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Everything posted by Pressure

  1. [i]Viper slips off into a restless sleep.[/i] [B]Voice:Allison... Aaaallison.. oh there you are! Little Girl:Mommy... my pet snake died... Voice: Oh Allison... thats alright... Slinky has gone to a better place...[/B] [i]In Viper's dream, huge black clouds begin to swallow up the sky and the little girl screams as her mother is taken away by a huge hurricane. Viper wakes up abruptly in a cold sweat.[/i] Viper: *sharp intake of breath* [i]Aeon opens his eyes.[/i] Aeon:Viper? Viper:Aeon... I... I... I saw her die.. [i]Silence.[/i] Chole:Viper... it's alright... [i]Chole walks over to Viper and kneels at her side. He stretches out his arms and holds Viper. Chole's skin begins to burn as Viper's tears drop on it. Still, he hold on.[/i] Viper:I.. miss my mother...
  2. Pressure


    [COLOR=purple]Its been a week for me.. not for yu... only me and Duo God of Death have actually completed an etire week.. you have about.. oh... 3-4 days left..as for me.. I WANT MY YUE AVATAR RIGHT NOW!!!![/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=purple]I realy have no idea why people are so f'cked up... though i must say... we americans take the cake.. most tolerant country in the world, yet we are also the most racist, biased, ssexist, drug-inhibited country in existince... and even our kids our f'cked up... there are people, kids in this country, *glares with oure rage and hatred at Krillen*... who would CHEAT ON THEIR GIRLFRIENDS SOLELY TO GET SOME AND NOT EVEN CARE WHEN THEY FIND OUT THAT THEIR GIRLFRIND IS A MESS CRYING OVER THE PHONE, ALL B/C THEY GOT A HAND JOB!!! *pant* *pant* I'm going away with SSJ Chic to live with cows... people make me sick...[/COLOR]
  4. [i]Viper hears Chole's words and the venom begins to burn in her veins. Viper cries out in pain and falls to the ground. Hearing her cry, Chole, Aeon, and Liam run over and find her on the ground, cringing in pain, a neon green liquid dripping from the side of her mouth.[/i] Chole:VIPER! Liam*breathy*: Oh my god... Aeon:It's alright... it's just a phase of the transformation... I we through it... this will happen often... the venom is taking over her blood, within a month, Viper will have no blood left in her body.. Chole/Liam:WHAT?! [i]Aeon raises his sword and cuts a slit in his arm. Neon greenish vemon spills from his arms and drips to floor with a sizzling sound.[/i] Liam: O.o Aeon:It will be frequent, in Viper's case, the venom kills her blood only when she gets emotionally upset to a great extent and angry then after. If she is really vexed or seriously hurt.. [i]Aeon shoots Chole a murderous look[/i] Aeon:Then it will happen rapidly and will cause her emmense pain... maybe it would be best if you leave her alone Chole... Chole:What?! Why? Aeon*raising his voice*:Because you seem to be able to bring her PLENTY of emotional upset! Too much.. and YOU'LL KILL VIPER!!! [i]Silence[/i] Viper*weakly*:Aeon...
  5. [COLOR=purple]Raiha, congratulations.. it's about time yu were a mod![/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Nobility's eyes flicker open. She looks at her clock.[/i] Nobility: Oh you've GOT to be kidding me... it's only 3am? Siren:SHUT UP!! I'm TRYING to sleep! Nobility:Bite me... [i]Nobility gets up and walks out of their room in her pink tank top and pink shorts, both cotton and small. She walks to the elevator and hits the down button. Nobility gets in and heads down to the lower levels and the danger room.[/i] Nobility:Geez.. what's going on down here? [i]Nobility walks into the danger room er.. tower? you know, where they control what happens in the danger room... so erm anyways...[/i] Nobility:Moon? *yawn* Ugh.. i knew you were an early riser but... 3am? Moon:Why are you out of bed? I'm out because I have to whip these guys into shape. [i]Moon points down out the window and Nobility walks over. She looks down and sees the boys running from birds. Nobility snickers and turns back to Moon.[/i] Nobility:All right, but you often wake up in the early hours of the morning, like 1-2... why? Moon:I have no idea what your talking about... Nobility:Hey don't be ashamed I mean c'mon, I miss Nightcrawler too.. Moon:*pause* Your even more retarded than I thought... Nobility:It still really haunts you doesnt it? Haunts me too.. all of us.. wakes me up at night... he really didn't deserve to die that way.. Moon:No one does... especially not him... Nobility:If he had only seen through Mystique's disguise... [i]Moon looks at her palm[/i] Moon:And she used my power... Nobility:Are you okay Moon? Moon:Go back to bed Silent Nobility.. I'll see you in the morning... [i]Nobility opened her mouth to say something, but re thought it, turned and left. She crawled back into bed, mind racing.[/i]
  6. Pressure


    *DBZChikaGhan walks over to Dragon Warrior* Chika:Since I made this thread, it and everyone in it is at my beck and call, soooooooooo... I pair you with... *Brings out cute, brunette from behind her* Chika:BABY GIRL!!!
  7. [i]Matt and Nobility walk down the stairs and out into the open. They see a big furry cat-man with ice on his feet fly through the air towards the mansion.[i] Matt/Nobility: O.o...
  8. [COLOR=purple]*DGZChika grabs Dragonfire and plants a bid wet one on him* 'bout time you came back, oh, and happy Valentine's Day :D[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Nobility wakes up on her bed as she hears a car door slam shut. She walks to her window and her eyes grow wide. Nobility makes a mad dash downt he stairs and out the front door. She leaps into Matt's arms.[/i] Nobility:MAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT!!!!!! Matt*hugging her*:Hey! Nobility:Where in God's name have you BEEN? Matt:Around... where is everyone... Nobility:I dunno, see.. Moon Chaser called me a slutty -beep- and, well, I kinda over re-acted.. Matt:Full on lightning storm? Nobility:Eh-heh heh heh... so anyways.. everyone else was gone after i woke up...
  9. [i]Viper stands and summons the Aeon Staff to her. She clutches it and the Boa Jewel begins to glow. Viper's tears vanish and her appearence goes from befuddled and bad to clean and smooth. She stands at ready with her brother. Aeon's left hand is on his sword, his right on his sister's back. Viper's left hands clutches the Aeon Staff, and her right hangs at her side. Viper feels the Dragon's Venome coarse through her veins as her anger rises. Images of wild dragons flying free in the air flash before Viper's eyes, and soon, everything goes red.[/i] Aeon:Viper... you have to control it... [i]Viper pants with racking breaths, waiting for the arrival of the two men. She hear's Aeon speak and her eyes sight returns to normal. She stops panting and she loosens her grip on the Aeon Staff.[/i] Viper:Your right brother.. [i]Viper turns and hugs her brother gently. She then turns and walks farther down the tunnel, leaving Aeon at ready with his sword.[/i]
  10. Pressure


    [COLOR=purple]*walks back voer to Anti* FELIZ DIA DE LOS CORATOS!!! Anti:Erm... :shifty:[/COLOR]
  11. Viper: Psha.. hopefully.. Chole:God! Whats your deal Viper? Viper:My deal? MY DEAL?! YOUR USING ME TO FIND MY WORST ENEMY! HONESTLY! HOW F-CKED UP IS THAT?! YOUR NOT EVEN USING ME FOR A GOOD ENOUGH REASON, ALL YOU WANT IS SOMETHING IN RETURN FOR YOUR DEEDS! AS A DRAGONHEART YOU'D NEVER LAST A SECOND! ITS A THANKLESS JOB YOU KNOW, AND EVEN AS AN ARCHER OR WHATEVER THE HELL YOU ARE, YOU CANT ALWAYS GET SOMETHING IN RETURN FOR WHAT YOU DID! YOUR NOTHING BUT A SPOILED, INSOLENT, BRAT! [i]Viper turns away from Chole and runs back through the town, not stopping until she's deep within the forest. Wanting to just disappear from existince completely, Viper crawls into a tunnel and sits on the dusty ground. Finally letting her true emotions about Chole and everything else show through, Viper breaks down and cries. She doesn't even hear the approach of someone else. Viper feels a hand on her shoulder. She stops crying and looks up very suddenly. A pair or electric blue eyes, identical to her own, stare back at her, full of love and sympathy. Viper again breaks down and cries, this time, in the loving arms of her brother[/i]
  12. [COLOR=purple]Oh yeah, thats a good pic, uh-huh, i can soooo see you... :rolleyes: you can barely see yur face... dork[/COLOR]
  13. [i]As Chole and Viper are walking...[/i] Viper:You know Chole, if your not attracted to me, you could just tell me... save me a lot of trouble.. Chole: Pardon? Viper:Well.. I mean.. every other sentence from your mouth is about fiding that heartless skank Peregrine... Chole:What? Viper: Oh c'mon, I've noticed, your always asking me if we should find Peri... if it's her you want..
  14. Pressure


    [COLOR=purple]*chases Anti* GIVE THAT BACK!! I STOLE THAT FAIR AND SQUARE!! *Ken wakes up* Ken:HEY! BOTH OF YOU GIVE THAT BACK!! *Ken chases Chika who chases Anti* *Chika tackles Anti* *Chika hits Anti over the head with a dead fish, turns around, and hits Ken with a dead fish* *Chika grabs her 50 and runs off to shop with Amber* Amber:WEEEEEEEEEEEEE *shops* Chika:WEEEEEEEEEEEEE *shops*[/COLOR]
  15. [i]Nobility flares up angrily at Craig and the windows in the room fly open. Rain starts gushing in, soaking everyone, and outside lightning bolts strike the grounds every 6 seconds. Ken and Seifer back up toawrds the wall. Moon puts on a face of shock and unsureness... Craig.. feels like a dumba.ss[/i] Ken: Oh shizzz.... Nobility*to Craig*:Call me a slut again.. I dare you... ONE MORE TIME CRAIG! ONE MORE TIME!! C'MON!!!!!!! Moon:YOU SLUTTY B-TCH! Your ruining my study session! [i]A large blue lightning bolt crrashes through the side of the mansion and strikes Moon down. Moon is unconcious[/i] Craig:Jesus Christ Nobility! Calm down! Nobility*purely out of her mind w/ rage*:If there is one thing I will NOT tolerate, it's being called a slut or a b-tch! [i]Nobility is purely focused on Craig, intent on electricuting the hell out of him. Nobility doesn't notice Seifer and Ken stand up. As Nobility is gearing up for the final, huge lightning bolt, Ken takes her down and Seifer hold her down. The storm disappears and Nobility is screaming and struggling frantically under Ken[/i]
  16. Pressure


    [COLOR=purple] Sorry Brother dearest... *backs off* WOW!! I feel so cool.. all these people joining.. male and female.. and even.. Eric... o_O;; hehehe... *dances*[/COLOR]
  17. [i]Nobility peaks her head into the room where the three boys and Moon are. She sees Moon sitting n the table, legs spread.[/i] Nobility:Ooooh.. slutttttt.... [i]A lightning bolt zoom in the window and zaps Moon, frying her hair.[i] Moon:AAAAAAAAAAA Craig:*merf* Looks like Nobility has it in for you!!! Moon:You think? [i]Nobility tears *** to the pro's office.[/i]
  18. [i]Viper and Chole walk through the streets of the town looking for work. A man comes up behind Viper and pokes her in the butt.[/i] Viper:WTF?!!!! Man:Hey there pretty lady, how'd you like to work for me? Viper:As? Man:I run a respectable buisness, ladies like yourself dancing for high paying custmers(sp?) Viper:I'm not a whore.. now go away... [i]Viper flicks her wrist but the man stays put. Growing angry, the man grabs Viper by the wrist.[/i] Viper:Let.. go.. right.. now... Man:And if I don't? Viper:Let.. go.. this is your final warning.. Man:No! Your coming to work for me! [i]Viper clutches her fist. Suddenly, the man is knocked off his feet and onto the ground. Chole stands above him, fist still outstretched.[/i] Chole:She said... no... Viper:Chole... Chole:Eh, don't mention it.. [i]Chole and Viper walk through the town streets. Viper has her head turned away from Chole's......... so he won't see how much she's blushing.[/i]
  19. [i]Nobility walks into the hall and sees Craig and Ken scrubbing the floor[/i] Nobility:HA! Having fun boys?! [i]Craig throws water at Nobility[/i] Nobility:AH! You little ****! [i]Nobility conjurs the ind and it knocks over the bucket full of dirty water all over he floor, forcing them to start over[/i] Ken:NO!!! Craig! Was that necessary?! Craig:What? She knocked it over... little *****... Nobility:Have fun boys... [i]Nobility saunters out of the room[/i]
  20. [COLOR=purple]God.. I'm havin a real crappy day today..[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Viper:Hey Peri! You b-tch don't be so cruel to Chole! [i]Peri gives Viper the finger and uses GALNAKAK thingy and leaves with the others[/i] Chole:Heartless whore... Viper:Told you it was pointless... let's go... [i]Chole wraps his arms around Viper's waist and they careen off through the trees to God knows where[/i]
  21. [COLOR=purple]DRAGONFIRE! Geez where the hell have you been? god... anywho... Akira was by far one of my favorites of all time... though Testuo scared me when he blew up the shrivly kids playplace... i can see why you wouldnt want to watch it around your parents.. its disturbing.. they would get offended by cowdie's breasts being showed for all of 1 second, but besides that, its a disturbing movie, and when you finally SEE akira, he scraed the hell out of me..[/COLOR]
  22. Pressure


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B]Hey! Don't forget me!!!!!:( :bawl: I j/k!:D I think this is my 9th post or 8th. But i started on 692 posts. I want..I still have to think about that.. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]You still have to use the avatar for one week, I'm already way over the 14 posts.. did most of them in one day... or at least put "I love Kam" in your siggy... you should still have to suffer with us two!!! *changes music* music:I'ma slaaaaaaaaave.. for you... I can not hold it, I can not control it I'm a.. slaaaaaaaave for you.. I won't deny it, I'm not trying to hide it baby... *freaks with Kam* *over her shoulder to Duo* I.. should.. get.. extra points.. for.. this... *continues to grind*[/COLOR]
  23. Pressure


    [COLOR=purple]o_o;; master plan? nope.. no master plan here... *is seen burning blue papers behind her back* so erm anyways... *walks over to brother and sits down* Chika:So, older brother dearest, can I borrow 500 bucks? Anti:HELL NO! I have no money! Chika:Jerk.. *disowns brother and runs to Ken* Chika:Can I borrow 500 dollars? *Ken faints* *Chika steals the money from his wallet and walks back to Anti* Chika:Vegas? Brother? Anti:Excellent! Sister...[/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B]Anybody else humming Staind's "For You" after reading this...? God...that should be this topics theme song... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]*sings* All your insults, and your curses, make me feel like I'm not a person, and i feel like, I am nothing, but you made me, so do something... I wuv dat song... but you guys gotta think... When parents say this, it isn't all unbased. They see your mistakes and they see their mistakes and often times, you don't now it, but you make the same mistakes they did, and they are afraid that they will lead to bigger mistakes. Early pregnancy, drug addiction, gangs, guns, getting arrested. Parnts say these things to protect us. It's not really a matter of who's smarter than who, its a matter of who is more responsible. If you make a mistake, accept the responsibility, and shut the hell up when your parents correct you. More likely than not, your parents have been through the sme thing. Much as I lvoe to induilge myself in "For You" by Staind, it's actually a very selfish song. They are not taking responsibility for their actions. *Now for the other side* I know how it feels, i really do. If my mother puts limits on me, the first thing I want to do is break them. Why? Because no one likes the feeling of being controlled. If my mother says "Clean your room or you can't get online, I only want to clean my room less, because I don't want her to get the idea that I'll do what she wants every tie she says something. Because I'm not a monkey, I'm not a pet, I do have feelings, and god damned if she is going to stop me from being me. Then she always throws at me "I've bene there and done that. I'm 45, your 13." yes, and? so what? she doesnt listen to me. The problem is she won't listen. Now I'd say the normal chores of a 13 year old would be doing dishes, cleaning room, taking out garbage, sweeping floor, and maybe a load or two of laundry. NOT cleaning the tub with harsh chemicals, doing all the laundry, cooking and claning, and cleaning all the rooms in the house on top of doing homework, maintaining good grades, and staying healthy. But here I go again not taking responsibility. It all depends on how you look at it. Communication is usually the fatal flaw in relationships between adults and children.[/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by velvet paws [/i] [B]If you would choose one person to be a father and one to be a mother to you from the boards who would they be? [COLOR=red] Mother = Lady Macaiodh Father = Transtic Nerve[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]HA! LM will love that one!! hahahahaaaa[/COLOR] If you could choose a job you have always wanted or a job that pays $150,000 a year which would you choose?[b]Erm... the job i always wanted.. lawyers get paid way over 150,000 a year[/b] If you could choose one person from the boards and have them as a sibling who would it be?? (Thanks DBZ Chika) [b]bah, no problem, Anti already is my brother :D[/b] If you would choose one person to be a father and one to be a mother to you from the boards who would they be? [b]TN my father in an instant.. so for a mother that must leave.. Voodookanaka.. hell if TN is my dad.. why can't i have them both? besides.. that the most kawaii couple ever!!! and now i must go for Voodookanaka is chasing me with his katana[/b] If you were bounded to stay in ONE section of otaku what would it be?[b]Games and Stories or General Discussion, its impossible for me to choose[/b] If you had to choose a mansion in the middle of the city, or a shack in the middle of the forest which would you chooose? [b]mansion[/b] If you were dying what would be your last words? [b]reality f*cking sucked, tis about time i get to go somewhere where reality doesnt exist[/b] If you had to choose one person to kill you who would it be? [b]George Bush[/b] If you had to choose from a Ferari for 2 years or a hondai for the rest of your life which would you choose? These cars would be free...[b]A Jetta for 5 years :angel: [/b]
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