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Everything posted by Pressure

  1. Dat's de point stormwing... it's based soley on Tenchi Universe.. with the acception of Achika being alive b/c I'm conceited and I think Achika kicks :flasher2:
  2. Barney huh? Oh please :rolleyes: I got that beat by a long mortifying shot This is the ifrst time i've ever told anyone about this... so now I'll tell millions!! When I was 11... my whooooooooole famlily, right down to the 3rd cousins was by the tree when we started opening gifts.. so far my gifts were okay.. a stuffed cat, a cd player... then I got my third gift... from my sister...again with the fact still remaining that my ENITRE FAMILY was present.... A box of tampons... thanks Carrie, I love you too
  3. *Stops hitting Matt* You better remember! *Shoots Matt a death glare* *walks over to Shiro* Alin:What's up?
  4. :angel: Who wants to play? :angel: I'm Ryoko...and Sakuya does not exist... Oh, and Achika (tenchi's mother) is still alive.. anybody? huh? please? Ryoko~DBZChikaGhan Aeka~??? Tenchi~??? Kiyone~??? Washuu~??? Sasami~??? Mihoshi~??? Katsuhito/Yosho~??? Nobayuki~??? Azaka~??? Kimedake~??? ANYBODY CAN JOIN!!!!!! minus Krillen but otherwise ANYBODY CAN JOIN!!!!!!
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] ...I would comment on the amount of spam in the conversation you had with tetsuo....but then I looked at your siggy...and it contains my all time favourite song!!! PAINT IT BLACK! :D [/B][/QUOTE] S-P-A-M.. Yeah it's spam, oh yeah i said it's SPAM!! spaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!
  6. a photo shoot? dont tell me your a model LM!!!!! by the way... better tell Bejiita-san.. yu have some admirers *cough*will2x*cough*
  7. :worried: Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuse me!
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonfire1477 [/i] [B] Matt: :nervous: Alin: :therock: *SMACK* Matt: :blackeye: :drunk: [/B][/QUOTE] *growls* :flaming: You are so thick! NOBODY comes to mind that had white hair and liked to show ff her tummy? Matt: :nervous: Alin: *SMACK*
  9. :eek: Your SHIRT LM!! Do you always dress like that? :confuse2: Damnit.. I wanna be part of Adam's Angels!! By the way Lm... I am forced to agree w/ Transtic... Your brothers are HOTT!!!!! :love: :tasty: :love: :tasty: :love2:
  10. Well one year when I was like 6 I got a Cabbage Patch Doll. At hte time I thought I was waaaaaaaay too cool to play with CPD anymore (we all thought so) so I just hugged her for my mom to see and I without meaning to... I smelled her... she smelled like Vanilla.. that doll never left my side Lesse... Thw book of virtues.. silver lipstick... a bead kit, do you know how long it took to get the beads out of my carpet? but the beest gift... Was my first pair of inline skates..My poor mother.. she was probably beginning to forget what I looked like... I was NEVER home.. always skating with my friends... then they broke :flaming: i was in a pissy mood for literally a month! then she bought me knew ones :D
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]He is asleep... [/B][/QUOTE] Oh.. umm... -.-''' I knew that... eh... *walks away silently*
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B] ~Spyro season of ice ~Golden sun [/B][/QUOTE] 1st off.. you got Golden Sun and I didn't so.. right off the bat.. You SUCK so much butt it isn't even funny... well no not seriously.. but for Spyro season of ice.. he he I got that to.. DO NOT GO INTO THE LAVA FEILDS! OMG it was the first one I ventured into... :nope: not smart :worried: your shoulda seen me.. heres this little blonde girl fiddling with ehr gameboy advanced... Shakira playing in the backround... and then imagine that girl screaming like a banshee at the gameboy.. yeah.. that was me...
  13. Tenchi isn't the only one who can create the light hawk wings... Tenchi can create all three.. Aeka's ship can create all three... I believe Aeka can create one with the help of Azaka and Kimidake Tsunami (the ship) can create all 10... Yosho could create 3... You must have Jurai blood to create them.. and in one of the episodes... it was either Yosho or Katushito... oddly enough they are the same person.. but... he said that if Ryoko ever DID get all three gems.. she would be far more powerful than all 10 of the lighthawk wings.
  14. Ever got a gift you reeeeeeeally didn't like.. but the person who gave it to you was right there so you couldn't say anything? Ugh.. I got this awful book thisyear.. the "Book of Virtues" It had a gift card inside so it was okay.. but I don't think I'll ever read the book...
  15. Thanks but.. I didn't need help.. you see... I met this guy..his name is Gohan.. and I've never made the Nice List since... :tasty:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B] [COLOR=red]I don't like Chocolate.. ... ... lol but i guess you can play anyway.... btw Thank ya LM! [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah!!! You know like chocolate? :flaming: jk,,. not one of my favorites either.. thats why I was giving it away.. okay so then.. um.. how about this? *Sticks out her hand* *Is holding a poster of Shakira autographed by Shakira* will this work? hope so *nibbles on a chocolate caramel*
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink][b *Lord of the Rings book because I want to read it before I see the movie[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] SEE THE MOVIE!!!!! Take it from someone who has read the book! SEE THE MOVIE AND BURN THE BOOK!!! Unless you have read each and EVERY J.R.R. Tolkien book.. you will be so lost! The book is horribley hard to follow and horribley hard to stick with.. I wouldn't have read it except it was a school requirement.. OMG the WORST month of my life! the book is really awful to read... not pleasure reading at all.. the book is VERY hard to understand
  18. [COLOR=purple]FINE! Grrrr Hay Dios Mio! If I can't bw obsessed with Takeru... which is gonna make me a *****... then I'll be obsesesed wtih Shiro.. I'll be one of his only friends... he said he looks like Gohan, so it's all good... Name:Alin Tahaishi Sex:Female Crest: Destiny Appearence:White hair, yes that's right, white with thin purple streaks, blue eyes, has two freckles on her left cheek *nudges Matt* sound farmiliar? Height: 5'5" Age:14 Weight:Um.. she won't tell me Description:Is always wearing low rise jeans with studded sides and a white shirt with a wing painted on the front She isn't dumb okay? She's not Mimi. She is reliable, repectful, honest, cunning, dangerous, fast, smart, responsible and independent. Digimon: *see previous post*[/COLOR]
  19. One word sums this up completely... Toriyama Honestly, Akira Toriyama has one hell fo a sense of humor.. you REALLY know this if you watch the DBZ episodes on the International Channel... Toriyama did that so that we will want to watch the episode when they aren't in the middle of battle
  20. Got to [URL=http://www.bestanime.com]BEST ANIME[/URL] they have literally EVERY anime ever created
  21. *nods head* That's rigght Shy, just keep telling yourself that... [COLOR=deeppink]*Mimi walks over and kisses Shyguy* Still say you don't like me?[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Your really evil Alice... me likes[/COLOR] :love: :babble: Muahaha!! I had to do that Did you catch the names of them? The two green haired girlswere Mami and Annie the Android, the pink one was Reiko... and the girl with blue hair was Kiyomi who were the other two? Gino ad Sagano were the two robots.. remember the toher one's names?
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] I gotta GCN controller Pikmin for GCN the guide for luigi's mansion (for GCN) [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] *plops down next to Cloud* I wanna play! Can I play? I'll give you chocolate! *hands cloud a box of chocolate* *catches candy from LM in her mouth*
  23. ~Spyro Season of Ice :devil: yes! ~Advanced Wars alright! ~Adorable(tiny) pink pajamas ~A shirt with a cat on it ~Pants never let your mother shop for your pants ~An Old Navy gift certificate :excited: I love Old Navy ~A book of Virtues :therock: Is my family trying to say something with this? ~A globe charm (my mom stole mine) :freak: ~Three CD's -Briteny :nope: -Shakira :love: very good CD! -Incubus heh heh heh I wanted it really badly ~A CD case ~Choclates :tasty: ~A really big candle ~One of those shaking head dogs -_- (im running out of emoticons) ~A Sorry game ~Camera film Allt his and I haven't even been to my aunt's house yet, she spoils me rotten :devil: *grabs 5 of LM's candy bags and runs like a bat outta hell*
  24. HAHAHAAA that was good... but why was Duo shirtless in the beginning?! :therock:
  25. I liked it too.. the sub-titles were very helpful.. and the nudity was breif so I didn't really mind.. What's this about thinking that a cartoon is attractive is wrong? *COUGH*Mimi*COUGH*
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