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  1. Yea suicide isnt the answer though it's pretty temping when life sucks, pretty bad. But It's p0retty hartd to belive that is wil get better. We all know most people dont care when we write "suicide is not the answer." Mostly because they think we havent gone through what they have. To reach them we need to show them that we do understand EXACTLY how they feel, show them that we once had feelings that they have now. Especcaially when they dont want to go to a Pyciatrist (sp?) or see anyone else. We need to give them attenion even if they say they dont want it because deep down they do want it and they havent had it in so long that they dont know how to react to it anymore. So they push not accept. Also you need to teach to them that if we dont understand then how do we know so much of it. You need to prove to them, that you do care, want themt alive and sometimes you do need to be a smart alex to them. Well thats all i can say for now. I hope this does help for you guys who do have friends who are suicidal. Believe me only you are making yourself more misable not accepting and help is on the way, you just need to look for it. It's not always goinbg to come to you.
  2. ALright i read only the first page (Most of it anyway) So if i do repeat anything that's been said then so be it. It doesnt hurt to read twice. Now this topic is always a atteion grabber eh? Anyway, i can relate. I never had a friend who did do it but.... i can relate to wanting to try it or have tried it. Now here's something that's cliuqed and beat the hell out of me hearing it....suicide is a selfish act. Now a very good prist said that and i understand what he means because that theroy can be proven right and wrong. So that issue can be battled back and forth. Now heres the side of selfish. You will only commit suicide if you are thinking of yourself. As for the side that isnt selfish.... *Takes a deep breath* "Theres only one difference seperating you and sucide, Death and dying." Now that a saying that if you understand you know alot more then a regular person can learn. I guess that the thing about suide huh, It's hard to live a life, but so easy to take a life. But just to get this stright and simple, have i ever tried it? Yes. Will i ever again? I have my thoughts. But i will just leave with this When you think it's so unbearable.... just remember, do you think you'll be any happier when your gone? Because if you go to hell, it's everything you lived just worse.
  3. I learned some japanese from this site [url]http://www.loveofanime.com/index1024.htm[/url] It's great! Also a great site for anime.
  4. Ok.... I know this problem from head to toe. I've been in this snice i was a young boy. I will tell you, i have tried everything sudicadal wise when i was in and sometimes to still stay in it. I cut myself, beat myself, and eveything. But i didnt take drugs no matter how much my darkness was leaning towards them. After all why make it worse if you cant stand it's insanity already? Anyway to tell the truth im not sure how i got out. I thought i was dead, then i met my GF ^_^ i love her so. I kept myself reclusive about for the longest of while then it just...burst out of me. She said how much shes cares and it warmed me....... So for me it was the thought that no one really cared for me. I do have some suggestions. If you daydream, lay down, relax and get lost in them. I dont care if for a second, a minute, and hour, As long as you can get of out with them. It helps you ALOT. Also if you love music, i think Pink Flyod's Comfortably Numb, Dark Side of the Moon, Money and Breath should ring those bells up there. Also push your butt to do anything social and good with your friends and i mean FORCE YOURSELF. I mean it gets harder and harder to think mentaly that you can do it. So no matter what DO IT. **** the drugs, they are nothing but a death wish for you. Also this ios cliqued but it's true, Think postive! It would be cliqued if it wasnt true. Also if you develope thing that makes not want to do something.... Then you push yourself. AS for insperation, You need to look intot he things you love the most. Look in them deeply and find why you love them and what you love the most about it. If you can asnwer that then inpriation should up the ally. If any of this helps PM me or respond here.
  5. Well recently my hardest thing i've ever done was....... beatng sould calibur 2 in 24 hours. Man did i have blisters! It was worth it though. I proved to my bros that I AM the game master in the famly. Well along with my oldest bro. Him and me are the gamers.
  6. Inuyahsa. You can relate to it in many ways. Also someone introduced me to it and i thank her everyday i can for it. Now i feel i cant live without it. Inuyahsa is a show that's funny,serous perverted really well done.... but mostly funny :P Wish it didint end the way it did. It feels so....unfinished to me. I hope im not the only one.
  7. Im a so called n00b here but im not in many other places.....so this is my second day here and im too lazy to read what else was written in the *looks at how many pages* 53 pages that wasput here. So with said and done..... I believe that Kegome and Inuyasha without a doubt be together. I know for sure that Sango and Miroku....(no matter how perverted he may be) will be togerther. For the others i have no ideas what so ever.....Anyway...(if this hasnt been said already...) What's your fav EP of Inuyasha? Mine is "Return To The Place Where We First Met" because that's where the climax or the real Roamnce of them takes flight.
  8. Man was this hard for me. I wouldnt say it's a goal.....but i have beaten LOZ OOT without getting hit once in the whole game. It took me lik years to do it too.Imagine you're at the last boss in the game and then you get hit. YOU HAVE TO RESTART YOUR FILE OVER AGAIN. But that's if you truly want to do it and not take the easy way out by saving and resarting thae game. Well i know that game inside out and i can easly say where is and find a bunch of things with my eyes closed.
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