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Everything posted by Pressure

  1. [i]Shocks watches Valeigh's hair revert back to it's original black smoothness[/i] ~~~~~~~ [COLOR=purple]Sorry to but in.. but Raiha.. wasn't Valeigh's hair white?[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~ [i]Shocks claps[/i] Shocks:I must say.. that was a nice trick [i]Valeigh bows[/i] Valeigh:Wasn't it? Thank you Shocks:I never did get to thank you for freeing me from that tree, I thought I was going to be toast Valeigh:Yeah well, go on [i]Shocks laughs[/i] Valeigh: Did I say something funny? I meant it, go on [i]They both laugh[/i] Zyrik:Women, I swear I'll never understand you guys... Shocks:Right well, I have to go retrieve my things from my village, you guys wouldn't mind joining me would you? [B]Two Days Later[/B] [i]Shocks slings a sword over her back and pulls on her boots. They are black leather and run up to her knees. She has a white loin cloth type thing on. The front of it runs down to her ankles and the back runs down to the back of her knees. She's is wearing a tan/khaki leather tank top. Her mark since birth on her arm is now visible.(see attachment). Shocks ties her flowing white hair up into a ponytail at the back of her head with a blue band. She steps out into the light where everyone else is waiting.[/i] Shocks:READY!
  2. [COLOR=purple]Sorry Ben..[/COLOR] [i]Shocks wakes up on the riverbed and sees a huge urgly dragon head staring her in the face, bleeding from it's yellow eyes[/i] Shocks:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! [i]Shocks frantically leaps up and starts running without looking where she is going. Shocks smacks right into Zyrik's chest knocking them both down. Shocks falls ontop of Zyrik. Valeigh is paralyzed in the grass with laughter. Shocks points a finger at Valeigh. A tiny static ball hits Valeigh and her hair poofs up. Valeigh shuts up.[/i] Shocks:It's not funny! Zyrik:Shocks, the dragon is dead [i]Shocks looks over he shoulder[/i] Shocks:I knew that... oh, nice 'do Valeigh [i]Valeigh begis to whimper and whine over her huge cottonball hairstyle.[/i]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Okay.......this is good...............did I mention that those who meet dragons either survive horribly mangled........or die? You can't be born as a dragonheart.......and dragonheart's can't reproduce...just to warn ya. ;)[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Alright.. then ya' wanna tell us exactly HOW you BECOME a Dragonheart? Alright... so you Viper can't have children.. does that mean she physically can't do the dirty either? b/c... what i intended for was for her sexuality to be half the reason she was so dangerous... lure the unsuspecting whoever we'er fighting against into her grasp, use Serpents Bind and then kill them are you telling me i have to totally restrategize now and think up something else? beautiful.. just beautiful[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=purple] Forgot to add this.. so im adding it now... Worst enemy: Dance Kinkaid[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=purple]I love the midevil times.. so... cool..[/COLOR] Name:Allison Mansfield Nickname:Viper Age:345 Class: Dragonheart Height:5'8" Weight:115 Rank:Mage Representitive Animal:Serpents Magick:Absolutely.. Serpent Binder ->Binds the minds of men to her will White Smoke ->Yah, this really needs an explanation, engulfs her and the surrounding 50 feet in a white smoke Earth's Last Breath ->Black Cloud of Smoke erupts from the jewel on her staff and kills everything within a 5 mile radius, Viper dies too Weapons:Aeon Staff ->Viper does not know why her staff is named Aeon, she does not know that Aeon Mansfield is her twin brother, anyways, it's a staff that stands 6'4",is made out of maple, has a green jewel at the top bound by dark green leather :Boa Jewel ->The jewel atop Viper's staff, holds immense power, if the Jewel is destroyed, Viper will die Appearence:Long silver hair flowing freely, blue strap on her arm, tattoo of a two ring black target with tiny circles to the right, left, top, and bottom of it, electric blue eyes, thin, tan skin from being in the sun so much
  6. [COLOR=purple]Oi... this is like my third time registering for this thread.. geez.. its like the CIA... Name:Allison "Shocks" Mansfield Age:16 Appearence:White hair, long, held in a ponytail at the back of her head, electric blue eyes Element:Electricity(Lightning) Weapons:Sword of Nobility(had to change it b/c someone already took sowrd of detiny) so er.. anyways.. now then.. if it's alright w/ you carren heart.. ill be introducing myself now[/COLOR] Valeigh: Okay, so, what do we need? *Voice from ahead* Voice:HELP!!! Valeigh:Someone is in trouble Siren:You think? Valeigh:Shut up... [I]Valeigh draws her two blades and they all rush through the trees and see a girl bound to a tree. Her face is covered in a black cloth. Drawing closer they see that the girl is bound to a rubber tree with rubber straps keeping her in place. Valeigh cuts the girl away from the tree and Zylik catches her before she collapses to the ground. They give her water and an hour later she is strong enough to hold herself up and speak.[/I] Zylik:Who are you and why are you out here? Girl:My name is Shocks, I was bound to the rubber tree by my village. I'm their sacrafice for the month. They chose me becuase I'm not normal and when the Gryphionn ate me, the villagers hoped it would kill him. Valeigh:Why would it kill him? Siren:And why were you so tightly bound by rubber all around you? Shocks:So I wouldn't get away... Zylik:But why rub- [i]They all hear a huge creature moving through the forest. Shocks leaps up and runs to a nearby river, followed closely by the rest of them.. After a few minutes of silence, a huge Gryphionn bursts through the trees it charges them and leaps into the river in an attempt to get over to them. Shocks holds her hands above the water and waits.[/i] Shocks:Everyone, you are soaking wet, get back from the river as far as possible... [i]Backing away slowly, they all watch Shocks waiting for the Gryphionn[/I] Valeigh:Shocks! Move! It'll kill you! Shocks:Watch me.... [i]Shocks' eyes blaze a metallic silver and a huge blue lightning bolt crashes into the water and the Gryphionn, killing it instantly. Shocks faints on the riverbed[/i] ~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=purple]There... sheesh.. met Shocks everyone![/COLOR]
  7. Name:Allison "Scream" Masfield Age:16 Appearence:I'm Zack's twin, Long white hair, usually in a long ponytail held by a blue band, electric blue eyes Special Ability:Can manipulate sound waves to go so far as to knock down huge buildings, make ppl deaf, etc. Worst Enemy: Demons with Telekenetic Magick Best Against: Demons with Elemental Magick
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phantasy Freak [/i] [B] ....give my sailormoon dolls(moon,princess serena,mars,jupiter,mercury,venus,pluto(3),Ruberus,Emerald) to whoever is the biggest sailormoon freak here.... B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]*raises hand* heh.. that'd be me... yeah.. awesome.. i get dolls![/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=purple]Thought it was missing somethings...[/COLOR] [B]Most Likely To:[/B]Become Queen of Ireland [B]Love of Life:[/B]Scott [B]Will Most Likely Die Of:[/B]Bullet wounds, ppl are gonna shoot me for my hipocracy one day [B]Best Trait:[/B]Erm.. I Don't know.. My writing? My... I dunno...I'll let others decide that... *eyes LM and Voodoo* [B]Worst Trait:[/B]Hipocrite who can't spell worth Dumbo poop [B]Class of:[/B] 2006 [B]Wishes to be Remembered as:[/B]The retard who once plastered her front porch with the name of a guy she didn't even like merely to get his attention and tick him off [B]Best Friend on Otaku (Guy):[/B]Krillen, and so, the hipocracy shines through at last, Voodoo I wish [B]Best Friend on Otaku (Girl):[/B]LM, Stormwing, Raiha [B]Has the Mad Horn for:[/B]Voodookanaka, TN, Piromunkie [COLOR=purple]Otays, I done now :D[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=purple]Good idea..[/COLOR] [B]Member Name:[/B] DBZChikaGhan [B]Original Member name:[/B] DBZChikaGhan [B]Member Since:[/B] Spetmeber 9, 2001 [B]Current Status:[/B] Demon (member) [B]Closest Friend Girl:[/B]LM!!!! Raiha [B]Closest Friend Boy:[/B]I'm gonna be shot for hipocracy, Krillen, Voodoo, I wish!!!!, Dragonfire, where ever the hell is sorry arse is, SS Trunks [B]Favorite Forums:[/B] Digimon, General Discussion [B]Favorite RPG:[/B] X-Men [B]Favorite Threads:[/B] Sleeping in the nude? New Years Kiss [B]Favorite Smiley:[/B] :devil: [B]Most Memorable Moment:[/B] I'd say when LM kissed me was pretty up there, and the day I died after seeing Voodookanaka and TN'S pics back to back [B]Quotable Quote:[/B] I suck, I suck more, I suck more than you all, I'm the suck master!~Sephie-san [B]Words of Wisdom:[/B] Beware the ModRod [B]Wish to be remembered for:[/B] My idiocy and lurve of a billion anime guys [B]Desired Epitaph:[/B] Truly Unique [B]I will....[/B] ........Avatar back to DBZman....... love to TN, Voodookanaka, and Dragonfire......... Demon Status to Raiha......... Taichi pictures to Cera......... Ken pictures to Ginnymon...... post count to Sephie-san........ complete control of my RPG's to Piromunkie....... books to Cera........ Homework and a slap to Krillen :D........
  11. [COLOR=purple]I dunno what it is.. but I'm gonna have to agree with Sephie-san... there is just something about Ryoko's story that wills me to believe her rather than Aeka.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=purple]Though I say the cup is half full.. sometimes.. i guess "There's still some in here" would be optimisim... the cup is half full is just a nicer thing to say... As for me..im one of the most pessimistic ppl around.. and i can't spell either!!! muahaha!! i don't hope for the best... i always expect the worst.. and i usually get the worst o_o;; why be optimistic when realism is so fun? optimists play the lottery, realists work for their money... not much else to say really... not optimistic, not pessimitic.. im.. Aliceistic[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=purple]Name:Miaka Age:21,689 Looks:21 Appearance:White hair shimmering blue eyes tan skin pretty much resembles the Goddess of the Past.. Urd Bio:Quick tempered, Washuu's first creation, has a twin name Minagi who looks like Ryoko exactly except for two red stripes on her cheeks, is immortal and cannot be hurt, has all of Ryoko's powers plus, has never met her youngest sister Ryoko, is on the quest b/c she is in love not with Tenchi, but with Yosho, has the stone that can return Yosho to the way he looked when he was 25, or when he left Jurai and is questing to meet Ryoko for the first time. Status:Married to the Prince of Jurai, you know, the one with Pink Hair, is on her quest to find Yosho so she can leave the prince Extra:Is not a criminal like her sisters are, is very elegant and soft spoken, very Achika-like, elegant but powerful and will defend the ones she loves to the death Spaceship:Musami, a blue-ish cagbbit with sparkling purple eyes, looks like Ryo-ohki[/COLOR]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B] dunno, dint ask :D thats nowt, her current bf bought her a bra top that says 'I love 'his name'' on or something daft.:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Erm.. are you SURE you want this girl that badly? :therock: I mean if she picked a guy who would buy her a bra that boosts his ego... something is wrong[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]OH WOW! Thanks honey! It's a bra... with... your name on it.. greeeeeeat..[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Isn't it?[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Yeah THAT relationship will last long :rolleyes: Voodoo honey.. have you LOOKED in a mirror lately? You are everything and mroe that a girl could want believe me.. then you also gotta think.. the lovely LM thought you were a hottie too... :p PLUS.. you have a great sense of humpor and personality... I don't know why she would pick this loser guy over you.:nope: Just be your sweet, charming self and ask her to coffee or something.. just ask her already.. whats the worst she can do? say no right? well then she didnt deserve you...:cool: if you'd show her what you show all of us on these boards, she'll be completely in lurve with you :love2:and she'll have to look at the bra to even rememeber what loser boy's name was. Go for it![/COLOR]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B] dunno, dint ask :D thats nowt, her current bf bought her a bra top that says 'I love 'his name'' on or something daft.:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Erm.. are you SURE you want this girl that badly? I mean if she picked a guy who would buy her a bra that boosts his ego... something is wrong[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]OH WOW! Thanks honey! It's a bra... with... your name on it.. greeeeeeat..[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Isn't it?[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Yeah THAT relationship will last long :rolleyes: Voodoo honey.. have you LOOKED in a mirror lately? You are everything and mroe that a girl could want believe me.. I'M 13 AND IM HITTING ON YOU!!! YOUR LIKE 10 YEARS OLDER THAN ME!!! but hey.. then you also gotta think.. the lovely LM thought you were a hottie too... PLUS.. you have a great sense of humpor and personality... I don't know why she would pick this loser guy over you. Just be your sweet, charming self and ask her to coffee or something.. just ask her already.. whats the worst she can do? say no right? well then she didnt deserve you... if you'd show her what you show all of us on these boards, she'll be head over heels for you and she'll have to look at the bra to even rememeber what loser boy's name was. Go for it![/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=purple]Muahahaha... my utopia... hehe i just remembered I had to do this for a school assingment in the 6th grade.. god my answer was mad gay... no offense... TN...my perfect world... hmm.. 13yr olds would be able to drive... money.. hell.. it wouldn't exist.. neither would that god damn little bug called "Religion".. gar i hate that thing... lesse...oh! each and every deliciously sexy anime guy & girl would be real.. and Gohan would be all over me like white on rice... heh Yue too.. erm.. the Sakura ards would exist and I would have complete and utter control over them... I would never be forced to be alone and lonely b/c loneliness is the one thing I'm afraid of...oh.. on that note.. fear would not exist... i can't say everyone would get along b/c well.. we'd be a world of BRADYS!!! eeeeeeek!!! *runs in fear* blah blah.. no rape, cancer, communicable diseases, no rape, no Afghanistan, sorry if that pisses some ppl off.. but we should have blown them up from day 1... no terrorism.. im queen of the world.. no rape... complete and total access to the internet for free 24/7... parental controls for parents... no hate crimes... no discriminations.. absolutely NO WAR!!!!!!! erm.. definetly no republicans b/c they outright suck... Voodookanaka and Transtic Nerve would be my brothers cuz aside from being hott they are cool ppl... OH! Bejiita would be madly in love with Lady M, who would be my sister and he'd clone himself for Lisa-san and I would be the most powerful person in America b/c we all know that means I'm the most powerful person in the world bb/c America IS the World's superpower... AND AFGHANISTAN IS GOING DOWN!!!!!!!! sowwy if i got a little sidetracked at times..[/COLOR]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]the person i likes x-boyfriends bought her 25 red roses and 25 white roses..............ive bought her 1 red saying to the person i love and one white saying to my best friend.........i cant compete :( [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Are you serious? Someone bought me 25 reds and 25 whties?! O_O this Valentines day might be cool afterall!! no.. jk... thats 50 roses Voodoo.. WHAT IS SHE GOING TO DO WITH THEM ALL?!!!!!!!!!! now.. if she got TWO roses.. they would fit perfectly into a cute little vase to sit atop ehr dresser.. especially if you add a pink one and oh my god i really need a boyfriend!! geeeeeez... i was taking a trip into my own wonderland there for a minute... he's overdoing it.. and you.. your making it cute, simple, traditional... throw in a heart shaped box of candies and a pink rose.. then offer to take her out to do something fun.. like ice skating or something...she'll love that! i can't believe im hooking up the [U]hottest[/U] guy on the boards with someone other than me... i'm rrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeally stupid -_-[/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]hopefully making hot, passionate, naked love to my boyfriend. yes, people, as of a week ago, i have a boyfriend. me, ms. anti-manogomy. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]What is it about us witches? I swear to thegods, we are way more open! sometimes, in LM's case, a little TOO open.. heh heh.. we also seem to all be senial as well... she is madly in love with Bejiita-san, I want to ravage Gohan... it's just something in our blood I guess... but erm anywayssssssssssssssss..... back on topic... (i only read to the third page srry) 1)TN.. why do i so doubt you've never had anyone on V-Day before? have you looked at a picture of yourself lately? 2)Navi... your just plain hilarious 3)Krillen.. you liar, you BETTER as HELL get Heather something! Now then.. what am I doing for V-Day... four words... chocolate ice cream binge... i serious... i will be nothing but eating chocolate for the whole day.. and who knows.. maybe I'll even make a card for everyone here... buuuuuuuuut... no b/f in life.. and I think this world sux b/c Spikey, at the age of 8 has a girlfriend, and I at the age of 13, do not have a boyfriend.. honestly, irony sux! i dunno.. no b/f.. PROBABLY won't have anyone by the 14'th which is in 12 days... erm.. i'll sit on my *** and pray to god that Dragonfire gets his sorry a.ss back on these boards... and then I'll binge on chocolate ice cream :D[/COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]DAMMIT!!! 1983!! YEAR OF THE [SIZE=5]PIG!!!![/SIZE] ........ ........ ........ DAMMIT! [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Tries VERY HARD not to pee self laughing... heh... oink... heh heh.. oink oink... mmmmmmm.... bacon.... *chases Dues while breathing fire on him and screaming "SUEY PIG PIG PIG!!!" at the top of her lungs* piggy... neener!!! I'm a Dragon!! YEAH! so... MUAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!![/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B]I love this pic of Tasuki from the Ova, too. It was so sweet. Miaka almost drowns and Tasuki gives her CPR. It looks more like he was seizing the opportunity when Tama wasn't around!:smirk: But all the same...it's a great pic. With the water dripping off Tasuki's hair and all.... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]wow... O_o;;; *becomes rabid Tasuki fan* Amiboshi.. please.. please.. PLEASE pm me with ALLLLLLL the juicy details on this guy.. because.. wow... O_O Akuma...O_O oooootay.. back on topic..... myyyyyyyy picture... Cloud and Sephiroth will LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this one.. b/c well.. it features them both!!! muahahahaahhaaaaaaaaaa!!![/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B][COLOR=seagreen]I now have tons of friends and some people even consider me popular. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]*cough* Some... *cough* Don't worry about it SS... I can't TELL you how many times I've changed schools.. lost count.. really.. but anyways.. I never found it to be such a big deal.. sure I was totally aggravated and hurt to leave my friends.. but hey.. i think we all know parents suck.. but really.. don't even worry about it.. as long as your not some satanic freak *walks slowly away from DeathKnight* or some perverted horny retard *glares at the one writing in sea green* or some er.. what else is there?.. um.. hell... just be yourself.. and not like the one in seagreen who botched a very easily spelled name of a well liked character... no one has the right to judge you, and they shuldn't anyways.. sooooooo.... be yourself and you'll make friends :D[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=purple]You can't imagine how much it hurt me to read that... oh my god.. I'm a huge animal person.. and reading that.. well.. I could barely stomach it. and TN.. I'm sorry you feel that way about German Shepard mixes, we use to have one.. but we had to give her up when we moved... she was a really good girl.. never so much as bared her teeth at me or the cats.. god.. SHE WAS AFRAID OF THE CATS!! Now if you want to hate a breed of dog.. hate Chows... :flaming: everysingle Chow I've ever come across had bit me... *begins to curse darkly* erm anyways!!! way to go D*Star.. we need more people like you... we really do.. best wishes on the kitty[/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i] [B][B]One of the most stupid questions is "ARE YOU ASLEEP?" I mean, what kind of question is that, it can't be rhetorical, because it needs an answer, and an answer requires some form of communication, verbal or physical. Silence cannot be the answer of "yes" as no form of communication takes place.[/B] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Wets self laughing and wakes up entire house of sleeping people. o_o;; oops... lesse... erm... (PiroMunkie don't answer this one) Why doesn't glue dry on the inside of the bottle? When SNow White married the Prince, was she a virgin? If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends? If Superman is so great, when does he wear his underpants on the outside? How come banks leave their doors open but chain the pens to the desks? How come students have to pay 85$ to go to Kings Dominion but adults only 65$? :mad: (sorry, blowing off steam) How come in movies the pair the UGLIEST guys with the PRETTIEST women? Why does everyone think George Clooney is so damn sexy? How DO you set a VCR? Why are you still reading these? And Finally.. my BIGGEST annoyance.. WHY ARE ALL THE HOTT GUYS GAY?!!!!!!! *stares at TN*[/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] NO, NO, NO!!!!!!! You've given away too many hints!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Ah, it doesn't matter. Geez, it must be frustrating to have seen it, but can't remember the answer [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]You've got to be kidding right? What's greater than god, More evil than the devil, the rich need it, the poor have it, and if you eat it you'll die. Answer:Nothing[/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]I'm a dragon... Fear me... o_o;;;...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]I have no reason... I'm a dragon... DK: Oh... damn... o_o;;; always thought that was the coolest thing in the world b/c a)the chinese idolize dragons b)2000, you know the first yeasr of the new millenium, was the year of the dragon c)dragons kick d)fire is awesome Alice is ~~~~ a dragon ~a fire demon a libra ~is going to be a lawyer an air element ~will be in the air force i sowwy 4 yu woody.. i match all mine.. i guess wood doesnt get along with air.. b/c well.. my mom is wood [/COLOR]
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