feel the pillow you now feel under your head? I love that feeling.. it's so stellar.. almost like I was levetatng above the bed.. so awesome..[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]Blast.. I am not reposting my entire bio.. it just ain't happening.. so I'll tell you what you need to know.. Her name is Voltage.. her power is electricity.. her special attack is Silver lightning.. her other attacks are Dragon Rage, Flickering Hope, and Blue Japan.. I was on a Gackt site when I came up witht he names so that may or may not explain it.. she is 16.. the magnitude of ehr attacks is linked to her emotions.. aside from that.. nothing else there is to know..[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Voltage walked down the street and felt her stomach growl.[/i] Voltage:AAAAAAAh.. I didn't eat anything! After that -beep- took my money I didn't eat.. nooooo.. [i]Voltage dropped to her knees on the asphalt and grumbled as she held her stomach. She looked up and saw the park to her right. Near the edge of the sidewalk a man was selling apples. Voltage's mouth hung open and began to water. Her eyes glitterd and she sprang up from the pavement. She crept up slowly behind the cart and when she had made sure the man wasn't looking, she stuck out an arm and picked an apple out of the bunch.[/i] Man:HEY PUT THAT BACK YOU ROTTNE LITTLE THIEF! [i]Voltage stood erect and held the apple in her hands. She cokced and eyebrow and took a big bite. She chewed, swallowed, and smiled a the man. His eyes widened and seeing that all the surrounding people's attention was on her, she set the apple back on the cart.[/i] Voltage:Sure thing.. but I'm still hungry so.. [i]Voltage turned to the crowd.[/i] Voltage:Free apples for everyone! [i]A wicked grin crossed Voltage's face and she kicked one of the wheels out from under the wooden cart and apples went flying everywhere. The owner of the cart scrambled to pick them up as people's eyes widened and they grabbed at the apples on the grass. Happy with herself, and as soon as the man's back was turned, Voltage grabbed a bunch of apples and stuffed them into her pockets. She grabebd the granny smith she had taken a bite out of and ran off down the street.[/i] Voltage:Aah pathetic.. that was too easy.. [i]Voltage shut her eyes happily and took a big bite. She opened them again and not lookig where she was going, slammed into a random guy, knocking him on the ground. She sprawled and fell ontop of him. When she lifted herself onto her elbows she saw he was the boy from the diner and he had a bloody lip. She cocked an eyebrow and shut her eyes. Bending forward, Voltage licked the blood off his lower lip and opened her eyes again. She stood up and offered him a hand, ignoring the group of people swarming round them. He took her hand and Voltage pulled him quickly to his feet. Voltage looked up into his eyes and said earnestly...[/i] Voltage:Sorry.. [i]She shut her eyes and smiled a wide smile again, revealing hre gleaming white teeth. She bowed her head, opened her eyes again, and walked off down the street, leaving the group as they were. She got down to the end of the street, turned the corner and melted onto the sidewalk.[/i]
[COLOR=purple]Er.. okay.. O.O;; sorry.. o-o;;[/COLOR] ~~~~~~ [i]Viper's eyes flickered open and she sat up. Turning to her left to face the mountains, Viper saw that they had found themselves at the base of Mount Sapphire and as she craned her neck she saw the very top of the mountain was beginning to turn a lighter shade of blue. She hastily stood and awoke Peregrine, shaking a groggy Chole awake in the process. She pulled Peregrine up by the arm and pointed to the top of the mountain.[/i] Viper:Up for a challenge? Your magic is the second strongest here.. Peri:This will be easy as cake.. Viper:But fun at the same time.. To the top before sunrise.. we start at opposite sides of the mountain.. you take the nearest.. I'll take the farthest.. I'll get there faster.. which will give you a head start up the mountian while I'm getting to the other side.. Peri:Ready? Viper:Gone.. [i]Viper ran faster than any mortal into the forest, intent on coming out the other side. Chole sat with his legs crossed as Alander woke up and sat next to him. He looked around and saw Viper and Peregrine missing.[/i] Alan:Where are the girls? [i]Chole lifted one finger and pointed tot he trail of dust and the dark figure scrambling up the closest side of the mountain.[/i] Chole:Race..
[COLOR=purple]All my life I've had recurring nightmares about Velociraptors killing me.. but I have this awesome power that I LOVE TO DEATH... I can control my dreams.. literally.. I can stop my dream wherever I want and force myself to wake up.. gods its so cool.. saved me from so many nightmares.. mm mm mm.. But then there are those dreams I don't want to wake up from.. I once dreamed that Bizzy D from Sum41 signed my mom's thigh and Cone and Stevo signed my back.. Brownsound was no where to be found.. I was -beep- off.. Then there was the dream where Sakura-san gave me her Clow Key and I transformed it into a new wand and together we captured the Royal Cards.. I remember rescuing Takeru from drowning.. When I really like a dream.. I'll force myself to remember it.. and then I'll sketch it out on paper.. it's so helpful..[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]Schweet.. then you'll be stormwing's partner.. oh and I believe the image in your signiature is too big[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]*reads back a few pages* Err.. Raiha. is there any thread your NOT in? and um.. I thought your character ws Salalina or something.. kool_aid.. love the sword.. I'm sure Hikaru would be proud.. :D[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~ [i]Voltage leaned back in her chair and cracked her neck. She stretched her hands out in front of her and cracked her knuckles. She took in a deep breath and returned to her normal position, elbows on the tables, chin resting on the backs of her hands. Her eyelids drooped as she waited for her food. She picked up several sugar packets and slit them open. She ate the sugar undiluted and tore the packets into tiny balls. She rolled them between her fingers and started flicking them at people. She just fired them from her fingers and didn't care who they hit. She hit a guy with headphones on at the bar and he turned back to look at her. Voltage flashed a cocky smile but saw an electric charge race across the boy's eyes. Voltage widened her eyes and looked down at her own hands. When she looked back up, the boy had turned back. Voltage, still wide eyed, almsot didn't notice as the waitress set her food in front of her. Absentmindedly, Voltage reached into her pocket and pulled out a 20. She lifted it and gave it to the woman.[/i] Waitress:Thanks.. I'll uh.. keep the change as a tip.. after all.. your meal was only $4.19.. thanks little girl.. [i]Voltage snapped back to reality.[/i] Voltage:Wha? Huh? Hey give me back my money! Waitress:It's all in the tips doll! Voltage:I said give it back! [i]Voltage leapt form her seat, upsetting the food and her drink. She lunged for the waitress, whose back was turned. Voltage's eyes flashed grey and she slammed into the woman. Without time to react, the woman spun and smashed her nose and face on a stool. She fell, ith a bloody nose, to the ground, unconcious. Voltage growled and snatched the 20 dollar bill out the woman's hand. She put it back in her pocket a drew a 5 dollar bill from her pocket. She stepped on the woman as she made her way to the cash register. She slapped the bill down onto the table and glared into the manager's eyes.[/i] Voltage:Her tip can come from that.. [i]Voltage turned and saw the whole resturant looking at her. She flashed another cocky smile and bowed. As she stood up she took one last look at the guy with the headphones on and she strutted out into the street, passing some girl on a floating skateboard as she went.[/i]
[COLOR=purple]OOC:Umm.. not to be stupid here.. but.. Raiha.. what mark on Peregrine's head?[/COLOR] [i]Viper smiled at Peregrine and winked. Peregrine smiled back and she left with Chole. Viper stood on the path and stared at the starry sky. It was beautiful. She smiled softly to herself and shut her eyes. Viper took in a deep breath and opened her eyes again. She turned back and walked slowly back to the camp. When she got there, Peregrine was already nestled asleep in Chole's arms, though Chole stayed awake. Viper shook her head and rolled her eyes. Outlaw was sleeping under a large conifer and Liam and was asleep in his cloak. Viper strode forward and found Alan in a cold sweat and shaking vigorously as if he was fighting demons in his sleep. Viper raced forward and knelt beside him. She shook his shoulder and lifted his head from the ground. He continued to quake but less and finally he opened his eyes and looked up into Viper's.[/i] Viper:Alan.. Alan:Viper! You.. you.. in my dream.. I.. Viper:Alan.. shhhh.. it's okay now.. I'm here.. and I promise.. I'm not going to kill man plant and beast alike.. I'm going to protect them.. that's my duty.. Alan:How did you? Viper:You forget I'm a goddess.. and even if I wasn't.. I love you.. and I know what's bothering you.. I can see it in your eyes.. [i]Alan lifted his right arm and brought Viper's lips down onto his own. Viper smiled mentally as she kissed him back. Without warning, Alan flipped Viper over and savagly held her down as he put his mouth all voer her body.[/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B] [COLOR=indigo]TN will kill you if he ever found that out.... maybe not really but well ummm, why don't ya just ask TN he'd know better than almost all of us! [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Mweh heh.. not necessarily.. when I put that picture up.. I had absolutely no idea who Gackt was.. :D I just thought he was hott.. and I stole it from BabyGirl's website.. she made it for TN anyway.. but I actually did work up the courage and ask TN who Gackt was.. I'm informed now.. yes..[/COLOR]
[I]Name:[/I]Alana Moore [I]Nickname:[/I]Voltage [I]Age:[/I]16 [I]Favorite Spell:[/I]Silver Lightning [I]Description of Spell:[/I]Voltage's power is linked to her emotions as well as the spells she summons. If she is extremely irate or sad or even happy the sheer magnitude of her attacks can be deadly. Voltage can summon Silver Lightning, Dragon's Rage, Blue Japan, and Flickering Hope. Of these, Silver Lightning is her favorite because it's the most powerful. Basically the sky clouds immensly quickly with violently dark blue clouds and the wind whips dangerously. Voltage's eyes cloud over a dark grey and with the merest flickers of her wrist, a lightning storm of 9000 volt bolts can reign down on any such target that she wishes. [I]She got her powers when..[/I]Voltage was having the time of her life at a Nirvana concert when she was 14. (lets just pretend Nirvana exists in 2354 or whatever) As Kurt began to sing her favorite song, "Smell like teen spirit", a man with a knife breached past security and leapt onstage. He charged Kurt with the blade extended and knocked him onto the ground. Try as he might to fight back, the blade was inches from Kurt's throat when Voltage got her powers. Being in the front row it was not hard for Voltage to strike the man repeatedly with the Silver Lightning. No one is the crowd had any idea it was Voltage because all hse had to do was focus on the man and flick her wrist. The man was struck repeatedly and went into arrest while Kurt was never even touched by the lightning. As the man was taken away by security and a medical crew, Voltage noticed that no one was moving and that no music was playing. She looked up at the stage and saw the drummer's hands raised as if he was going to strike the drums, but his hands hung suspended in the air. Voltage looked back down and saw a man with long white hair standing before her. The man told her that she was one of the chosen 10 children to destory the evil man Draco. He showed her holographic images of Piro, Lauren, and Titan. She nodded her head and said she would agree and help them, if he unfroze time and let her enjoy the rest of the show. [I]Look:[/I]Think punk.. Big, baggy, dark blue pants that come down and nearly fall off her hips. A red Invader Zim, skin tight, shirt. Big, chunky, black shoes with red stars on them. Corn blonde hair with dark green tips. Dark red eye shadow and an attitude. [I]Bio:[/I]Voltage has an attitude identical of that found in stars like Pink. She doesn't take crap from anyone and won't hesitate to knock the -beep- out of someone who is annoying her. Voltage studied Judo and Jujitsu as a child, so her bark is abd, but her bite is worse.