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Everything posted by Pressure

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B] **smiles as he puts himself back together** you forgot the magic little one...... **starts to run at DBZChikaGhan** I would run faster my friend... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Don't... call... me... little... *throws huge lightning bolt at Vegitto's crotch and slices off something really important* I told you not to call me little! *throws LM a new charm for a necklace of hers, a nice warm charm* *walks away leaving Vegitto is a bleeding, crying, ball*[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=purple]Hey! you should be thanking the Gods Adam and James.. this is one of the most, if not the most unrestrictive boards out there! and if you don't like it, no one is keeping you here![/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=purple]RICO!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh.. boy what have you DONE?! ooooooooh my goooooooood... Anti.. just work off of this post.. my brother isnt a pervert!! geez! Rico has been taking too many happy pills lately, or was it horny pills? *gives Rico evil glares* Okay soooo... lets all just forget that ridiculous idea of incest on Aeon's part HMMM? Rico, please, im begging you, literally, *gets down on knees* wait.. *stands back up* please no more between these two? they havent seen each other in over 300 years, don't cha' think they could just be nice brother and sister? you know. the usual.. brother and sister meet after long time, instant bondage and tears, brother protects sister from perverted male boyfriend.. c'mon pwease?! *puppy-doggy eyes* [/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Viper:Aeon! I haven't seen you in over 300 years! [i]Viper rushes forward and hugs her brother, tears splashing down his torso. Chole stands back and cocks an eyebrow. Aeon hugs his sister gently, resting his head on top of hers. Viper continues to cry and smile through her tears. The happy reunion is interrupted when a boy carrying a cat bursts through the trees.[/i] Nabashi:AEON! Aeon: Oh god.. why? why me? why? Nabashi:Nice to see you again too :therock: Chole:Who are you? and WHY are you carrying a kitten? Nabashi:Er.. she's a human in cat form... [i]Viper and Chole burst out laughing. Aeon shakes his head.[/i] Nabashi:IT'S TRUE!!! So erm anyways..Aeon! We need your help! That old wizard has taken on a dragon all by himself! C'mon hurry! Aeon:Sister, I must help him, for if he does not die... Viper:He will be cursed and become a dragonheart... you must help him.. I will go with you. Aeon:No sister, you stay here... [i]Glares at Chole[/i] with him... Chole:Hey, thats cool with me Aeon: Do not be so quick to say that, I'm warning you, I haven't seen my sister in 300 years anything happens to her, and you will not live, understand? [i]Chole backs off defensivly[/i] Chole:Yeah sure, geez... Aeon:Good... [i]Aeon kisses his younger sister's forehead and disappears through the trees. Viper steps back and wipes away her tears. She calls the Aeon Staff.[/i] Chole:Talk about an overbearing brother... Viper:He's just being protective Chole:Right, well, I'm supposed to er.. look after you... [i]Viper and Chole burst out laughing[/i]
  4. [COLOR=purple]AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! *launches herself at SS Trunks* *knocks SS Trunks over* *proceeds to kiss SS Trunks repeadtdly* YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!!!!!! God the boards were so dull without this thread! eeeeee!!! Okay, not that I should have to explain wo I am, I think ya'll, well most of you, two of you, already know who i am... Name:Silent Nobility Age:17 Height:5'8 Power:Storm's G or E:G Bio:Silent Nobility is a thin, perfectly toned, rich girl. She hates everything about her life before she came to the Xavier Institute. She is basically out to prove that she is not some stuck up, snobby, little princess. She prefers to be called Nobility, and has a major grudge against a girl named [i]Moon Chaser[/i]. Nobility is madly in love with a mutant boy named Matt. heh heh heh... Nobility is quick to anger and can be very dangerous when she is angry or out of control. Basically, all in all, I'mn ot trying to re-invent the wheel, or Nobility, so, if you were ere last time, it still stands the same :D THANK YOU SS TRUNKS!!! *kisses SS Trunks more*[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=purple]IF! You had the choice of answering 'if questions' or not, would you? no im jk... 1)My favorite book, Fish Whistle, I can't live without it 2)Buggies are nutricious 3)Scott's 4)No, I'd laugh my arse off and then kick his 5)Scott, the love of my life, he means more to me than anyone or anything on this Earth 6)Laugh, physically impossible 7)Laugh, physically impossible 8)In my sleep 9)Myself in a heartbeat 10)Lovers, Scott okay, my turn... If you could alter only one thing about society, what would it be? If you could become the smartest person alive, would you? If you had the chance to commit any crime and get away with it, what would it be? If you had the choice to cheat and pass or not cheat and fail, what would you do? If you could ban anyone person from theses boards, who would it be?[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=purple]Ya'll have too much free time... :rolleyes: jk[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=purple]B/c the animators said so... :therock:[/COLOR]
  8. Pressure


    [COLOR=purple] *music plays in the backround as the two girls make idiotic poses together while wearing 'I LURVE KAM 4 EVA' shirts* music:[i]C'MON VOUGE! YOU'VE GOT TO MOVE TO THE MUSIC.. MOOOVE TO THE MUSIC.. C'MON VOUGE.. YOU'VE GOT TO MOVE, MOVE, HEY HEY HEY![/i][/COLOR]
  9. Pressure


    [COLOR=purple]Yes!!! *high-fives Duo_God_of_Death* EXCELLENT! WE CAN BE RETARDED TOGETHER!!! MUAHAHAHAAAA!! oh, and it's a Yue avatar I'll be wantin' *edit*p.s. i only have 7 more posts to go kam! you may want to start lookin' up pics of Yue right now... heh heh heh... :devil:[/COLOR]
  10. Pressure


    [COLOR=purple]In the immortal words of Uma Thruman.. "I prepose... a pairing" I prepose that you pair yourself up with someone of the opposite sex, who will be your twin... this idea developed from the DragonHearts thread... where my RPG charactr, Viper, is the twin sister of Aeon, or as you probably more commonly know him as Anti... so...why not pair yourself up with anyone on the boards? same age or not? brothers and sister, not lovers.. *eyeballs PiroMunkie and Queen Asuka* I call Anti b/c I already am his twin... hehe... :D[/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by velvet paws [/i] [B]I wana be a demon of some kind...pref one that looks like a fit human girl or has cat ears and tail lol :D [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]*growls* bah.. copy-CAT!!! bah...[/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B] do you ever think about OB when at other places.. like in the car or school? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]O___O;; Yes.. and in all honesty... It scares the hell out of me.. DAMN YOU ADAM!! DAMN YOU JAMES!! DAMN YOU OB!!!!! *gets struck by lightning from the mighty James God and Adam God* *shuts face* o___o;;[/COLOR]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B] o, I am satisfied, thanks. I espicially like the blades, I have always liked blades.:demon: But the other stuff is just a pluss. Btw, anna, I am posting a pic soon, figured you would want to know. Its not good, infact i hate it, but i am working on getting a new one up at my school to post iot, but i am at home now, so i can't post it yet. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]NO!!!!!!! *takes blades and runs* *comes back and slices and dices Vegitto4* *reareads LM's post* OH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! I get the love slaves!! OH! NOW! I MADE OUT BETTER THAN ALL YA'LL!! HA!!!!! *take blades & love slaves & runs*[/color]
  14. [COLOR=purple]Demon.,. no wait.. I already AM a demon.. but ya'll already knew that.. then an angel like Yue *dreams*[/COLOR]
  15. Pressure


    [COLOR=purple]Hell, alright! Why not? free graphic? cools! Besides.. the Taichi ish the cutest ting, but this is just outright funny.. okay.. starting today.. Saturday Feb.9, 2002, util next Saturday Feb.16, 2002, I will use the 'I LOVE CK007' avatar... besides. i jsut think its funny.. and fun.. and ill do it for the hell of it and to make an arse out of myself b/c its what i do best.. however.. bewarned!!!.. it BETTER AS HELL be a good graphic! lurves ya'![/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=purple]WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!!!!! Ugh.. look.. SS Trunks.. sweetie.. no disrespect, b/c yur one of my favorite guys on these boards.. but could you have possibly read my ENTIRE post... before you put Viper in yours? people people people... VIPER IS IN THE TOP OF AN OAK TREE WITH HER LONG LOST BROTHER AND CHOLE BOUND BY LEATHER!!!!!!! but fine.. sicne none of the posts agree with each other.. fine.. BUT VIPER IS NOT A WEAK PERSON AND SHE KNOWS BETTER THAN TO TAKE ON SOMEONE FOUR TIMES HER SIZE!!!! lets get the viper thing straight hm? shall we? 1)Viper does NOT have a sword.. 2)VIPER IS IN THE TOP OF AN OAK TREE WITH HER LONG LOST TWIN BROTHER AND CHOLE BOUND BY LEATHER!!!!!!! 3)Viper did NOT got anywhere to answer Nature's Call... She and Chole have ALREADY LEFT to find Aeon... though I'm pretty sure AEON WAS JUST IN THE TREE!... 4)So.. I'm picking up where I left off and going with the begininng of Rico's post..[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~ Viper:Yes Chole, I called that man Aeon... for... Chole:For what? why? Viper:I believe that man is my brother.. Chole:You have a BROTHER?! :wow: greeeeeat.. i mean.. why WOULDN'T i want yet ANOTHER scary as hell Dragonheart bearing down my throat.. this one even MORE dangerous beause he knows I have the hotts for his sister... my life is hell -_- [i]Viper blushes a furious scarlet, but hides it from Chole[/i] Viper:Yes well, we must go find him... [i]Using her own hands, Viper tears away the leather from Chole's body and grabs his wrist, pullng him up. Chole stretches.[/i] Chole:Thanks... Viper:Are you ready to leave? Chole:Yeah, but, how do we get down? I mean.. thats a long fall.. Viper:We don't get down, we move through the trees... Chole: O..kay... are you a snake or a bird? Viper:I am neither.. I am a Dragonheart and ebeing so t is my destiny to become a Dragon.. I will not be afraid of my destiny, I will rise to meet and fulfill it... and with family I would prefer.. if that man.. whom I instinctively called Aeon.. is infact my brother.. I do not know.. he may have been a lover... I will not know unless I find him.. and I'm asking you to come with me... Chole:Well, I say yes, I will go with you, better than hanging around that high strung b-tch Perigrine.. [i]Viper snickers and touches the Boa Jewel. The Jewel glows once and returns to it's original state[/i] Chole:Hey, what did you just do? Viper:I replenished my strength. after that battle with that wretched Barbarian... my strength is low.. but.. now I am fine.. shall we go? Chole:Sure.. [i]Viper nodded her head and extends an arm to Chole. Chole cautiously takes her hand and no sooner had his fingertips touched her palm than he and Viper were careening through the trees. Chole had taken Viper around the waste for leverage and a grip, rather than flail through the trees. Viper stopped so suddenly that Chole lost his grip and was sent flying out infront of her. Viper instinctivly shot out a hand and grabbed Chole by the collar, pulling him back to her side. Viper and Chole crouched on the tree limb together, watching the grass below. Chole kept looking at Viper, wondering if she saw something he didn't. The grass was absolutely still. Ater nearly an hour of waiting, Chole stretched and began to squirm.[/i] Chole:C'mon Viper, there is nothing there! There are soo many other things we could being doing, one in particular coming to mind. [i]Viper didn't flinch. It was almost as though she han't even heard Chole speak.[/i] Chole:Viper.... Viper:SHH! [i]Viper flicked a hand up in font of Chole's mouth. Stunned into silence, Chole waitied and watched as Viper bent slowly forawrd, silently. Below them, a few blades of grass ruffled slightly. Viper's eyes shot wide open and she grabbed Chole by the torso, swinging the two of them madly down through the tree limbs, onto the grass. They stood in a circle of grass where no trees grew. The forest shot up around them, and silently, they waited. Viper grabbed Chole by the arm and thrust him around so he faced the same direction as she did. In a long stride, a tall, well built man, with electric blue eyes and a sheet of long silvery hair stood before them. Viper dropped her staff.[/i]
  17. Shocks:I too sense something is wrong...
  18. [i]Viper's eyes snap open and her head jolts forward. She uncurls from her fetal position and sits high in the old Oak Tree, hidden from sight.[/i] Viper:Who was that? Who was the man in my dream? There was a sense of closeness when he held me. He hugged me, the first man to hug or hold me since the Dragon was Slain for 8 years. Obviously they don't die, but 8 years of sleep. [i]Viper recalls the fleeting dream in her mind. He was a man with sad eyes, strong eyes, electric blue like hers, but sad. His hair had been exactly like hers. And he had held her. Not as a lover, but a[/i] loving[i]embrace. Almost like.. [/i] Viper:Family? [i]Viper stood on the branch and called the Aeon Staff from the ground. Flying through the branches, it landed silently next to her. Shr gripped it and catapulted herself through the trees. Viper stopped when she heard a man and a woman laughing and two men insulting one another. She landed on a brach high up in a very old Oak. The woman stopped for a fleeting second and turned to the tree. Viper knew the woman could sense her, but the woman simply dismissed it and turned away. Viper's eyes trailed the group and in the rear she saw a tall, handsome, well built man.[/i] Viper:This time, I shall do it right. [i]Viper swung herself down the tree branches silently. She left the staff on the top branch. Without making a sound, Viper covered the handsom man's mouth and pulled him up in the trees. The woman in the front stopped and turned back around. She saw two solitary leaves fall. Growing angry, a small blue aura appeared around the woman. Befoer she could make any harsh movements, a young teenage boy approached her and put his hand on her shoulder. He held a box up to her. The woman opened it cautiously and shreiked as a poisonous... Cotton Mouth... Viper... spat and hissed at her. She dropped the box and a very large man smashed the Viper in half with an axe. The woman raised her hand to the air and screamed.[/i] Peri:VIPER!!!! I'LL GET YOU! YOU! YOU! WENCH! [i]Back in the top of the tree, witht he man bound and wriggling, Viper scoffed.[/i] Viper:Yeah, sure you will. [i]After she said it, viper felt a pang and a pulling in her gut. Her right arm, which clutched the Aeon Staff jerked momentarily, and stopped. Viper dismissed it and turned back to the man. He was watching her with a puzzled look on her face. Viper moved across the tree branh and unbound his motuh so he could speak.[/i] Chole:YOU LITTLE B-TCH! I DEMAND YOU RETURN ME RIGHT NOW!! YOU GONNA REGRET TH- [i]Viper silenced him as she pressed her soft, warm lips against his. After a few seconds Viper drew back and her electric eyes flashed.[/i] Chole:I know that one... you kissed me before.. your not sincere Viper:I wouldn't have kissed you had I not meant it.. You see.. I may be a dr--- Well.. I'm not a total b-tch... [i]Viper looked down at the branch and Chole was silent. Ater a few minutes silence, the Aeon Staff glowed and Chole stared at it with awe.[/i] Chole:What the hell is it doing?! Viper:Listen, someone is coming.. [i]Viper stood on the tree limb and Chole wouldn't shut up[/i] Chole:FROM WHERE?! North? South? East? West? My pants?! Damnit where?! [i]Viper looked down...[/i] Viper:He's right below us.. [i]No sooner had the words left her mouth than a man looking about 20 with silver hair appeared through the branches. His landed next to Viper. She gazed in awe into his eyes. Startled completely, Viper dropped the staff. It floated in mid air, right between the two of them. Viper could only speak one word.[/i] Viper:Aeon... ~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=purple]Dag, sorry that was such a long post you guys!!! I'm sorry I mean geez, I'm gone for 24 hours and there were like 5 new pages...so...[/COLOR]
  19. Viper:Well I'm sorry Von, but this is where I leave you Von:Where are you going? Viper:Tirikindaro... Von:Let me come with you! Please! Viper:No, you would just slow me down... [i]Viper shuts her eyes and touches the Boa Jewel with one finger. The Aeon staff extends into a long pole. Viper catapults herself off through the trees. Within an hour, Viper crashes through the top of the Prison into a cell with one occupant. The occupant is naked and his hand is in his nether regions. Though it id dark in the cell and Viper cannot make out detail, Viper sheilds her eyes and kicks the prisoner his clothes.[/i] Viper:Your name is Chole correct? Chole:Uh, yeah, hey, how did you break through the prison roof? It's eight feet thick... Viper:Gravity. Now dress, we are leaving. Chole:With you? Viper:Yes, with me. Now dress quickly, we have to meet someone in the forest. Chole:Excellent [i]Chole's eyes trail up and down Viper's perfect body. He puts o his pants and walks over to her.[/i] Whore:HEY! Where are you going?! [i]Chole doesn't say anything. He simply wraps his arms around Viper and leans into her face. Viper raises her staff and puts a single finger on his lips.[i] Viper:Wait... Chole:What, god don't tell me your a virgin... Viper:No.. it's not that... Chole:Then what? Viper:Just watch... [i]Viper stepsback into the light cast from the hole in the roof. She raises her staff and the Boa Jewel glows brilliantly. Viper's electric blue eyes open and she twirls her staff in one hand. She stops when it points directly at Chole's heart[/i] Viper:SERPENT BINDER! [i]Nothing happens. Viper curses.[/i] Chole:What was that? Viper:Fine, have to do it the hard way... [i]Viper walks voer to Chole and wraps her arms around his neck. She stand on her tip toes and kisses Chole passionately. Without him noticing, she raises her staff and knocks him hard on the head. Chole passes out and Viper catches him. Again she extends her staff and she catapults them out of there, Chole asleep on her shoulder.[/i]
  20. [COLOR=purple] I probably wouldn't be able to decide.. but.. it would probably be one of the following... "Do you play practical jokes? Because thats obviously the only way George Bush got into office!" "Are you listening?" "Why the hell are there misquitoes?" "If you rested on Sunday, why is the first day of the week, lazy bum" but ya' know, being the retard that i am, I'm probably be like.. "Why DID the chicken cross the road?"[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=purple]Thanks Anti, er, brother, and thanks Raiha.. no more questions from the stupid one....[/COLOR] [i]Viper knelt at the water's edge and filled her wooden goblet with the cool, clear liquid. She lifted the goblet to her lips but threw it down. She smelled poison in it. A Dragon must have died in the river, but far off, too far off for a day's journey. They poison did not smell fresh and there were only trace amounts. Enough to kill a person, but not enough for a mere mortal to detect. Viper stood and flipped her sheet of silvery hair over her shoulder. Shutting her eyes, Viper felt a crimson mist surround her body. Without opening her eyes, Viper lifted a hand and called her Boa Jewel. The Aeon Staff rose off the ground and glided easily into her hand. Viper opened her eyes and whirled the staff around her head. She stopped when it was pointing Due North. Viper raised a hand just under the jewel.[/i] Viper:WHITE SMOKE! *Authors note* As your about to find out, White Smoke not only provides cover and a quick getaway, White Smoke also counteracts any magic and undoa any spells. [i]A thick cloud of white smoke spurted from the Boa Jewel and wrapped around Viper's body. The Crimson Creature was broken apart by the smoke and ultimately vanished in a black a purple swirl. Viper lowered her staff and glared sinisterly at the mountain, her blue eyes flikering with rage.[/i] Viper:Damn you Celex, Damn you...
  22. Shocks:Wow.. those.. certainly are wings... O.o wait.. WHY DIDN'T I GET WINGS! Valeigh:I 'unno... [i]Shocks gets down on one knee and unsheaths her sword. She lays it infront of her, blade facing away. Shocks closes her eyes and clasps her hands together in a prayer stance.[/i] Shocks:Goddess of Lightning.. Mistress of Electricity.. Hear me please! Give my wings and let me fly about the trees! Valeigh:Bah.. ryhme... rookie [i]Shocks' sword glows with a soft yellow aura and levitates, flipping itself over. The tip is now pointing to the ground. *FOOM* Huge white dove wings shoot from Shocks' back and beat softly. Shocks rises into the air.[/i] Shocks:Well that was a new feeling... Valeigh:Wonderful for you.. NOW can we go? Siren:Yeah, honestly... Shocks:I'm ready!
  23. [COLOR=purple]I'd look heavenward, cup my hands around my mouth, and yell at the top of my lungs... "DO YOU EXIST?!" I'd like to get the answer to that one[/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] I like my board name, but I don't care for my real name. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=puple]HEY!!! I like the name Chris thank you! Obviously it isn't my name... my name sucks so much more... both of 'em... DBZChikaGhan? crap... pure, 100%, undiluted, crap if i could change it.. my new name would probably be... Enigma.. such a cool name.. hell, i've been screwed right and left with the naming process thing.. I got name by my mother Alice Lee and i ain't giving you guys my last name... My name is Alice.. do you know how horrible it is to grow up with the name Alice? Half the people I know are convinced my name is Allison and after repeatedly telling them my name is Alice, they still call me Allison... in grade school i was always offended by the song "Alice the Camel" that haunts me to this day.. b/c im not a freakign camel!!! The name Alice REALLY sucks.. b/c when you hear Alice, you always think "Alice in Wonderland" I've lost track of how many people call me "Alice in Wonderland" especially think aggravating drunk who is actually my cousin.. but we aren't going there... arse that he is... So in conclusion, A)That sounded really dumb B)Yes I would change my name to Enigma C)I would change my real name to... Enigma most likelly, or something like Heather, maybe Amanda, I always did like the name Kiyoko and D)TN.. yes.. your avatar scares the hell out me[/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Oh, no, they can have sex and all that lovely stuff...they just can't give birth....well....the females anyways...and no, your bio is perfect.....and to become a dragonheart, read my first post.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]YES!!! I mean.. erm.. oh, alright, cool... :shifty: *reareads post* OOOOOOOOH.. okay.. cools.. *feels retarded* Next Question:WHERE do they get this venom? You said all those who come in contact with a dragon are either killed or horribly mangeld.. then how.. b/c im just guessing here.. but me thinks you cant just walk into a midevil 711 and buy this vemony stuff.. sooo...[/COLOR]
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