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Everything posted by Pressure

  1. [color=purple] A bit power hungry there Craig? :therock:[/color]
  2. [color=purple][i]Nelynn sheathed her metallic sword with a soft clang. She then laced up the few remaining leather bags that lay before her. The pale sylph stood and stretched her arms high over her head, a ripple going down her back. The sylph attached the pouches to her belt, they were a bit heavy, she'd have to trade them away quickly. Setting her pallid hand on her leather bound hip, Nelynn looked around at her surroundings. A few dead Orc warriors, damn things made too much noise in the brush. A shattered ivory sarcophagus with a few old bones laying near it, the Goddess' remains. Nelynn had stripped the fallen Lady of Dawn of all her precious stones and magical belongings. She had even taken the now disgraced Goddess' emerald necklace for her own. Why should Nelynn fear her, the magic in the old crone had long since vanished. The pure magic which makes up the blood of the immortal Gods, leaves a disgraced body after 4,000 years. Enka, had been dead over 16,000. Reprocussions were out of the question. Nelynn cocked her head back and yawned widely, tasting the smells in the dying forest. She was about to exhale when she tasted the scent of a unicorn, nearby, and living no less. Nelynn shut her mouth and smiled wickedly.[/i] Nelynn: A unicorn's horn, fresh from the kill. That would fetch a fortune at market. Then again, I could also use it for my own will. [i]The sylph smiled to herself, fangs slightly visible under her uper lip. She spread her magnificent wings and lifted high off into the air, straight towards the sky. Neylnn stopped right beneath the tree canopy, and rested softly on one of the top branches of a nearby sycamore. She peeled back a few scraps of bark and began to chew on them, taking a swig of buckleberry wine while she did. When she had finished her meal, Nelynn crouched low onto the branches and shifted into her mammal form, her wings disappearing. She scoffed at her own sight.[/i] Nelynn: Augh, what are these things called again? Humans? What is the point of their existence? They are short, a good foot and a half shorter than the sylphves, their eye sight is poor, their hearing is worse. And, ugh, gol blimey, they give off the scent of man so strongly that not even a dwarf in the pits of the Earth would not be able to detect them!! [i]Nelynn choked back any more words as she heard bushes rustling beneath her. Then, the sounds stopped. Five minutes past, and nothing. Snap! A twig most likely no bigger than a jewel was broken directly beneath Nelynn. The immortal sylph flung her self from the branches, her human form melting away into her regal sylph body. In a quick moment she landed next to the two traveling beasts, and with the quick push off from the ground she gave, Nelynn rocketed back out of sight, the staff she used for the vault, stuck in the ground next to the stunned creatures. The two travelers stared at the staff in wonder and amazement. The jewel atop it, a yellow lime color began to glow and flash very very slowly. It's pace did not quicken for nearly thirty entire seconds. By that time, Nelynn was already on her way down from the jump. The two travelers, one half elf, the other, the prized unicorn, were watching with wide eyes as it flashed bright lime then faded to pine, many times, faster and faster. Soon it flashed so fast that only the elf could still see it flashing, the unicorn saw only a bright lime light. After 10 seconds more, the elf's mouth dropped as the light ceased flashing and became one pure light of green. As it did, a white web was exulted from the stone, it grew and grew, encasing the two travelers. Nelynn could see them now, 5 more seconds, and she would be upon them. The webbing formed a huge half orb around the two, digging into the earth and encasing them. Three more seconds. The two travelers' mouths were now fully open. Two more seconds. Their eyes could not be any more wide. [b]One more second.[/b] A flash of white light blazed through the forest, blinding any who looked upon for a number of minutes. Nelynn smiled and opened her eyes as she landed with an almost inudible thud on the unicorn's back. She giggled triumphantly to herself. Petrified. She softly stroked the silky fur of her prey, and smiled wider, bearing her teeth. She leapt off the back of the unicorn and grabbed her staff from the ground. The two never saw it hit them.[/i] --- OOC:I'd like to ask Juuthena and Rico to please, NOT post, until I post again. I have a follow up, and I promise, your beloved characters' safety, however it would be too long to add onto this, and I realize how annoying it is to read extremely long posts. Anyways, as soon as someone else posts in this thread, I will post the follow up.[/color]
  3. [color=purple]If you read down the entire page, there is another X-Men thread, called 'X-Men:The Beginning', already created. You are welcome to join that.[/color]
  4. [color=purple][i]Adriana's eyes snapped open.[/i] A dream? [i]Adriana rose from her bed and cracked her neck and back as she walked to the mirror. She stood before it and looked into it at what was by logic, her reflection. She was about to turn away when she noticed something on her shoulder. Adriana reached her hand up to her shoulder and touched it. It was dry. She slid her hand down her arm to the fabric. A tiny piece of it, was damp. Adriana's jaw dropped.[/i] Adriana: It wasn't a dream?! But.. how.. [i]Adriana shut her mouth and dropped her hands. [/I] Why was she over dramatizing it? So Seifer cried, so his tears got on her clothes, so her shoulder was damp. Oh well. [i]The silver eyed girl stripped naked and got into the shower. She emerged an hour later dripping and radiantly refreshed. Adriana put up her hair into two balls at the back of her head, with soft white tendrils accenting her enticingly bare shoulders. She wanted to keep it that way. Adriana pulled on a crisp, clean, white, mini, strapless dress. Around her neck she wrapped a thin white leather band which was adorned with small silver spikes. Adriana buckled her white leather boots that came halfway up her shin. To finish it off without going overboard, she wrapped a thin silver chain around her right wrist. Feeling much better, Adriana hung up her towels and walked out of the room. As she was walking down the hall to the common room, she heard someone coming roughly down the hallway, it sounded as if their feet were stumbling on the maroon carpet. Adriana also heard a dragging sound, which she found out as she turned the corner was Seifer's shoulder scraping along the wall as he slouched against it. She was shocked to see the warrior of speed in such a disheveled manner. His eyes were cast downwards and he was holding his head with the hand that wasnt attached to the arm dragging on the wall. His silvery white hair was loose and messy. Never the less, Adriana still couldn't help but crack a smile as she saw him. Adriana took him by the shoulder, shocked at his icy skin against her warm skin, she led him back down to the recooperation room. Despite his apprehension, Seifer was too weak to care about resisting. Adriana laid him back down into one of the beds. and drew the covers up to his bare shoulders.[/i] Adriana: You need to rest.. You have had a really hard night.. Don't fight the sleep.. let it come.. it can only bring good.. [i]Seifer opened his mouth to speak, but was too weak. Adriana brought a glass of water to his bed and wet a cloth with it, which she dabbed on his forehead and neck. Gradually, sleep closed his eyes. Adriana bent over his bent, and rested her lips on his forehead. She brought herself back up, smiled at his sleeping form, and left the reccoperation room.[/i][/color]
  5. [color=purple]OOC:Grounded.. - - - - - - - - - - [i]Nelynn dipped her hand into the water and scooped a bit into her mouth. She spat it out on the nearby grass.[/i] Nelynn: Augh! Elf tears! Well.. a mutated elf, whatever, close enough.. [i]Nelynn stood and picked up her staff. She cracked her neck and adjusted her belt. She opened one of the leather pouches hanging from it and drew out a few small clear blue stones. She threw them into the water. Steam began to rise, and the water to bubble. After a few minutes, it ceased and Nelynn took another drink. Pure. When the sylph had satisfied her thirst, she filled up her elk stomach pouch with water and plugged it with the maple root cap. She tore a few leaves from a nearby mint plant and stuck them in her mouth, chewing lightly on the unfilling flora.[/i] Nelynn: Yet another beautiful day in the forest. The tomb of the Goddess of the Dawn should be around here somewhere. [i]Nelynn drew out her machete and sliced back a few nearby ferns. She saw a glint of what appeared to be ivory in the distance. She also smelled another creature in the air. Silently Nelynn replaced her blade into her belt and tightened her grip on the staff. Using her grace given speed and silence, Nelynn dashed into the brush as fast as her powerful legs allowed. She was determined to reach the tomb before whatever else was in the forest did.[/i][/color]
  6. [color=purple][i]Adriana pinched herself.[/i] Adriana: Enough.. damnit you idiot.. forget him! [i]Adriana opened the window and stepped onto the ledge. She felt the natural breeze run through her silky hair. She let herself fall.. up. Adriana touched down onto the rooftop. Seifer was crying. This was the reason he did not hear her touch the roof, it was also the reason he nearly jumped from his skin when. Adriana slid her hand over his shoulder. He turned, shocked, and stared into her glinting silver eyes.[/i] Adriana: You must let him pass Seifer.. it does not do to dwell on pain and regret.. I know better than any.. Seifer: I know.. but.. He was my brother.. All this time and I never knew.. Adriana: You must also let Magneto go.. I know you've lived your life wondering who your father was Seifer.. but you cannot beat yourself up any longer.. I won't have it.. Seifer: I wish I had known.. [i]Tear rolled down Seifer's cheeks. Adriana was actually suprised. Suprised at his openness, and suprised at her own suprise. She pulled him closer to her. Adriana wrapped her arms around Seifer and laid her head on his shoulder. She felt his warm tears on her bare shoulder. Adriana lifted her head and breathed softly in his ear.[/i] Adriana: Relax Seifer.. It is over.. I'm here.. Let it go..[/color]
  7. [color=purple]Heh heh.. Name: Nelynn Everheart Age: Around 350... she stopped counting.. Species: Sylph Host: Overly Large Snowy Eagle Weapons: Eagle, The Staff Of Air Bio: The Staff Of Air was given to Nelynn when the god's fell from grace.. With his last breath the King of Air Gods Tookuru gave Alana the staff and his blessing.. yada yada.. go watch LOTR.. you get the idea.. As with Rai, for those that don't know, a Sylph is basically a faerie, of the air. Very pale, sharp brown eyes, immensely fast and intelligent.. etc.. Appearence: I'll find you a picture later.[/color]
  8. Pressure

    Invader ZIM

    [color=purple]-pats anime_gurl on the head- That's my girl.. I'm a bit busy right now.. PM me the results of this thread later..[/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]I got the Care Bears Movie. *starts singing* Care-a-Lot...Care-a-Lot...[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple] -kicks self- :( I'm sorry, I completely forgot about your Sarichi Christmas Present! :butthead: < Alice No matter what happens, you will have your christmas present before Christmas is over! You may get a PM at 11:59pm! :blackeye: God I'm such a ditz. I've been a bit too caught up in the pointless worthless drama of my current life. But that does not an excuse make. :blackeye: I'll start work on it right now. :( Sorry again. EDIT:So, of course, as soon as I began writing it, my mother kicked me off the computer.. [/color]:cross:
  10. [color=purple]Augh, my head is spinning out of control! I do not know who either of you are talking about, I've only read up to Part 3 of Interview With The Vampire, I'm still an Anne Rice virgin! I've done nothing more than hold hands with The Vampires. Merrick only rang a bell, because the name is plastered all over the fronts of all my Anne Rice books, and the name is also inside the cover.[/color]
  11. [color=purple]Now that I read through all of this thread, I think I'd also like to meet Rain. I don't really have a reason yet, I just kind of want to meet her. Her and Squashed Snail, I could kick myself for forgetting Squashed Snail. Heaven's Cloud too, his infinite Bebop knowledge is astonishing. So anyways, the people I already listed, plus Rain, Squashed Snail, and Heaven's Cloud. Heh, Elite darling, if you do ever get this whole bus plan into action, which would be amazingly rad, I'm totally up for it, don't forget to swing by Catonsville, Maryland, and grab me, Eric, and Kevin![/color]
  12. [color=purple]I don't really know what I'm getting anyone this Christmas. Christmas is in what, 5 days? I really need to break my procrastination habits. -_-;; Basically I told everyone I was giving them their presents AFTER Christmas. I'm giving them all their presents when I get back from break. I don't know what I'm getting anyone though. Probably going to take DarkOrderKnight's idea and buy everyone I know sillyputty and be done with it.[/color]
  13. [color=purple]Anna wants to meet me?! -tears- 3 of my idols want to meet me! Tasis, Sara, and Anna.. -breaks down and cries- Sara:If you delete the Sarichi I promise I will write you a much better, much more [i]mature[/i] :naughty:, fic for Christmas! That was just has to go, it's so .. predictable![/color]
  14. [color=purple]-bows- Thank you Harlequin. I am soon to finish Interview With The Vampire, I expect to be done by Sunday evening, Monday morning. I've only had the books for a week, and with school and all, I do not have much time to read. There is only one thing in the entire series I am not looking forward to. ...Jesse. I was not looking forward to Jesse or Claudia, one attemtpts to kill Lestat, the other, well, I think we know why I hate Jesse. :flaming:[/color]
  15. [color=purple][i]They all felt it. Adriana fell to her knees, tears rolled down her cheeks. Even Sil let fall one tiny saline drop. They had lost them. As much however as Adriana wanted to mourn, she could not. Not now. Adriana snapped out of her subconcious state. She heard the metallic clang of Sil's sling blade, she heard the cracking of guns, the whizzing of bullets. Then she heard a gasp and a thud as Jack fell to the ground. He'd been hit. He was bleeding. He was in danger.[/i] Adriana:That does it.. [i]Adriana climbed to her feet, and rose 15 feet into the air, her arms raised, her body making a Y in the sky. Sil grabbed Andrew and Darwin and flung them down onto the ground behind the safety of a fallen tree. She flung her protective leather cloak over the three of them for safety. High above their heads, Adriana's eyes were glowing white. The irises and pupils had vanished, they were all white. The wind began to whirl faster and faster and faster around her body. Grey clouds rolled in overhead, and a funnel began to form. While the wind picked up more and more, approaching Gale forces, hail rained from the skies. The near forest around the mansion was being desemated by the wind. The hails stones were the size of grapefruits and the solid ice. They rained upon the intruding men, and dented the helicopters. Combined with the wind, the helicopters were pulled to the ground. The pilots ran from them minutes before they exploded. From the sky a great funnel was forming. Adriana, deafend by her rage at Craig, Seifer, Magneto, the intruders, Matt, and mostly herself, could not hear the frantic screams of the fleeing men. She would not let them escape unscathed. She would not let them escape at all. Adriana let a scream of pure rage rip from her throat, as the funnel touched down, right in the center of the gathering of me. Hundreds of them were thrown into the air. Using one last burst of strength, Adriana hurled the men deep into the forest. The rest ran after their comrades. Sil threw off her cloak and raced after them, catching the last few lingerers and forcing them into the mansion. Adriana plummeted from the sky, and was caught by Andrew inches from the ground.[/i] Adriana:Is Jack alright? Xavier:He needs a doctor immedeately.. you rest now.. [i]With that Adriana's eyes fluttered shut and she fell back, asleep.[/i][/color]
  16. [color=purple]Adriana:Hold on Sil.. Sil:Why? Adriana:You'll need your hands free.. Sil:What do you mean.. Adriana:There are more.. Sil:Coming from the north.. Adriana:He was just the first.. [i]Adriana and Sil were blinded as unimaginably bright lights blasted down on them. Adriana and Sil realized their trap and ran into the mansion as fast as they possibly could. Sil ran up to find the Professor while Adriana ran to the Danger Room's Control Room. She screamed into it's microphone.[/i] Adriana:CODE RED! CODE RED! THE MANSION IS UNDER ATTACK! I REPEAT WE ARE UNDER A CODE RED!! Xavier -telepathically- :All students to their dormitory rooms immedeately! Sil, Adriana, Jack, Andrew, and Darwin to the front of the mansion immedeately! This is NOT a drill! [i]Almost instantly the six of them were infront of the mansion, all poised and ready. Adriana was standing protectively infront of Xavier. Sil and Andrew were perched in trees, out of sight. Jack and Darwin were holding the corners. A slight wind rustled Adriana's hair. She heard the sound of hundreds of feet beating the ground rapidly. The helicopters were circling overhead. Adriana smiled softly to herself and braced.[/i] Adriana:Here they come..[/color]
  17. [color=purple]Beautiful expression Britty. Heartfelt. :love:[/color]
  18. [color=purple]Who says he isn't real? Hollywood? The Pope? Society? Hollywood also says we have been 3000 years into the future and back again. The pope says that everyone who is homosexual or bisexual is damned by god and hated. Society says that masturbation, the safest form of sexual relief, is 'gross'. I do believe in Lestat. I believe he is real. I believe he is very real. Oh, I'm sorry, is it Magnus? I haven't gotten all the way through the entire chronicle set yet, so I'm not sure. If it is I appologize. Anyways, I had just had a very hard day when I wrote this. I have a veritable Lestat in my life, sucking me dry. This is my outlet.[/color]
  19. [color=purple][i]Adriana and Sil both laid back on the roof, staring up at the starry night. Neither spoke for a long time. Then, Sil did.[/i] Sil: Let me guess.. you feel as though you betrayed them.. Adriana: Betrayed.. or let down.. I just feel as though it's all my fault. My fault that they robbed the beer truck. My fault that they went to the other side. My fault that they are gone. Sil: I feel betrayed.. Adriana: As do I.. Sil: There is only one thing left to do.. Adriana: Protect the mansion.. Sil: Let's go talk to Xavier.. [i]Adriana cast her eyes up to the sky. She was thinking about Claire. Something just didn't fit with her. Something wasn't right.[/i] Adriana: It's funny you know.. [i]Sil turned back to look at Adriana. She stopped and waited for the girl to finish her sentence. Adriana was holding her arms, softly hugging herself. She was looking up at the asteroid.[/i] Adriana: ..even now.. after all those two put us through .. the jeopardy they put our kind in .. I still would not be able to forgive myself if they got hurt. [i]Adriana turned back to Sil. She was staring at the ground. Adriana thought she was thinking. She knew she felt the same, and she thought Sil was thinking on it. Just as Adriana was about to say something, she saw Sil's hand flick for her blade, it was by her side in an instant. Adriana was instantly on guard. She crept up behind Sil noiselessly. Sil crouched low to the rooftop, and Adriana mimicked her. They both crawled to the side of the rooftop, and peered down into the silent, still, dark grounds. After several minutes, both of them saw a leaf near the mansion's rear entrance fall. The girls were gone in an instant. Sil was racing through the trees, pursuing a fast black figure. She was slicing at everything that got in her way. Adriana was conjuring the wind, and parting the trees, making Sil's pursuit easier. Adriana waited in the silence, and after a few minutes, she heard a war cry. Sil had caught it.[/i][/color]
  20. [color=purple][i]I admit it, I have an overly large obsession with The Vampire Lestat. So shoot me. Anyways, this is a short blurb about his rebirth. It is taking place just before the human Lestat actually dies. It's written from the point of Marius.[/i] So beautiful, that even in death, I find you astonishing. Your eyes, closed forever and never to open again, were in life a piercing gray. As gray and as sharp as the skies above on a cloudy night, reflecting city lights. Your hair, falling around and framing your face like a golden light, it sparkled. Now it wraps your face, presenting your high and lovely cheekbones. Your lips. Oh, how many nights I have lain, tossing and turning in my sleep, longing to touch your soft lips, while licking my own. Even in death, your smile wipes me of my breath. A confident, proud smile. I open my wrist to you, red juices of life spilling their river onto your mouth. A few drops slide down your throat, and your eyes I gaze into, open and alert once more.[/color]
  21. [color=purple]Amazing. I can visualize it all. Very 'Saving Private Ryan'. I hope to hear more.[/color]
  22. [color=purple]That person was obviously not worthy of the gift then.[/color]
  23. [color=purple][i]This was making Adriana sick. She couldn't stand it. She was sick of their testosterone inflated egos. She had had enough. Adriana stormed out of the mansion. She grabbed them both my their shoulders, and wheeled them around. Adriana glared at them both, and punched Craig in the nose. With the help of her weather abilities, two strong winds wrapped around their bodies, and lifted them high into the sky. Struggle as they both might, Adriana did not let them down. Craig and Seifer were shouting rude and nasty things down at her. They were kicking and whining like children, who suddenly went into spasms and fell silent. Adriana lowered them to the ground. She picked up Seifer's body, and her accomplise, Sil, picked up Craig's. The two women carried them into the mansion and locked them into seperate, mutant-proof rooms.[/i] Adriana:Damn they were getting on my nerves.. hey where did Sil go? Xavier:I believe she is going to pay the two ladies a visit.. [i]Adriana looked through the glass in the door down at the sleeping bodies of the two boys. Then she turned to Xavier, her confidence gone.[/i] Adriana:Tell me I did that for their own good.. Xavier:You did the best you could.. that is all that matters..[/color]
  24. [color=purple]All your threads are a hit Safer. :love: Heh heh.. Anyways, the worst gift I recieved? Was probably a pink Barbie carrying case, when I was 12. I wrote my aunt back thanking her for it, and reminding her that I was no longer and 8 year old. The next year, she sent me a pink Barbie diary with a poofy pen. x_x I took the pen, threw the diary away. The worst gift I've seen someone else get, was either a christmas ornament that was a foot long glittery sphere with an acorn inside, (it was huge and weighed down the tree, plus it got glitter everywhere). That was two years ago. Last year the gag gift was a really beautiful blue bag with lots of pretty silver ribbons and snowflakes. It looked fit to please a goddess, so naturally, everyone inside figured the gift would be just as extravagent. When it was opened up, it held a nose hair trimmer. o_O This year, my friends are going to love me. I'm buying the Spencer's 'Boob Busters' and 'Penis Enlargement' placebos for everyone because I don't like searching for gifts for everyone.[/color]
  25. [color=purple]I don't think I will be making Jeff jealous anytime soon. I know that would inturn end up making me feel horrible. I have hardened myself to many people's feelings, but if I really care about someone, I can't bear to hurt them intentionally. Even if I do, it tears me apart inside. VR:Thank you, I didn't know people enjoyed reading my posts. Interesting. Raven:Ha! Jeff has a cat! It's name is Bitey. There is just one problem with the poisoning thing, he wouldn't care. -_- Jeff doesn't like his cat. He openly calls it derogatory names that I would get stripped of my modship for if I repeated. New solution.[/color]
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