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Everything posted by Pressure

  1. Pressure


    [COLOR=purple]4th grade. Yup dats right, 4th grade. Her name was Carol. I don't even remember her last name. Lemme jsut state here and now, since this event, no one has ever messed with my friends. Anywho, it was in gym class. Carol was actually oneof my friends. Something was just up with her today. She was in some kind of a funk b/c she started picking on our friend Aimee. Just saying snooty rude comments every time she got a chance. We were doing gymnastics and I was on the bars. I was being spotted and I heard Carol saying these things about Aimee. I got so pissed, I purposely feel and asked if I could go over to the vault, which is what Caroll and Aimee were at. I stood there in line watching Carol follow Aimee around and say all these nasty things to her. So I waited. Carol got into the middle of the gym with Aimee who was on the verge of tears, and I waited. All I needed was for Carol to insult Aimee one mroe time. "Aimee your a freak, God look at you! Your glasses and freckles, what a nerd." Alice had had enough! I walked right up to Carol and tapped her on the shoulder. I told her she needed to stop insulting Aimee before she got hurt. I never start fights, its not my nature, but I finish them. Carol goes, "Oh I'm scared, who's gonna hurt me? You? Ha!" And she poked me. That was her fatal flaw. Carol poked me in the shoulder, and I swear it happened so fast I don't even remember what happened, but I'm pretty sure I clocked her in the stomach, she grabbed my hair, wuss, and i kicked her legs out from underneath her. I must have kicked her side too b/c she was clutching it in pain. Well I kinda got an office referral for it, luckily i wasnt suspended, but I got sent to the office and they sent Carol home. My gym teacher was smart. She said Carol should go home, the principal wanted to keep Carol in school for the day, but my Gym teacher said, "Carol and Alice are in the same class. If you don't send Carol home, Alice is gonna finish her off!" My Mom was proud that I stood up for myself. :blush: Oh, and Carol transferred schools. [/COLOR] I'm really sorry about what happened to you SOn Goten! But hey, as long as you whipped them better then they whipped you, it's all good.
  2. Suprsised no one has said this yet... If my house was on fire, I'd grab... water But if i couldnt put it out with my immortal ways... then I'd grab my cats.. no wait cat... Piper can stay... ummmmm my drawning, but only a few, i think ill still retain my ability to draw after a fire.. OHH! CLOTHES! hope you all freeze your asses off! You guys are gonna be buck naked, but hey, thats okay, live on the corner, clothingless.. with your PS2's o.O Oh, pictures of.. Yue Gohan Takeru Greg Mamoru Yukito Touya Yue The two pictures I have of Lady Macaiodh's brother's b/c they are HOT! Daddy Hugh Jackman Yue Daisuke Yamato Definitly my Linkin Park, Shakira, and Incubys CD's, hell I'd grab all my CD's! Except the macarena, yes I have the macarena CD! shut up! It was my first CD so i kept it! Address book, oh and I'd check to make sure my diamond ring was still on my finger... I wouldnt really care if the comp. blew up.. it'd do me a favor, damn slow thing! My GBA, Spyro season of ice, and Advanced wars I should say my family shouldn;t I? Too bad! BURN FAMILY BURN! Well okay, I'd bring my Mom, she has a credit card :devil: Oh, my autographed books and posters, god I have so many autographed things... my ticket stubs, and homework dats it my arms would really hurt
  3. No way Sere ~~~~~~~~ Ryoko walks through Tenchi's wall. Tenchi is sitting at the desk doing homework. Ryko quietly tiptoes up behind him and wraps her arms around his neck. This startles Tenchi Ryoko:TENCHIIIIIIIIIII! Tenchi:Ga.. Ryoko! Get off! Ryoko:Hey Tenchi, wanna go to the new movie theater, hmm? The new DARK movie theater? Tenchi: Pass, Ryoko I have to do homework. Ryoko lets go of Tenchi's neck and begins to cry. Tenchi:Ryoko will you quit that?! Ryoko continues to cry. Sasami: DINNER! Ryoko/Tenchi: :therock: Tenchi:It's only 4:30 Ryoko teleports downstairs leaving Tenchi to take the lone way, the stairs. Ryoko:Sasami? WHats going on? It's only 4:30 Sasami:Well I have something to tell you all...
  4. [COLOR=orangered]Alin:MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM yummy!!!!!! That was fantastic! Siren sence when did you learn to cook? I'm not the biggest fish fan, but that was excellent![/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Siren:Uh, thanx I jsut learned here and there.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orangered]Alin:God I am STUFFED! Full up, couldn't eat anymore.[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]Bellamon:Great! ThenI'll eat this 3 Musketeers bar all by myself![/COLOR] [COLOR=orangered]Alin:HUH?! O.O Where did you get that?![/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]Bellamon:Your private stash[/COLOR] [COLOR=orangered]Alin:WHY YOU LITTLE WORM! Give it BACK![/COLOR] Alin gets up and chases Bellamon through the forest and back near the stream. Not looking where she's going, Alin crashes right into Matt ans Bellamon smacks right into Psuedomon. Alin scrambles to get up. She grabs Bellamon appologizes and leaves [COLOR=orangered]Alin: Oh, uh um, I'm sorry. We were just leaving.[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]Matt:No wait![/COLOR] Alin is already gone.
  5. I'd wish for a cure for cancer. or maybe herpes, someone very close to my hearthas herpes and i love her dearly and i hate that she has it. No you know what, f*ck the cure for those, if I could have one unselfish wish, it'd be for my mother to be completely 100% healthy. She deserves it. She really does. or wait, maybe a cure for cancer.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B][COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, though this is WAY off subject (sorta) - One time at the college dorm I stayed at, I went down to use the washer, and they were both full (only two in the Male part of the dorm). Well, no one was there, and the wash was done, so I just pulled them out and set them on top of the next one. Well, while my wash is going on, this BIG guy came in, looked at his wet clothes on the other washer and asked who pulled his roomates clothing out of the washer. Being Mr. Honest Engine that I am, I told him the guy who pulled them out put them on the same washer that he was using. So this BIG guy hauls off and slam kicked the washer (not the one I was using, if I didn't make that clear enough) and put this HUGE dent in it, breaking the machine. He later leaves in frustration, and I am bawling out laughing. The roomate comes down (I THINK it was his roomate), just as I am finished starting the dryer, and was like "Man, WTF is this sh*t?!" I told him his roomate slammed the washer and broke it when someone pulled his clothes out. He was like, "These aren't even my clothes, that big dumb jack-*****" And walks back out of the room. :rotflmao: I just walked up to my dorm and started bawling with laughter again, pissing off my friend (roomate too) who wanted to know what was so funny. *cries*Ahhh. . too much fun :D[/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]*dies* NORYKO! You bad little devil-child! That was awful! But funny as hell! OMG! My parents actually came in the room b/c i was laughing so hard! They wanted to know what was so funny! Your BAD! Bad angel! That is so awful, yeah, Mr.Honest Engine my butt! That was really good! God okay, I'm gonna be off topic here too for a minute. My sister is the most lazy irresposible sack of bones alive, so when my parents told her to switch the laudry over into the dryer, it never got done. Imagine how pissed I was the next morning when I go down to get a clean pair of pants from the dryer, open it up, and find nothing in it! All the clothes in the washer were mine too... so I didn't even want to look. But I forced myself, I walked very slowly, in disbelief at what i was about to see. I lifted the washer lid with my eyes shut and stuck my hand inside. Wet clothes. I mas murderous. I raced upstairs and had my sister by the throat in seconds. Sadly though, my parents walked in as she was turning blue. My parents punished me for choking her, but di8dnt punish her for not changing the laundry. My punishment? I had laundry Duty for a month, and they got really cruel when I asked what I was going to wear to school. My parent forced me to wear WET PANTS TO SCHOOL! It was humiliating. Luckily they were dark so you couldnt tell theyw ere wet... but I could tell. I could really tell![/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by chester [/i] [B]cause seziures like Pokémon. And they don't announce their attacks!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry for double posting but heh heh exactly... :ball:
  8. Yes, I see, uh huh, there are more votes for Pokemon, I didn't get to vote, but to me, Digimon is so much better than Pokemon it isn't funny, but don't you think this is kinda biased? It's posted in the [i]Pokemon[/i] section, now, post it in the [i]digimon[/i] section, and see if your results are the same. If you wanted an unbiased response, then post this is general anime... but.. i really hate it when these two are compared. They are both awesome shows (though im gonna be biased here and say digimon is better) but anyways, they are both great shows, so why do we ALWAYS have to compare them. Can't you jsut pick one and be happy? or like both spereately and stop comparing them? I dont think the creators compare them, so honestly, why do we? They are very different shows! True they have similarites such as the digimon and pokemon are made up creatures. Yes that is the same, but look at all the differences... Digimon keeps switching characters around, digimon gives them crests, you only get one digimon, digimon never die, and then look at pokemon, there are 3-4 main characters, if you count Tracy, you can have many pokemon, on earth, where as digimon are in a different dimension. Can you al PLEASE stop comparing the two? They are great shhows that need to just be left alone, I mean you don't see people comparing Dragonball Z with Sailor Moon or Tenchi Muyo do you? I realize that these two ahve the same name so obviously people are going to scapegoat them as the same thing, but theya ren't. They are different. Celebrate those differences, thats why we have a digimon sction and a pokemon section at Otaku. Hay dios mio! Get over it! They arent the same show! So quit comparing them! Celebrate their awesomeness spereately. They are both kick-arse shows with great sucess, yes, I realize pokemon has greater success than digimon, but that shouldnt matter. It only matters whether or not you like the show. But one isn't [i]better[/i] than the other. They are both excellent shows and thats all that should matter, not which one is betetr b/c it all depends on the person. There I'm done now.
  9. Bellamon wakes up as the sun begins to rise. As the first tint of pink glows over the horizon, Bellamon wakes Alin up. Bellamon takes one, um, paw finger? and runs in slowly over Alin's arm. She does this very softly for about 10 mins. Alin winces. Bellamon presses a little harder with an evil smirk across her face. Alin wakes up suddenly, so suddenly she knocks Bellamon off her chest and sends her flying. Bellamon: Ow! Alin! It's me!!! Alin:Urhgh, huh? Oh sorry Bellamon, I thought you were that Dogukomon's spirit or something. Bellamon:Nope, just me! Alin:That's even worse Bellamon:HEY! Alin:Hey hey, just joking. I'm going to wash up. Alin and Bellamon walk through the forest until the come to a cliff overlooking a small pool of water about 20 feet deep. At the end of the crystal pool is a river flowing away into the distance. Siren and Halamon are fishing in this river. Alin calls to Siren. Alin:Hey Siren!!! Morning! Siren:Morning! Wanna join us? Alin:Sure! I'll be down in a min. I'm just gonna wash up first. Siren(to Halamon):Wash up? Siren looks up again and sees that Alin has stripped down to her bra and panties. Siren convers Halamon's eyes. Alin leaps of the cliff and performs a swan dive with a half pike at the end followed by a perfect entrance. Siren: O.o''' show off... *mumble* *mumble* Alin swims over and lays in the mddle of the stream, fully submerged. Siren:Your going to scare the fish away. Alin:Oh yeah, sorry. Halamon:Whoa! Where did you learn to do that?! O.O Alin:Huh? Oh, just a few diving lessons. Alin dives back under and swims away to get Bellamon. Siren(snitty voice):[i]Just a few diving lessons, oh I'm so impressed[/i] Bellamon dives into the water and surfaces next to Alin. They both dive down deep and come back up with a fish in each hand. Alin and Bellamon swim over to Siren and Halamon and throws their catches up onto the bank.
  10. Well I personally dont care about the cards, i really don't. The only reason I watch Card Captor Sakura is to see Yue..... pretty, sexy, tall Yue... my angel.... Yue..
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Soccer 4 Life [/i] [B]Coolest means of travel: 1. Kaneda's Bike(Akira) :wow::wow::wow: [/B][/QUOTE] *slaps self hard on the head* How could I forget Kaneda's bike?! It was soooooooo cool! Flight by wings then Kaneda's bike then instant transmission *rubs forehead*
  12. Alin watches Silverdramon destroy Dokugomon. She feels a pang of guilt. Alin knows that, evil as it was, Dokugumon was a living creature. Alin walks over to Matt and lowers her head. Alin:Hey, I'm sorry, if it hadn't been for me, this never would have happened. Alin turns and starts to walk back into the camp. She bumps into Shiro accidentally. Alin: Oh, sorry. Alin lowers her head more and walks the rest of the way back to the camp in total silence.
  13. [COLOR=purple]I'm pretty partial to flight myself... well at one time I would have said instant transmission, but flight, and only by wings, none of that jump into the air and stay there crap, no, one must have wings to win my love.[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]Is that why you are obsessed with me?[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]One of the reasons[/COLOR]
  14. Alin: o.O''' Wow... that was interesting Siren.. so a pink Togemon kissed Triceramon and stuck him with a bajillion needles in her kiss and it destroyed him... huh.. thats odd. O.O Alin stands and walks over to her sleeping bag. She crawls in and is almost asleep when she sees Psuedodramon walk out of the bushes. Alin pretends to be asleep. She waits for Psuedodramon to fall asleep before crawling silently and softly out of her sleeping bag so as not to wake up Bellamon, who is now, Bellamon. Alin slips into the bushes silently, but not silently enough. Matt, startled, leaps on her, but Alin grabs his wrist and flips him over onto his back with a soft thud. She shines her flashlight straight into his eyes. Alin:Matt?! Matt:Sh! Ow, my god what the hell? Alin:Sorry, um Judo. What are you doing out here? Matt rubs his head and points to the digieggs. Alin shines her light on them and gasps. She drops her flashlight and it breaks, enveloping them in darkness. Matt:What? They are just digieggs Alin. Alin backs away slowly. An angry Dokugomon advances on them.
  15. Alin rouses herself after a few hours. She wakes up and sees Siren. She looks for Ringmon (who is a girl stormwing). Ringmon is sleeping peacefully next to her. Alin stands and walks over to Siren. Alin:I heard you when you called me corny. Siren:I have no idea what your talking about. Alin:Uh-huh, right, so what happened to Triceramon? Who defeated him or whatever? Before Siren answers, Alin walks over to Ringmon and picks her up n her arms. Ringmon opens one eyes and licks Alin's face softly. Alin smiles and cuddles Ringmon as Siren begins to tell her what happened.
  16. Ginny~ I am Alice, the chosen child is Alin. ``````````````````````````````````````````````````` Alin:Alright! That's it! I've had it with this guy! Bellamon! Alin holds up her crest and it begins to glow. The symbol of destiny, a teardrop and two triangles, is shot up into the sky. The same symbols which appears on Bellamon's forehead. The mark of Bellamon's forehead begins to glow. Bellamon:BELLAMON CREST DIGIVOLVE TO!!!!! Bellamon's size triples, she grows wings and her fur goes golden. The bell's on her ears disappear and her paws form into hands. She now resembles an Angeowomon (much as i hate to admit it) Pegasusmon crossover. Tsukibellmon:TSUKIBELLMON! Alin:Alriiiiiight! Go Tsukibellmon! Wooooooo! Alin cheers for Tsukibellmon while scooping up fresh digimon and carrying them to safety. Tsukibellmon:MOON CLANG! A large white cresent moon appears in front of Tsukibellmon's hands and she um... fires? shoots? it at Triceramon. The cresent hits Triceramon with a loud bell sounding.. sound ¬.¬ ummm riiight. Triceramon is knocked hard onto the ground. Alin:Want some more? Tsukibellmon:ELECTRIC FORCE! (gee whereEVER did that one come from) A huge blue lightning bolt erupts from the sky and hits Triceramon on the chest sending him flying. He stands and charges Tsukibellmon, catching her off guard. He hits he and she hurtles through the air. Alin:Tsukibellmon! Tsukibellmon de-digivolves to Ringmon, her fresh form in the air. Alin runs and leaps high into the air, catching her and landing hard on her shoulder. Alin gets knocked out from the fall.
  17. CLAMP is a group of 4 goddess (women) who by themselves have manufactured for our eyes Card Captor Sakura, Magic Knights Rayearth, and X among others. These goddesses of anime deserve fullr espect and admiration. I voted for Card Captor Sakura... Yue O.O SEXY!!!!!!!! >.< *drools*
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Duo Maxwell [/i] [B]I luv Firey!! He's soooooo cute! love the fact that its fire *see's candle burning* o_O purdy.... (cough cough) never mind that. Its not on TV anymore where I am [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]*falls off seat in pain from laughing* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Firey is a GIRL!!!!!!!!! o_O'' BWAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA I voted for Firey, but I like all the elemental cards, though in my opinion the best is Storm.[/COLOR]
  19. Pressure

    RPG Characters

    *Alin* She is a chosen child. Her digimon is Bellamon. *Myst* Takeru's girlfriend. *Moon Kiss* Wife of Yue. Long white hair with sparkling blue eyes and is always wearing the diamond necklace made from stars. A goddess. :angel:Sakura Tamano:angel: She's an angel whose sole job is to protect the boy she loves, Yamasuke. *CIC* Honey loving(no literally she eats honey constantly) superheroine who is always goofing things up. *Bellamon* Alin's digimon. *Silent Nobility* Quite possibly my favorite character. An X-Man. She loves Wolverine with every inch of her soul and has Storm's powers.
  20. Alin is drying off in the sunlightwhen she hears a gruff voice behind her. "I can help you with that." A huge fireball is hurled at Alin and narrowly misses her. Alin whips around with Bellamon at her side. Maremon is standing behind them burning up everything nearby. Alin: :rolleyes: Oh come ON! Shiro walks out of the bushes and sees Maremon glaring evily at Alin. Alin waves. Shiro:Um you may want to move, or gt out of the way or something of the sort. Alin:Why? Shiro: Oh, no reason, it's just that Maremon is one of the most dangerous digimon, especially when he's mad. Which I think he is. Alin: *snicker* That's nothing. Bellamon, if you will. *enter corny music* Bellamon:Bellamon digivolve to... Cathedralmon:CATHEDRALMON! Shiro: Do you think she can take Maremon? He's really strong. Maybe I should help. Alin: Don't woooorry! Watch this. Cathedralmon: CAVERNOUS CLANG! A huge purple sound waves knock Maremon off his feet and onto his back with a thud. Alin: -_- Cavernous CLANG Cathedralmon? Cathedralmon:Hey, I don't make the rules. Alin:Uh-huh, well if you please.. get rid of him already. Cathedralmon:RINGING SHOCK! Two huge red cresents hit Maremon hard in the chest, sending him flying into the forest where he disappears. Alin walks vover to Shiro and smirks as Cathedralmon, um, de-digivolves? back into Bellamon. Bellamon runs over to Alin, who piks her up in her arms. Alin:And you where worried. Shiro: :wow: Uh, me? Worried, nope. Was not. Alin: :rolleyes: Right Shiro
  21. Why tampons? b/c my sister is a :butthead: thats why i'd like someunderwear damnitt
  22. Cools Ryoko~Me Mihoshi~Stormwing Washuu~Queen Asuka Everyone else~FREE
  23. Um.. I'm guessing Goku just blew something up.. it looks like it was in a supermarket or something
  24. [COLOR=purple] The forest is warm and wet. The mist is thick but comforting. Alin slips off her shoes and dips her toes into a small creek. Bellamon sneaks up behind her and pushes her face first in. The water is only a foot deep, but Alin is soaked. Alin: :flaming: BELLAMON!!!!!! Her scream echoes through the jungle. Several Birdramon and Biyomon take flight as she screams. The rest of the chosen children hear her. Shiro: :therock: Bellamon bursts through the leaves laughing her head off, follwed by a rabidly angry Alin. Alin trips over a rock and falls into the dust. Alin: -_- Not.. happening! Shiro: :laugh: Alin turns around and picks up the rock without thinking and realizes it isn't a rock at all. Shhe looks at it carefully. It's a small square with rounded edges and has strange markings on it. Alin tucks it away quietly and throws a rock at Bellamon. Bellamon: OW! Hey stop it! Alin: :p [/COLOR]
  25. -_- not another one... God.... don't you see the sticky at the top of the page? these threads are really starting to annoy me... only newbie's do 'em... no offense b/c there are some cool newbies... but give it a rest.. pm the person if yu want to know
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