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Everything posted by Pressure
Anime Which Anime char do you look like?
Pressure replied to Dragonballzman's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5_Liyah2025 [/i] [B]My favorite anime characters are Piccolo, Vegeta and Chunlee. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]That has absolutely nothing to do with this thread. *points* spam! fear it! spam! ANYWAY!!!!! Shyguy I've finally dtermined it.. your real look-alike is Mamoru Chiba. I swear to god. I even put it in my signiature :D[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=purple]This topic really has no purpose. There is no point to this thread. All of this could have easily been said in a PM to these people. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] rotflmao! dbzchika is 100% straight, have you [i]heard[/i] her go on about piro & voodoo? lol [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]O_O :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: *dies* Um... HEY! Not Piro!! No offense Munkie-san.. but it's not Piro! I maybe ranted about him once.. *points to the wannabe J-Rocker* HIM! It's not fair though.. *bawl* it's just not fair.. 100%? Ummm... maybe more like 70%... :smirk: Wait.. maybe I shouldn't have said that.. I mean um.. what I'm trying to say is.. see.. damnit *eats marshmellow rabbit and shuts up*[/COLOR]
Commentary: "Crawling in the Dark" lyric
Pressure replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]thanks for the compliments, everybody. you all have a lot of really good insights. this is why i love coming here... b/c i have friends like you. sometimes, you guys are the only people i can really talk to. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Awwwww.. :bawl: *Gives LM-san a big dakishimeru* Don't worry.. we're always here.. :angel:[/COLOR] -
Siren:Y-y-your.. your dead.. Shocks:Oh very far from it my dear Siren.. you and your group abandoned all hope of me.. I wasn't dead in the body, but I was dead to you.. Siren:That's not true.. Shocks:No? Siren:No Shocks! Shocks:Then why didn't you come to look for me? Siren:We did! Shocks:Well you didn't look hard enough! Siren:Shocks what are you saying? Please don't be bitter.. we looked but we couldn't find you.. we really did care.. Shocks:NO YOU DIDN'T!!! [i]Small electric bolts began to form and charge around Shocks' eyes. Her hand began to glow a shade of blue and a ball of electricity formed in her hand. She clenched the ball in her hand and pointed it at Siren.[/i] Siren:Shocks what are you doing?! Shocks:Getting revenge on those who left me!!! Siren:SHOCKS DON'T! [i]Shocks fired the ball of electricity from her palm. Valeigh and Zylik burst through the door and into a wall of dust. When the dust lifted, Valeigh and Zylik saw that a huge hole had been blasted in the Temple wall to the right of Shocks. Siren was sitting on the floor against the wall in front of Shocks with a stricken look on her face. Shocks was kneeling in the middle of the floor with her face buried in her hands crying. She stooped and looked up a Valeigh helped Siren up.[/i] Shocks:Siren.. I'm so sorry.. [i]Shocks dissolved into tears again and buried her face in her hands again.[/i]
[COLOR=purple]Alright candidates. The time is now, your training at GOA is finally over and you have been selected to either pilot one of the Goddesses or repair one of the Goddesses. To pilot one of the Goddesses you [U]must[/U] have a repairer.. likewise to be a repairer, you must have a pilot. To be a pilot you may be no younger than 15 and no older than 16. You must be a male or play a male character. There will be no made up characters. You must either play: Pilot Candidate #85:Sawamaru, Roose Pilot Candidate #86:Kushida, Yamagi Pilot Candidate #89:Cliff fortran, Clay Pilot Candidate #87:Gnr, Hied will be played by me Pilot Candidate #88:Enna, Zero will be played by stormwing You may also be a Goddess Repairier, though you must match up with Pilot. There can't be a Pilot #86 with a Repairer #88. One would have to switch. Stormwing and I must ask that the first two who wish to be repairers choose to be either Ihkny or Kizuna. You must match up with someone else to play. You may play: Repairer Candidate #85:Toesing, Wrecka Repairer Candidate #86:Kushka, Tsuaka Repairer Candidate #87:Allecto, Ihkny Repairer Candidate #88:Towryk, Kizuna Repairer Candidate #89:Mimori, Saki If you are to be a Goddess or Repairer you must work with one of the five Goddesses or Ingrids. You may choose to work with: Tellia Calisto Luhma Klein Agui Keamiea The Goddess Eeva Leena will be piloted by Stormwing and the Goddess Ernn Laties will be piloted by myself. Your mission is to defend the single remaining colony, Zion, from the attacking Victim. Please remember, any damage that is done to the Ingrids will also happen to you. Pilot Candidate, good luck. For those with wings, fly to your dreams.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]YEAH!! More Sakuya haters!! Anyways.. No Sakuya, which is Japanese for Last Night, was not the daughter of Darkness. The Mysterious blue headed girl Mayuka was the daughter of darkness. Oh did I forget to mention she is Tenchi's daughter?[/COLOR]
Commentary: "Crawling in the Dark" lyric
Pressure replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by velvet paws [/i] [B]I have a very low self confidence but I feel that year has thought me not to take sh!t if I don't have to and I feel stronger for it. I also went through a suicidal patch..but hey I'll stop rambling now [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]God don't I know how this feels.. I moved down to Maryland from New York, leaving all my friends behind, when I was 10. It took about a week before my mom could get my papers in order for me to go to school. I didn't speak to her once during that entire week nor for three weeks afterwards. I was in the fifth grade and while I wasn't the most popular thing, I did make some friends and it was about 4 months before the school year ended. Well then I got to 6th grade and life was hell. Oh sure the beginning of the year was fine, until I was accused of being a witch. (at the time I wasn't) It was like the Salem Witch trials all over again. I was hated, feared, shunned, and treated like a total freak. Everyone hated me and I only had like 2 friends. Things didn't improve in 7th grade either. A kid in my school actually brought a 75 dollar gold cross to school and kept pointing it at me to "shun me" or "protect himself from me". Either way, I missed a few days in school because I was at home hyperventalating and crying non stop. Several times a week I would put a knife to my throat or wrists. And then I got to th grade. It was like someone had pushed a magical button. It all stopped. I was called a witch maybe twice the entire year and it was by friends who were just kidding around so it didn't bother me. I started [U]actually[/U] practicing wicca and became a real witch and was astonished to find so many others in my school were also witches in hiding. My self confidence has sky rocketed this year, since becoming literally the best artist in school, I had my art teacher come up to me one day and tell me she wished that her project had come otu as well as mine :D I took what I was handed and after I was finished with the self loathing and pity, I built up tolerance to the people who called me a witch, and some of them even appologized! O_O;;; Don't have low self confidence Velvet Paws.. its pointless.. love yourself.. we all love you :) :love: :love2: :love: :)[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=purple]Domo Arigatou TN-san and Crazy White Boy-san. You just saved me from retaliating and doing something really stupid. Arigatou Mata.. But anyways.. I don't think I looked too much into South Park.. It's just that I was typing my first post here and when I was about to say something about the devil being a homosexual and the thought popped into my head that it may be a knock against homosexual people and their for a bad thing.. Geez.. sorry.. I won't think thigns through anymore :rolleyes:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]Okay.. I broke the rules by bringing this thread back to the first page.. please don't make me do it again.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~ [i]Feather sits back in her seat and ignores Axel.[/i] Feather:So now we are on the run from the law with a stone the size of a marble and now we are going to go hide in some caves in Australia Raven:That's about it.. Feather:Wonderful.. Axel:Way to not be pessimistic Feather.. [i]Feather yawned and stretced out her arms. Axel was on the edge of the seat talking to Raven and Abob in the front. Feather stretched again and laid down on the seat, making it impossible for Axel to sit back. Axel looked back and saw her fast asleep in all her beautiful glory.[/i]
[COLOR=purple]Such stunning grammar you all have.. losted... uh huh... :rolleyes:[/COLOR] Name:Yuki no ooi Sanrin Nickname:Sanrin Age:23 Height:5'6'' Weight:115lbs Martial Art:Judo Special Powers:Can control Ice, but much more powerful than SubZero, can summon faerie spirits that bind her enemies from moving so she can deliver the final blow, and the Taiyo No Negai Appearence:Long, flowing, light dusky blue hair, reaches down to her butt. Silver eyes. Tall, skinny, very beautiful. Side:Raiden's Weaknesses:Fire Bio:Sweet, kind, and from first glance you'd never guess that Sanrin can kill you 8 different ways with her thumb :)
[COLOR=purple]My Job![/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spiderman:Is it cold in here, or is it just Freon? Freon:Oh verrrrrrrrrry funny.. Wolverine:Will you two cut it out? Revanche:We should spilt up into two teams. Wolverine takes one, I take the other. Freon:I'm with Captain America! Revacnhe:Okay.. I'll take Freon, Wolverine you can have Captain America Freon: -beep- Revanche:Thank you.. now lets hurry up and divide into Teams, Ghost Rider with me, Hulk with Wolverine, Spiderman with Wolverine, Batman with me, Superman with me, Morgan with Wolverine.. Okay now let's go! [i]Freon rolls her eyes and floats up into the sky. She stretches her muscles and shoots random beams of ice straight down into the pavement, causing several severe cracks in the floor. She smiles widely and does a few flips.[/i] Freon:Okay.. let's get this party started! Iiiiiiiiii'm coming up.. Revanche:Will you get down here?! Freon:My bad.. [i]Freon lands and waits for everyone to board their.. um.. flying vehicle things before she flies up behind them and taps on Batman's window. He opens the hatch window and Revanche looks up at her from the back seat.[/i] Revanche:WHAT!? Freon:Poison Ivy is in Tokyo, but you guys should go to New York.. so.. catch ya' on the flip side! [i]Freon flips off and flies away to Tokyo. She passes over the ocean and creates random icebergs before she notices the Batjet behind her. She growls but keeps on flying.[/i]
[i]As Liam and the others talked, Viper walked slowly away from the villagers and back to her own group. She stopped before Peregrine.[/i] Viper:This town consists solely of bandits. The ones we saw lying in the gorge, the ones killed by Angora, were the relatives of these people. They now know that and while they are all sad about their losses, their melancholy spirits haven't kept them from their manners. They offer us food and a good nights sleep. Chole:Cool! Let's eat! Viper:You are truly retarded Chole, it's not that simple.. Alan:OOOOOOOh dissed by a goddess! Ouch.. Chole:Shut up! [i]Chole made a swat for Alan but Peregrine caught is arm and gave him a look that could kill an army. Chole backed down instantly.[/i] Viper:Right, like I was saying. We will accept the food and warm hospitatlity, but we will decline any drink they may offer or any beds. Even if they are being generous, they are still bandits none the less. Outlaw:Right then, okay, let's go. [i]As they moved farther into town, they were approached by a man who appeared to be the leader of the villagers. He knelt before Viper and kissed Lady Peregrine's hand. When he looked up at Chole and Alan, they saw that he was blind in one eye. He turned away from Liam and Outlaw and offered two necklaces of flowers to the women. Viper chose the one made from Lilies, and Peregrine the one made from Lilacs. Viper turned hr head so she faced Peregrine.[/i] Viper:Isn't there something you wanted from Chole when you got out of the desert? [i] The man turned away and began to walk toward a long house, gesturing for them to follow. As his back was turned, Peregrine pulled a pouch from her dress sleeve and sprinkled some glittering white powder on her wreath necklace and Viper's. After a few minutes, Viper watched several tiny but poisonous snakes fall lifeless from her necklace. Peregrine and Viper recoiled and snapped the necklaces from their thraots, disgarding them on the ground as they walked by. The group arrived at the long house and was very hesitant to sit down, even though a glorious feast was set out. Peregrine sat down first, Chole to her right, Viper to her left. Then Alan sat down next to Viper, Liam next to him, and finally Outlaw. Viper and Peregrine exchanged knowing glances and before anyone began to eat, they mentally told everyone in their group to eat nothing but bread, rice, and fruit. Viper snorted as Alan wiggled in his seat and Outlaw dropped a chiken bone angrily on the table. As they waited, the man that had given them the wreaths stood up. He raised his glass and motioned to Viper's group. Viper flicked her hand softly under the table and the goblets that lay before them were magically filled with nectar. Viper nodded her head to the man and lifted her glass. She took a drink and so did everyone in the group.[/i] Man:We are grateful to this traveling group for telling us the whereabouts of our relatives and their murderer. We are very grateful. We invite you to our feast, please. Enjoy! [i]Cheers of[i] HERE HERE! [i]rang out through the long house as the other bandits lifted their glasses and drank to the good health of the travelers. Meanwhile, the group merely nibbled their food and talked qietly among themselves. When the feast was over, Viper rose to her feet.[/i] Viper:Thanks be to this town. On behalf of my group I would like to say that we feel for your loss and are sorry that it happened. All:Here here! Viper:But.. [i]The room got quiet as Viper spoke again.[/i] Viper:The passage of family members onto a new world is no reason to dare try and poison a goddess and her friends. For this I would normally destroy the entire town and it's people. But because I have a kind heart I will punish you differently. [i]Viper raised a hand and snapped her fingers.[/i] Viper:Half your livestock and crops are dead. Because half this group would have died from eating your poisoned food or from having their throats slit in the night, so have your crops and animals. This is a lesson to never dare to hamr an all-seeing goddess. For your treachery you are punished. With hope, you will reform your town. [i]Viper finished speaking and the villagers were silent. Her group rose to their feet and the left the long house. When they were safely out of town, they began to talk again.[/i] Chole:Geez Viper, wasn't that kinda rough, killing half their livestock and crops? Viper:Their livestock are fine. I didn't kill any of them. Just a scare. Alan:And their crops? [i]Viper smirked and turned around to face the entire group.[/i] Viper:Your cloak and robes seem to be a bit heavier don't they? Turn out your sleeves and pockets all. [i]With weird, confused looks on their faces, the group did as they were told and their faces lit up and the fruit from the trees fell onto the ground before them.[/i] Peri:Wow! But will it all keep? Viper:In my presence yes it will. Liam:Wow! Thanks Viper! [i]Viper smiled and picked up a peach. She bit into it and felt the tang in the back of her mouth. She smiled again and wiped the juice from her mouth. Alan approaced her and nuzzled his forehead against hers so their noses touched.[/i] Alan:Thank you, my love.
Commentary: "Crawling in the Dark" lyric
Pressure replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=purple][i]"Every day it's like a war against the mirror, can't take the person starin' back at me, 'cuz I'm a hazard to myself. Don't lemme get me, I'm my own worst enemy, rather you and all yourself. So irritating, don't wanna be my friend nno more, I wanna be somebody else."[/i] I love Pink to death, but that won't get you anywhere in life. I was born into a family with a father on wellfare and a mother who is a child of 2 alcoholics. My life has just been friggin peaches and cream.. But I know that even if I was born into such horrible conditions that no one should have to live with, I'm still a betetr eprson than many of those born into better conditions. Because I can take what little I have and turn it into appreciation. I know that I'm living the life of a goddess compared to many in other countries, and I'd ratehr live like this with the appreciation, than be one of those snobby, skinny-*** preppy bitches who look down on the fact that their parents are lawyers, and doctors, and work for the CIA, or FBI whatever.. It annoys the hell out of me that they are taking for granted what they were given. Their parents worked very hard so that their kids didnt have to live the way they did, and its like they are throwing it back in thier parent's faces. Makes me sick.. There is more than what you've been handed, but you have to work for it and never give up. I'm determined to make sure that when I have kdis, they don't live like this and have to go through the self pity and self loathe that I go through every day b/c I don't have a father to bring the the school function "Doughnuts for Dads" and because I'm not as rich as the near princess bitchy girls at my school. My kids will live the high life, but appreciate it. I like what I've been handed, it could be better, but then again, it could be worse.[/COLOR] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]I would have given him a really hard kick in the ***...[i]really[/i] hard. Then I would have sat him down and lectured him until his ears turned blue from listening to me ramble on about "disabilities" and such. If he tried to get up, I'd smack him across the face and make him stay until I was done talking to him...BEH! :drunk: Stupid ignorant bastards.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Doesn't that jsut piss you right off? .. 'scuse me.. buuuuuuuuut anyways.. *reads LM's post* Yeah girl! Isn't science fun?! hehehe jk.. sounding like a total dork here.. anyway.. I'm really passionate about 2 more things.. 1)Having fun.. and 2)Being myself.. I love to have fun.. I really do.. I will go to great lenghts and even have run-ins with the law to have fun.. heh did just yesterday :angel: but anyways.. I'll do anything to have a good time.. I'll try new things, even if I know in my heart I can't do them or I know it'd be the most retarded thing to do.. I really will do anything to have fun.. *eyes Krillen* oh.. except that.. Being myself.. hardest thing in the world.. I love a challenge.. I will always be who I am and nobody different.. If I wanna wear a shirt to school that says "Men Suck", damnit.. I will.. I just wish I had a shirt like that.. but yeah anyways.. I don't let anyone tell me I'm something I'm not.. and neither should anyone else..[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]If anybody has seen Batman Beyond.. they know who I'm talking about[/COLOR] Name:Freon Real Name:Damned If I remember.. so.. Blade will be her real name.. Power:Um.. controls the powers of ice.. Appearence:A woman made purely of blue gas.. O_o;; Weaknesses:IS A GAS!.. can't touch anything without turning it into ice.. the slightest wind can make her break apart and blow everywhere.. it will then take Freon 5 mins to reform.. Mortal Enemies:Has sworn to take down and kill Poison Ivy..
[COLOR=purple] Name:Jex Age:28 Country:Britain Space fighter stats:(name)Mountain Dew (hehehe) weapons:3 laser cannons, 2 meager laser guns, 4 escape pods, 4 light sheilds bio:Tall girl with long green hair pulled back into a pony. Jex always wears sunglasses and is very selfconcious about her eyes. Nobody knows why Jex never takes off her sunglasses, but they do know that she was born with the ability to see through walls. Jex is seen spending most of her time reading when she isn't out patrolling the solar system.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~ [COLOR=purple]I'm just gonna start this off now.. we can continue later in the playing thread.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~ [i]Jex cracks her neck at the controls and turns her head to the right and outside her window Jex sees Tyron in.. Tyron. A window pops up in his cockpit of her cracking her neck and smirking, Jex knows Tyron hates that.[/i] Tyron:Ah god Jex! Ew.. ya' wanna not do that again? Geez.. Jex:Sorry.. my neck was stiff.. Tyron:Thats disgusting.. Jex:So Tyron.. where is Abob? Tyron:Back at Genesis Loading Bay. He'll be coming through hyperspace in about an hour. Jex:Genesis Loading Bay? God that's way over by Mercury! What's he doing? Tyron:He's getting our orders, finding out when we're gonna dispatch from her around Neptune and go help the Dree.. Jex:Fun fun.. [i]Jex adjusted her sunglasses and sat back in her chair.[/i] Tyron:So Jex.. when ya' gonna show me whats under those sunglasses? Jex:When your dead and buried.. Tyron:Aw c'mon.. I bet your eyes are really pretty.. Jex:Uh huh.. sure.. flirt.. Tyron:C'mon! What color? Green, blue, grey? Jex:None of the above.. closing link.. Tyron:What? Wait Jex come o-- [i]Jex hit a key on her keypad and Tyron's face was wiped from view. Jex put Mountain Dew into manual and stood up. She walked to her mirro and removed her sunglasses. Jex winced as she saw her eyes and she quickly put the sunglasses back on as a sheild. She returned to the cockpit and sat in her chair.[/i] Jex:What's the use? Born a freak, always a freak..
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][i]she screeched and landed on top of him, ripppin flesh off his face and torso....[/i] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Ugh.. *holds stomach* That's pretty..[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Alan struck down one of the demonic creatures and turned around to pull another off his brother. Peregrine was ripping and tearing through them like paper as Viper fought frivilously to keep the others alive. However the pack began to get overwhelming as many more surfaced through the grond and they surrounded the group. Outlaw fell to his knees and laid his club in the sand.[/i] Outlaw:We're all gonna die.. Viper:Shut your mouth! No we are not! Have you dared to forget that you are in the presence of the Goddess of Protection?! [i]Viper angrily yelled at Outlaw, who cringed in fear, of the demons, and Viper. Viper's eyes glistened and she turned away from him. Viper raised her arms into the sky and a transparent blue sheild surrounded the group like a bubble. Viper alone remained out of the bubble and she turned to the largest of the demons.[/i] Viper:ANGORA! Show yourself you COAWRDICE WHORE! [i]The eyes of the monstrous demon in front of Viper began to suddenly glow a shocking red and a cloud of black mist srrounded the creature breifly. When the mist lifted, a beautiful woman with a sinister, horrible expression on her face stood before Viper. Her black hair glistened as she faced the new goddess.[/i] Angora:So then.. long time no see.. Viper.. Amazing to think that the gods would make us both celestial.. Ironic isn't it? Viper:A stroke of bad luck.. but that aside.. how dare you attack our group without subsequent reason or warning? What right have you to do such a deed? Angora:I attacked your group.. because I could.. and no reason more.. I only wanted a little fun.. when your the Goddess of Scorn.. killing a few mortals to have revenge on a known enemy is a just thing to do.. Viper:Enough.. leave now.. lest I finish what I started as a child.. Angora:Your mouth is big enough Viper.. but can you back it up? [i]The sand beneath their feet began to swirl and a huge sand dragon shot up beneath Angora, killing the rest of her pack. Upon the back of the dragon rode a beautiful young girl who appeared no more than 10 or 11. Angora stared up at the girl in fear and disappeared in a swirl of black mist. The dragon melted away and the young girl rode the sand to the floor of the cave.[/i] Girl:You are safe now, Angora will bother you no more, you are granted safe passage through the remainder of the desert. Good luck. [i]The girl became sand herself and blew away in the wind.[/i] Chole:Who was that? Viper:That was Kekare. She is the goddess of the sands and the desert. Angora's younger sister. Angora has always feared what she can't explain, and she can't explain why her sister is more pwoerful than she. Kekare was always a kind girl, and she took a liking to me. I'm not sure why, but Kekare was my only friend before I became a Dragonheart. Alan:Key-who-ay? Viper:Key-kar-ay Alan:Oh.. okay.. Liam:Viper.. how did you know Angora? Viper:Nevermind that.. lets keep moving.. [i]Viper turned and planted a kiss on Alan's cheek. She slipped one of her arms around his and began to walk forward.[/i]
[COLOR=purple]What am I passionate about? *eyes Voodoo* No I'm just kidding.. I really love science.. I guess you could call it a passion of mine.. I LOVE science.. Oh my god do I.. Lesse.. I guess you could say I'm passionate about standing up for people who can't stand up for themselves.. I hate it when weaker people are picked on.. Once this boy in my *cough* SCIENCE class was laughing at a girl ouside the window because she was trying to wheel herself up a ramp in a wheelchair but she couldn't get around the corner. For about 5 mins this went on when the teacher stopped the class and started to reprimand him. He said "How is she ever gonna get anywhere in life if she can't wheel herself up a ramp?" I got severly pissed off.. excuse my French.. But I really did.. I lost my mind.. The teacher was still reprimanding him but I didn't care. I totally interupted hre and looked straight at him and said in a really angry voice, "How are you gonna get anywhere in life if you will stoop so low as to make fun of a girl in a wheelchair?" He kinda shut up after that.. Ummmm.. I'm very passionate about writing.. *looks around* As is everyone else.. O_o;; Um.. I love to dance and like TN is passionate about Japanese Music.. I can't get enough Trance Music and Club Music.. Other passions.. the male sex, as long as they are tall, umm dancing, acting, god is acting a big one for me, my music, and drawing.. thats about it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]Im not the biggest Creed fan in the world, actually I can't stand Creed.. they get way overplayed and there are way too many bands *cough* The Calling *cough* *cough* who try to mimick Scott.. it bothers me.. but anyways.. ask some of the people from England or Britain or something.. somebody has a list in their signiature of all the people from out of America.. ask the one guy from Australia.. be damned if I remember who.. but ask them.. European releases, special releases.. I dunno.. like the Aaliyah release "More than a Woman" from England.. But yeah.. anyways.. O_o ask around.. or raid their houses.. that always works.. :D[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by phoenixflames [/i] [B]I love that show. Have you seen the shirts yet? I have all three.:D :D :D [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Do you have the one where Grr is jumping out of is dog costume yelling "I'M NAKED!" I do.. and I get tortured for it.. but I love Invader Zim.. Invader Zim is probably one of my favorite shows on Earth. Here in MD everyone is obsessed with Spongebob Squarepants.. and I felt like being different.. so.. I chose to idolize Invader Zim.. besides.. nobody is as cool as Grr :)[/COLOR]
[i]Chole stops walking suddenly and looks around the desert. The rest of the group stops and turns to him.[/i] Peri:Chole? What is it? Chole:Um.. Peregrine.. where is Tenx? Viper:Back when the two dragons appeared Tenx was killed. When the dragon Liam summoned had it's head fall off, it crushed Tenx. His body was dragged down through the sand into the underworld. Alan:That's really gruesome.. Viper:Gruesome but true.. Chole:Well, lets keep moving.. [i]The group began to walk forward again, though Liam moved at a slower speed than the rest. Viper noticed and dropped back to meet him.[/i] Viper:Liam.. what is the matter? Liam:He was dragged to the underworld? Viper:Yes Liam.. Liam:Then.. Viper:Yes Liam, Tenx took your place. You no longer owe anything to my brother the god of the dead.. Liam:Aeon is the god of the dead? Viper:No.. Aeon is my brother through blood, while Hades is my celestial brother.. Liam:Then I no longer am doomed to lie for eternity in the land of the acursed dead? Viper:No.. now when you die.. I will ensure that you will go to Limbo, where we were before. It is of the highest honor to go to Limbo, and everyone here deserves it.. Liam:Really Viper? You promise.. you promise that I'll never have to return to that evil place again? [i]Viper smiled and nodded her head. She set a hand on Liam's shoulder. Liam felt warmth erupt through him from where she touched him.[/i] Viper:I promise..
Feather:That's it? Axel:Er.. yeah I guess.. Feather:Well alright.. be it so.. Abob:SO be it? Feather:No.. be it so.. Abob:Um.. okay.. [i]Feather slides over in her seat and sits dangerously close to Axel.. She twirls her finger seductively in her hair and bats her eyelashes at him..[/i] Feather:Say Axel.. Axel:*gulp* Y-yeah? Feather:Where exactly are we going with this little, teeny-weeny stone?
[i]Viper slept next to Liam and Peregrine's fellen bodies. Their dreams magically intwined, for the ritual was done. Viper was a god.[/i] Viper:Peregrine? [i]Viper, Liam, and Peregrine sat alone on a beautiful magenta blanket next to a sparkling blue lake. The sun shone from above their heads and the soft wind was balmy. The air was warm and sweet with the scents of summer. Liam had a full face, no half skull, and the 3 of them seemed to have degressed in age. The three looked youthful, new, and young. Peregrine and Liam smiled as the wind softly ruffled their hair.[/i] Peregrine:It worked Viper.. your a goddess now.. your blood runs as the magical mercury, not the painful acid. Your back is smooth, and youthful, no longer scaly. Viper, your cured.. Liam:The magical spell worked, though with some after effects.. Viper:Like? Peri:Liam and I will be lax in our magic for a little while, no more than a week.. well that and.. Viper:And? Liam:This is going to be hard Viper.. Viper:What? Peri:Viper, you can only see Alan in your physical form for about a year more.. then you will ahve to leave us all and ascned to the heavens.. Viper:What? Liam:We'll still be able to communicate with you.. but not in the body.. Viper:No.. Peri:Hey, let's not focus on the bad, lets try and concentrate on the good, Viper your a goddess now.. Viper:Of what though? [i]As Viper spoke these words, four gods materialized infront of them. It was obvious that they were the gods of the elements, for that was what they were made of. The gentle goddess of wind stepped forward.[/i] Air:Viper.. your a goddess now.. and you are the one who must choose what your going to be the goddess of.. Fire:What you aer going to be the goddess of is entirely up to you.. lok inside your heart.. it will come to you.. Viper:Well.. I was viciously injured because I attacked that dragon.. the onewho had murdered my parents.. I don't want anyone to have to go through that.. Air:Your choice then? Viper:Protection.. wish to be the goddess of protection.. [i]The four gods stepped forward and each placed a finger on Viper's forehead and shut their eyes. Viper followed suit and as she shut her eyes, a white light erupted from her forehead and the four gods disappeared.[/i] Liam:Where did they go? Viper:Back home, to their watchtowers, but they each left a little part of themselves inside of me.. it is done.. I am the goddess of Protection now.. and I swear that what happened to me will never happen to anyone ever again.. Liam:Cool.. so where are we? Viper/Peri:Limbo.. Liam:Mm? [i]Viper and Peregrine giggled and Viper rose to her feet.[/i] Viper:Peregrine.. rise and be blessed.. Peri:Viper? Viper:Peregrine.. I bless thee.. your heart is pure and your soul unique.. I promise you my full protection at all times.. as goes for you Liam.. you two helped me when no one else could or would dare.. I thank you and give you my word that I will eternally protect you two and when you do die, Peregrine you will return here for your after life, and you Liam.. you will no longer need to return to the underworld to my brother Hades.. Peri:Thank you your ladyship.. Liam:Okay enough of the holy thing, can we go? Viper being nice is starting to freak me out.. and besides.. I'm hungry.. Viper:Alright.. [i]Viper snapped her fingers and they returned to the group in a cloud of white, honeysuckle scented smoke. The others looked on in wonder as Viper and Peregrine returned to their lovers.[/i] Chole:Peregrine, Viper are you alright? Peri:We're all fine now.. Alan:Viper.. Viper:Alan.. I need to speak with you.. not now.. but soon.. first we should all eat.. [i]With a wave of her arm, a glorious feast appeared before them and they all sat down to their meal. When the finished, Viper again waved and the meal disappeared into thin air. Alander took her by the wrist and led her away, noticing that as she walked snapdragons appeared in her wake. He led her away and they laid down together on the sand. Alan turned his head and gazed deeply into Viper's azure eyes.[/i] Alan:Viper.. Viper:Yes Alan? Alan:May I have the honor of kissing a goddess? Viper;The honor would be all mine.. [i]Alan kissed Viper softly and romantically. Night feel and Viper ingited a fire to keep them warm. All through the night Viper and Alan's bodies entwined romantically in their love making. Viper felt herself falling deeper and deeper in love with the mortal ontop of her. As much as she enjoyed making love, not having sex, but making love with Alander, she knew that it would only make the final parting harder.[/i]