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Everything posted by Pressure

  1. [color=purple]I sincerely doubt what you say Heaven's Cloud. Not to be rude, and not bc you don't have a good point, but I honestly would be suprised if Jeff knew my last name. I think the only reason he is going is bc he feels bad.[/color]
  2. [color=purple]Thank you all so much for what you've said. Here is what I did, since I did this BEFORE I read any of your advice, may or may not have been a smart thing, I shall never know. Anyways.. I came very late to school today, there were only like, 2 hours left in the day. Therefore, I did not get to see Jeff but once. As Jeff was leaving school and getting into his car, my friend, the one who was there through it all, suggested I should go talk to him, and appologize for hanging up on him. I ran after him, almost getting hit by a bus, and grabbed his backpack to get his attention. I told him I wanted to appologize for being a b***h on the phone, and for being really rude and hanging up. Jeff's reply to this was, 'Yah me too,' -appology? check- 'I was just being a lazy bastard, and I didn't have a ride, my mom had just laid down and she didn't want to give me a ride.' -valid reason? check- So I asked him if he wanted to just come this Saturday. He said if he had any money he would. I told him we could get him in free, because a woman won a get in free ticket, and she didn't want it, so she gave it to us instead. He said,'Yah sure, if I can get a ride I will.' Gotenks is right though, this is not the first time I've been burned by Jeff, though James is probably also right, none of the feelings came from Jeff directly trying to hurt me. Wrist cutter had a valid point, Jeff may just have not wanted to come, I can't change that, but at the same time, I still feel like that's partially bc of me. I don't remember who it was, probably CWB, that said Jeff may have a crush on me, that was the farthest from the truth of anything posted in this thread. This situation is the complete opposite. I'm the one feeling attraction in this. I think that may ALSO be why he didn't come. But thank you all anyways for your support, it has really helped me, even if I don't know any of you intimately. James:Sorry, my AIM has been severely screwed up lately, so I've been getting on my AOL screen name, GGurlie4Eva. God I hate that thing.[/color]
  3. [color=purple]OOC:Damn you Craig .. oh well .. too late now .. the love hate rivalry Raiha and I have .. stays. You'll get over it. -------- [i]Adriana cocked her head back and yawned, she didn't know why she was here, as a graduate, she already had a suit. She leaned against the wall and watched as the new recruits tried on their X-Men suits, snickering to herself as they all looked amazed at their new outfits.[/i] Sil:Of course you know, your face was exactly the same as theirs .. so naive and sweet .. Adriana:Oh shut up Moon Chaser.. [i]Adriana cracked her neck and was about to leave when Professor Xavier called her over and pointed to the second to last pod.[/i] Adriana:You have GOT to be kidding, I already have one! Xavier:Yes, and all the more reason for you to have a new one. Your old X-Men suit, was cotton, and did not help you at all with your attacks. Your new suit, is leather, and weather resistent, which will probably help you very much. Also, this suit comes with ten rings, they are the best electricity conductors on the planet, and they will help you with your lightning attacks. Your boots are lighter now, platform with hollowed out soles, making them light and easy to fly in. Adriana:Thank you so much Professor Xavier! [i]Adriana bent over and kissed Xavier on the forehead. She stood back up, ignoring the stare from Sil that just "you're a whore!", and she grabbed her suit. She went into the changing room and came back out in a few minutes, fully clad, in her leather X-Men suit. [/i] Adriana:Pick your jaws up off the floors boys! [i]Adriana's suit was a full body black leather dress. It began at her shoulders, but was cut low, squeezing her breasts tightly against her body. There were no sleeves, but black leather gloves that began at her elbows, and ended in a triangle that covered the back of her hand and wrapped around her middle finger. On the back of her hand on the glove, was a silver X. The dress itself came down to her ankles, but it was slit from the hip to the hem, revealing her toned tan legs. She had on clunky, black, platform leather boots that came up to her knees. They had shiny silver buckles, that buckled in an X, going up the length of her shin. And finally, around her neck, was a black, leather, dog collar, with long, silver, metal spikes. She smiled and spun around, loving the tight fitting number. Adriana thanked Professor Xavier again, and stood against the wall, satisfied with her outfit, and bracing herself for Sil's, which was contained in the last pod.[/i][/color]
  4. [color=purple][i]Adriana stretched her arms above her head and yawned. She propped up on elbow and held her face in her hand.[b]This is INSANE, poor kid. First time in America, bewildered, just trying to get a bite, and fit it, and what do these idiots do? Keep pressuring him with the same question.[/b] Adriana flicked her elbow slightly and knocked over a bowl of apples.[/i] Adriana:Oh, gee, whoops! How clumsy of me! [i]Sil cocked an eyebrow at the frosty haired girl and shook her head, but she got the message.[/i] Sil:Leave the poor boy alone, let him eat his food. Ken:Oh alright fine, Adriana, what's your power? [/i]Adriana finished picked up all the apples and placed them back into the bowl. She shrugged her shoulders and sat back down next to Sil. Outside, a loud crack of thunder made everyone jump. They all, with the exceptions of Sil and Adriana, looked out the window. They saw the trees whipping around back and forth, branches snapping and twisting in the wind, and the sky lit up blue as ribbon lighting poured from the clouds.[/i] Nick:Whoa! What the hell? The weather said it was going to be sunny and warm today! Logan:The weather is never what is predicted when she is around! [i]Logan flicked a thumb at Adriana, and no sooner had he, then everything outside stopped, and the sun poured warmly in through the window again.[/i] Sil:Nice show duchess, wanna [i]tell[/i] the new recruits next time? Adriana:I'm sorry, but I needed to stretch. I've been in the city for ages. You can't even conjure a cloud there without a dozen camera crews rushing to the spot immedeately! Sil:All the same.. Adriana:I know, I know, honestly as if you have any room to talk though! [i]Sil glared evily at Adriana, who just cocked and eyebrow and smiled like a fox.[/i] Nick:So wait, your power, is to control the weather? Adriana:Pretty much.. Nick:Then where did Silent Nobility come from? [i]Adriana's smile vanished, and a darkened look crossed her face. She cast her eyes down to the floor and heaved a sigh.[/i] Nick:Wrong thing to say? [i]Sil quickly changed the subject.[/i] Sil:So, Noble, how is our dear wolverine doing? [i]Adriana's expression turned very solemn and full of regret. She turned slowly to Sil and spoke in a hushed voice.[/i] Adriana:Matt's dead..[/color]
  5. [color=purple]I can't stand it anymore, I always feel like I am living up to someone else's standards. And when I'm living up to mine, I can't because I set them too high. But more than not, I feel like I am never good enough. Last night, I spent half and hour on the phone with my friends Jimmy and Jeff, to see if they wanted to go to Rock N Bowl with us. He said he'd think about it, and my friend and I told him he had a half an hour to think about it. We ran across an interstate to get to my house at 9 oclock at night, ripped through all the rooms in my house, and counted out 17 dollars in quarters. At 9:45 we ran over to the Metro in 38-40 degree weather, and got the change turned into paper money. We ran up to the local bowling alley at 10 clock, and called them. Jeff, who I did this all for, I wasn't going to go unless he did, flat out refused to come. I was devestated. When I hung up the phone I went into the bowling alley and cried for 10 minutes straight. No matter what any of my friends told me, I couldn't, and still can't shake the feeling that it was because I wasn't good enough. That I'm not good enough to hang out with, or be friends with. I'm not pretty enough, I'm not skinny enough, I'm not smart enough. I don't know what it is, but I always feel like I'm just annoying everyone around me, like I am the pebble in everyone's shoe. I always feel like no one wants me around, but no one will tell me. I hate it.[/color]
  6. [color=purple]A tall girl with a tan complextion and long white hair stepped out of a purple Saturn Intrepid, that had just pulled up to the front of the mansion. She lifted her blue sunglasses and revealed her icy blue eyes. The girl licked her lips against the balmy air and pulled her bags out of the back seat. She turned around and waved to the driver and said her goodbyes. The girl strolled in the front doors of the mansion, went up the stairs, and opened the third door on the left. She walked in, and dropped her bags on the bed. The girl walked to the mirror, fixed her hair, and headed around behind the mansion. She saw a familiar hard face, and smiled to herself She walked over and tapped the woman, who was leaning against a tree, her arms crossed tightly acrossed her chest. The woman jerked her head into the girl's direction, eyes blazing. When she saw who she was, the woman's face softened, and she embraced the girl like a sister. "So, saving the world as usual Sil?" "Always. Welcome back, Adriana."[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen [/i] [B]What about if the guy you like you don't know at all just seen him and it looks as though he is looking at you? Does that mean that they like you as well? I'm totally confused here. I get what you say about following around cause that has happened to my friend but if he's already your friend then maybe he's just being friendly. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]I'm breaking this into two so it'll be easier to follow. As for the first thing there, bah ram. That always bothers me. It's happening to me right now. I don't even know Jerry's last name, and I doubt he even knows my first name. I like him, have since I first saw him, and I think he likes me. I don't know though. That's what always bothers me. That, and he has a girlfriend, whom I have hated for a while. x_x Yet, another situation I have gotten myself into, many times. When it comes to the opposite sex, I'm a dense person. I don't realize people like me, until they don't anymore. It is so annoying. When my guy friends become more friendly, I usually get a bit suspicious, but I'm a pessimist, so I just figure it's them being a bit nicer. However, my most predominently annoying situation, has happened to me many many times. I find out someone likes me, I don't like them back, then a while later, when they stop liking me, I fall head over heels for said person, and I hate myself for passing up my chance. This usually happens after the person goes through a dramatic change, and I don't know why, but I jsut fall for them. It drives me nuts.[/color]
  8. [color=purple]It's odd, I don't know why, and it's not because of prejudice or anything, but I have only been attracted to one african-american in my entire life. His name is Shane, he acts caucasian. I don't know why, but I'm just not attracted to people outside of my own skin color. Being an athiest, it is hard to not be attracted to people of other religions, so that isn't an issue.[/color]
  9. [color=purple]At our high school, there is a small brick snackbuilding right by our track. It's nicknamed the Senior Building because the high school owns it, and it's legal to spraypaint anything and everything all over it. So far, everything I've seen is tasteful. I have P.E. every other day, and I swear everytime we go down to the track, there is something new and beautiful on the building. The only bad part is, it's so small, all the beautiful art gets tagged and retagged over. I don't remember who asked this before, the person who said their tag name was MINT, mine is ELEMENT, but I'll most likely be changing that soon. Either to Replicant, JWR, or Snitch. I'm most likely going to make it Snitch. My friends tags are; Nido, Perv, Twitch, Angel, and LB. So far those are my only known graff friends. I owe it all to Perv, he got me hooked. Thank you endlessly for it! To me, graffitti is art. If it is tasteful, and you are satisfied with it, it is art, and it is beautiful. [url]www.artcrimes.com[/url] Graffitti is beautiful to me.[/color]
  10. [color=purple]I do it, though not naked stick figures, and not on school grounds unless on the senior shack where it is actually allowed, because I love art. And I find graffitti to be a new, and for me, unexplored branch of art. I keep my graffitti tasteful though, I don't graffitti drugs, needles, gang symbols, naked pictures, or anything else offensive. Unless you consider the anarchy sign offensive and the word 'ELEMENT' offensive, then no I don't do anything offensive. People graffitti offensive things like that to provoke others and bc they simply want some attention. Waste of spraypaint to me. If you are so hellbent on graffitting naked pictures, people should at least do better than a naked stick figure.[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GoldScorpion78 [/i] [B]Videl :blush: Yes i know im weird. I felt a weird surge of energy when Shopovich or whatever his name is beat her up. I am so weird... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]Interesting, I had a large surge of energy too, but I gave in to mine, and reacted a bit differently. Basically, it involved me screaming at the top of my lungs, 'GO SPOVOVICH! GO GO GO!!', leaping around my house like a frantic maniac, and doing cartwheels in my living room. Thus, we can see how much of a fan of Videl, Alice is. However I have since, ceased watching Dragonball Z, I find it annoying and very unintellectually stimulating. It's always fun to read these and find out who you have a common liking for, and who else has it. My favorite is, as noted in the above paragraph, when you come across someone listing an anime character you loathe as their favorite. Also, before I begin my list, I'd like to say thank you to Mitch. I was watching the last, or second to last, cant remember, episode of Eva today after school, very messed up episode, and I could not for the life of me remember Misato's name. Without further procrastination, the anime character that I first fell for, was Gohan from Dragonball Z. I can't help it, it was all the fault of the Cell Saga. The second that 12 year old boy went Super Saiyan, I fell off my bed. I had a panic attack over him once. I cried every single time he died. Everytime in the Buu Saga when they would show his bloody body lying in the grass in the forest, tears welled up in my eyes, and I would rip apart anything pink near me. I am a very sick person. While no anime character in my mind has ever been able to match my obsession for Gohan, a few have come close. Yue, from Card Captor Sakura is probably the most noteable. Li Shoran also. Though I can not for the life of me remember his name, the guy that rescued Spike during the bar room shoot out, I believe it was the last episode. The one with brown ear length hair. I found him very sexy. Takeru from Digimon, another sick obsession. I used to call random blonde people Takeru. Most of the Digimon 1 & 2 guys, very sexy, with the exceptions of Iori, Jyou, and Koushiro. That is pretty much all I can think of right now. I always found it easy to desire anime characters to be real. They seem so perfect in every way, and reality sucks, I hate reality, so I could always escape into the pages of a sketchbook with these anime characters.[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]I'm not depressed in the least. I'm just bitter and pessimistic at everything all the time. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]Ah.. I see, my mistake.[/color]
  13. [color=purple]I got, The Harlequin the first time, and Wrist Cutter the second time. Why do I get the two most depressed people on the list? Answer:Because Ken isn't on the quiz. Call me crazy, but every list of the members I have seen, Anna was not listed.[/color]
  14. [color=purple]Um.. people.. you don't know Eric.. or his friends.. for the 5 of them to sit in a room for one full half an hour.. in utter silence.. is a record.. I promise you.. because it has never happened before.. -Thinks- [i]Nate, Caleb, Emanuel, Eric, and Luke, all completely silent, completely still, watching Dragonball Z on Cartoon Network, without speaking or trying the "moves" on each other, for one half an hour?[/i] :shifty: -slips Dinah a 20 and a camera-[/color]
  15. [color=purple] Ooh. Amazing. That was amazing. Racism is not fun. I love your words.[/color]
  16. [color=purple]Yes there would be wars. One a month. Also, I have no idea where you testosterone high males get this idea that we women are weak. I'm sick of the stereotypes that women only claw and scratch each other. You must not have seen two women fight lately. Don't ever come to Maryland with that attitude. Most of the girls here can fight better than the men. These stereotypes annoy me. So my advice for all you people that believe them, is to just not pick a fight with a woman, becuase she will have friends, and they will jump you too. Women aren't rabid attack dogs, but we are moody. It's amazing, happened to me just today. I was fighting with this girl Amanda and a second later we were laughing our butts off. If the world was full of nothing but women, we'd all hate each other and then love each other and then hate each other. It's a vicious cycle.[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B][B]Strength's[/B] None that I can think of, seriously, I seem to be very moody these days.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]All you had to do was ask. 1)Your limitless Eva knowledge 2)Your british! Always a plus! 3)You, unlike myself, are loved. You have a wife and a baby girl on the way. 4)*spinoff of 3* Your going to be a daddy :D 5)You seem to have a lot of friends, if you have this many on Otaku, you must have plenty in real life. 6)Your BRITISH! 7)Not completely unfortunate looking 8)Good mind 9)You give everyone a chance 10)And your British. There. 10 reasons off the top of my head. :D[/color]
  18. [color=purple]Whoa, your classes are higher than mine? Where did this come from? Now I feel intelligent. Oh yes.[/color]
  19. [color=purple]Wow, this is one of the best poems I have ever seen produced by a newbie. I know how this pain feels, so the poem is one I can relate to. It's a very good work of art. I look forward to more in the future.[/color]
  20. [color=purple]Yes Kara, I know, you are addicted to Krillen.[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]3 strongest Points 1:Good Looks 2:Artistic Talents(Guitar, Skateboarding, Drawing, Sports,Singing) 3:Friendly, Makes friends easily. 3 Weakest Points 1:Relationships 2:Bad listener, cant pay attension, always day dreaming. 3:Paranoia, I always flinch when people are around me because I think they are gonna hit me for no apparent reason. I also always think somthing bad is going to happen. Example: When Im on a roller coaster(which I love)I always picture the coaster flying off of the track or somthing bad happening. The same thing when im in a car. Paranoia is one of my worst i'd say. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]4)Narcissistic :p 3 Strongest Points: 1)Intelligence 2)Devotion 3)Common Sense 3 Weakest Points: 1)I have no self confidence .. what-so-ever 2)I'm annoying 3)I procrastinate way too much[/color]
  22. Pressure

    Resident Evil

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sacred Warrior [/i] [B]lol Flash the laser scene was awesome. *****SPOILER****** At the end they say take that guy Matt to the Nemesis program does that mean he is gonna be "Nemesis". And by the way, the "Licker" was awesome. ************END SPOILER************ [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]You just so completely blew it. Didn't you read the sticky at the top of the page? Anyways I saw RE when it came out, I loved it. Scared the hell out of me, a good movie. Anyways, RE2 is coming out on All Hallow's Eve, 2003. Mina Sorvino is going to play Alice.[/color]
  23. [color=purple]You wouldn't happen to be a Libra would you? Because I am and I feel the same way you do .. actually .. a bit more violently, and my other Libra friends are the same. Anyways, everyone feels this way and I wish I could just say, "Cheer up it'll all go away". But I'm not going to pretend it will. If your lucky it will. BUt it hasn't for me. I may just be depressing you more, I don't know, just, know that you are not alone.[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]He looks like hamasaki ayumi in that picture. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple]Darn you J-Rock Gurus. Darn you all to Dairy Queen. I have no idea who any of these people are. I'm just not that advanced and informed yet! Darn you!!! [/color]
  25. [color=purple]I do listen to Vaughn sometimes, I just steal my mom's CD or I listen to it with her. That or I pop in the tape of all of his videos, we got it for a dollar. :) I've been listening to a lot of Techno and Club lately to lift my spirits. I dunno .. it's working to and extent.[/color]
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