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Everything posted by Pressure

  1. i liked the first gohan the best XD
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]Are you up to that shyguy? If so this is what I reccomend, do tenchi and digimon weekly, and general anime everyday. sooo...... Digimon on thursdays Tenchi on fridays and General Anime everyday. sound good? Ok Transtic is making this sticky so that more people will join, but only for a few days he will, so we need members quick, and once the few days are over then we will start.! Stardust:General Discussion Duo God of Death:Gundam Wing Krillen:Games and Stories Fish:Final Fantasy Shy Guy:General Anime/Tenchi/Digimon Pharoah:Dragonball Spots are still Open guys! [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=purple]*takes deep breath* *tries to calm self down* Otay, I obviously haven't beat this into his head enuf. I am the reporter for The Digimon Section. Have been for a while now dear. I pmed Startdust directly, and since she's the creator and Krillen only the co-creator, I bewieve she'd know what positions were open, and please, Eric-sama, darling, get it through yur thick skull, the name is DBZChikaGhan, not ChikaGhan, DBZChikaGhan, it's not hard sweetie, just three little letters more. And the abbreviation is DBZChika if that's what yu meant. So I'm sorry babe, but I'm the Digimon Section Reporter, and the name is DBZChikaGhan k?[/COLOR]
  3. dude they were advertising for it WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back in like friggin 2000!!!!! i dun think it'll come out cu of our loss of Aaliyah
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pikeon [/i] [B]heres my second entry [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/vt/dbzandzelda64/DBZpics2/fanart/Brolly8.art]My second entry[/URL] [/B][/QUOTE] *wonders if besides Pikeon there is any human alive who can't tell that that drawing isn't his* [COLOR=purple]Oh well, guess not[/COLOR] *flys away to look for Gohan*
  5. Okay I'm back, I sent those two to their rooms i.e. My bedroom :angel: Anyways, more faves... TV-Zoids(Its growing on me) Tenchi Muyo(Ryoko-san!) Movies-Mononoke Hime, Girl From Phantasia(pure and total fluff), Mamano Hunter Yhoko(ye gods I love these!),Tenchi Muyo In love
  6. Tv-My faves a.. [COLOR=green]Ah hell ya had to go and get her started, ack! ah well here we go!![/COLOR] Anyways... >o Tv-Outlaw Star(AISHA!!)DBZ(GOHAN-KUN!!:love: ) [COLOR=green]HEY!![/COLOR] um whoops, sorry... [COLOR=royalblue]WHAADA-YA-MEAN HEY?[/COLOR] *ki blast from Gohan* *Takeru narrowly misses* [COLOR=green]Patamon! Kick his ***![/COLOR] *insert cheesy music* Digimon, digital mosters, Digimon are the champions... [COLOR=orange]Patamon digivolve to.. ANGEMON![/COLOR] Aww damn, here we go... --.-- what have i started? ¬.¬;;;
  7. *whizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* *DBZChika hears something come flying at her* [B]S-P-L-A-T!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/B] *DBZChika gets hit in face with moldy-tapioca* *Everyone in cafeteria stops and looks at DBZChika with wide eyes* *total silence* DBZChika-grrrr..rr...rrrrrr... OH HELLLLLLLLLLLLL F*CKING NO!!!!!!!! IT IS ON IN THIS CAFETERIA! RIGHT NOW BABY! RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! *hurls pineapples at everyone* Duo to Pan-Where the hell did she get [I]pineapples[/I] from?! Pan-Beats, me.. OH NO LOOK OUT!! *ducks as extremly large pineapple whizzes pat Duo & Pan's head* SMACK!!!!!! *pineapple hits Krillen square in the face* DBZChika-There you go, doggie:devil:
  8. ya gotta put addicted on there.. then i'll vote
  9. lesse.. i've been liking DBZ since.. like forever.. addicted? I became adicted the second Gohan-chan went SSJ2 ^.^
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]Good idea, Not to bragg but i think i rule at drawing dbz stuff, if only i could get my scanner hooked up!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] poor baby is just pissed that im better than him :D
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]i also know that he turns people like chi-chi into cookies & candy bars & eats them. [/B][/QUOTE] do they get wished back??????? i like chi-chi!! she's mah Gohan-sama's mamma!! *ryhme argh*
  12. I REALLY DID!! FINALLY!! and Yamchua has a hott arse!!!!!!!! meow!!!*squeeses* jk and ya left out the roshi fart attack *falls of chair clutching sides* it was funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny!! but.. but.. but.. *starts hypervenalating* Go-go-go-go-ha-ha-han.. he.. he.. he.. OH MACAIODH!! it was so awful!!!!!!!!! :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: and the pathetic part was me clutching my heart nearly crying evrytime they showed him.. and poor kai too.. but Gohan... *cries*
  13. oooh wonderful.. its been out 4 a lojg time and i never knew.. peachy --.--;;;
  14. AOL, not AIM, AOL GGurlie4Eva :D :p :love: :tasty: :devil: :angel:
  15. Her body shakes in the seat, I can't help but be filled with anger, My blood cousin, and heart sister in tears, Blood slips down her face, From a cut made in rage and anger, Eternal damnation upon his soul, How dare he, No matter, He will pay for what he has done, But it won't be at my hand, I will rise above, We will rise above, Blood cousins, Heart sisters, We will help each other through thick and thin, For blood runs deeper [I]Okay, pretty much, it's about my cousin who I love deeply. She has never been in an abusive relation ship, but these would be my thoughts if she was. It's about the feelings after rescuing my cousin who is like a sister after she has been beaten, and how we will rise above it together. We know he'll pay, but take comfort in the fact that we won't piunish him b/c we are better. [/I] I came up with these off the top of my head b/c I never write down poetry. I really should. Oh well *copies and pastes* [B]I'm in tears as I look in the coffin, His brown hair against the white pillow, Eyes I loved so much, shut for all time, Wind stole his life from me, Now I curse it whenever it ruffles my hair, Wind picked him up off the roof, And twas wind that threw him to the ground, I glance at a bulding as I walk home, I count, My eyes rest on the 7th floor, So high, and such a fall, I feel her arm on mine, His sister, Her eyes cold and merciless, "I must shut the coffin" she declares, "No please, let me" I plead, "He was and still is my brother, he is no buisness of yours", I'm shocked, The words sear through me like an icy blade, No buisness? He was my lover, He was my buisness, How dare she be so crude in such a time? I never did shut the coffin, I never will shut the coffin, I will never shut the coffin, On our love.[/B] Otay, now, this one really happened. My mother is the narrator this time though. Billy was her love and yes he was the one whipped off of a 7 story building, this is all fact, every single word. My mother is still very much in love with Billy. But yet again, another spur of the moment. I have a mill. more, but I don't think Adam wuld like it very much if i wrote that much, so, e-mail me if yu want more k? luvs ya! E-mail:GGurlie4Eva@aol.com Alice age:13 :whoops:
  16. OOOH THANKS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!M I wanna see everything! Record of Loduss War, Slayers, Sakura Wars, Ranma 1/2 (ive been too lazy to rent it), Dark Angel(the anime) evrything!!
  17. What the hell is Slayers actually about?! All i know is that there is a red-headed chick in it and it seems to be very-popular and really good.. so what is it about??????? me wants to know!! I'm in downtown Hickville Maryland where the closest thing to anime is an animal... get it? that was stupid.. But ppl seem to really like Slayers.. and me sortof thinks i'd like it too.. if i knew what it was about --.-- Everyone on the boards--- O.O;; she hasn't seen Slayers.. freak.. I CAN'T HELP IT!! i have zip money and my rents wont spen dmoney .. and i dunno where to look!
  18. Mamano Hunter Yhoko Anybody seen it? sortof graphic.. um the first movie.. VEEEEEERY graphic OSAMU-CHAN!!! what did yu all think of it? i've only seen the first two movies? anyone else besides man NOT like Azusa? has anyone at all see it? no? um ok.. then what about Girl From Phantasia.. 26 mins. of fluff
  19. i watched the new episode this morning.. good lord was it over-rated.. it really wasn't that good... and I thought Mondo and Rockna were brother-and-sister? and the two evil minons ppls of Eccentros'' which one is which? i like the purple-chick.. she was cool
  20. Iie, nope, haven't seen it.. i heard it was BETTER than Tenchi in Love 1, but then again.. i heard it form an un-reliable.. Sasami-loving.. freak in my school :3 hehehe Puls, Blockbuster's poor-*** self doesn't have it >-<
  21. *slaps self on head* Ryoko, duh :rolleyes: this is my 100th post!! (dont close the topic, I'm not trying to spam.. just had to say that) RYOKO RYOKO RYOKO RYOKO RYOKO
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson][b][size=1]I hate censoring... heh... Instead of a mutated stupid purple dinosaur who talks about love n ****... screw that...[/color][/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] honestly!!! when i was a kid, the age i shuld have liked Barney.. i hated him.. it made no sense to me how my peers culd like Barney when in the second grade i knew he was just some man in a suit with a stupid voice. for crying outloud.. I HAD NIGHTMARES ABOUT E.T.!!!!!!! wasn5 he supposed to be cool and a child's friend? i wouldn't go to sleep at night b/c i thought he was under my bed.. AND MY MATTRESS WAS ON THE FLOOR!!!! so is it that big a deal if Vegeta says f*ck or gives the finger? Is it that offensive that, yes, when they transform the Sailor Scouts are naked, or that the same thing applies to Mano Yhoko? People are so stupid! A 8 yr old can't hear the word f*ck on MTV, but on Cinemax can see ppl getting down and dirty? And the one that bothers me is the Haruka and Michiru are lesbians! Homosexuals! GAY!!! OMG!! America can't seem to cope.. in reality, SM isn't all that muhc of a kids show.. half the souts r gay and the cousin thing pissed me off. If parents would just tell their kids the truth then there would be no problem!
  23. My Mummy is a Clinical Social worker.. she does kids with depression, trauma, etc. Doctors aren't always those tv type Ben Stein wannabe's You just gotta look hard and sure enough you'll find one thats right for you.. its like clothes ^.^;;; My How do you think ppl get better? Just try and do what feels right.. it'll all wotk out.. just remember one thing... we're here for you :)
  24. any..and ever.. harry potter book by J.K ROWLING OOOH and Butterflys, I forgot who by.. but it was amazing Angela's Ashes
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B]So? Heh Gohan, Goten, and Vejita Jr. ARE THE BEST:mad: :mad: :D ;) [/B][/QUOTE] exactly Gohan's the best heh heh heh:p
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