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Everything posted by Pressure
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] Please, don't become the next chick to stalk me, i'm already dealing with a gothic chick who thinks i'm satan's son. Just cause I said Bush sucks doesn't mean i'm the son of Satan! [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]:flaming: I'm not stalking you! See signiature!! Matty-chan ish my man!! (oh i liked that!!) @_@ =However= You said Bush sucks. Soooooo one implies you are a democrat right? Instant Friendship[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~ [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tetsuo[/i] [B]i would love to have wings like the girl in my drawing does. ill add the pic herehttp://satxpunk.focusindia.com/2.jpg[/B][QUOTE] [COLOR=purple] O_o I [U]so[/U] don't remember you drawing me... I'm a Fire Demon (check prof) and WOW... I have NEVER seen anyone capture more perfectly my demonic half before! O.O[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B]too bad OB doesn't have a regurgitation smiley.. I could have used it then.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Okay, PiroMunkie.. thats just plain narsty! Ya' know we had a pizza on the way and i was scarfing m&m's... until you said that.. guess ill pass on pizza[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]I'm sorry for you.. but.. heh heh.. thats just plain funny! Admit it! 50$ psha! like i'd let my mom come near my perfect hair for all the money in the world!! well okay... i exaggerate there.. for all the money in the world i'd shave, wax, cut, thread, trim and everything else every single hair on my body and hope I didn't live in a place with frequent lightning storms... Powder... o_O.....
*sniffle sniff sniff* i never got the game.. you all are so lucky.. play on
okay.. first.. wh is yur name showing up as "felix" and second *kisses feet* :cross: eww stinkyness... anyways... THANK GOD! like all the tenchi section is is spam! it should be "Spam Muyo" sorry to disagree with a god like yourslf Sephy-chan, but enough is enough on these borads! yeaaaaah for kuja!
[COLOR=purple]Wish I had known about this underwater kingdom thing... I probably wouldnt have killed Alin... which half the people here havent seemed to realize has happened yet.... Don't they notice that like 3 of their own are missing? Siren, Matt, Alin, Kontan I guess makes four..... but I guess I should make it be known to ppl other than Matt and Kontan.... [SIZE=4]ALIN IS DEAD!!!!![/SIZE] okay, I'm done now[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B] lol! :laugh: Eh, no problem! I can agree to that. *throws DBZChikaGhan some cat-nip* ^_^ [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple] *catches cat-nip* *chews on cat-nip* O_o Yummy.... *continues to eat cat-nip* *oogles sexy Voodoo-chan on arm* [/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]Whoa... O_o I SO missed something....[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (sorry, im gonna control a few characters right now....) Kontan:Ah, so Matt, you want to know my master plan of destruction huh? Well, all will be told, but not right away, you must sleep first... Matt:But I just woke up... Kontan:Matt, sleep is vital, you need every ounce of strength you can get, besides, it's late, we'll talk in the morning Matt:Alright... I guess... *Matt goes back to sleep* *in his dreams* Matt:Psuedodramon? Where are we? Pdramon: Don't you recognize this place Matt? It's Primary Village... let's just watch for a while... Matt: Okay... hey look! It's me! But who is that with me? ~~~~~~~~~ [i]Matt:Here Alin I saved you a whopper, you didn't give me time to react... *fast forward* *Alin throws her arms around Matt's neck and brings her face close to his* Alin:Thank you Matt, your the only one who cared about me *Alin kisses Matt*[/i] ~~~~~~~~~ Matt:Whoa! Pdramon! Who is that? Pdramon:Shh! Matt just watch! *the image goes black and now the girl is running through the forest* Matt:Why is she crying? ~~~~~~~~~ [i]*Alin bursts through the bushes on Tsukibellmon's back and runs to the hole*[/i] ~~~~~~~~~ Matt:Hey! It's Kontan's construction site! ~~~~~~~~~ [i]*Matt falls into the pit and blah blah blah, Alin saves his life, re-read the pages, they are now back at the river* Alin:Matt! Matt c'mon please wake up! [/i] ~~~~~~~~~ Matt:She saved my life... is this real? Pdramon:Yes Matt it is... ~~~~~~~~~ [i]*Alin holds Matt's body close to her and cries harder* Alin:Please don't die...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~ *the image again goes black, a new one appears* ~~~~~~~~~ [i]*Alin slips and falls into the pit, screaming* Alin:MATT? TSUKIBELLMON? ANYONE? HELP! AAAAAH! *Alin hits the pit and utters two last words* Alin:My destiny...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~ Matt:Kontan! He lied to me! She wasn't lured there! She fell! Her name wasn't Linda! It was Alin! He killed her! ~~~~~~~~~ [i]*one final image appears* *Alin is alone against a black backround* *Matt is now part of his dream* Alin:Matt, I wasn't lured into that pit, and I was dead when they found me, but my name isn't Linda, it's Alin... don't you remember? Matt:No... *Alin presses a finger to Matt's forehead and shows him the image of them at the tree, Matt and her spirit* Matt:Oh my god... Alin:Matt, you can't believe Kontan, no matter what you do, don't believe him! There IS a way out of this world! There is or we wouldn't have been put here in the first place... remember Matt, even if you you walk in the wrong door, you can always walk back out of it...[/i] *the image disappears and Matt wakes up*
Ryoko:What is she doing here? This is the solar system... an extremely remote place! It's the boonies for christs sake.. why is Nagi here????? Nagi:I finally found you... Ryoko
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B] [COLOR=chocolate]*Nods* True. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Uh-huh[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Matt and Psuedodramon look around, they see Alin sitting in a tree* Matt:Hey Alin... what happened... Alin:You fellt into the hole, Tsukibellmon and I saved your life... Matt:Wow thanks! Alin:Yeah sure, the only problem is... I fell into that hole too... Matt:Who saved you? Alin:No one... *Alin jumps down from the tree and walks over to Matt* Alin:Let me show you *Alin puts her hand right through Matt's* Alin:I only have an hour to stay visible, so now I gues I should say that "I'll always be in your heart" mumbo-jumbo.. but you know what? Matt:What? Alin:I'll always be in your heart
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B] and um... if ne of u really did want me, u can just take me... i really dont care nemore. :) I like this board. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple] O_o *latches self to Voodookanaka's arm and laughs like a mad woman* *sees Voodookanaka giving her weird looks :therock:* *shuts up*[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh[/i] [B]erm, i really don't appreciate someone saying they knocked me out when i'm trying to have a pleasant conversation. i got kind of pissed about that. this isn't an rpg. sorry to get off the subject, but yeah. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple] erm.. um... I have absolutely NO clue what your talking about! *hides mallet behind back*[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B] if ne of u really did want me, u can just take me... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple] *still attached to his arm* *purs* Eh okay.. I'll agree to stop fighting with Anna on ONE condition... Voodookanaka HAS to adopt me as his little sister *terms will under no circumstances change, void where prohibited* always wanted to say that... *purs more*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]*flexes and flares wings and stands behind Navi* Leave Navi alone! Navi is one hell of a good moderator! And besides, get in a fight with Navi, and you'll lose. Gar why can't we just ban them both? Twisted Face was banned, thank GOD and tetsuo is really starting to grind my last nerve! Why can't we just ban them???? I realize this is the fight thread, but both of you, yes both, should really stop. Especially you tetsuo. Navi wasn't attacking anyone, you attacked Navi. remember? So before you starts a pointless verbal assault on Navi, why not re-think what your doing. Your attacking a mod. On these boards, on for christs sake, on this Earth! There is nothing stupider than attacking an authority figure, and perhaps you have not noticed this, but Navi is a moderator, which makes Navi and authority figure! God I'm sorry but stupid people grind my very last nerve! LEAVE NAVI ALONE![/COLOR]
Why can i SO see Lady Macaiodh watching Bejiita-san explode, then pass out... with her brothers already passed out behind her.. and me stalking her brothers.... wait.. um never mind.. i was stalking Voodookanaka.. okay i'm really on a lieing streak here.... well i have told the truth about somethings... like the fact that in a heartbeat i would stalk both of LM's brothers AND Voodookanaka... lucky *** Anna.. I don't mind though... really... i dont... but yesh.. im gonna go wis Piromunkie.... I did go to bed at 1:00 because my 8'ing mother still refused to give up the damn TV... so i WAS up all night by the laws of physics and time though i have no idea how physics has ANYTHING to do with it... still though... seeing as how i was fully drunk on sparkling grape juice and i swear to god it's possible.. especially if you drink the whole bottle... being my drunked self.. if i had been anywhere NEAR LM's brothers or Voodookanaka.. heaven forbid that should happen... b/c i would be on them like white on rice... anywhooooooo i'm SO off topic... O_o and uh.. yeah i stayed up all night ~~~~~~~~~~~ i realize i sound like a love sick puppy, leave me alone, all three of them are hott.. in this order... hottest~Voodookanaka, 2nd hottest~LM's youngest brother.. um james? jon? th one in the picture getting the game... 3rd hottest~the older of LM's two brothers... oKAY! i'm going to shut up now!
[COLOR=purple]You wanna take me on Anna? Bring it![/COLOR] [COLOR=green]That was soo not a good idea Anna[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]Alice, should you really do this?[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]*stares at picture of Voodookanaka again* YES! ALL MINE! *flexes firey demonic wings* I can't be here at five, so this is going donw now! *throws several fire balls at Anna* C'MON! Fight! All you Voodookanaka bootay are belonging to me! god i spend way to much time at the Lost Temple of Ishida... doesnt matetr!! ALL YOUR VOODOOKANAKA BOOTAY ARE BELONGING TO ME!!!! *throws more fireballs at Anna*[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][COLOR=chocolate]Erhm, Gryfmon and Bellamon were captured by that odd dark poisonous shadow, 'member?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Srry.. the now *deceased* Alin didn't know that... If you were falling to your death, dont yu thnk you'd call out your digimon's name? even if yu didnt know it had been captured?[/COLOR]
*Ryoko turns to Tenchi, Mihoshi, and Kiyone* *Ryoko flashes her classic demonic grin* *In pure fear, Tenchi, Mihoshi, and Kiyone let go of Ryoko* *Ryoko zooms off after Aeka and grabs her by the collar* *Ryoko brings her outside and calls Ryo-ohki* *Aeka call Ryo-ou* Ryoko:Ryo-ohki! Into space! We are gonna blast that Princess into the next dimension! Let's go! Aeka:Ryo-ou! Follow her! That is an order! Ryoko:Ryo-ohki! Fire! *Ryo-ohki fires on Aeka and Aeka summons the lighthawk wings* *Ryoko is about to fire back when she spots a white ship out of the corner of her eye* Ryoko:Not her.. not now... *Ryo-ohki and Ryoko suddenly zoom away from Aeka and Ryo-ou at top speed. Aeka sees a ship follow them* Aeka:Ken-ohki...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]i voted number 10 for me, im not a bragger, i meen, you asked and i told the truth, girls seem to like my eyes alot, i asked them all, they said i was cute, i know cute is number 6, but all girls say cute, they never say, your super dead sexy hott, but i say that i qualify...by the way im back guys! [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Aww damn he's back... -_- Super dead sexy hott?! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: PSHA! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa Stomach... hurting... oww... bwahahahaaaaaa[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]voodoo, will you go out w/ me? there's nothing sexier than a beautiful artist. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]*flares demonic wings* NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!! *chases Lady Macaiodh with large stick* ALL MINE! I WAS THE FIRST! ME! FIRST TO DECLARE HOW CRIMINALLY INSANE I AM BY HITTING ON A GUY ABOUT 10 YEARS OLDER THAN ME BUT I DON'T CARE!! MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!!!!!!!!! *knocks Lady Macaiodh out* Who else wants some Voodookanaka booty? Cuz' I'd be happy to do the same to you! :flaming: *silence* that's what i thought :devil:[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]Dude, Wings are the way to go! [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]*falls in love with Akito* YEAH!!! :D :love: :D WINGS KICK ARSE![/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] Now, I don't want to get a [I]foul[/I] (get it...foul...water foul...ducks?!?! Lord Jesus please just get it!) or anything, but what exactly is Cold Duck?? Ps- Dammit, I knew my NYE was missing something...FIREWORKS!!:( [/B][/QUOTE] >.
O_o Kimedakae is the younger one.. and believe me hunny, your the person... I can see it now.. Ryoko flirting with Aeka's guardian.. oh thats perfect!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Kimedakae walks in the room and Ryoko lets go of Aeka's hair and retracts her laser sword. She teleports over to Kimedakae* Ryoko:Hey handsome! :love2: Aeka:Waa?! Everyone: :wow: Kimedakae:Um uh.. I cant date demons Ryoko:Wanna bet?
Ryoko:If you think that you'll be wearing my earrings once you get them peirced, you got another thing coming Sasami Sasami:Eh that's okay... I'll borrow some from Aeka Aeka:I don't have my ears peirced Sasami... and your not getting yours peirced, it's against Juraian rule! Ryoko:Buck up Princess Twit! Go ahead Sasami! I change my mind, you can wear mine all you like! Sasami:Thanks Ryoko! Aeka:AAh! Sasami I demand you put those vile things down right now! You'll get demon germs! Ryoko:What did you say?! Tenchi:Here we go again
*dances* Tenchi is baaaaaaack! Oh I can't WAIT until Tenchi Universe its so coooool And of course the first episode starred RYOKO!!!! me faves :D Of course the animation is horrible in Muyo.. and wouldnt ya' know that since LM became one of my friends... Washuu has grown on me and we dont see her for a while but I'm absolutely ecstatic that it's back on!!! I wuvs Ryoko ;3
I was really lucky I found her... she is new in our home... only had her for about a month or two... so she didnt know her way home
I stayed home and drank a whole bottle of Cold Duck o_O My friends were getting high and drunk at thier parties..at 12 and 13... but i stayed home and got pissed at my mom b/c hse wouldnt let me get online OR watch mtv OR watch DBZ... sooooooooo my new years bit... but the fireworks were pretty cool... :D
Alin walks through the forest and bumps into Cera. Alin: Oh hey, uh sorry... Siren may need your help back there... I need to go find Matt... Cera: :therock: Huh? Alin:I have to go... Alin pushes her way past Cera, GinnyLyn, Gryfmon and um.. Cera's digimon. Alin runs through the forest scared and confused... she trips into the hole she had saved Matt from. Alin falls so far that her screams are drowned out. Alin:MATT! SIREN! BELLAMON! ANYONE?! AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Alin hits a hard dirt floor and groans out two last words.. Alin:My destiny... Alin takes in a quick breath which results as being her last.