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Everything posted by Pressure

  1. [color=red][size=3]Oh come on. Saying Tien isn't that important to the series is an understatement. He's really only fought twice, but look at the times he did... 1) VS. NAPPA--Went all out to stop Nappa after Chaotzu's defeat. Died from exhaustion. 2) VS. IMPERFECT CELL--Went all out again to buy Androids 16 and 18 some time to escape. Collapsed from exhaustion. Everytime he's fought, he's gave his all and proved more than once he's very valuable to have around. Saying he's not important is a horrible, horrible mistake. Sure, he's pretty weak compared to everyone, but so are all the human fighters compared to the Saiyans.[/color][/size] [COLOR=purple]Tien has heart and he's always trying to protect his friends from danger.. I'm pretty sure that he doesn't really play more than the part of friend to Gokou because he almsot never fights and is almost never seen.[/COLOR] I'm not expecting much of anything from them. DBZ has become Super Saiya-jin dominent (sp?) all the other characters are becoming more and more useless everytime the Saiya-jins advance. And maybe Saiya-jin dominent (sp again?) is the wrong word. Since Gohan SUCKS when his a teen. [COLOR=purple]Thank you for saying such wonderful things about my Gohan-chan..[/COLOR] they shouldnt cut off any character bcz then dbz will start to loose its shape [COLOR=purple]It was all based on the public when Dragonball first came out. After the cell saga Gohan was supposed to remain the main character for the rest of the series and Goku would play a character on the side. However the japanese public didn't like Gohan as much as Goku, so he was again made the key character. It's the same way with Tien and Chatzu, basically they are never seen enough so the people of japan weren't going to rate them number one.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=purple]I've posted this once before way back when I was a newbie and James made a poetry thread. Thus said.. sorry if anything contradicts itself. Blood Runs Deeper Her body shakes in the seat, I can't help but be filled with anger, My blood cousin, and heart sister in tears, Blood slips down her face, From a cut made in rage and anger, Eternal damnation upon his soul, How dare he, No matter, He will pay for what he has done, But it won't be at my hand, I will rise above, We will rise above, Blood cousins, Heart sisters, We will help each other through thick and thin, For blood runs deeper Okay, pretty much, it's about my cousin who I love deeply. She has never been in an abusive relation ship, but these would be my thoughts if she was. It's about the feelings after rescuing my cousin who is like a sister after she has been beaten, and how we will rise above it together. We know he'll pay, but take comfort in the fact that we won't piunish him b/c we are better. I came up with these off the top of my head b/c I never write down poetry. I really should. Oh well *copies and pastes* [/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssjsupreme [/i] [B][COLOR=orangered]that is a laod of bull sh!t. and i could care less if i get banned form this site-forum thingy.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]I hope you do then.. it's really to bad.. your missing out because of your harsh actions and cruel words.[/COLOR]
  4. Jex:O.o;; um.. okay.. [i]Jex closes the vid link and returns tot he battle scene. She opends up her entire arsenal on the first bulk cruiser. The bulk cruiser blew up and Jex panted at her controls and vid-linked Tyron.[/i] Jex:I got nothing left but my shields.. I'm a sitting duck.. so see ya'! [i]Jex closed the window and flew away.[/i]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SakuraHope [/i] [B]Well... I guess I did do that huh? My bad... I didn't mean to confuse you in any way... It's just that well Sakura is her name in both versions, but her last name was changed. Madison name is Tomouya. Li's name was switched around, (his first name was the same just writen in another place). Melin is Meiling in the original. But what I ment by al that, this person likes this person stuff was that Madison is gay, Li is a by, Julian is gay and sakura can't make up her mind. Also in the Japanese verson, Sakura's freind, Rika, is dating the 5th grade teacher, Mr. Fujiama.LOL Sakura [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Most people already knew this stuff.. myself at least.. and Rika did more than date him.. in the manga Mr.Fujiama gave Rika an engagement ring. In the episode with the sword card and the illusion card in the original Japanese epsiode Sakura didn't command the illusion card to project the image Rika fears most, she commanded it to project the image she loves most.[/COLOR]
  6. Pressure


    [COLOR=purple]Meh.. Godzilla.. not a big fan.. I liked a movie.. but the concept? no.. Godzilla never really struck my fancy.. in all honesty I swear to god I think it's so boring and so annoying.. not to knock you guys or be disrespectful.. but I really do not like Godzilla.. at all.. p.s.Kuja.. I love your signiature image![/COLOR] [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]i was gonna delete this... till i read the last line ;) and i love it too... mystical pan made it i think... like last year lol...[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Yep, I think it's all been covered. OtakuBoards launched as its own entity in April of last year. Though as has been said, it's been around for quite a while in some form. :)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Wait.. April? The how is the Otaku Triad possible? They all registered on March 30th, 31st, and April 1... a year ago.. how?[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=purple]I'd be a perfect angel :angel: no seriously I probably would.. I hate the taste of alcohol.. I'd probably go clubbing though..[/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]o_O ...oh thats it, right! im leaving otaku forever.. l8r everyone 1 year over [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]O_O *hyperventilates* no.. noo noo it can't be true.. *cries and shakes head furiously* no no no I don't believe it! I WON'T BELIEVE IT! NO!!!!!!!! :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: *falls apart and tries to salvage the kanaka memory* You can't do this to me.. you can't leave me.. Okay your actually leaving in general but.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *dies*[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=purple]Really? The movie came out before Tenchi in Tokyo? I did not now that.. O_O wow.. and I know everything about Tenchi.. I even know that.. TENCHI DOES MARRY RYOKO IN THE END!!!!!!!! heheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... it's fact.. if you've ever seen the picture of Ryoko wearing a white cloak type thing next to a mature looking Tenchi, she is crying in the picture, thats the offical, world famous, Wedding Picture. So yes i is fact, Tenchi does end up marrying Ryoko.. Does that make you happy over there Ryoko? I love being a Tenchi know-it-all.. hope I'm not coming off as Washuu-like.. O_O *fear*[/COLOR]
  11. [i]Shocks moaned and opened her eyes slightly. She looked up at Zylik and he smirked back down at her.[/i] Zylik:You okay? Shocks:Headache is a *****.. Valeigh:Aw.. poor baby.. Shocks:Shut up Valeigh.. don't make me get into it with you again.. head hurts too much.. [i]Shock's eyelids drooped again and she slipped back into a deep slumber.[/i]
  12. [COLOR=purple]*purs* I love Grr *purs more*[/COLOR]
  13. Liam:Does Viper know she won't have any power there? Viper:Actually Liam.. I will.. Liam:But Peregrine said.. Viper:Very few gods and goddesses are granted power in the Dreaming Mountains.. I was one of them.. along with the gods of life, death, mystery, and obviously, the goddess of dreams.. Liam:Oh.. I see. why were you granted power? Viper:Though beautiful, the dreaming mountains are very dangerous.. in them lurks the creatures from beautiful dreams.. as well as the ones from horrible nightmares.. Liam:I see.. [i]Viper nodded her head and turned away from Liam. She walked over to Chole with such a fierce look on her face that he backed into a wall. Viper sood on the tips of he toes and stared up into his dark green eyes. With one hand she pointed at Viper and without moving her teeth, she growled in the back of her throat.[/i] Viper:There is something you need to say to her.. NOW! [i]Chole winced and Viper's eyes flashed. Choled nodded quickly and he walked into the woods. Peregrine followed, smiling gently to Viper as she passed.[/i] Viper:Now the rest of you lie down .. the sun will be up in just a few short hours.. rest.. [i]Viper turned and laid back down next to Alan. He looked at her with open eyes and smiled. Viper laid on her back and Alan rolled over ontop of her. Alan shut his eyes and Viper mimicked. Alander lowered his mouth onto hers and Viper felt a thousand tiny fires light up in her mouth as he kissed her. Alan and Viper were on Cloud Nine, floating on a weightless bed of air. Viper lifted her hand and pulled on Alan's neck so that he was brought even closer to her. Viper and Alan's tounges carressed each other lovingly and they both began to feel warmth in the pits of their stomachs. Alan pulled away and opened his eyes. They fell on the miraculous woman below him that he loved so much. Viper's eyes were half open as she panted slowly, gasping for air. Alan kissed her quickly again and rolled off of her. Alan stretched out his arms and when he brought them back down he felt them close around Viper's warm body. Alan smiled to himself as he saw the always beautiful Viper wrapped peacefully in a dream. No hostility, just peace and relaxation. Alan smiled again and closed his own eyes, slipping also into a warm sleep.[/i]
  14. [COLOR=purple]Will miss you Raiha.. but you do need some time out.. your in just about every RPG there is.. relax darling.. take some breathing time..[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=purple]Well before I go read 8 pages about some unknown anime.. could you give me a brief description of what it's about? Just wet my whistle and let me see if it's something I'd like to look into further.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=purple]This boy Dean called me fat in Spanish one day.. and I'M NOT FAT DAMNIT!!! well that would have been one of the things I would have said.. but more voer it would be somewhere along the lines of.. "Listen Dean. First of all, I'm not fat. And even if I was, I'd rather be a blimp than be a short, stupid, greasy haired, dandruff-ridden, wannabe cool guy. So take that and you know where to shove it." Probably would have said something like that.. But along these lines.. have you ever tried to say a really nasty comeback but it didn't comeout right? I was having a spat with my teacher saying how he couldn't base my grades on his opinion alone and he said he could but I was like, "No you can't! I'll report you to the schoolboard and you'll loose your license!" dangnabbit... I meant to say "And you'll loose your degree!" but he caught me and infront of my entire homeroom was like "I don't have a license to teach." I lost that fight...[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=purple]Otakuboards is actually older than august... Otaku 2 came in august and everyone had to re-sign up.. ask Adam or James how old it is.. this should be in General Discussion or even a PM to a mod. not necessary to psot it here.[/COLOR]
  18. [i]Freon stopped and turned around.[/i] Freon:Ooooh! Captain America! How nice of you to join me.. [i]Freon stuck out her hip and placed one hand on it.[/i] Freon:Are you going to accompany me to big ol' Tokyo?
  19. [COLOR=purple]I know..[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~ Jex:Oh my god.. I can't do this you guys.. we can't .. we're too low on ammo.. Tyron:We have to help the Dree.. they'll die.. Abob:Here's what we do.. Jex dispatch two of your escape pods and Tyron and I will cause a distraction by firing at them and blowing them up.. you then go while the Raii are distracted and safely escort the Dree to the Southern 4th ring of Saturn. Wait for us there.. Jex:Gotcha.. [i]The three executed the plan perfectly and as Jex waited she vid-linked Abob.[/i] Jex:Failproof.. but how are you two going to get out of there?
  20. [COLOR=purple]Um actually.. *cough* I have no idea.. the site where I got this information didn't include pictures.. let's just say its the orange one.. the blue one will be Eeva Leena and the Imaculate White Goddess will be Ernn Laties..[/COLOR]
  21. [i]Axel snaps back into reality and shakes Feather's shoulder softly, waking her up. She bats her eyelashes and knits her eyebrows as she looks up at him.[/i] Feather:Mmm? Axel:We're here.. c'mon Sleeping Beauty let's go.. Feather:Not that beautiful.. not right after I wake up at least.. [i]Axel smirks and Feather flips her hair. She runs her fingers through it and unknowingly draws attention to herself. Feather pulls the small stone from her back pocket and holds it up. She twirls it infront of her eyes and looks past it at Axel's smooth face.[/i] Feather:Let's go.. [i]Feather pulls open the door and she steps out onto the rocky ground. She fixes her shirt, pulling it tightly against her body and she rolls her neck. She adjusts her jeans, pulling them down a little so her thong straps showed, and she turned back. She offered a hand to Axel.[/i] Feather:C'mon.. [i]Axel grabbed her hand and she pulled him out of the SUV. They turned back around and joined the rest of the group, following them into the cave.[/i]
  22. Shocks:No STOP! Zylik:What? Shocks:Let me show you that I am truly sorry and let me compensate for what I did.. Valeigh:Stop trying to play the hero Shocks.. there are too many.. you'll be killed.. Shocks:I don't care.. All:Wha'? [i]Shocks turned away from them and her body blazed with a blue aura and her eyes flashes dangerously. Shocks raised her hands to the sky and watched it cloud over. The bandit men raced forward and Shocks tore her eyes away from the sky. She pointed a palm at the nearest man and fired a deadly charge of electric voltage straight at him.[/i] Shocks: Did I say you could move yet? [i]The bolt tore through the man and struck another, killing them both. A few of the bandits began to flee but lightning either struck them down or struck inches rom their faces.[/i] Shocks:Stay still! No one messes with me and my friends without paying for it! [i]A huge lightning storm erupted from the sky and hundreds of lightning bolts rained down on the group of bandits. When it ceased and the skies cleared again, the moon shone down on what was left of their carcasses. The air was thick with the stench of burning flesh and decaying bodies. Shocks turned back to the other three.[/i] Shocks:It is done.. [i]Shocks fell forward onto the ground and passed out.[/i]
  23. Jex:Hey Abob! It's us.. so how are you? Abob:Just great, about to get blown to bits, and yourselves? Tyron:We're great! [i]The Tyron blows up a missle heading toward itself while Mountain Dew flies off to help Abob. Jex stops next to Fett and assists him in destroying the last of the assaliants.[/i] Jex:You okay now? Abob:Just peachy Jex.. yous frigging peachy.. Jex:Good.. [i]Mountain Dew flies off next to Tyron and she pops up another vid-link with Tyron.[/i] Jex:So what don't I get?
  24. Viper:WHA!? Alan:All that walking makes a guy horny Viper.. don't act like you don't want this too.. Viper:Alan.. get off.. Alan:C'mon Viper.. just a quickie? Viper:Alan.. I love you.. but not now.. Our friends are out there killing bandits and all you can think about is me.. flattering.. but not now.. there will be plently of time tommorrow.. we should rest now.. [i]Alan rolled off of Viper and laid next to her. He kissed her neck and rested his head on her shoulder.[/i] Alan:Alright..
  25. [COLOR=purple]1)Saturday nights at 12 on Adult Swim Candidate for Goddess comes on. It stars Zero Enna.. and.. oh bah ram it.. go read my explination in General Anime.. 2)DAMNIT!! 3)No it's actually been out since 2000.. in Japan.. so.. it's new in the US.. if you wanna go look on Anipike.. its real name is Megami Kouhoshei or something like that Okay.. safer.. pick an Ingrid to pilot now[/COLOR]
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