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Everything posted by Pressure

  1. [I]Walks in from destroying the forest and stretches. She sees Matt walking down the hall towards her.[/I] Nobility:Uh oh, here comes Matt, apparently he doesn't like to talk to me so... [I]Turns around and starts to walk away[/I]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by peewee1623 [/i] [B]I SWEAR TO ALL OF YOU WHO READ THIS!! 3 years ago when the pokemon games started coming out, I had purchased a PKMN Blue..and I finally got to Lavender Town. I went into the place to get Mr.Fuji and on my way to the top, at about the third floor, I swear I had found an Eevee! I can guarentee you that the game had a HUGE glitch there, and yet I still got ANOTHER Eevee from Celadon. Cool, eh? P.S.-I DID NOT USE GAMESHARK/GAME GENIE/ ANY OTHER CHEAT DEVICE. [/B][/QUOTE] mine was in Celadon.. and it took me several hours to figure out HOW THE **** TO GET OUT OF CELADON.. but i made mine a Vaporean
  3. well i um.. yes, yes Cloud, yes
  4. otay, that's just icky, and nasty, and dear gods i was EATING!
  5. that works for me ;D ---------------------------------- Silent Nobility:Gawd, this isn't working for me. [I]Silent Nobility walks and finds Pro.X[/I] Silent Nobility:Pro.X? Pro X:Yes? Silent Nobility:Okay, Wolverine doesn't seem to want to speak to me... and I already needed to blow off some steam, so is there a forest or something nearby that, well, isn't of great importance and wouldn't be missed? Pro. X:I understand, yes, a few miles west there is a lake, if you just pass it slightly, you'll find a forest. It it's all yours. Silent Nobility: *smile* Thanks professor [I]Silent Nobility walks away[/I]
  6. Krillen or as I know him, Eric's brother got hired by the company who makes the Dragonball (i think he said Dragonball) Z and Final Fantasy action figures. This means that he will get to see the new models, before they come out. And since Eric-san wuvs me sooooo much, he will (he better if he values living)show them to me too!! His brother is reeeeeeally good!!I have a piece of his work. Krillen had him draw it for my birfday!! So sweet!!
  7. Wow, that's a really good idea. *laughs* figures DBZ is first. Other plantes/worlds, um... How about Card Captor Sakura or Slayers? One lil thing.. um one of your characters name is Genki, and it's the Genki Squad right? That roughly translates to The How Are You Squad... just thought you mihgt want to know that, good Idea though, if you need anyhelp, let me know
  8. Silent Nobility:Matt? Please tell me what I've done wrong, have I dont anything wrong?
  9. The avatars are starting to looks better than the ppl, Transtic and Seph. are the bst examples!! Just kidding
  10. [I]Silent Nobility walks away to find Matt. She finds him patching up his shirt where Nightcrawler tore it. His wounds were long since healed.[/I] Nobility:Um, Matt? Matt:Yeah what? Nobility:Is there something I have done wrong?
  11. *Silent Nobility wakes up in the infirmary* Nobility: Oh gawd, my head. Uuuunhhhh *Silent Nobility gets up and walks off to find Moon* Nobility*after finding Moon*:Hey wait a sec... Moon:What? Nobility:Is something wrong? The winds have changed, what's going on? Moon: Oh yeah, you've have missed a lot.. Nobility:Such as? Moon: Here we go, Wolverine killed Juggernaught, but it wasn't Juggernaught, it was Mystique, Nightcrawler's mother, and Sean is spacing out constantly, Cyclops destroyed a mountain, Cyclops freaked out when I told him that my name was Sil, and well thats about it I think... Nobility:I see...
  12. SNobility(i like this abb. THANX MOON!!): Oh god, come on! this is stupid! Moon is saving people that last i checked didn't need saving, and Cyclops over there hit... once... Moon:So what do you propose to genius? Any bright ideas? Snobility:Yeah.. actually :smirk: *Silent Nobility summons a HUGE thunder and lightning storm and um "throws" it, for lack of a better word, how about directs it, at Juggernaught* Juggernaught: uh oh.. *Gets struck by lightning and seriously fried* *Juggernaught falls to the ground* Cyclops:Wow, that was nice.. Nightcrawler:You guys, whats wrong with SN? *Everyone looks up at SN* SN:mm..hmmmm rrrr *Tries to stay consciousness* *Starts to fall out of mid-air* *Was at about 500-800 feet* *Still falling* *Wolverine is closest*
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] That's a good thing! There shouldn't be any earrings at all! They're evil! I hate them! Link should not wear earrings! Agh! [/B][/QUOTE] I got my ears peirced when I was 12, Im now 13, and I had to let mine close up. Infections. But I didn' t hate them or blame the earring, I knew it was my fault b/c I didn't clean them enough, and I wasn't and probably am still not mature enough to except the responsibility of having earrings. So when I am ready, I'll get them re-peirced, but until then, i'll be content with my ears. But why don't you like earrings?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B]now where are YOU confused?[QUOTE] I'm confused as TO WHY NO ONE WILL TELL ME HOW MUCH THE FING THINGS WERE!!!!!!
  15. Silent Nobility:Oh damnit! The chick fight got outta hand! *Flies off after Wolverine and Cyclops* *Lands silently next to Cyclops* Silent Nobility:Let 'em have it! *Silent Nobility summons a rain and lightning storm behind Juggernaught* Alright.. um.. *blushes and sweatdrop* may i ask, what can this, um Juggernaught thing do? that would make this RPG a hell of a lot easier!! ^.^;;;
  16. *To Leona* Silent Nobility & Moon:STAY AWAY FROM MATT!! Leona:EEP!!:eek: Matt:Oh here we go again -_-
  17. *Silent Nobilitiy's eye's go an icy bluishwhite and the pupil fully disappears* Matt:I didn't want this to happen.. fine *Claws come out* Matt:Ready? *Launches self at SN* Moon:WHOOO-HOO! GO MATT!! *dances* *Silent Nobility summons a wind storm and throws Wolverine back* Silent Nobility:Take that! *Wolverine is about to hit a rather LARGE tree* Nightcrawler:AWW god damnit! Come on! *Teleports and saves Wolverine before he hits the tree* *Silent Nobility stops and comes back to the ground* *Moon throws SN a dirty look* Moon:You could have hurt him!! *Moon runs over to Matt* Moon:OH WOLVERINE! Are you okay?! Nightcrawler:He's fine! Go away Moon! Moon:But- I.. Silent Nobility:You heard him Moon Face *Silent Nobility summons the wind and picks Moon up, carrying her about 20 feet from Nightcrawler and Wolverine and sets her down lightly* Moon:Why you! *Moon takes off her gloves and runs at SN* Silent Nobility:Child's play.. humph! *Silent Nobility turns her head up at Moon and floats into the air out of Moon's reach* Moon:Get down here! Nightcrawler:Silent Nobility! Come down here now! Silent Nobility: (shocked) What? Oh fine! *floats down next to Nightcrawler* Silent Nobility:Look I'm sorry.. it's just tha- *Nightcrawler raises his hand for silence* Nightcrawler:I understand where you lost your temper. That goes for you too Wolverine. Let's just focus on the current task. I'm actually happy you got this out of your system. Now I don't have to worry about arguing in the future. Both of you appoligise, and let's do what we are supposed to okay? *Silent Nobility silently nods her head and walks over to Wolverine* *Silent Nobility extends her arm to help Wolverine up* Silent Nobility:No hard feelings? *smile* Wolverine:None what so ever *smirk*
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B] Question: Why can there be more than one Storm, but only one Nightcrawler, eh? ;) [/B][/QUOTE] *thinks* um probably b/c one is a girl (meeee!!!!) and one is a boy, im pretty sure the other Storm is a boy.. right? SS Trunks~Deary pie, um it's Stryker, not Strider, Stryker, and only MATT GETS TO CALL ME STRYKER!! anyone ELSE calls me Stryker they are gonna have to deal with a full on ice storm go it? Death Knight~FANK YOU! HE SAID NIGHTCRAWLER SAID I WOULD BEAT MOON! HE SPOKE THE TRUF!! YEAAASS!!!! *glares at moon and sticks out tounge* phhhhhhh! Stryker:Matt!!you.. you.. I .. but.. *tear eyed* you don't love me anymore! HOW DARE YOU LET MOON WIN!! Matt:Well, I'm about the fighting not the loving Silent Nobility:Oh FINE! It's on!!
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B] Hmm.... I take it you know him in real life. No? [/B][/QUOTE] Hai, I must admit it, (even though i've said it several times on the board in misc. places) i guess yu just didn't see one, oh well, not yur fault, but yes, i regretablly inform you, it makes my heart heavy to say, hai, i know the pervy bunny that is Krillen, call him Eric, it bugs him b/c he wishes he was a strong as Krillen,... and had 18 XD!!!
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i] [B]A lot of people here don't look like I imagine them, altough I imagine Krillien as a short bald man... [/B][/QUOTE] AHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! *dies* Krillen? A ... short... bald.. MAN?! AHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! *insane laughter* No no noooooo.. ahahaaaaa.. *sides start tu hurt* OWWWW.. i uh.... ahhaaaaaa.. no no.. can..t must.. stop... oww. ahaaaaaa no.. noo.noo *types through laughter tears*. Krillen is a 14yr old, with brown-ish blonde hair and horrible fashion sense *shudders* that likes to scare ppl by sneaking up on them and barking really loudly in their ear.. *looks around* WHAT?! don't ask.. -.- short.. blad.. man.. AHAAAAAAAA!!!!!! i am going to die!!! im gonna tease him so bad! bwarharharhar!!!!!
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B] Moon: So, what are the teams? [/B][/QUOTE] Stryker:Simpleton Moon:WHAT DID YOU SAY!!?? Stryker:I called you a simpleton.. didn't you hear Nightcrawler? I'M WITH MATT!! Ken & Shadow:*clear their throats* Stryker:A-heh-heh-heh, oh yeah, them too, I'm with MATT!!, Shadow, MATT!!, Ken, and oh yeah, MATT!! Matt:Why am I sensing there is some tension here over me?
  22. Moon just cant stand the fact that Matt likes me better!! haha!! Moon:Shut up! I do not! I mean! He does not! I mean.. um.. RAAAAAAR!! Stryker:XP haha!!!!!!
  23. Silent Nobility:Okay, the name isn't Stryker you all! *evil glares* Everyone xcept Moon:EEP! Moon:Stryker fits better Silent Nobility:Oh your just jealous you couldn't come up with something as thought arousing as mine Moon Face Moon:Shut up! Moon Chaser is sooooo way better than Silent Nobility! Silent Nobility:I'm not even going there Matt:Gawd Moon! Your acting like a 7 year old! At least Stryker, I mean Silent Nobility had the maturity to stop at name comparisons! Grow up! Your in high school! Silent Nobility:OOh thank you Matt!! *huggles Matt's arm* Matt:Um.. uh *sweatdrop* *embarressed blushes and smiles* *Silent Nobility:*Sticks out tounge at Moon* phhhhhhh! Moon: :flaming: :demon: :flaming: :demon: :mad: she... did.. not ... go.. there... Nightcrawler:Oh god, fine! Stryker, uh Silent Nobility, uh whatever your name is.. Silent Nobility:Matt liked Stryker better right? *bats eyelashes at Matt* Matt:Um, I uh, sure,, uh,, uh-huh Moon: :flaming: Nightcrawler:Fine, Stryker, your with Matt, now can we go? Stryker:*still holding Matt's arm* Works for me, let's go *saunters out of room giving Moon the LOSER sign behind Matt's back* Moon: WHy.. I aughta!! Sean:Whoa whoa whoa! no.. no.. no.. let's not do that.. um, come on we gotta go Stryker:Loser, *walks away with Ken, Shadow, and Matt, still huggling his arm*
  24. Shrek, Princess Fiona, Donkey, and the big pink Dragon thing walk into the middle of this fighting mess of Tellitubies, barney and little kids Princess Fiona:Ya'll have sinned every child show there is!! Well the popular ones anyways! shame! Shrek:Well, they did leave out one.. Donkey & Fiona:Which one?! Shrek:*turns to the dragon* I'll need a light.. *Dragon does a small flame so Shrek can light a small, blue, stuffed animal on fire* Shrek:Blue's Clues!! *Shrek chucks flaming Blue dolls at the Tellitubbies*
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