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Everything posted by Pressure
[COLOR=purple]Hey guys, well I jsut wanted to take the time to state how bad a relationship I have with my mother. And I was wondering if anyone else has this problem. Every single day, since I turned 10, my mother has hurt my feelings. Whether intentional or not, she has hurt my feelings. My mom screams at me, has given me the finger, has broken things in her rage at me, has said "You know what Alice, I don't care anymore! Fu.ck you!" and stormed off. She is always at her boyfriends house and hardly ever home. She has told me I'm an as.shole, a bit.ch, has told me I can go to hell, and is always insulting my father who lives in Michigan infront of me. She tells me that my grades suck and how unfair it is for her but when I complain how things are unfair, she tell me"Life isn't fair so get the fu.ck over it!" and I can barely have a normal average everyday conversation without her bringing up the fact that i never do enough, my grades suck, im worthless, and so on and so forth. People at school tell me she's wrong and that I'm not like that, but it never seems to help. I've come to school numerous times with my face and eyes red, and cheeks streaked with tears. I cry just about ever day b/c of the way she yells at me and tells me every single thing thats wrong with me day in and day out. But I gotta ask... am I the one who is stupid here? Am I the one who is a retard b/c I don't hold grudges to her, I let them go and try to be loving every step of the way. Am I stupid b/c every time I do that I just get yelled at more? There is a saying that goes... "Always reach out your hand, and when they slap it back, if your care enough, reach it out again" Am I the moron b/c I believe this and do it every day to no help? What wrong with me?[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B] and woody, sneak out once, you will never regret it if you are with a hott *** chic. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]*crack up and dies* :bellylol: :blulaugh: :bellylol: Woody IS a hott *** chic.. i guess i dunno.. i a girl so i couldnt tell you.. but woody is a grl!!!>.< [/COLOR]
Another what would you do...regearding health???
Pressure replied to Hinata's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=purple]My mother already has a life-threating disease, no wait, scratch tat, SEVERAL life-threating diseases... and it sux b/c i love her so much and she has overcome so much, so ya know, life IS a *****, and when she dies, she finally be free of all her worries! now if IIIIII caught I lfie threating disease? hell i wouldnt care.. dude I'm so stubborn that death is gonna have to drag me all the way to hell kicking and screaming! i'll live forever! muahahahaaa![/COLOR] -
[COLOR=purple]Personally.. I lurved Romeo& Juliet[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]LOLA!!! I lurve this one... ANOTHER soon to be avatar *sings* welcome to the space jam, heres your chance, do your dance at the space jam! alright! O_o;;[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]i reall like this one... my soon to be avatar.. if i can ever part w/ my current demonic avatar[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]Vegitto... when I first got to Otaku... thats what Sephie had done... his was..ermmm... i think it was Tifa Lockhart.. not sure... oh well... this is for you TN[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]You know.. Earth is really damn old.. like 5billion years old or something... and I think the purpose of humans.. is actually do destroy it... Earth is killing itself with us... hell look at what we've done over the years, maybe our purpose is to kill ourselves b/c we have always been at war with one another though nobody sees the real problem.. that damn little bug called religion... anyways.. what is our purpose? we dont have one... just one species that crawled out of the primortial soup and ended up being one of the most intelligent and retarded species on planet earth[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]Well you know () You've got noting to fret about... only IIIIIIII am the true pathetic person on the otaku boards.. not ONLY do I think about being an Otaku... but I also DREAM about Otaku.. no really i did... I was grounded for two weeks and even thought it only lasted 2 days... the first night (this was back when the X-Men RPG was around and booming) I had a very troubled sleep... Know how there are diifferent pages on a thread? like currently there are 4 in this thread.. well... I think we had around 49 pages at the time.. and I dreamt i was in a mall called Otaku running up flight after flight after flight of stairs and reading the numbers... 43...45...47... almost there.... all the meanwhile... Matt was running at my side... (Dragonfire1477) was running with me is a lil Wolverine outfit.... and he kept getting inf ront of me.. and i would almost fall off the staircases and he would grab my arm and pull me back up... I reached floor 50 (page 50) and woke up... when I got online, I posted something in X-Men about thedream.. and my post was at the top of page... 50.... ~~~~~~~ But what do I think about at night? Eric... and what a fuc!king as.shole he is..ermmmm i think about Gohan, Takeru, Yue, and how fu!cked up it is that im head over heels for them all, being as how they are not real erm... i think about Slayers and wonder what it is... b/c ive never seen it... mostly though I spend my ngiht wondering when my relationship (if ever) willg et betetr with my mother b/c i really do love her and i wonder why it is that no matter how hard i try i always f!uck my life up... and how im only 13 and my life sux [/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]Penn.. i pmed yu da stuf.. but no Mr. Penn...id like to stick to da original... please[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~ *Ryoko teleports out of Ken-ohki and back down to Earth where she grabs Sasami by the hair and shakes her hard* Ryoko:You littel brat! It was b/c of yu that I had to kill NAGI!!! Washuu:You KILLED Nagi? Ryoko:Yes mom... I killed your precious other daughter *silence*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mishi [/i] [B]Or do you think that she did undergo character development but you just still hate her? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Well yes and no... see I agree that she did go from a very annoying and ditzy high school twit to a caring, gentle, quiet high school girl. Though as soon as she/the dubbers put in "Oh! You must be MONSTER HUNTERS!!" My mind was sealed shut. I'm quite like Ryoko in that I ate Sakuya, hate the fact that Tenchi likes her, and am close minded. Ryoko did save her life... but that never occured to Ms.Kumashiro. That kinda bothered me. Plus Aeka hates ehr and Aeka is one of my favorite characters. Okay, you wanna know how pathetic I am? After Ryoko saw Tenchi and Sakuya kiss and she went off and cried, I actually cried too. This is how one knows your into the anime too much. Anywhos... I do believe Sakuya evolved as a character, but I flat out hate her. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vash [/i] [B] besides, if there had been no alternate universes.....there would be no *gasp* SAKUYA! [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]And this is a bad thing?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]God I wish I had final fantasy.. yu guys r so lucky *sniff* *sniff* :bawl:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]Your in Tech Ed right now? HA!!!! god if i got caught writing ANYTHING in Tech Ed.... o_o whoa... that was.. whoa... o_o;;; *runs in fear* heh im having a good day.. never got picked up for school... and no one is home to force me to go... and i had tech ed today... heh.. so.......... staying home and being a loser... napster is on, i'm eating pudding, and having god knows WAAAAAAAAAY too much fun with my avatars.. good day... :D[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]I managed to escape....after the blowie, damn I'm saying too much O_o;;;;;;;;;; [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple] O_O SEPH-SAN!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAY TOO MUCH!!!! NO NO NO!!! BAD BAD BAD!! *slaps Seph* TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! congrats.. your officially married now.. since.. um.. yesterday? sunday? i dun remember.. but DAG ya' gotta be so HONEST!!!?!?! *covers own ears and tries desperately to erase mental image* [/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]SS... what wrong w/ talking to cows? I do it all the time!!! *silence* oops... :alcohol: Hey, I'm cutting school today..w ell actually i never got a ride.. heh heh and um I'm having faaaaaaaaar too much fun wtih my avatars... so.... uh... i mean... Sneaking out is cool... try it Babygril.. though that must suck..w e were back by 2... even after getting caught.. i dun think it'd be a smart idea to sneak out of my mom's house though... id be so dead...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]My plans areeeeeeeeee... 1)Graduate Highschool 2)Get accepted into FSU 3)Get my Bachelors & Masters in Marine Study 4)Graduate 5)Get a frikking job 6)Get accepted to Penn State 7)Get my degree in law 8)Graduate and go to law school 9)Be out of college by the time I'm 30 :D[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]Just thought ppl might like this... it has [URL=http://www.avatars.com]Avatars[/URL] galore.. not all of them are anime, but if you looks hard, you'll find some.. thats where I got my Goten Avatar.. and I just cropped it to make it fit... hehehe... :D[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple] *Edit* This is where I got my ultra cools Raidan Avatar!! Lightning God!! Shesh!![/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]OOC:Look, I think I've been very tolerant. Every one said "Oh, Okay sure!" when Kontan and Matt were evil, so WHYYYYYYYYYYYY can't Alin be evil too? *death glares Sere* Sere honey, it's not very smart to call OTHER PEOPLE'S IDEAS STUPID!!! Catch my drift? You know? Okay my god guys, it's just an RPG, there is no reason to get all bent out of shape!!! I wanted there to be robots, why can't i have robot? How do you know Alin wasn't talking to Andromon or something? How is she to know whos a robot and who's a robot digimon? Again Sere, I'm REALLY not appreciating you calling my ideas dumb, and if your so uppity about not being included in the thread, i can include you, easily, Alin can kill you. That'll elave an impact. So don't call anyone else's ideas stupid when your not participating in the thread, merely whining about how no one includes you. Sorry to rant, but this thread is starting to p.ss me off b/c like it or not, none of you can control me or my actions!!!!!And if this is a problem, f.ck off! b/c personally, I don't care!!! :)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]OOC:Sere... all of the clow cards have been captured.. and transformed into Sakura Cards... or Star Cards... anywho... like I invented the Genesis Cards... invent something like I dunno... the Sere cards or something...[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kiss:I am not here to give you anything, I am here simply to retrieve the Genesis Card, and the Sakura Card Vash:Well thats just too bad isn't it? Oh well, I'll be going now, and you'll never know if I have them or not... Later Kisses Kiss:Stop! My name is Kiss. And I do not make deals with a weaker species, now I tried being nice and asking politely, but you leave me no choice, I shall have to take them by force. Vash*drawing gun*:I'd like to see you try! Kiss:Very well... [i]Kiss lifts a hand and two pink cards materialize infront of her hand. She flips them voer, and reads their names aloud[/i] Kiss:Time, Return [i]The surrounding forest goes a greenish yellow color and all movement, including Vash's stops. Vash's pocket's glow and the two cards fly out of them and into her hand. The Time, and Return Cards disappear. Vash resumes his movement.[/i] Vash:You'll never get them back! Kiss: Oh no? [i]Kiss lifts her hand and in her plam rests the two cards[/i] Vash:How'd you? What'd you? What the? Kiss:I told you, I am far more powerful than you can ever imagine, as is my magic. Vash:Why you! [i]Vash grabs Kiss by the wrist.[/i] Kiss(shocked):Huh? Vash:Ha! Not so powerful now are you? Kiss(angry):More powerful than you can fathom mortal! [i]Kiss's whole body begins to glow and her skin becomes white hot. Vash screams in pain and lets go. Kiss rises into the air and spreads her arms.[/i] Kiss:If you play with Fire, you will get burned! [i]Kiss aims a huge firey blast directly at Vash, burning him very badly. Kiss lands next to Vash, who is black and charred.[/i] Kiss:Even the imensly powerful Heal Card can't help you now! I warned you and game you a fair chance, you brought this upon yourself. [i]Kiss rises, spreads her firey wings, and flys away, leaving Vash for dead[/i]
[COLOR=purple]I'm afraid the thread is officially dead now... post no more... bai bai!!![/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B] Mynechmon: why i'm Mynechmon! your partner digimon!! [img]http://images.neopets.com/pets/happy/gelert_yellow_baby.gif[/img] Liam: my partner digimon. .wow. .*runs hand through hair* [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Heh Heh... Neopetmon is more like it >.< :laugh:[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tsukibellmon:You! *Tsukibellmon points to Trekmon* Trekmon:Me? Tsukibellmon:Yes you. You have helped a human child come into this world. Come into OUR world... this world, this relam is not for them... only for Digimon. We digimon are much superior creatures. How dare you disgrace your name and help one of them! Trekmon:Matt is my partner! If you had one, you would know what it's like to be loved... Tsukibellmon:That's precisely why I'm doing this... Trekmon:What? Tsukibellmon:I was loved, once, and then.... YOUR human impeaded on my love! Alice doesnt love me NEARLY as much as she loves that... that... MATT! Trekmon:Your mad at Alice, not all humans then Tsukibellmon:Yes, but all humans are the same! MOON CLANG! *Two huge white crescent moons erupt from the end of Tsukibellmon's torso and fly straight at Trekmon, hitting him hard in the stomach* Tsukibellmon:I'm putting an end to this! This infestation! It must STOP!
Heh... that was cools...:D
[COLOR=purple]Heh, this should be good...[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Alice falls asleep while doing her homework and listening to Linkin Park, Bellamon crest digivolves to Tsukibellmon and sneaks down to the computer* Tsukibellmon:C'mon, hurry up! aH! yes!!!! *Tsukibellmon gets sucked into the computer and lands in the Digital World next to Rondomon* Rondomon:Who are you? Tsukibellmon:I am Tsukibellmon, Digimon od Destiny, and it is my Destiny to put an end to the human infestation! Rondomon:Excellent! Join us!! A new Digimon from the opposing side has entered the digital world... go help Baemon! Tsukibellmon:With pleasure! *Tsukibellmon takes off and lands next to Baemon* Tsukibellmon:Need some help? Baemon:Eh, thought crossed my mind... *Tsukibellmon stand ready to fight next to Baemon* Tsukibellmon:Bring it...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonfire1477 [/i] [B]Can't we just have a normal RPG? There are no robots. DBZChikaGhan, sorry if I messed with you. You're welcome to join me and become evil, but let's keep with the original idea please. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]OOC:Screw Mistress Destiny... Screw the robots... being a female Kaizer is jsut too damn hard!!! Though I'm keeping the underground fortress... srry.. it's just way too cool an idea to pass up...[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alin:Robots... Robot1:Yes Ma'am? Alin: Order a full robot detenation.. every robot , minus yourself and a team of elite workers, is to self destruct, in room 401, the one with the large metal walls, at 100 hours... dismissed... Robot:Yes ma'am Bellamon:Alin? What are you doing? Alin:Ridding myself of these pesky robots, I'm sick of being evil, it's just, well, not right! *Alin twirls a few strands of her snowy hair around her finger and sighs* Bellamon:Are you going to let him go? Alin:No, I won't, I refuse to , but... Bellamon:But? Alin:But I won't leave him either... Bellamon:What do you mean? Alin:We are going to join him... Bellamon: Oh Alin... *A tear runs down Alin's face as she watches Bellamon Crest Digivolve to Tsukibellmon. Alin climbs on Tsukibellmon's back and they fly away to Matt's cave* Tsukibellmon:How did you know it was here? Alin:Something inside I guess... now listen to me Bellamon... Tsukibellmon:Yes? Alin:Matt is very special to me, and evil or not, I refuse to let him go, I just wont, and I don't mind bending to satisfy others or giving up my beliefs to do what I feel inside.. and I must do this alone... so please... wait... *Tsukibellmon nods her head in understanding* Alin:Thank you... *Alin walks into the cave and walks in on Matt alone* Matt:Who are you? What do you want? And how did you get in here? Alin:I came to join you... Matt:Sure you did... Alin:Listen, I'm not here to play games... now... fight me... and if I win, you let me join you and we destroy the digital world together... Matt:And if I win, which I surely will... Alin:If YOU win... I shall be your slave... Matt:I have no need for a slave... Alin:Fine, then you may kill me... Matt:Fine, I hope you like dying painfully... Alin:We shall see... *Matt charges Alin, who grabs his wrist, flips him on his back, twists his arm around behind him and sit on his chest* Alin:We had a deal... Matt: Don't you know not to make deals with evil people? Alin:What?! *Matt loosens his arm, kicks Alin hard in the chest, and sends her flying into a cave wall, knocking her out*