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Everything posted by Pressure
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]:blush: :blush: :blush: erm..............:blush: :blush: :) :blush: [/B][/QUOTE] o_O ermmm uh.. eh heh heh... err uh... *shuts up*
Today I took my dog up to the park and we walked around and she played with the other dogs. Well I was about to put her back on the leash when these two other dogs came up behind us and they started chasing Sarabi(my dog). We were about 300 feet away from the road, so I wasnt worried. Sarabi had done this before, she would play chase with them and then double around and come back. She didn't double back, and she didnt come back. There was a small hill down to the road and all I saw was Sarabi disappear down it and the two other dogs follow her. I started frantically chasing her and screaming out her name. The woman who owned the other two dogs was close behind me. We were frantically screaming out our dogs names and when we got to the road, we couldnt find the dogs. They were no where in sight. I suddenly saw the two dogs she owned coming back down a street. She screamed and was waving her arms for them to stop, but they didn't, and ran had on into traffic. They both got hit. The dog hit worst was a tan colored dog that was sent flying about 4 feet into the air. The dog hit the ground and limped over to it's master. The second dog was only knicked by the car, but I lost track of where it went. I was screaming and crying because I couldn't find Sarabi, I couldnt see her and I had no idea where she was. People were yelling from their cars and asking if the dogs had been hit. I was frantically crying and screaming out Sarabi's name. For about 20 mins my mother and I frantically searched the park. Finally I got into the car and we drove around the park one final time. As we were aobut to turn the corner to go down to our street when I saw my dog run infront of the cars ahead of us. I screamed and pointed to her. My mom pulled off to the side and before the car had even stopped I had jumped out and I was calling Sarabi to me. We got her into the car and home safely. I don't know what I'd do if Sarabi had been hit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How would you react if you lost your pet? I was in shmables crying, I mean I was a MESS! How'd you react?
I don't have a picture to show.. but i think me and Voodookanaka would b a cute couple :D as always.. Piro is cuteeeeeee..Gee-enki Dama is cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute and Voodookanaka is hooooooooooottttt, fiiiiiiiiiiiine, cuuuuuuuuuuuuute, cooooooooooool, and seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexy!
[COLOR=purple]I stand by my claim.... VOODOOKANAKA IS A HOTTIE!!!!! >.< O.O :tasty: O.O Is it possible? Someone on the boards rivals Transtic!!! O.O Gee-enki Dama is fine too!! *looks at picture of Voodookanaka again* :tasty: He looks better in the picture!! SEEEEEEEEEXY!!! OK!!!! I should REALLY shut up now.. but Voodookanaka iiiissssssssssss hotttttttttttttttttt.. damnit I hate being young! All the good lookingones are in their twenties!! Noryko, Transtic, VOODOO!! oh wait i'm forgeting... i've been to Voodookana's site... HE'S HOT AND HE CAN DRAW!!!!!! oh this aint fair! alright... i leave you with three words... Voodookanaka is sexy.[/COLOR]
Alin lookd over at the lake and saw Siren'd thing near it's egde. She also saw what looked like a pile of rocks, and amidst them, something blue and crystal was glinting. Alin: Damnit, why can't I just get RID of that stupid thing? Alin walks over to the rock and is about to chuck the crest back in when she sees splashing out in the lake. Alin notices Siren's knife at the bottom. Alin's crest begins to glow. Alin:WTF?! Siren surfaces and screams, but she is quicly drawn back down by something. Alin dashes into the water, grabs the knife and dives after Siren. Alin: *bubble* *bubble*:mad: Alin surfaces for breath and dives right back under. Alin sees something moving below her. She shoots down like a uh.. water rocket? and stabs a red slimey tentacle. Alin sees one around Siren's neck and she hacks it off. With one final blow, Alin drives the knife straight through the tentacle. Alin lungs were about to burst. With Siren by the waist, Alin used the last of her strength to kick towards the surface. Alin took in a quick breath of air and was feeling very lightheaded when Halamon picked them up and set them on the rock next to the crest. The crest glowed and Alin felt fully revitalized. After making sure Siren was okay, Alin walked away through the jungle wondering to herself... Alin:Was [i]that[/i] destiny? Was I destined to [i]save[/i] Siren? This is all to weird.
Ryoko:WHAT?! :flaming: :demon: :flaming: :mad: :devil: :demon: :devil: *Ryoko aims a powerful blast at Sasami, who is protected by her Juraian sheild* Ryoko:That wasn't supposed to hurt you... are you okay? Sasami(cheerful):Fine! Ryoko:Good.... Ryoko pinches Sasami's cheek, a little harder than normal, and flie up t her room.
He's NOT that bad... are you Matty-chan? *Gets hit for calling him Matty-chan* :blackeye:
Alin stops running and collapses onto a nearby rock. She skins her arms on it but doesnt even feel the pain. Alin:Matt fell into that hole because of me, Matt and I were attacked by the Dokugomon because of me, how much more pain am I goign to cause him or anyone esle before the reason why I was cursed with the Crest or Destiny is revealed, and when it is... do i want it to be? Alin rose and walked in the direction of Primary Village. Alin:I'll just get Bellamon and leave this godforsaken place, before I hurt anyone more, Before taking a step mroe, Alin fell to her knees, screamed, and cried again, for all the chosen children, for herself, but mostly, for all the pain she had caused Matt.
Ryoko prods Sasami with a fork. Sasami:Wait until after dinner! Ryoko: :demon: Okay... *Ryoko blows up the table and all the food on it* Ryoko: Dinner is over... Everyone(xcept Sasami): :wow: Sasami: :flaming:
srry for doubleposting... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alin:Why won't he wake up? What's the matter with him? Matt? Alin starts crying again, but harder and faster than ever. Her whole body is wracked with sobs. She's shaking inside and out. She playfully storked Matt's hair as she cries harder... hoping that a caressing touch will rouse him. Alin(whisper):Please don't die on me, you mean far to much. Alin's eyes snap open. She rips off her necklace with her crest on it. Alin: Destiny... is.. it cant be.. is this h-h-his destiny? to die? no... not because of me... NO! Alin screams and leaps up from the stream leaving Matt alone. Alin races away into the forest, alone, without Tsukibellmon, without anyone. Alin:No.. NO! He can't die because of me! Just because I'm destiny.. NO! I won't believe it! You stupid crest! You bring too much pain and suffering! Alin drops the crest in the dirt and runs faster into the forest, crying even harder.
they laughed at me at the laundromat
Pressure replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
skid marks ewwww. i havent had skid marks since.. wait..i NEVER had skid marks o_O;; -
Alin walks away wondering if this is going to be a repeat of Matt and Nobility when she hears Matt scream. Alin whips around and drags Bellamon to the hole. Bellamon:Bellamon crest digivolve to! Tsukibellmon:TSUKIBELLMON! Alin, get on, we need to go get them! Alin jump onto Tsukibellmon's shoulder andholds on as Tsukibellmon flies into the hole at nearlight speed. Tsukibellmon reaches out a grabs Pdramon and Matt. She holds Pdramon and sets Matt next to Alin, who is in tears. Tsukibellmon sets them down gently on the ground near the stream. Tsukibellmon opens her nouth to say something to Alin, but stops and flies away to the hole. Pdramon wakes up, though Matt is still out. Pdramon gets water from the stream and cups it in his hands. He splashes it on Matt's face, no luck. Alin is aboslutely beside her self in hysterics. Alin:Matt! MATT!! Answer me! C'mon wake up! Pleeease! Matt you can't do this to me! Wake UP! Alin cradles Matt's head in her lap. She sits back starts crying harder and finally she just lets go. Her tears stream down her face.
they laughed at me at the laundromat
Pressure replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] your parents would probably get along w/ my parents. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]Are they evil? Oh then they'll probably get along famously! Oh sorry, i was watching bedazzled... :devil:[/COLOR] -
Alin looks up at Matt with stars in her eyes. Her eyes well up with tears as she eats her whopper. After licking her fingers clean Alin leaps at Matt and wraps her arms around his neck. Alin:Thank you, at least you thought about me! Alin kisses Matt long and soft. She lets go, smiles, and walks away. Matt: :wow:
Dragonfire you are the biggest goddamn liar on this board! Dragonfire is a hottie! I know it. He has to be! I dweamed about him.. and he was fiiiine... besides.. you cant have the great personality he has without being fine! me wuvs yu Dragonfire1477 :angel: As for me.. eh... 4...ish.... I'm an ugly sunnofabitch! Now then for everyone else... NorykoAngelCry is very fine, LM is hot, and well.. if he'd post his damn picture here... Transtic is SEXY! beyond sexy! when is saw Transtic's picture, I actually saved it on my hardrive... >.< I couldnt hellp it.... Transtic Nerve and VoodooKanaka are like 300's. Wait I'm straying... :love: Dragonfire1477:love: eh heh heh lesse... Yue as a girl, about half his height, with blonde hair, and blu eyes=me.. wait.. then that isn't Yue amymore... oh well
AWWWWWW!! Cera and Undying Angel are cyoote! I had a picture of myself.. on here.. but i think it got erased.. i spent an hour looking for it with no luck... well it was a bad picture anyways.. heh heh daggonit! Read this! (Cera) | | | V
Alin sniffs the air... Alin:WTF?! Where is that coming from it smells like.. it smells like... a WHOPPER! :drool: Tsukibellmon:Ewww! Alin! Alin? ALIN!! Alin is gone... Alin is speeding through the forest in the direction of Primary Village. Alin dives at the scent and dives head first into an empty bag. She rips it up looking for food. Everyone chews their food real slowly and gives Alin odd looks. Alin: :bawl: I wanted foo-ooo-oooood! You didn't save me any? Everyone gets really sheepish and starts to whistle through mouthfuls of food. Alin: :flaming: FINE! Alin stomps away into one of the shops. She starts chucking toys against the walls and breaking the heavy ones. Alin:Why I outta, how dare them? Didn't even save me a fry! Not a one fry! Oooh! Alin chucks a teddy bear at the door, which has been opened. The teddy bear hits Matt square in the face. Alin: :blulaugh: eh heh oops, sorry Matt Matt: :blackeye:
o.O''' I'm jk did that for responses ONLY! I really like the first one though, Cera, you were ADORABLE with piggytails! *pulls piggytails gently and pokes baby UA* hey, sounded out.. thats YU-A! which sounds like... YUE!! so off topic im sorry.. but drool... Yue . . . V
Alin hears someone behind them. She leaps off of Tsukibellmon's shoulder into a fighting stance. Tsukibellmon:Alin? Alin:I'm fine, go find Kontan! Tsukibellmon doesn't move. Alin:Tsukibellmon! Tsukibellmon:Are you sure you'll be alright? Alin:I'm fine, this foe is human. Tsukibellmon:Alright, well now I can move faster, I'll be in ear shot. Alin:Alright. Alin waves Tsukibellmon goodbye over her shoulder and goes back into her fighting stance. She hears the running getting closer, and slowing. She mentally reviews the situation. [I]Can't be Matt, he knows better, can't be Siren or Sere, they are at the stream, I doubt it's Frankie, then it's either Kontan or Shiro, but why would Kontan give himself away? Then it's...[/I] Alin silently relaxes her muscles and stay perfectly still and silent. She hears the human's breath drawing closer. They are right in front of her, but where? Alin scans the trees, forest floor, and bushes. A tiny leaf directly in front of her sways very slightly. Alin launces herself into the air and lands driectly ontop of the leaf. Nothing. [i]Something is wrong here, there is no wind...that leaf didnt move by itself.. hmmm[/i] Alin tightens her muscles and hears a faint breath. Like lightning Alin reaches into the bushes, pulls out something warm, and highkicks it up into a tree. Alin leaps up into the tree and lands on a branch near Shiro's motionless form. Alin smiles mischeviously. Shiro lifts his hand after about 20 mins and rubs his head. He turns his head and sees Alin watching him in silence. She is sitting above him on a tree limb. Alin:Morning sunshine, how's your head? Shiro:It hurts like hell! WTF happened? Alin:You tried, key word [i]tried[/i] to sneak up on me. Shiro:It didn't work very well... god my whole body aches... Alin:Yeah, Judo seems to have that affect on people hun Tsukibellmon landed next to the tree holding two wriggling things in her hand. Alin:Tsukibellmon! What have you caught for me? Tsukibellmon:Seems Matt and Pdramon here werent far behind Shiro. Alin:Matt-kun? Tsk tsk I expected better! Too bad though... Matt:Can I get down now? Alin:Sure Tsukibellmon drops Matt next to Shiro. Alin leans close to both of their faces. Alin:I wasn't kidding when I said I'd changed. Don't try and track me again, next time, I won't be so lenient. Got it? Alin kissed Matt and Shiro on the cheek and climbed onto Tsukibellmon's shoulder. Tsukibellmon and Alin took flight, leaving the two stranded in the tree in silence.
Alin stand with her head down. She balls up her fists and smiles. Shethorws her fist into the air and declares... Alin:I'M NOT GOING TO BE THE DAMSEL IN DISTRESS ANYMORE!!! BELLAMON! Bellamon:Bellamon crest digivolve to... Tsukibellmon:TSUKIBELLMON!!! Alin jumps on Tsukibellmon's shoulder and Tsukibellmon tramps into the forest. Matt:Something is coming... Psuedomon get ready... Psuedomon:Psuedomon digivolve to... Alin and Tsukibellmon barge through the undergrowth. Alin jumps down and lands in front of the boys and their digimon. Alin:I refuse to be the damsel in distress anymore! *classic anime fall* Alin: O.O;;; oops... Tsukibellmon:Eh.. -_- Matt&Shiro: :sleep: Alin:*blush* what? Matt:Um.. what happened to you? Did I really knock you over THAT hard? Alin smiled softly and half closed her eyes. She took Matt's hand with her left hand. Alin put her left hand on her heart. Alin:That was my fault, so was the Dokugomon, but I'm changed now, I'm not going to cause anymore pain, to anyone. Alin let go of Matt's hand hand and walked back over to Tsukibellmon. Tsukibellmon lifted Alin onto her shoulder. Shiro:Wait, where are you going? Alin:I'm going to find Kontan! Alin closed her eyes peacefully and smiled. She opened them again and waved as Tsukibellmon turned and left with Alin still waving from her shoulder.
"_____mon digivolve to.. GARGOMON!" "WHOA! He has pants now" ~Wallce Digimon movie "I care for you too much to loose you Kari!" "I care for you too." ~Takeru&Hikari "His Master's Voice" [COLOR=green]How can you like that?! I was forced to say it! I blew chunks afterwards![/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Thats why[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Come again?[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Because it's 100% fake!:D [/COLOR] *classic anime fall*
*takes down notes* yet ANOTHER reason to buy PS or PS2
:love: :love: :love: Yue:love: :love: :love: SSJ2 Gohan Son(DBZ) Takeru Takaishi(Digi) Cloud Strife(FF7) Mamoru Chiba(SM) Yukito(CCS) Touya Kinomoto(CCS) Li Shaolan(CCS) Eriol Moon(CCS) Yamchua (DBZ) Osamu (MHY) Yamato(Digi) Koushiro S2(DIGI) Tenchi(TM) Kimedake(TM) Link(ZDA) Gokou(DBZ) Kaoishin(DBZ) Gogeta(DBGT) Yosho(TM) Sephiroth(FF7?) Taichi(Digi) Betterman Lamia(Betterman) Prince Diamond (SM) Pochi(NM) Ryo(Devilman) Jin Kaze(Yu Yu Hakosho) I'd post more, but i think thats enough, dont yu?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexander [/i] [B]Geh. I love the show, but after seeing the original, unedited, AND subtitled versions, I find it hard to watch. I mean compared to the Japanese ones, the voice acting is horrible. I mean, it's decent, I loved the show even with that. AHH! I'm rambling again! Yue looks pretty impressive yes. Favorite card, don't have one yet. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple][i]spreads wings in front of Yue as a sheild[/i] Hear Ye! Hear Ye!Know this! Yue is mine and mine alone! I'll be the first on these boards to state claim to him! Yue is my lover! On Card Captor Sakura, Yukito, Yue's borrowed form is in love wtih Touya, but no where in anything produced by Clamp does it say who Yue loves. YUE IS MINE! [i]spreads wings farther and gives all females on the board a death glare[/i] :flaming:[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]Protective child. She is ruled by the Moon, so nothing less can be expected.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]I'm rules by the Moon as well, perfect coupling, all back away! Go glomp Li or Eriol, or Touya, but Yue is MINE![/COLOR] :echo: :echo: :echo: I may be criminally insane, but I get my man.
Hybrid Theory~Linkin Park Morning Veiw~Incubus Shakira~Shakira