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Everything posted by Pressure

  1. *pokes seph* *puppy dog eyes* TAKE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *knocks transtic over* MEMEMEMEMEMEMEME!! *jk transtic* i'll fit in your bags!! :D :love: :D
  2. but he isn't money can make anything disappear can't it. Trevor's family is super rich. and after about four months, the police gave up looking for him.
  3. My cousin's friend Cassidy was 17 when she started dating this guy. They were really close and she really trusted him, or so she thought. On their 4 month anniversary he picked her up and was taking her out to a nice resturant for dinner. Except they never made it to the resturant. Trevor (I won't use his real name, Cassidy isn't her real name either) anyways. Trevor picked her up and they started driving to the resturant. But then he took a sharp turn and drove off into the woods. They got out of the car and Trevor knocked Caiisy out and he raped her. Then he just left her on the side of the road and sh walked about 9 miles for help. When the doctors examied her they told Cassidy she was pregnant. Cassidy couldn't afford an abortion, so now at 19 she has a baby boy. [B]So what if it isn't the girls fault?[/B] I'm not saying all guys would do this, but some would. Trevor did, and he never spoke to Cassidy again, he doesn't pay any child support, he's not even existent in her life. So.. what about abortion now? Women should have the right to choose.
  4. :o So you all seem to thin abortion is murder, evil , and wrong huh? well then, I want you to answer this question What if it wasn't her fault?
  5. DEATH TO VIDEL!!!!! *sets Indy Tokomon, and Dark Patamon on Videl* *not Indy Tokomon is Copyright Cloud Ishida, and Dark Patamon is copyright Goth Tk & Clare* Anyone wanna guess why i hate Videl & her anthrax sniffing father? *sorry Seph*
  6. Warning Signs That You DBZ Obsessed With Vegeta:You actually read her list all the way through and found many things missing such as 20.You have all the nostanlgia and 21.You check the boards several times a day incase there is any Vegeta news With Gokou: 1.You force you beau to die his hair neon blonde, spike it, and get him those color changing contacts 2.Whenever someone says Go! the letters KU cross your mind 3.You spend you entir Saturday wondering where the hell the name Gokou came from, and decideing you wouldn't want it any other way. 4.You've actually read this list to number 4 5.There is a shrine to Gokou sectretly hidden in your closet, and next to it is a small shrine titled "Death to chichi" with a headless, bleeding barbie, stuck with pins With Gohan: 1.Well, no one is obssesed or should i say, STUPID enough to demostrate their lovies for my wovey-wittle-half-breed-hottie when there is crazed, rabid, Gohan loving ME running around these boards With Chi-chi: 1.When you've got a pervy-bunny nude picture of Chi-chi hanging on the back of your door 2.You can't drink milk without thinking about Chi-Chi 3.You actually UNDERSTOOD number 3 (pm for the reason) 4.DBXXX comics can be found under you bed (this goes for LM too!! with vegeta though, not Chichi) 5.You've got a thing for rough-tempered asian women in tight-clothing With Goten: 1.You never wear Bra's because of Bura and Goten's affection for her 2.You've got a half-*** crush on Gokou too 3.Spiky hair turns you on With Trunks: Oh god, i won't even try, ill get too many PM's saying i left stuff out!!! I dont wanna go on, my fingers hurt, but.. maybe ill post more later, maybe!! So which trunks fan wants to send me a Gohan pick to get e to post Trunks lover's signs? hehehe *evil*:devil:
  7. [QUOTE]thanx its my pleasure, u like it?[/QUOTE] ::looks at picture to decide:: ummm ::has convulsions:: ::faints:: ::Gohans walks in room & see's unconcious Alice on floor:: [COLOR=seagreen]WHAT THE F*CK DID YOU DO TO HER? OF COURSE SHE LIKES THE PICTURE! IT WAS OF ME! IM GONNA KICK YOU LITTLE H*RNY *****!![/COLOR] ::eric flees in terror:: ::Alice wakes up:: Um, maybe i shouldn't leave pictures i get from other guys laying in plain site woops :p
  8. [QUOTE]Coward [/QUOTE] yup he's a lil pervy bunny!!! hopped up on hentai!!
  9. The tree-spirity-things are cool!! I forget their real name, but they r nature's creation, they r not EEEEEEEVIL they r good!! AND IT'S MONONOKE HIME!!!!!!!:flaming:
  10. [QUOTE]Well, this topic has been loaded befor i got a chance to reply, but i dont really wanna have sex, i wont even gopast kissing and i dont think i ever will. I really want to pledge my life to the Holy Ghost and the Book. I'm going to be a male nun. I will marry God. I'm a pervy bunny like that.QUOTE] WOW ERIC!! DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE THAT WAY!!:devil:
  11. [B]Do you have a sexually transmitted disease?[/B] No [B]Do you know anyone with a sexually transmitted disease?[/B] Yes [B]Are you a virgin?[/B] Yuppers [B]If not how many times have you had sex?[/B] Never have [B]If you are then when do you plan on having sex?[/B] Not until at least college do these legs open [B]How old do you think a person should be to have sex?[/B] Okay, well I'm gonna hafta go with the LAW and say 18 [B]Do you think it's right for preteens to have sex if they love each other?[/B] PRE-TEENS?!! HELL NO!!! your not capable of love when yur a preteen!! A teen? NO!!! not even then r you stable enoguh [B]Have you ever gotten anyone pregnant? gotten pregnant?[/B] Can't and haven't [B]What would you do if you found out you had gotten someone pregnant or were pregnant?[/B] OMG!! I'd be goin' buckwild on his ***!!! Wait, im only 13, um never mind [B]What would you do if you found out you had a disease?[/B] I'd never put myself in that situation just wait till yur ready! im someone tries to pressure you, tell him/ her to screw themselves!!
  13. ummmm yur just now figuring this out? Bulma-teeny tiny japanese gym suit bottoms Bra-garsh i wonder where that came from Trunks-See above Dr.Breifs-It's just not normal to name yur family after underpants Vegeta-Vegetable Goku-means something, i forget what Gohan-:love: mah baby's name means.. rice... :love: oh well Piccolo-If yu dunno this one.. then wow yur dumb, its an instrument Videl-Devil mixed up
  14. Gohan versus Debora.. lemme guess who's gonna win hard one check out the avatar for my answer!!:love: *knowing my luck though* Gohan will probably loose But c'mon the guys strongest power is spitting!!! SCARY!!! *cowers behind Gohan* C'mon!! Gohan will knock the snot out of him!! And reality chck, what kind of Demon King is PINK?!!! *laughs like a mad woman* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: But rock, paper, scissors.. OMG!!!! i died!!:blush: but where did i go? :devil: :angel: the land of XXX Gohan dreams :devil: jk
  15. Isn't Gohan's sword thing called the Zet sword? Did you all know that in Japan it's no Dragonball Z, it's pronunced Dragonball [I]ZET[/I] ooooooddddddddddddness
  16. :eek: :eek: :eek: kururin was a monk?! :eek: :eek: :eek: how-how-how did i not know this?!! *slaps self on forehead* baka... toonami sux.. of course i wouldn't know that:cross:
  17. you gotsta love washuu.. she has to be my 2nd fave char, after her daughter. A & B are adorable too! I want one! [B]Alice your the greatest![/B] [I]Alice your the best![/I] Mwahahahahahahua!!!! Washu is such an inspiratin *starry eyed* *________*
  18. We all know they came up with some weird hairstyles on Tenchi, I mean for christ's sake, look at Ryoko's.. it defy's gravity! :p And Ayeka's.. well.. let's jut say I didn't know you could even cut hair that way!! But.. who's is the wierdest?:cross:
  19. i dunno exactly what they r.. but i've heard those 6 dotties mabobbers are also on Roshi's back. I dunno if this is true or not.. but its what i've heard.. maybe he got tatooed when he was like 2 or something?
  20. GOKOU-SON duh.. Gohan.. HELLO??????????? how can ya'll not see this? was it really necesssary to ask this question? baka (jk)
  21. gohan is cool leave him alone! the horror of great saiyaman is videl! ewwww! gross! and god do i hate mr.satan! go trunks! i laughed for 10 mins. straight! no seriously.. i really did!! really!!! trunks kicked his @ss in ONE count that ONE!! punch! yeah!! :p *goes starry eyed* oooh i loved seeing slut-del shocked when her dear old lying daddy-kins lost to lavender locks trunks *sniffles* it was so beautiful! *starts crying* [I]whoa, Alice, it's okay!! *hugs Alice*[/I] *eyes go watermelon size* he hugged me.. Gohan hugged me *huggles Gohan back* hehehe:devil:
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]okay... *taking a deep breath*...i know i will probably regret this & will be laughed off the boards, but... I AM DESPERATELY, DISPARAGINGLY, TOTALLY & COMPLETELY IN LOVE WITH VEGETA. this is probably no surprise to any of you who have read my posts. anyway, this is a real problem. people have told me to stop watching dbz & forget about him & move on with my life, but you know what? i don't want to do any of those things. i have never in 22 years felt this way before & i don't want it to stop. plus, no other guy has what he has. every guy i meet i compare to vegeta & it's always no contest. he's just so utterly amazing in every way. i used to be tough but now i bawl like a baby when i hear the theme song for "7th heaven" for christsake b/c i want to have his children. this is just an example of my pathetia (that is, the state of being pathetic). i feel like i'm going crazier than i already am, which, believe me, is hard to do. i need serious help. what do i do??? is there any hope? AAARRRGGGHHH!!! i just want some friggin' sympathy cuz everyone who knows about this makes fun of me & gives me bad advice but i thought maybe you guys would understand. [/B][/QUOTE] Awww.. sweetie.. *mental hug* i know how ya' feel.. it's amazing how much sh*t i get 4 liking Gohan Son, so you know what i do? I keep liking him. Hell, I even created a site to show my frikkin love for him! [url]http://expage.com/gohansgirlie[/url] and i get super p*ssed off when i see anyother screen-names even REMOTELY close to a gohan lover! Total jealousy! I know how ya feel, it's not fair.. he's a doodle on a peice of papaer, but d*mn is he hott!! perfect face, perfect personality, can fly, perfect bu.. um anyways this is a good place to turn, several super fans seem to be here.. and if ya wanna talk to a huge veggie-lover, i'd suggest talking to Lisa-chans.. my very good online buddy! [email]bejiitasgirl@hotmail.com[/email] it helped me alot! keep liking him! you go girl!:love: :tasty: :devil: :angel: :blush: ;) :) veggie-chan -->:smirk:
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pikeon [/i] [B]To the answer to ur question or w/e, ditto any ways i never knew YOU had to pay money in order to watch CN or Toonami. Wow I'm lost [/B][/QUOTE] oh haha very funny :flaming: i mean pay money to ORDER THE VIDEOS from japan
  24. ok.. since toonami is a peice of sh*t and won't show any more than one new episode a day.. whats the difference between majin.. and bebi? for instance.. like i know there is majin vegeta.. with the m thingy on his forhead, but what the difference between majin and bebi vegeta? i heard bebi veggie-chan is possesed by bebi.. WHO'S BEBI? PICTURE?!? and how to you get to the majin stage? level? again.. toonami suck a*s and im not paying money to see the episodes b4 catroon network's cheap a*s shows 'em.. so.. help!!
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