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Everything posted by Pressure
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] The bottom line is that child molestation is against the law and will put you on the list of sex offenders. The fact the church and state are seperated in America allows for these molesters to go free. Such should not be the case, esspecially when the church find outs and does nothing about it. I don't mean to be rude to any religous people, for I am just stating facts. The Church is known to cover up it's inner corruptions and wrong doings. This has happened for THOUSANDS of years... since the Catholic church first came into power in Europe. But when I think it becomes a little severe, and involves the normaly citizen of the US (Esspecially children) they should not cover this up. I do applaud the church for now giving these molesters away to the state government. I think it's the right move. Also, you said the church will stand by these people because they vowed to be faithful. The church needs not to stand by these people... they KNOW what these people have done, and to stand behind them, to cover it up or whatever, is being just as guilty as the person who did it. I give no credit to the church for having this reputation of hiding child molesters. If they did it for the people who have been caught, imagine how many others there are that haven't been caught, or who don't confess. To continue standing behind these child molesters is totally unacceptable... and it's about time they turned them over so that they can spend their time in jail like they should have years and year ago. There's a difference between standing behind your faith.... and standing behind you reason of right and wrong... by standing behing these men who they know have molested children denys all distinction between right and wrong. They are basically saying it's ok for priest to do this. Or they did... now they are finally taking the right action. I commend them for such action, however I condone everything they did before on the issue. Like I said, it goes to proove that not even the hands of god are what they seem. People trusted them, and they turn their backs on them... how am I supposed to trust them then? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]May I just state upfront that it has been [U]real[/U] fun to play a bishop who gets arrested for the past three nights in a play. But moving on.. Stagitory rape and sexual abuse in children is increasing rapidly. One of the key factors may be that, the church doesn't do anything about it's deciples molesting children. Religion plays a big part in most people's lives in America, and the church is supposed to be the holiest place, and everything the church does is considered correct and holy. So then if preists molest children and are supported by the church, sexual offenders who [i]aren't[/i] in the cloth will believe it isn't a crime to molest children. Hey if a preist can get away with sexual abuse, why can't an ordinary person? No one is perfect, and no one is holy enough to be considered close to God. I agree with James, I don't think God would even be so arrogant as to like people bowing down to him day in and day out. That would bother me, endless praise. God must have a large ego if he exists. (I'd just like to state here and now that I don't think he does, but I won't try and persuade others to accept my views.) Child molestation is a very dangerous problem in America right now. My mother is a lisenced clinical social worker and every day she deals with kids who have been molested by their teachers, parents, step parents, friends' parents, friends, siblings, etc. That doesn't make the news everyday, but because the followers of God did it, it's suddenly become a problem. Thats sad. The preists aren't the only ones getting away with these crimes. The church backs them up, while insufficent police force and investigation of domestic crimes allows the other sexual molesters to get away with their crimes.[/COLOR]
Hello, I'm Johnny Knoxville and welcome to Jackazz
Pressure replied to Sephiroth's topic in General Discussion
Who's your favourite Jackazz on the show? [COLOR=purple]*thinks* Bam Margera, he's hot and he's an idiot. But I dunno, Wee Man is awesome too.[/COLOR] What's your favourite stunt? [COLOR=purple]Stunt? Um.. I liked the one where they dragged the guy through the cornfeild. However my favorite was when they got Tony Hawk and some other guy to skateboard in elf costumes together.. that was pretty cool. I did like where they skateboarded and rode bikes and crap off the half pipe into the lake.[/COLOR] What's your favourite prank? [COLOR=purple]Bam Margera jumping on his father and totally trashing their room, which is awesome by the way, at like 2am. Wee Man as an Oompaloompa had me laughing and squealing.[/COLOR] What's the most painful stunt? [COLOR=purple]I'm pretty sure peircing your butt cheeks together would really hurt. Ugh bleh.. I have one that would really hurt for ya'.. it wa snever preformed on jackass, and when you read it you'll understand why.. but my health teacher told me that her friend's brother was given a wedgie while he was wearing tighty-whiteys.. and 3 days later.. His testicles exploded.. O.O I don't ahve them obviously, but I can imagine this would hurt.[/COLOR] -
Alan:A goddess? Peri:Only if we preform the spells and incantations improperly.. Alan:The chances of that are? Peri:50/50.. Liam and I are very powerful, but we are not perfect, believe it or not.. Liam:She's right.. no one has had to preform magical spells on immortals in a very long time.. Peri:The magic emmited upon the immortal must be extremely powerful.. Liam:Very few people know how to preform the spells.. Peri:Even Lord Obsidian knew not how to heal an immortal.. if we make a mistake, we may never see her again.. Alan:Are we sure that that would be such a bad thing? Viper:Alan.. w.. what are.. what are you saying? Alan:Well.. Chole:Alan? Alan:WELL C'MON! It must surely be a better fate to be healed and become a goddess than to slowly and painfully transform into a hideus(sp) dragon! [i]The group was silent as Peri knelt beside Viper.[/i] Peri:Is this what you want.. Viper:I won't leave you guys, but Alan is right.. for 400 years I've been trying to come up with a way to rid myself of this curse.. this may be my one and only chance.. Chole:Peregrine.. can you call the gods and ask them to allow her to remain with us, even if she is a celestial being? Peri:I could.. but she'd only be able to remain with us for a short time.. a year tops.. and thats if we're lucky.. because the sheer magnitude of a god is enough to kill a mortal.. Alan:Please Peregrine... please.. that must be better than living her life with horrible scars, emotionally and physically.. Liam:One question still arises.. Viper.. why did you attack that dragon? Viper:He.. killed my parents.. Alan:She deserved to kill that dragon, not to be injured this way.. please Peregrine..
Feather: Abob.. Abob: Um.. yes? Feather: Would you mind telling me exactly [i]how[/i] the cops know who you are and how do they know that your driving? Abob: Um.. Feather: Grrreeeeeeeat.. Abob: Sorry.. Feather: Whatever.. hey Axel.. Axel: Hmm? Feather: Just what [i]does[/i] this little rock thingy do? Why did we steal it and why was it so heavily guarded?
Viper:Everyone.. stand back.. Peri:What? [i]Viper raises the Aeon staff and grips it very tightly. Her whole body begins to glow with a forest green essence and her eyes flash dangrously as she stares head on at the golden scaled dragon. Viper erupts from the place she was standing and she hurls herself at the dragon. Screaming with fury Viper leaps upon the dragon and a loud cracking sound echoes through the desert as the Boa Jewel at the top of the Aeon Staff smashes down upon the crown of the dragon's golden head.[/i] Chole:VIPER! GET DOWN! Alan:VIPER! We have to help her! She'll be killed! Viper:NO! EVERYONE BACK! This dragon is MINE! Peri:BUT VIPER! YOU KNOW DRAGONS ARE IMMORTAL! Viper:I DON'T CARE! THIS ONE IS GOING TO DIE!!!!! Chole:VIPER DON'T BE STUPID! YOU'LL BE KILLED! Peri:She is immortal Chole.. don't forget [i]Again Viper brings the staff down upon the Dragon's head, cracking its skull again. Brilliant green blood begins to spill from the dragon's head and it leaks down to the sand. Where it touches the sand forms into snakes and Viper screams as the blood spills over her ankles.[/i] Peri:Oh my god... I don't believe this! [i]Peregrine leaps on Tidus' back and races off to help Viper. As the dragon falls to the ground, one of it's claws hits Viper and causes her to loose her footing. She falls from the dragon and hits the ground hard on her stomach. Viper screams as the dragon begins to fall to the ground and her screams are muffled as it's heavy body collapses atop her.[/i] Alan:VIPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[COLOR=purple]Now now now.. everyone calm down.. and Gouf please don't type in all caps.. CharCharMander almost got kicked off the boards for it.. it pisses mods off, besides, its hard to read. And ratboy, if your not going to post in this thread accordingly, but simply are going to rant, its called spam. Don't do it. I don't want to see you spamming in any more threads on this subject or you will be turned over to the mods. It gets very annoying. Nobody copied anybody's idea. It's not possible b/c every idea is shared by at least one other person... the laws of physics say so. [/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~ Feather: Just the three of us? Axel: Yup Feather: Well that's cool with me, but, can we all lift it? Axel: Yeah I think so.. but we need to go soon, like.. tonight Feather: Works for me.. I'll meet you guys back here in a few hours [i]In a few hours, Feather slips quietly through the door.[/i] Axel: Great your here... Everyone ready? Feather? Raven? Feather: All ready, lets get this party started.. [i]The three slip quietly out of the house into he dead of night.[/i]
[COLOR=purple]Ahem... *cough* *cough* Off topic.. Now then.. as to this whole who copied who.. simple explanation.. no one copied, you simply got your ideas from one man... Aristotle.. the four elements, Earth, Fire, Air, and Water were once thought to be what all things were made from, simply in different portions. Aristotle and his fellow Greek philosophers named that based upon common sense and reasoning, the gods had created everything in the universe out of Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. They proved their point by burning wood. The boiling water and sap could be seen seeping out which accounted for water. The steam and smoke accounted for air. The fire burning the wood was well, obivously fire. And the wood and ash were earth. However, we now know that everything in the world is made from the 112+ elements found in the periodic table. So nobody ripped off anybody elses ideas, they all developed from Aristotle's. And if you want to be original so bad, create a RPG with 112+ players... all with one element, Carbon, Gold, Hydrogen, etc... Moving on.. it's against the rules to offend anyone else or put anyone else, and such is a case showing of spamming. I'm not trying to go all ModGod here.. but you should not be knocking anyone else's RPG... If you have a problem with an RPG, tell a Moderator or keep it to yourself. There is no point in fighting over it. It won't help at all. So just swallow it and move on.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]*cracks up and dies* I.. got.. a 10 on Britty's test!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA *dies*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]I got a 70 on Cera's test... o.o;; she got a 70 on mine... o.O;; odd.. *hits Cera over the head with a stuffed bunny* That stupid question of yours! Which one wasnt a fanific of mine? or something like that.. one of the possible answers was "Shannamon" or something.. AND NOW I AHVE THAT DAMN BRADY SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD! THE ONE FROM THE MOVIE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!! shanna-na-na-na-na-na-na.. na-na-na-na-na... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! *runs away gripping head and screaming*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]This is lunacy.. they are animators.. its what they do.. Disney isn't supposed to be broken down into tiny portions and every flaw pointed out.. Oh and Noodlez.. Captain Obvious.. thank you.. I knew Disney didn't make The Wizard of Oz[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssjsupreme [/i] [B] are you gay?serious [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]*dies* no... why? *gets all apprehensive* is there a probelm with being gay?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]I'm sorry your highness... I wasnt aware that wind was taken... but if I absolutely HAVE to change it.. I'll take Fire.. but c'mon, Hi my name's Feather my element is... fire? Can't I jsut keep air? No one else seems to have a problem with that.[/COLOR] [i]Feather sits back in her chair and rests her arms on the back of it. She cracks her neck and begins playing with her rings.[/i] Tom: Fine, I'll try again... Raven: A.. spoon? Tom: WHAT?! [i]Feather glances up.[/i] Abob: A lamp? Tom: Oh c'mon! It's not THAT hard is it?!?!?! Raven: Well, what is it? Feather: It's the Statue of Liberty... see the seven spokes on the hat? [i]Feather points to Tom's creation and everyone peers at the seven tiny spokes at the top.[/i] Raven: Oh.. I thought it was a spork... Tom: RAVEN! Raven: Well... sorry... it jsut looked like a spork to me... Tom: Oh my god... [i]Feather lifts her head and sees Axel.[/i] Feather: Morning...
[COLOR=purple]Yes.. the reading of the entire 27 pages is essential... Okay now then.. Raiha, master writer that you are... this is getting dull... can we hurry up and do something?[/COLOR]
[i]Viper shuffled her feet along, holding Yuna by the reigns, why she had no idea. She looked down at her feet as she walked, lost in thought. Alan poked her in the arm and she stared up at him.[/i] Viper:Hm? Alan:You okay? Viper:Oh yeah.. I'm fine.. just thinking.. Alan:About? Viper:Not much.. just thinking about my past.. being a child and playing with my friends in the school yard. Back when I was normal.. Alan:Mmm Chole:So uh, exactly what constitued as normal way back int he stong age? Viper:Uh! SHUT UP! [i]Viper kicked sand at Chole and turned back to Alan.[/i] Viper:Sometimes I miss it mroe than anything in the world, ya' know? Being normal.. Alan:I know how you must feel.. I grew up a twin.. I've been called Chole so many times I actually begin to answer to that name.. Liam:Is that so.. Chole.. Chole/Alan:Shut up Liam.. Liam:Eep! Trenx: *snore* Viper:Heh.. so anyway.. who is this new guy anyways Peregrine?
[COLOR=purple]Asar... heh heh heh...[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Alan strokes Viper's hair gently and runs his finger down her cheeks carressingly.[/i] Viper:Nnnn... oh.. hey... where is everyone? Alan:I dunno... out some.. where... Viper:Oohh...I... see :naughty: Alan:Heh heh.. I doubt it... Outlaw and Liam are gone too.. Viper:Alright.. well... I'm gonna go take a swim and bathe... Alan:Where? This is a desert... Viper:I'm sure I can find a pool of rainwater.. Alan:Okay... if you say so... Viper:K.. be back soon... [i]Viper stood and kissed Alan's cheek softly. She let her silver eyelashes tickle his cheek and Viper turned and glided across the sand before disappearing behind the dunes, Aeon Staff in hand. Viper walked across the sweltering sand for about 10 minutes before she smelled water in a pond. She stripped off her clothes and dove in. After a few minutes, Viper surfaced and she saw a man's head bobbing above the water next to hers. Viper shreiked and raced to the shore, followed closely by the man. She leapt from the pond and dove for her clothes to sheild her wet body. Viper's eyes flickered a violent acidic green and the clothes that were not hers melted instantly away. Viper grabbed for the Aeon Staff and as she pointed it at the man's throat the Boa Jewel sharpened to a point and the razor-sharp tip pressed against his windpipe.[/i] Viper:If you swallow, you will die... now who are you and why are you here? Man:m-m-my... n-n-n-name is T-Trex... Viper:Trex? What do you want? And why were you in there with me? Trex:A naked woman, swimming alone, in the rain, what man could resist? [i]Viper's eyes flashed dangerously and her face grew red with anger. She pulled the staff away from his throat and smashed the blunt end straight into Trex's stomach. His eyes clouded and he dropped down unconcious. Viper dressed herself and thrust him up on her shoulder. She made her way back to camp and dropped the man right in front of Peregrine.[/i] Viper:This man decided to skinny-dip with me... do you know him? Say no.. and he dies painfully... Alan:He was in the water naked with you? He's mine! [i]Alander drew his blade but Peregrine raised a finger to stop him.[/i] Peri: Did I not train you at all? Alander:Meaning? Peri:This man is my new apprentice... you are quite finished... he asked for my assistance in the last town... Chole:And you didn't tell us because? Peri:Slipped my mind I guess... but thank you for knocking him unconcious Viper... Viper:My pleasure :D
[COLOR=purple]Would it be too late to join?[/COLOR] Name:Feather Age:21 Stature:Tall, thin, perfect stomach, breasts, legs, and butt Skill:Theif Element for later use:Gee I wonder, Wind/Air Weapon: Daggers, knives Armour:Tunic Bio:Cautious, fast, quick to anger and quick to kill enemies Description:White hair, green eyes.
[i]Faded Rose and Celestine sat quietly in the back of the diner. Celestine sipped her iced tea as Faded Rose counted out their money.[/i] FR:All right, thats 600 for you, 700 for me. CE:You told me 650 if I killed Yu Ling... and I did... now where is my 50? FR:You got blood all over my favorite leather shoes, 700. It'll cost 50 to get a shoemaker to get the blood out. [i]In a flash, Celestine pulled out a gun and had it held aginst Faded Rose's head. Her finger rested gently on the trigger as her lips slid past Faded Rose's ear.[/i] CE:I want my 50... or you'll die and I can take it all. You have a choice. FR:You can't do this... I have connections with the syndicate! I'll have you ki-- [i]Celestine pulled the trigger and Faded Rose's blood splattered against the window of the diner. Celestine took another sip of her ice tea and spat it out. It tasted like blood. She dropped the tea and picked up the rest of the money. Celestine casually dropped a few dollars on Faded Rose's head to pay for the ice tea and watched them soak up her blood. Celestine walked out of the diner with her head low and climbed into her ship. She flicked on the controls and wiped the blood from her hand.[/i] CE: Damn I hate getting blood on myself... dirty syndicate member... ugh yuck... [i]Celestine blasted off from the ground and set the ship into manual as she sat back in her chair and fell into an uneasy sleep.[/i]
[COLOR=purple]Bleh... stormwing... I know what you mean... Anti scares me all around... and he's my twin brother too... O.o;;[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]Damn.. I really don't know how to help you there buddy... but you've got my support... heard of the moderator Transtic Nerve? talk to him...[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B] Lemmings were induced into jumping off a cliff for this Disney nature film. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]This one is both true and false... Lemmings probably did jump off the cliff, but they weren't induced. It's some natural weird things lemmings do, every year, hundreds, thousands of lemmings jump off cliffs. Why? Pff.. i don't know[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] [color=crimson]YES! I GOT A 30! I SUCK! WOO HOO! and on chicka's I got uh... a 60! I AM GOD! Cough. And chicka, what the hell is your avatar o.0;;; [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]A 60? really? I got a 90... heh heh i got a 65 on yours... mweh heh heh... my avatar? you likes? its a bouncing... white.. fluff mellow... me and blanko worked this out... its a bouncing white fluff... mellow... i need to be alone now... retake my test and see what you get... :D im going to go retake a bunch of them... ~~~~~~~~~ aww damn... i got a 55 on your this time... 68 on TN's [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jeff [/i] [B]i'm not mad about they killed him because he was gay,[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]How can that not bother you? Wasn't that the whole point?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]Okay.. my scores were as follows... Justin's test~52 Noodlez' test~50 Treble's test~37 songoten's test~133 :D hothead's test~84 Kam's test~50 DeathKnight's test~65 FinalFlash's test~53 BabyGirl's test~29 Nerdsy's test~34 --.--;;; Cruizr's test~40 TN's test~62 I'm so proud... Neil's test~57 Kuja's test~57 hehehe i happy... stardust's test~20!!!!!!!! and finally ssjchic's test~40... i like failed my own... [url]http://ChikaGrrl.friendtest.com[/url][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]*giggles* Heh... I wanted to create this thread... but I knew... I knew you would TN... seems more proper for you to... moving on... Wait.. the Mathew Shepard Story? on NBC...? crap... there was another one? i missed it... daggonit... I saw "The Laramie Project" on HBO... which had me close to tears... I literally wanted to throw up when the preist guy's actor said that he wished... that as Matthew Shepard was tied to the fence, DYING, that he had rethought his ways... I literally felt violently ILL that a human being would dare think such a thing upon another human being... The Laramie Project had me reevaluating myself and my friends, I have since stopped using the word "***" and saying things like "your such a ***" or "that was so gay" yeah I admit I used to say them... but they killed Matt Shepard because he was gay... and thats not right.... I asked my homeroom/american past teacher what he thought of the Laramie Project and Matt Shepard b/c he's a really good person to talk to for me.... and by the time we changed subjects, I could feel my blood boiling and I wanted to slap him, hard. I will not repeat what he said a)because it was offensive and b)because I don't actually remember all of what he said... So this is the kind of mentor I'm growing up around? Ya' know, schools teach sexual education, but not sexual preference and tolerance, thats such -beep-. It really is. It's sickening to me that two humans would do such horrible thins... but the one image that haunts my mind and will always haunt me until the day I die... is the image of what Matthew Shepard saw as he was dying on that fence... not that seeing the fence again wasnt disturbing enough, but the view of the city, from where Matthew Shepard actually was, that will be with me for as long as I live.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]I think South Park is funny, and the movie had me in tears laughing, Kyle's Mom is a big fat b*tch was the best song I've ever heard, but there is one thing that really bothered me. The devil being gay. All christian children and possibly other religions, i dont know, have been raised to fear the devil and hate him. The devil has been brought up in children's lives as the evil of the world and anything that goes wrong is the devil's fault. Which is really irresponsible, but moving on... The devil being gay stands for the fact that in the christian religion being gay is a sin. The devil is a hated creature, or rather a hated figment of the imagination, and making him gay, to me, compares homosexual people to him. This seems to make homosexual people out to be evil because the devil is a homosexual and all homosexual must, inturn, being part devil right? That's the kind of message it's going to convey to young children, and they'll grow up hating homosexual people and hate crimes will be an even greater problem. Im not saying that this will all happen b/c of South Park, but it will be counted as just one more influence upon the opinion that "All homosexuals are evil and should be killed for their sins." Which we all know to be false. Look at TN for an example. TN is one of the most intelligent, in-depth people in creation. He goes on to prove that being a homosexual shouldn't be considered a sin and that its just one part of who he is. Unless I'm sorely mistaken, he's not "half-devil" I really don't think that making the devil a homosexual, and with Castro of all people, was a very smart decision. South Park is a funny show, but sometimes they go a little too far.[/COLOR]