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Everything posted by Pressure

  1. Okay... these ending have been annoying me becuz i cant figure out when to use them and how... Like -san, -son, -kun Just 4 examples sake... Son Gokou Gokou-san Gokou-kun ChiChi-sama Gohan-chan what do they all mean and when do i use them or not use them?
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] what? who? [/B][/QUOTE] Toby-kun.. um.. isn't that yur husband? if it isn't then i feel reeeally stupid. if it is then i feel reeeeeeeally stupid. i can't win >_<
  3. Devil (id say whore but it is devil) Oh good lord.. here goes the SSJ list... Bejiita King Bejiita Gokou Son (Son Gokou) Gohan Son Goten Son Trunks-chan Bardock probably Nappa Pan, if Akira was a sexist >( Bura, if again Akira wasn't sexist, and if she really wanted to ummmm i dunno anyone else.. uh... srry..um.. all saiyins?
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]i call him vegeta so i can sigh lustfully when i see the word "vegetable"... i cover up the "ble" on purpose. [/B][/QUOTE] its okay Macaidoh *pats on back* think of Toby-kun
  5. look at the user name and you tell me you got it yet?
  6. bin Laden wouldn't die... you all must know that when he dies or gets killed.. his religion says he goes to another place personally.. i have no set religion and i think tht when i human dies.. they die.. not heaven.. no hell.. just death. the end but if he dies outside of prison then he becomes a huge religios figure.. i dunno what the muslims call it.. but he'd be like a muslim saint or something i think his *** should be locked up in solitary for the rest of his days Cold, hard, steely, solitary. I also think they should try and put him in a room where there is no noise.. he'll crack:devil: :naughty: :demon:
  7. me thinks Ryoko is better me doesn't think Ryoko is better for Tenchi... me knows Ryoko is totally one hundred percent in love with Tenchi , hell Toonami's dubbers even let her say damnit cuz Aeka was in her way,but me still think Ryoko deserves better. me thinks Aeka is stuck up... yet strangley i like Aeka... but me thinks her and Tenchi make a better couple.. for crying out loud... SHE CRIED WHEN HE LEFT!!!!:eek: me thinks that screams :love: me thinks Tenchi is a dumbass when he could have cutie-swettie-hottie lovable Ryoko.. but chooses.. inky..pale.. exorcist like Sakuya (shudder) then again.. me thinks Ryoko and Tenchi wuld make one hell of a cute couple... if he didn't alwayz treat her like ****
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZM_Brolly [/i] [B]HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!! :laugh: oh man that is hilariuos. Why is DBZChikaGhan always talking shi*? Dam* that bothers me so much. A guy fighting over some other (CARTOON) guy! LOL know I've seen everything!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh man *clears tears off my eyes from so much laughing* :laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] hey dumba*s.. you know im a girl right? dumb f*ck.. DO YOU ALL NOT SEE THE [B]CHIKA[/B] IN DBZCHIKAGHAN?? perhaps you shuld go back o first grade and learn how to read
  9. k.. i got a better question... who HASN'T seem Mononoke Hime? It was.. and to date still is.. Japan's highest grossing anime... and second highest grossing movie period.. second only to Titantic..leo.. *drool* ANYWAYS.. uh.. KUDAMA'S RULE!!!!! ashitaka was awesome!!! San was even cooler!!!! oh.. and now im fgonna ask the world's most idiotdic question... Was San actually Mononoke Hime.. isn't that was Hibitchy (hehehe).. i uh mean Hiboshi.. hehehe.. isn't that what she said?
  10. :( damn.. this is a really hard one cuz of the way i feel about death and torture... If someone has commited mass murders.. (bin Laden being my one exception)then i feels they should be made to live with the thoughts of what they did.. BUT.. this results in over-crowding of prisons and the government is then forced to spend our tax dollars on buliding new prisons... not cool The problem I have with death sentences isn't the killing of the person... but that in every form of execution.. minus hanging.. the death is prolonged, painful, and lasts. Though I think they need to pay for their crimes.. this is just plain.. torture Also what happened to every American is entitled to LIFE, Liberty, and the pursuite of happiness? These reasons are why i can't say i approve of the death penalty.. and i can't say im against it
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by EsKaPhLoN3 [/i] [B]hey stay back gohan i have an eraser:laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] AIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! *shoots ki wave @ esko* *knocks eraser out of esco's hand* never... ever... do... that... again...
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by EsKaPhLoN3 [/i] [B]aww i feal loved now:love: [/B][/QUOTE] Good! *kisses on cheek* *walks away and gives peace sign while leaving* *winks* *Gohan-chan walks in room and see's Alice's shade of lipgloss strangley in a lip shaped pattern on Esco's cheek* *SSJ2* *chases aftr Esco* [COLOR=firebrick]SHE'S MINE YOU SON OF A B*TCH![/COLOR] woops... i gotta stop doing that... i loose more friends that way... oops:worried:
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B] *sniff* *sniff* *chokes* *sputters* :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: that was so meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean!!!! how can you say that?!!! BUYLMA AND VEGETA BULMA AND VEGETA BULMA AND VEGETAAAAAA!!!!!!! chang yours and ill change mine [/B][/QUOTE]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]what are you talking about? the tournament? gohan & videl never fight. even if they did, gohan would concede before one punch was thrown. he's totally in love w/ her, he would never hit her. [/B][/QUOTE] *sniff* *sniff* *chokes* *sputters* :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: that was so meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean!!!! how can you say that?!!! BUYLMA AND VEGETA BULMA AND VEGETA BULMA AND VEGETAAAAAA!!!!!!! chang mine and ill change yours
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by EsKaPhLoN3 [/i] [B]damn u girls r crazy, why dosn't anybody fight over me:bawl: I need a hug:bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] *hugs* AWWWWWWWW im sowwy!:( i wovers yu too!!:love: HEY YOU ALL!! HE NEEDS SOME LOVIN!!!!:flaming: *kugs*hugs*kugs*
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJMihoshi [/i] [B]ok...i was going to be friends, but i'm glad i read that last post beforehand... I know already. get off my back [/B][/QUOTE] what does that mean? i was tryin to make it up to yu.. im sorry yu thought i was talking about yu... i wasn't.. i didn't mean too.. im really sorry... :(
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] you don't want to mess w/ her about gohan. just like no one messes w/ me when it comes to vegeta. GOT IT?!? there, now learn your lesson. i love vegeta forever...:love: :love: :love: [/B][/QUOTE] thanx girlie-pie!!!! *huggles* at least SOMEONE knows how i get when someone (not SSJMihoshi!!!) bugs me about mah baby and comes in here trying to take him from me .... MINE!!!!!:demon:
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJMihoshi [/i] [B]:flaming: if she will stop making false assumptions, yes, i will calm down. and maybe, in time, become my normal, Friday, hyper self again. [/B][/QUOTE] CALMNESS CALMNESS CALMNESS!!!!!!! i wasn't talking about you... im sorry.. i wasn't clear in my angry response... i didn't mean you im sorry about our mix up :o
  19. why did yu all not inform this newbie that when yu have a crush on MY MAN!!! you do [B]NOT[/B] parade it around the board. Becuz we all know there ish Pshyco, Gohan-huggling, Gohan-kugglin, rabid-other-Gohan-fan-butt-beating ME running around the boards. eventualy we r gonna get into a fight... and yu know who's gonna win:devil: Mwah::devil: Her::bawl: and if she thinks otherwise... mm m mm i guess she's gotta learn on her own.. probably will have to learn the hard way girl, Gohan ish MY man, i got witnesses all around the boards who know im a maniac when it comes to my man kiss my :butthead: she'll get her butt verbally wooped :devil: :demon: :laugh: :blush: :smirk:
  20. [QUOTE]one thing i'm sure almost everybody will agree on... using abortion as a form of birth control is not right...[/QUOTE] not right? NOT RIGHT? NANI?!!? ARE YOU SERIOUS!! THAT GOES BEYOND NOT RIGHT!!!!! THATS DISGUSTING!! IM PRO-ABORTION, BUT THAT'S SOMETHING EVEN [B]I[/B] CAN'T AGREE WITH!! GO ON THE PILL!!!!!!! evryone in my family, teens atleast, are on the pill, minus me,too young the pill does more than protect aginst impregnation, but it also lowers cramp pain, clears up acne, etc. GO PILL!!
  21. quote:Originally posted by DeathKnight Animals dont have the potential to become anything more than they are.... quote:Originally posted by Transtic Nerve humans have the potential to be great... in the bible god gave Man authority over the wild creatures of the earth.... The bible is also written by Humans... what did you expect? I don't believe in the bible... those logics don't work on me... find something not dealing with religion to throw at me and then I'll listen. If you are gonna hide behind a book then you are weak.... speak for yourself not what a book tells you to do. My thoughts: What the hell is wrong with you people? Animals do have potential to become more than they are!! It's called [I]evolution[/I] dumb@$$ Think about that for a minute!! And transtic.. dude.. THANK YOU!! You can't kill something that isn't alive!! Organized religion doesn't work for me. I'm sorry, i dont hate or dislike anyone's religion or anyone b/c of their religion, its just that.. to me.. God is a figment of the imagination created when humans could actually think so that they would feel safer and it tricks the subconcious into taking it easy and believing that they will be fine b/c their imagination is creating a creature sitting on his high horse governing them all. one more thing.. If he's real, and im not saying he isnt, im saying IIII dont THINK he is,but if he's real, how is it that ppl believe in him, this huge uni-sex thing, but not in like aliens or that YOU CAN'T KILL SOMETHING THAT ISN'T ALIVE!
  22. Cassidy didn't have an abortion, she couldn't afford on, but its going to be hard on the child knowing that they are a result of rape and not love. Cassidy can barely afford to feed the baby if she had the money, an abortion would have been better than malnourishment
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