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Everything posted by Pressure

  1. *takes deep breath* Alright, I see where the connection is lacking, the gap, obviously none of you HAVE GBA, and thats okay! Look, games from GB and GBC work on GBA, there is no SPECIAL cartridge made for GBA, i just wanna now how much they were
  2. riiiiiiiiiiight um anyways... yeah how can yu blame me and call me rude things for such things as that i didn't know Kaoishin could use I.T. yur probably bipolar, may wanna get that checked out
  3. *Silent Nobility walks into the breifing room* Silent Nobility:Okay! The sophmore class's best is here! So what are we doing? Nightcrawler:Took you long enough, who are you? Silent Nobility:Sorry! You'd think by my second year I'd know how to get here, my bad! Anyways, I'm Alisu, I'm from Beverly Hills, You can call me Silent Nobility though, wait, strike that, you better call me Silent Nobility Nightcrawler:Figures, snitty lil rich girl, should have known you'd pick a long name like silent Nobility. But I like your lingo, I'll call you Stryker Silent Nobility:Whatever floats your boat blue boy, now what are we doing? *Leans against wall twirling hair while waiting*
  4. [B]Name:[/B]Arisu (Ah-lee-sue) Tamano [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Grade Level:[/B] Sophmore [B]Powers:[/B] Storm's [B]Weakness:[/B] okay, here's where I change it, It won't be me being physically weak, it'll be that when I call a BIG BIG storm, I may get dizzy and faint [B]Bio:[/B] Okay, She/I will have white hair w/ blue streaks down to my back, straight. Blue eyes with purple flecks. She's pretty much a rich girl who didn't like being pampered 24/7. So she left. As is ther fact that she has storm's power, she flew away. She couldn't stand it anymore and so she took a small amount of money, enough to support herself on, and left. Now she has joined the X-Men to show that not all rich girls are prissy snots. Has a bit of a 'tude.
  5. Honey I pray for you. The God and the Goddess will watch over you. I know they will. I will pray for you. Best of Luck sweet stuff. It'll all work out. Do your best and it will all work out babes. Dood wuck. Blessed be. ~Alice
  6. Otay here we go... Seph:OMG!! HAHAHA !! nice pic!! though yes, i must admit, I thought yu really looked like Seph. >D!!! Cam:Cool effects, but ya' can't really see yur face NA:You look like an older version of Frankie Munez (sp) TN:*falls of chair* OMG!! O.O;;; your a hottie!!!! *copies and pastes silently* Pan: Don't post yur picture, Krillen(Eric) is a pervy bunny GLN:Well, um, hmm, I thought yu looked, um, 8.. srry.. I figured yu were like 22-23, but yu said the pic was old and um, friend rattlesnake?! ewwwwww LM:AAAWWWWW!!! Sweetie your adorable!! Perfect match for Bejiita-san! Red hair seems to work with black much better than Burmua's blue hair does!! yeah!! Ya'll really dun wanna see my picture, it is so awful!! I was really pissed and it was 7th grade and.. poodly-hair and.. oh no, oh deary lord no
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B] No your not good, you suck infact, your a dumb ***!!!! ok let me explain a few things to you stupid idiots.(not you forte, just dbzchikabitch and deathknight. First of all, this is an rpg and i can make vegeta do the kamehameha if he wants ok!!!!??? and trenkoten is trenkoten because goten and trunks fused with the ear rings, not the dance, its a different thing idiot. and idiot, we can wish the earth back with the dragonballs duhh!!! trust me i know what im doing!! and when was everyone fighting in space you dumb ****!? goku teleported everyone to the kai planet ok? gohan and shin went along with them. and dont make krillen the weak one!!! your just ebing this way cause you just got back from your vacation. i made you a copy of bulma, and bra so be happy!!! [/B[/QUOTE] Fine, you know what? I quit. Find yourself another Gohan. This RPG sucks anyways! Half the people here dont even know what you are talking about. Forte still think's Gotenks or Trotenkten or whatever is still absorbed, kool-aid forgot she was Shin, you've killed everybody, You didn't inform us that Goku teleported to Shin's planet, You didn't even tell us WHAT planet was Shin's, you have lacked to tell us which of Toriyama's rules you have changed, such as Vegeta *magically* learning the Kame Hame Ha out of no-where, or that somehow in a matter of like 5 mins, Kaoishin has learned instant-transmission, and now Buu has too, ya' didn't tell us that Kururrin and Gohan could fly, or as yu said, "come along" to Kaoishin's planet, meaning that somehow they have developed a new ability to breathe in outer space. Your not telling us crucial things here. You can't wish back earth without dragonballs. Yeah, you could use the Namek's dragonballs, but yu seem to have forgotten that in the Freezer saga, Namek went boom, it was destroyed and they have re-located to a new planet. Only Goku has been there to get Dende, so how would Kaoishin know where it was? Actually, screw that, I don't care. I quit. Find another Gohan.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B]Do you mean Oracle Of Ages, Oracle Of Seasons or Link's Awakening? Those are the only Zelda games for the GB, and there aren't any for the GBA. [/B][/QUOTE] Doesn't matter, all cartridges, for GB and GBC work on GBA Well, i personally *blushes* know absolutely NOTHING about Zelda xcept that Link is an elf trying to , from what i've heard, um.. isn't he supposed to save Zelda, and Zelda's a Princess.. riight? And i know he runs around the woods with a sword collecting *things* and uses magical thinger-ma-bobbers and spells to uh.. oh gar i dun know anythin about it. But for a breif like 5 mins. I played the actual Game, not the GB version, and it was pretty fun.. so uh.. yeah
  9. [COLOR=purple]*backs slowly away from GinnyLyn* O.O;;; I hate math! really! i do!! Though I must say, It is useful, I'll PROBABLY need it as a lawyer, maybe, um I dun know, but I truly hate it. I was all happy to find out i got a C+ in math. My previous math grades were, well, yeeeeeeeaaaaaah. ANYWAYS... ya'll may hate math, i dotoo, i despise it, but we hafta know it. If you slack off and doodle in class or space out (me learned his the hard way) your grades go waaay down and your lost for good in math. I used to be an all GT (gifted and talented) student. But then 6th grade years i never payed attention and never did my homework, so now instead of being in 6 GT classes, im in 2. They call it *Parallel GT* . Ah it just buters us up so we think we're still smart. So pay attention in algebra! I hated it! Still do! But ya' gotta know it![/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=purple]*punches self* *hard* OOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!! gar!! i missed it!!! damn, that really hurt *rubs cheek* im gonna hafta watch it this Saturday! I better not miss it cuz if i do *punches self again* OWWWW[/COLOR]
  11. Okie-dokie, a few lil things b4 i start.. Krillen-dumbass, you DO know Vegeta CAN'T perform the Kame Hame Ha, right? STUUUUPID!! It's called final flash hon, and it's yellow, same strength really,.. i think.. DK will know, but he physically can NOT do the Kame Hame Ha. Treknoten or whatever-Where the hell did this come from?!!! try Gotenks next time shall we? The whole Earth blowie upy thing-Do you really think Shin & Krillen & Gohan's weak asses would survive? that's what i thought Again with the whole fighting in out-space-thing-um.. dude.. none of them have Freeza genes, that would be Cell, if you recall, humans, saiyins, nameks, and whatever the hell Kaoishin is, they can't breathe/live in space baka ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gohan:Oh good job ya'll Earth is gone. Way to go. Videl is dead *snaps finger* *sarcastically* Oh damn. That means Mr.Satan is gone too. HO HOO! Sephiroth is gonna kick [I]your[/I] butts!! hahahaa Bejiita:Baka, your mother and friends are gone too.. stupid Gohan:My mother? oh yeah.. hadn't thought of that *shuts eyes* Trunks:*sweatdrop* Goten:Hey Gohan.. Gohan:yeah? *opens one eye* *raises eyebrow* Goten: Doesn't that mean that your special friend, that you warned us not to tell Videl about, Alice-chan is gone? *Gohan goes SSJ4* *yes you all, I realize Gohan CAN'T go SSJ4, it's an RPG, get over it* *Gohan does a Kame Hame Ha at Buu* *catching on (finally) Bejiita does a final flash and Goku does a Kame Hame Ha* *Kururrin does his weak *** attempt at the Kame Hame Ha* *Bejiita, Gohan, Goku, Kaoishin, Trunks, Piccolo, and Goten burst out laughing* Kururrin:What? Buu:OWWWWW! BUU HURT! BUU HURT! owwww!! Bobitty:AAAH!! YOU WRETCHED HUMANS! YOU HURT MY PET! Bejiita: Dude, we are saiyins *author laughs at the thought of Bejiita saying dude* Bobitty:Oh whatever! You hurt him!!! *starts spell to fix Buu* Gohan: Don't think so.. *Does ki-blast and stops Bobitty* Bejiita:*with one eyebrow raised and one eyes open* Hey Bobitty, why not run along with your little pink sex toy, and do blow up your own planet *All the Z warriors & Kaoishin double over in tears* *Everyone on the boards doubles over in tears* *Cock-eyed* Alice:Am I good or what?
  12. [COLOR=purple]oh that just f'ing gross!! [/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]aight, i did NOT wanna do this, i wasn't gonna, but the silverware in the butt *evil glare at kool-aid*, that just did it in for ya'll[/COLOR] *goes SSJ2* *picks up mysterious plastic box* -everyone whispering- what's in there? wtf? what is she doin? *evil laugh* *takes garbage pin out of pocket* *puts on nose* *lifts lids* *rank smell fills room* *imdiate (sp) death glares at Kool-aid* -Kool-aid-..eep! *more evil laughing* *powers up again* *launches into a full on attack* *chucks icky-moldy-stinky-way-too-old-vile-toxic-holy-sh*t-that-smells-40-year-old-health-destroying-deadly-smelling-CHEESE!!! at everyone* -DBZChikaGhan-and now.. it's all over.. *smiles*
  13. Sketches 1.Head Shape & Neck 2.Shoulders & Chest (male and female) 3.Torso & Waist 4.Hips (gar!!! bad!!) 5.Legs (thighs & knees & shins) 6.Ankles & Feet (aaah!!!!) 7.Eyes 8.Mass erasing and re-drawing of eyes 9.Continual erasing and re-drawing of eyes 10.Nose (so easy) 11.Mouth 12.Eyebrows (it took me 6 months into drawing anime that the reason all my pictures looked so f*cked up was b/c i never added eyebrows ^.^) 13.Clothes (none of you have said you added clothes O.O;;) 14.Final erasing of eyes and much groaning as I draw them one last time 15.Hair 16.Erasing of guidelines 17.Color 18.Mass boasting, evil laughing, flaunting of picture, and such to make all my peers (and art teachers) jealous (especially you Krillen!! >D!!!!) A picture that means something or is supposed to come out well 1.Circles & Tubes (god above I hate doing these!! my pictures come out a billion times better, but they take so firking long!) 2.Clothes 3.Detail 4.Face 5.Erase guidelines 6.Erase & re-draw eyes 7.Repeating of #7 like eight more times 8.Groaning, and re-drawing person w/ completely different clothes 9.Color 10.Touch-ups 11.Un-dying un-satisfaction as I realize it still sucks 12.Getting over #11 13.Mass boasting, evil laughing, self congratulation, flaunting of picture, and such to make make all my peers (and art teachers) jealous!! >D!! 14.Congratulating myself 15.Re-peating a hundred thousand times "God DAMN I'm good! Hell yeah Alice!"
  14. Money- [COLOR=purple]HAI!!!!!! HAI! HAI! HAI![/COLOR] Power- [COLOR=purple]dude, if you got $$$ you got power![/COLOR] Intelligence- [COLOR=purple]got that already[/COLOR] Beauty- [COLOR=purple]see previous statement *looks in mirror* *kiss* god your beautiful ^.^;;;[/COLOR] Health- [COLOR=purple]agggh.. sick currently, but my immune system will kill this bugger in half the time it takes a normal person :devil:[/COLOR] Happy/Good night's sleep- [COLOR=purple]heh heh heh whaada' ya mean? my mom has to bang drums and cymbals to wake me up at all!! >D[/COLOR] Love/respect by others- [COLOR=purple]Hai, this is a must[/COLOR] Immortal- [COLOR=purple]If I have undying love, then why do I need to need to live forever? I know the love will outlast me, so, I'm good, [/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]In case you didn't get that, I chose 1 & 7[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=purple]um... I uh.. ehhh *whines*[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]um, Alice and I got lost on step ... 2... [/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]shaddap... i did not! it was step 3!!!![/COLOR] [COLOR=green]my bad[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]genius[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]anyways..[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]right.. oh yeah, um, I Do Swear, That In My Career As A Professional Actress, I Will Never Need To Figure Out X=Y[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]that was beautiful[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]thank you[/COLOR]
  16. it's god except two fings 1.Doesn't he have an earring in his right, note i said HIS right ear 2.might wanna bring his ears down a little farther
  17. [COLOR=purple]anyone have the Zelda for Gameboy Advanced? It works on a regular gameboy and on Gameboy Color, it's the same cartridge? anyone have it? How much was it?[/COLOR]
  18. i don have them, but aside from Ryoko's sailor mouth and te bath scenes, not too much is cut out
  19. Mamano dearest. hehehe Yes I have seen movies 1-3. It isn't a series, so there r no episodes, it is a collection of 6 movies about Yohko Mano who becomes a Mamano Hunter after her Grandmother or hubatsima tells her before she gets steamy w/ Osamu :love: i wuv Osamu! hotts! :blush: anyways :blush: Yohko gets her partner, Azusa in movie two. Her best friend Chi ish her *advisor* we'll say. Yohko doesn't really have a "supsense" theme persay, but it's rather violent.
  20. thats nutitn, in Maryland, there is actually a town called "Yocum Town" get it?:devil:
  21. 1.Become a Goddess 2.Buy dancing flying oragutans to shut ssj tunks 7 up 3.loose weight 4.buy skin-tight pants and where a pink thong outside like briteny 5.kidnap Gohan 6.kidnap Takeru 7.kidnap Yamato 8.do ungodly things to Gohan :devil: 9.do ungodly things to Takeru 10.do ugodly things to Yamato 11.throw away pink thong and buy blue one 12.learn to fly 13.learn to speak japanese 14.find out what no me digas means (okay i lie, i know what it mean) 15.kill the taco bell dog 16.conquer rhode island 17.kick Osama Bin Laden ***** 18.eat world supply of pie 19.eat world supple of cool whip 20.destroy all remnants of miracle whip 21.find out where the ninja turtles went 22.buy the power rangers NON-SPANDEX outfits 23.figure out something to do for number 23 24.destory any and everything pertaining to Videl or Hikari 25.buy the all-digimon channel 26.buy the all-dragonball z channel 27.create number 25 & 26 28.buy the Sum 41 cd 29.sleep 30.draw 31.get evil patamon 32.move into the digital world 33.molest JC 34.conquer hell 35.shove pole up mr.satan's *** 36.tell the eternal dragon i wish for a slurpee from 711 37.figure out what the 6 dots on kurriurins head are 38.buy Roshi a blow-up doll 39.capture Vegeta and deliver him *cough*naked*cough* to Lady Macaoidh's door 40.shorten list 41.try and get an A in math 42.stop world hunger, by feeding myself 43.go potty 44.eliminate mental illnesses & disabilities 45.watch Hercules (disney's version) until my eyes bleed 46.figure out if eyes can bleed 47.buy cape 48.get some kick *** leather knee high boots in blue 49.deliver Gohan in tight leather to myself for my birthday 50.convince self that everyday is my birthday :devil:
  22. HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *chucks extremly large pineapple at guards* :demon: You gotta know better than to try and tie this Chika up!!! :devil: *races back with everyone to cafeteria* Whoa ypou guys, we really made a mess.. let's start cleaning this u -smack- *OWWWWWWWWWWW *rubs head* *looks at floor* A moldy apple? oh hellllllllllll no! *throws mad pineapples at Duo* WANNA GO ANOTHER ROUND?! *throws frozens pizza's at everyone* DESTRUCTO-DISK!!!!!!!!
  23. Pressure


    [COLOR=purple]Otay lesse, only a bajillion bands[/COLOR] Pop ~~~ *Nsync (mah lovie ish JC) BSB (classic boy-band trash) Briteny Spears (she may be a slut, but I love her music!) Christinia Aguleria (okay, weirdness here, my worst enemy got Christinia to be my favorite female pop singer) Toya(love her song) Janet Jackson (classic!) Micheal Jackson (anyone who does a duet w/ a sibling AND puts anime in his 6 million dollar video has my vote!) Hanson (otay i'll come out of the closet, i have a ravaging love 4 Tay-chan):bawl: Christinia Milian(somebody hit the lights!) Myself:blush: Rock ~~~ Fleetwood Mack (dear gods i love them!!) Aerosmith(see previous statement) The Beatles (nyar nyar nyar) SUM41!!!!!!(im a ravaging CONE!!!!! fan) KUFUFFIN!!! No Doubt Nickleback GODSMACK! LINKIN PARK! many more Japanese ~~~~~~ Anything from Sailor Moon! Trance ~~~~ Eifel 65 and more! Rap ~~~ Nelly (#1!) DMX (remember, same girl who listed Hanson!) Jay Z on and off EVE 112 Fabilis(sp) Petey Pablo(ya gods he's funny!!!!) Overall-past-present-future-fave-artist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AARON CARTER!!!!!! OMG!! BISHIE MY AGA LOOKS LIKE GOHAN XCEPT WITHOUT THE FOOT HIGH HAIR!! HOLY SHIZNICK IS HE HOTT!!!!!:love:
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B:) i drew a funny sketch of vegita with a tutu on .. :excited: :laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]oh good god, there go my grades.. that is all im gonna be doing in school tommorow, drawing the Z warriors in tutu's and Videl as an ugly-*** hick.. wait she already is.. oops.. but the tutu kam.. oh dear lord.. here we go[/COLOR]
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