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Everything posted by Pressure

  1. Pressure


    [color=deeppink][size=1]Gender symbols seems like a waste of time. Besides. It ruins the fun. And if there were Gender symbols [ being who I am ] I'd of course [b]lie[/b]. Wouldn't we have to be PC and make a hemaphroditical symbol? :devil: I approve of the FAQ link on the main menu. [ not the my opinion matters or anything ] As for the rules, they are fine the way they are. They're avaliable on [b]every[/b] page on Otaku, it doesn't matter where you are, you can access them. Let's not be giving our joining members exams. They're already frightened enough, poor little creatures.[/color][/size]
  2. [color=deeppink][size=1]I live in an apartment with 5 other families. I stole a drumset from our basement. And gave it to one of my friends. Then. When the family who owned it found out I'd done it, they obviously wanted it back. Well. My friend is in Myrtle Beach. This has all happened over the course of the past 3 days. Except for the original theft, that was months ago. Anyways, be good kiddies. Don't steal.[/color][/size]
  3. [color=deeppink][size=1]Is there anything left for me to say? All the other Moderators have said it all. Being a Moderator has a lot of responsibility. I'm obligated to visit Otaku every time I get online. And if I get online, and [b]don't[/b] go on Otaku, I feel bad. Everyone knows that James is one of those people that it's difficult to disappoint. So at the same time, if you ever [b]do[/b] disappoint him, you feel bad. Well. I feel like I'm disappointing James everytime I don't visit Otaku. I've gotten a few random [ irritating ] IMs. Mainly from members I've never heard of. I am [ obviously ] not the nicest of people, and I hate being IMed or PMed for stupid reasons [ or my favorite ] without a reason at all. Sometimes I miss being a member. But. I'm too addicted to being a Moderator. It feels so good to close threads. :D But don't fret. If you're cut out to be a Moderator, James probably already knows. Because. James is God. oO;[/color][/size]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zeh [/i] [B]What do ya mean 'industrial'? And i'm guessing surface piercings are just anyway, right? I went and got the top of my ear pierced again today, didn't hurt at all. I'm doing the same thing i did last time, spraying special antiseptic on it atleast twice a day. (I do it atleast ten.) (They call them piercing guns? Seemed more like i was getting clipped, like a whale :p) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple][size=1]Isn't it pr[URL=http://www.bmezine.com/pierce/01-ear/A30622/high/8j4pml7l.jpg]e[/URL]tty? That my dear, is an Industrial piercing. -coos- Surface piercings. Hell. They can be pretty much anywhere you want them to be. Obviously, because they only go under the first few layers of skin, as opposed to going straight through. My favorite surface piercing is the Anti Eyebrow. I love it. It looks so much like a te[URL=http://www.bmezine.com/pierce/04-eyebrow/A30301/high/face1.jpg]a[/URL]r drop. I want two on both sides. I didn't list these before. Because I just discovered them today. [b]Hybrid[/b]- Yes, earring are too small, that was the problem. It's why the backing mangled my skin. Well, my number of piercings left to go is up to 15. ^_______^[/color][/size]
  5. [color=purple][size=1]Whoooa. This frightens me with it's sheer magnitude of spam. I shouldn't even have to say what I'm going to do next. Please, re-read the rules kid.[/size][/color]
  6. [color=purple][size=1]Are you TRYING to get tetanus? Now, don't think I'm in any way against piercings. I want 11 more myself. But the ways that some of you are piercing and cleaning your piercings is frightening as all hell! Ravenstorture was right. I can't stress this enough. You [b]must[/b] extensively research your piercing, your piercing parlor, how to clean your piercing, healing time, possible risks, and if you can, your piercer. I say this not to preach, but from experience. If you want a piercing done, for the love of god, do not so what I did. I have wanted my labret pierced for the longest time. I've wanted it pierced ever since I first saw it done. About a month and a week ago, I woke up a bit earlier than normal, so after I'd gotten all ready for school, I had about ten minutes before I had to leave for the bus. At one point in time I had my ears pierced, but my skin rejected the earrings I put in later, so I let them close up. The place that I got them pierced didn't use needles. They did what Zeh said. They used a piercing gun and piercing studs. The stud was solid gold and sharpened so it'd go through my ear. Well, I'd lost one of the studs after the holes closed up, but I still had one lying around. As a matter of fact, it was laying on the bookshelf next to the mirror I was looking into. My mom had of course, said 'no' I couldn't get anything pierced. Well. I rarely listen to my mom. I checked the clock, got a lighter, and sterelized the stud. I went to the mirror, centered it. And pushed. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. The piercing was fine the first day. The next day my lip had swollen to twice it's normal size. You couldn't even see the ball on the end of the stud anymore. And the skin had swollen over the backing of the earring. Which was a normal backing. I remembered having to turn my earrings in my ears, so I figured it was the same for my labret. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. The metal backing serated my skin. Now, a month later, I still have a ring around the hole from where the backing was. It's scarred the skin on the back of my lip. Two days after I stupidly pierced my labret myself I went to a nearby tattoo parlor. The instant my piercer looked at my lip he shook his head and said, 'I could give you novels and novels of why that was a bad idea.' The earring I used was about an 18 gauge. He said he was going to put a 16 gauge in. He said that bc I'd moved the earring so much, I'd stretched my hole to about a 12 gauge. Also, I'd used a gold earring. You are not supposed to put gold in until after it's fully healed. Anyways, they fixed the piercing. Gave me proper instructions on how to care for it, and scared the living hell out of me by telling me everything I'd done wrong. They said that the only thing I couldv'e done worse, would be to pierce it with a rusty nail. - You can't use gold until the wound heals. - Sterelizing it with fire is the stupidest thing you can do. The fire could have broken the seal/bond on the metal, causing it to break apart, so I'd have little metal chunks floating around in my skin. - I'd been cleaning it with peroxide. Hydrogen Peroxide breaks down living tissue. The wound would have never healed. - I'd grossly enlarged the hole prematurely. And I myself found out later that I hadn't pierced it straight. It was a bit slanted. I fixed this myself by pushing on it with my tongue during healing, so it's straight now. But anyways. Please. Please. Please Children. Research the piercing until you don't want it anymore. If you can research it enough to teach it to someone else, then you know enough to be worthy of setting foot into the tattoo parlor. Make sure that you'll like the piercing on yourself. For example. I like me with a stud. I don't like me as much with a labret ring. Best advice I can give for that, is buy a falsie. Wear it around. Tell people it's real. See their reaction. See if you like it. But please, I'm begging you, do NOT pierce yourself. Guaranteed you do not know as much as a qualified piercer. They had to actually go to school for this stuff. Above all else I must say, have fun. You only live once. If you want it pierced, get it done. Get it done right. So you can enjoy it. Piercing is fun. You'll be suprised how little it hurts. You'll be suprised how much you love and cherish your new piercing. If you love your piercing, ignore what people say about it. It's impossible to go overboard! My friend Damien is nuts. I love him to death. He has 33 piercings. - All three parts of his nose - Six in each ear - His nipples - Three in each eyebrow - Three in his top lip - Three in his bottom lip And - All four sides of his belly button done Damien is also a qualified piercer. I want 11 more piercings myself. [ at least ] - My bridge - My septum - Two in my left eyebrow - Two in each lobe - Two in my right cartilage And - And industrial in my left ear I've also been toying with the idea of surface piercings. *.* Ever since I was a little girl I've wanted a barcode tattooed on the back on my neck. I'm thinking of a surface piercing either above or below that tattoo. Id also like a surface piercing right below that dip in my collarbone. I saw this beautiful girl with a surface ring piercing in the middle of her forehead. It wouldn't look right on me. But it looked great on her. -shiver- Piercings and tattoos are very sexy.[/color][/size]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fall [/i] [B]When someone I've just met recently, notices me out of a crowd and comes over to talk to me. That gives me the impression they think I'm good company. Nice. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple][size=1]Agreed. That makes me feel so special. There are a lot of little things that amuse me and make me feel special. [b]Hugs[/b] The warm, cared for feeling they give. [b]Kisses[/b] The intimate, loved feeling they give. [b]Same sex kisses[/b] The daring, bold feeling they give. [b]Talking to Lady Macaiodh, Raiha, Sara, Transtic Nerve, or James[/b] They're my idols. [b]A new book[/b] Feels like a fresh new beginning. [b]Kicking it with friends[/b] I feel so special, and lucky to be able to call those people my friends. [b]Getting in trouble and enjoying it[/b] No feeling equals that of being rebellious. And then there are the simple things that make me smile for no apparent reason. Recieving an IM, mixing the cheese into the macaroni, smelling a freshly opened toy from Burger King, seeing my friends smile, being random, suprising my friends with gifts when they feel bad, candle flames, hearing Craig David on the radio, talking to my best friends, hearing my friends defend me, walking into a tattoo parlor, playing with and exploring my boyfriend's delicious body while he's still asleep, falling asleep in someone's arms, clutching someone close during a scary movie, laughing after crying, playing with prismacolor markers, reveling in the beauty of graffitti, and an innumerable amount of more things that I don't want to list. Heh. Here's a final one. Responding to a thread on Otaku. ^_^ [/color][/size]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#335062]If I had to choose one thing about OtakuBoards that I'm proud of...it's the tolerance and acceptance. That's what this place should be. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple][size=1]That's two things. Silly. ^_^ Anyways. Congratulations Lalaith. For some reason, even back in my newbie days, when, for a small while, I idolized you, I somehow knew. Way to go on finally being able to say, or type, it out loud. I know how hard that is. Fearing the ridicule and negative opinions of those around you. It was intensely hard for me to come out, and be able to admit to my friends that I am bisexual. But I felt really relieved when I finally said it. Then again, I'd always known. Since I was like, four. ^.^; Anyways, Congratulations!![/color][/size]
  9. [color=purple][size=1]I've had surgery only on my foot. When I was a little girl, I would play at my aunt's house. Right next to her house was a large sandtrap. Well, large to a three year old. Unfortunately, I couldn't see the jagged, broken tree branch, buried under the sand. I stepped on it, and the doctors said I was lucky it hadn't gone all the way through my foot. Cleaning and removing it was a hell of a process. There was wood, dried blood, and sand all in my wound. I remember the doctor saying to me, 'Now there's going to be a soft part, and an ouchie part.' The soft part was him swabbing the cut with a cotton swab. The ouchie part was him stitching up my foot. From what I'm told, I blacked out when he began to stitch up my foot.[/color][/size]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]Yeah, I'd have to agree. Gothic guys are in a class all their own. *swoon* And if I ever see a really masculine one, it won't be the same at all... Anyone ever notice that the men in Anne Rice books are typically feminine? I think that's when I started getting attracted to less macho types. She makes them so sexy... [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple][size=1]Agreed! Lestat... -drool-[/color][/size] [quote][i]Originally posted by Ravenstorture [/i] [b]I am a self-professed goth, and as following, I love guys in makeup. Long black hair, long black skirt, heavy jewellery and graceful fingers.... oh, the fingers.... My boyfriend is a God for such things, and I love him for everything he is. But he doesn't want to wear a skirt, and all goth chicks I know go crazy over that sort of thing. Feminine guys are so... beautiful. I don't go for the whole hairy, footballer, testosterone-saturated guy that most chicks my age at school drool over.[/b][/quote] [color=purple][size=1]Amen. Just reading this makes me yearn for [URL=http://www.facethejury.com]Opticonboi, AVRILxHunter, and Dyingingrey[/URL]. Granted, those three fly in the face of the argument that many people are trying to make, in saying that feminine masculinity has nothing to do with sexual preference, but I can't help it. Boys in eyeliner and bracelets turn me on. Granted also that I haven't a chance in hell with any of those three, owing in large part that 2 are homosexual and 1 is bisexual, and also that they all live in Florida doesn't help. But moving right along.. Ignore all of the above.. If you'd like my [i]actual[/i] opinion on feminine masculinity.. Read below.. ^.^; First off, I am appaled at what was said by Mnelmoth. Regardless of the fact that I am a girl, that was intensely, [b]intensely[/b] offensive to me. It also sets on an intense wave of pity for you, to think that you would be that close minded and ill-educated. The same for cloricus, minus the pity streak. What you do to your body signals nothing of your sexual preference. Chris is openly homosexual, and does not alter himself by wearing makeup or plucking his eyebrows, or waxing off body hair. Yet, an undeniably heterosexual, Tommy Lee, does wax off his body hair and wear makeup. As does Marilyn Manson, also heterosexual. The assumption that any of these three or more things, denotes a homosexual in any way, is utterly vacuous. Also Mne, I agree with Roxie and Lady M, abnormal body hair is not sexy, at all.[/color][/size]
  11. [color=purple][size=1]I am somewhat split. Online, on Otakuboards, I act more intelligent and graceful than I do, or often am, on other websites. Due rather largely to the fact that when I was a newbie, and a typical spammer, I was sickened by my own post quality. Also, Moderators are generally expected to set a positive example for the other members. For those reasons, none of the newbies should listen to anything I say, I am a complete moron when it comes to being an upstanding individual. Offline, it depends on who I'm talking to how I act. For example, I am a downright wench to all family members save my sister and on rare occasions my mother. To most of my teachers, I'm that girl who wears extremely large pants and sits in the back of class, drawing on herself with Sharpie, and ignoring every lesson taught. To my four foot tall homeroom teacher, I'm the loud spoken kid who led the revolt against standing for the pledge of allegiance. To my friends, I'm just a totally sporadic, fearless, outgoing, opinionated, somewhat intelligent, bouncy, purple haired girl. To my boyfriend, I'm apparently nothing short of a goddess. oO; And to myself.. Well to myself.. I am a blight on the Earth.. A plague if you will.. Selfish, Hypocritical, Lazy, Stupid, Slow, Ugly, Irritating, Disregarding, and Disrespectful plague.. Who would pierce her own lip, specifically because her mother told her not to..[/color][/size]
  12. [color=purple][size=1]-yawns and cracks knuckles- It's 10:12 in the morning on a weekend.. I went to bed last night at 1.. So.. Excuse me if this post may end up sounding completely ludicrous.. I'm not in the most stable mind set right now.. Anyways.. I don't believe time travel is, or ever will be possible. Time exists, but it's a phenomena we will never fully understand, with a four letter word attached to it. It takes the Earth 365.25 days to circle the sun. Every four years that .25 adds up to extend the rotation by one more day. This is the way it is. This is the way it has been for what we believe to be 4,500,000,000 years, which is the relative age of the Earth. Unless we knock the Earth completely out of orbit, which would be by far the stupidest things humans could ever do, we will not be able to rupture the Earth's rotation. The Earth's orbit around the sun, is what makes Time possible on Earth. So if my theory, notice I said [i]theory[/i], is correct, then we'd never be able to travel through time on Earth, because to do so, would involve doing something so stupid, we'd kill everyone on the planet before we even had a chance to travel through time.[/color][/size]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crimson Spider [/i] [B]Three words that puzzeled me witht their unesisary length is: 1) Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 2) Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia 3) Antidisestablishmentarianism. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple][size=1]1) Absolutely no idea.. 2) Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: The fear of long words..-.-; 3) Antidisestablishmentarianism: The destruction of government.. And all forms of authority.. Antidisestblishmentarianism is, in a way, what needs to happen before Anarchy can exist.. A few words in the english language have always seemed absurd to me.. But the one thats always destroyed me.. Has to be.. Tongue.. Probably because I didn't learn how to spell it properly until this year.. >.
  14. [color=purple][size=1]Zanarkand Abes.. I agree with James.. And being a girl.. Who's been asked to be kissed before.. I've got no problem with it.. Sure.. It may be a bit odd the first time.. But if she really cares.. Then she won't mind.. In fact.. She'll hopefully think it's sweet and rather valiant of you.. ;) *Side Note* Yay.. Voodoo is back! -has a fan girl attack- :twitch: -tackles-[/color][/size]
  15. [color=purple][size=1]The more appropriate question to ask would be, 'Do you ever feel like you fit [i]in[/i]?' o_________O; I don't.. Xx; Not unless I'm with Olivia.. Even then only to a degree.. My life is one big mess of feeling estranged from the world..[/color][/size]
  16. [color=purple][size=1]Hopefully Shaun, you aren't like a friend of my English teachers. She told us a rather oxymoronic story in class last semester. Traditionally, when one pledges that they will "Wait until marriage", their pledge pertains to sexual intercourse. We shall call my teacher's friend.. 'Sarah', mainly because I really hate that name. Anyways, Sarah has taken upon herself, "The Pledge Of Chastity Until Matrimony". Now, I don't know why, but this woman has taken the pledge, in my opinion, way too far. She has vowed to not even [i]kiss[/i] before she is married, so she will think that her husband is the best kisser she's ever known. Honestly, does that strike anyone but me, as being a tad amount queer? Besides the obvious question, [b]who[/b] is going to marry her, under those standards? Now honestly, I used to be one of the people that believed that all men were sexual scum who thought between their legs. I have thus far, been proven wrong. But I've taken this question to many of my friends, half of whom, are seniors, one of which, positive that he has met the woman he's going to wed. None of them, none, could live by that standard. These guys are all very different, all with original ideas and opinions, with few similarities between them, save their genitalia. And we are considered the most open-minded generation yet. It seems that her chances of reaching marital bliss before she reaches for her walker, are slim to none. Anyways.. Heaven's Cloud, that was absolutely hilarious. I'm glad you two shared some nicer kisses after that. I have to ask though, did you miss? Your story reminded me of my two friends Veronica and Jeff, and their first kiss. The two were standing on the edge of the sidewalk, right at the ledge where the pavement falls into the street. They shut their eyes, Jeff leaned in, Veronica rose on her toes, to accomidate the height difference, and just as their lips were about to meet.. Jeff fell.. His wettend lips slid down her cheek, leaving a string of saliva for Veronica to wipe off.[/color][/size]
  17. [color=purple][size=1]Actually, I'd love to work at 7-11. :D Unfortunately, Adam, topped me.. getting the coolest job imaginable.. The little bastard got the last job at Six Flags. THE LAST ONE. There was a 2,000 person waiting list, but since the manager liked him, and the way that he talked, she hired him on the spot. He loves it, he works in games, and gets off at four, so he gets to roam the park the rest of the day. So.. While I'm cleaning out the Slurpie machine, he'll be plummeting over the 45 degree angle drop, on Superman. >_< -curses life-[/color][/size]
  18. [color=purple][size=1]Age has no effect on matters of the heart. Notice I said heart.. not genitals.. Age doesn't matter at all in a true relationship. Be the void between the two in love non-existant, or 30+ years, it doesn't matter. If two people are truly in love, then they have set aside age, realizing as a number, and not as a factor in their lives. Besides, who is qualified to say what is or is not "acceptable"? Everyone is different, so the way they love will be different too. One of my closest friends, Olivia, is a freshman in highschool. Her boyfriend Chris, is a freshman in college. The two have been together for around 7 months. It all depends on the morals of the two people in the relationship. Olivia and Chris share the same morals, neither will do more than kiss until marriage. They are both going to wait. Shane, is a junior in highschool. Melanie, his girlfriend, is in 8th grade. Same situation. Nothing more than kissing until marriage. Then you have Adam and I. Adam and I have a one year difference between us. We have done everything but full on sex. Morals and self-set standards.. Julia is a sophmore. Blaine is graduating in a few weeks. They have gone all the way. But.. They are also very much in love. Love and self-set standards are the most important factors.. Your expression of love is what should matter, not your age. Olivia and Chris, very much in love.. waiting until marriage. Julia and Blaine, also very much in love.. waited until they were ready. Granted, an age difference such as Shane and Melanie's makes the parents of the two a bit uneasy, but you should be able to trust your children. Adam and I sleeping in the same bed makes our parents uneasy, but they trust us. Love.. Self-set Standards.. and Trust.. ^_^ -feels very much like Queen Asuka-[/color][/size]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ravenstorture [/i] [B][color=darkgreen][font=gothic] As for that last comment, some people have mistaken Harlequin for a girl in the past, so people would generally leave us alone anyway. Once you get really practiced, Pressure, he'll start taking a liking to the more subtle aspects of kissing, believe me. This helps because the best kisses aren't painful to watch, and therefore, less whacks with passing handbags. ;)[/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple][size=1]For some reason.. That just strikes me as something Harlequin would enjoy.. As for "practice".. He doesn't need any.. o_O; He's an amazing kisser.. -goes weak in the knees- Yet.. He sometimes suprises me as he tries to deep throat me with his tongue.. Where as.. I've been labeled as a tease.. Because I barely flick his tongue with mine on occasion.. This results in a softer, more intimate kiss, and rarely do the people around us.. Ever realize that a tongue was even inserted into either mouth.. :angel: I'm a good girl after all..[/color][/size]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink] I suppose DeWitt should have been a title enough in itself, our town had a reputation for being snotty and spoiled. Yes, now that I think about it, DeWitt WAS title enough...nothing else could have described someone from that town any better :whoops: [Of course, there [i]was[/i] the occasional exception to the DeWitt title...I got lucky there ;)][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple][size=1]I understand what you mean there.. Arbutus is the community next to Catonsville.. It has a reputation for producing ugly, bleached, slutty, stuck-up, unintelligent girls.. I must admit.. In middle school I went along with the belief.. In all truth.. Most of the time I still do.. Most stereotypes.. Are based on fact and comparison of majority to minority.. There will always be exceptions.. But oh well.. Anyways.. In Catonsville High.. It seems like every day I get slapped with a new label.. Recently.. My clothes were rumored to clash.. Not because of their color.. But because of their style.. It floored me to find out that my clothes did not match because my pants were 'Street Punk' and my shirt was 'Grunge Punk'.. I was astonished.. To me.. What I was wearing was not 'Punk'.. It was.. A Kurt Cobain shirt and a pair of loose, exceedingly comfortable Bugle Boys from Wal Mart.. o.O; There are so many labels at Catonsville.. It's impossible to keep track of them all.. What irritates me.. Is how a person gets pinned as a certain label.. And they get immedeately defensive.. Why? Alright.. So upon basic instinct due to over brainwashing by corporate America.. I see a skinny, white, rich girl with her blonde hair pulled up into a pony-tail, sauntering down the hallway in her tight blue brand-new teeshirt with 'Abercrombie and Fitch' scrawled across the front in white letter, which cuts off just above the navel to flash the ever popular belly button piercing, the tassles of which hang from the barbell down to the waist of the snow white shorts with rhinestones and blue sitches which embroiders into the pants the name of yet another overly expensive teen clothing store.. And my first instinct is always.. 'Prep'.. Why is that so terribly offensive? She knew when she pulled on her sparkling flip flops and threw her Lacrosse Ribbons in her hair that it was going to affect her status as a teenager.. She purposely chose how she wanted to appear to the rest of the student body before she left the house.. She [i]wanted[/i] people to believe that she was preppy.. She must have.. Or why would she have dressed that way? If she knew what affect her dressings were going to have mentally on those around her, then why does she immedeately jump to defense when it happens? If someone points out that she looks rather preppy on that specific day, why does she jump into a rage? The same applies to my close friend Matt. He walks down the hall with a dark mohawk and in a huge, $300 Harley Davidson leather jacket, leopard spotted with patches paying tribute to the hardcore gods The Exploited, Suidical Tendencies, The Misfits, Anti-Flag, etc.. Under his jacket he wear a dark green shirt, recently bought from the nearest Hot Topic, with 'Dropkick Murphy' tapered above a clover.. His jeans are black courds, ripped below the knees, baring an inch or two of flesh above his tall, black, leather, steel-toed boots.. He is never without his CD player which is constantly screaming out the sounds of The Sex Pistols and The Casualties.. And yet, Matt loses his mind when someone pegs him as being a 'Hardcore Punk'.. He knows he is.. His clothes, attitude, screen name, music, band, etc denote it.. And yet.. It still drives him insane when someone in the halls compliments him on how 'Punk' his boots are.. Or whatever on Earth else.. If someone labels you.. Or titles you.. Just accept it and move on with life.. The label is a reflection of their opinions.. It's what they think.. So what if you disagree.. You have your own opinions.. Let them have theirs.. [/color][/size]
  21. [color=purple][size=1]If you want to do this right, but don't want to go through all the trouble of researching the information, as there are thousands upon thousands of books.. Then go straight to the one person who has read them all.. And knows more about Satan, than (more likely than not), Satan knows about himself.. DeathKnight[/size][/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ravenstorture [/i] [B][color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Well, you have to practice for a while before you perfect the art. I think we've done that. [b]How To Spot A Professional Kisser (or Ravenstorture and Harlequin's Guide to Perfect Kissing) [/b] [i]This only applies in public - in private, it is entirely up to you and your partner/s.[/i] - kisses are completely silent, no matter how deep they're going - kissers remain dry after event, there is no wiping of mouths on sleeves or licking of lips - they can remain kissing for anything up to and even over an hour, and there ISN'T a circle of people standing around them screaming something about a crowbar - kisses are often short in public, out of consideration for people who consider kissing a thing of married couples - no pawing of the other person's face, and no grabbing of their partner's head to push their faces closer (this is painful most times) - hands and body relaxed - mouth contact is not broken frequently - usually no tounges are observed of either person - mouths only open enough to convey passion, not catch a soccer ball - no sudden or quick movements - if you can hear moaning, they probably don't know they're not alone - professional kissers ALWAYS know who is within range of vision - quick, momentary kisses are recieved without gasping, swooning or anything more than a slight smile - a small kiss will not distract the giver or the reciever, if executed properly - Kisses are placed on hands and face ONLY in public And the most important one... - kissers always think of the people around them first. People have been punched in the face for kissing in public.[/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple][size=1]-laughs uncontrollably- That is beautiful.. You two are geniuses.. -bows- [b]- kissers remain dry after event, there is no wiping of mouths on sleeves or licking of lips [/b] -_- -emails this to boyfriend- He licks from my nose to my chin.. I swear.. Just to irritate me.. [b]- kissers always think of the people around them first. People have been punched in the face for kissing in public.[/b] Oops.. -writes that down- I really don't care.. Normally when people come up to Adam and I and fuss about us kissing publicly, I just tell them with a smile that I love my brother very much. That always gets the greatest looks.[/color][/size]
  23. Pressure


    [color=purple][size=1]-.-;; This thread has absolutely no purpose what-so-ever.. -close-[/color][/size]
  24. I have 600 Mp3s on my computer, that is a sufficient number for me. I personally download more videos and stuff on Kazaa than anything else. :) [COLOR=darkblue]Er... why am I on Alice's name? -Scurries off feeling dumb-[/COLOR]
  25. [color=purple][size=1]-waves Moderator sword- :devil: -evil friend- Much as I love you both, don't turn this into a thread to bounce off of one another please. Besides, you two see one another every day. Anyways.. heh.. this thread is a great idea Asuka :p [b]First Kiss[/b] Girl: -depressed sigh- ..Amber Boy: -thinks- Oh my, are you serious.. Eric?! o_O; [b]How old were you?[/b] Girl: 13 (she was 14) Boy: 14 (he is..yes is 15) [b]How Was It[/b] (pecks on the lips) Girl: I wasn't open about being bi back then, and I'd only known Amber for a few days, but I was completely head over heels for her, she is gorgeous.. So.. I was ecstatic.. It was my first kiss.. Boy: In a word? Breif.. -chicken- I mean, gee, I'd only been in love with Eric since, uhm, the third day of school? So of course, mid-year Ninth grade, I get my chance with him, and what do I do? One simple peck on the lips.. (full on kissing) Girl: That'd have to be Chaz.. God.. It was horrible.. She kissed way too fast.. Julia was better.. Boy: Adam.. ^_^.. At the time, I had absolutely nothing to compare to.. Now I do, He's an astonishingly good kisser.. :love2: [b]What Were The Circumstances?[/b] (pecking) Girl: Amber and I were at a Punk Rock show right by her house, and we were with her then boyfriend, Eric D(not to be confused with my first kiss) Well, for no reason in particular, we simply looked at one another, and kissed. We repeated this the same day I got my first male kiss. :p Boy: Eric, Amber, and I were all down in the basement of the school one night just around the time it was getting dark. We were all fooling around and joking and Amber leaned over and puckered up and we kissed. Eric then made a cocky remark 'There, she kissed you, now you have to pass it on' So, I leaned over, closed my eyes, and kissed him. Exciting no? (full on kissing) Girl: Chaz, at the Punk Rock show about three weeks ago. We were sharing a drink, so, I took a huge mouthful, leaned over, and gave it to her. Afterwards we just kept going. Julia, as I said, was far better. She was laying on her back in the grass at the same show, so I just crawled ontop of her, leaned down, and went from there. Boy: Adam :D He was my friend Lauren's ex boyfriend, and I saw his picture online. I instantly thought he was gorgeous. After the break up, we began to talk, and we met up at a mall. About half an hour after we'd been walking around, he walked over to a nearby bench, sat down, pulled me onto his lap, and I just decided to wing it. :p [b]What Was Your Best/Worst Kiss?[/b] Worst: Chaz, augh, she was horrible. I've never seen/felt anyone kiss so, alarmingly [i]fast[/i] before. It shocked me the first time and I pulled away after about two seconds. Julia wasn't exactly [i]good[/i], but she wasn't as bad as Chaz. Adam and I have only had one bad kiss, well, to my knowledge. Best: Every single kiss I get from Adam? :angel: James- What you said about your current partner, how they repeatedly amaze you with their kisses.. That was very sweet.. It touched me.. :)[/size][/color]
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