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- Birthday October 15
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[color=red] [font=garamond]I can't really say. I'm the kind of person who goes and downloads songs like [i]Material Girl[/i], and [i]Hollaback Girl[/i] just for the sake of annoying people, and nothing else. Though, if anything, I'd have to say I have some weird hatred for [i]Thriller[/i]... Or, like, practically any Jennifer Lopez song.[/font] [/color]
[font=garamond] [color=red] I'd criticize, but I don't really think I can do that without some hefty contradictions. What I do know, however, is that it's nice. I'd imagine it'd be rather difficult to create a wallpaper based on [i]Killer 7[/i] given the apparently bizarre style. Yet, for some reason, the [i]Killer 7[/i] logo reminds me of [I]Fight Club...[/I] In any case, I like it. That might be why it's my wallpaper right now.. >.>[/font] [/color]
[Font=garamond] [Color=red]I suppose I'd have to go with 10. I mean, I enjoyed 7 quite a bit, but FFX was my favorite departure. It was easy to get into, & just all around fun. Granted, I've only played FF7 - FFX-2, so my judgement stands at a rather biased circumstance. But, still, 10s my pick. [/Color] [/Font]
[quote name='Xx_Chaos_xX']Xenosaga fighting stytem was off by millions, so i took the game back. it was to slow and boring to play throught. You had to read like 15 pargrafs, go through 3 hour cut-sceans, just to play a game with clunckey controls, and lacking gameplay. Not wroth it.[/quote] [Color=Red] [Font=Garamond]You, sir, are exaggerating far too much. Opinions are respectable, but left-field claims generally aren't. First of all, you [I]do [B]not[/I] [/B] have to read through 15 paragraphs at any point. You can, yes, but it is [u]optional.[/u] There are loads of dialogue, which whether you feel you can take or not, are still there. So, no, you don't have to read 15 paragraphs. You sure can - But it is optional. And, mind you, I did not see any cutscenes ranging around 3 hours. Each was 45 min. or so, but nowhere near 3 hours.(They're skippable, as well) The lacking gameplay, however, is arguable - That of which stands as opinion. Same with clunky controls - But, honestly, what in the hell is clunky in regards to controls? There wasn't much gameplay, but I don't recall controls being unresponsive, or anything of the like. Refresh my memory on that. [/Color] [/Font]
[Font=Garamond] [Color=red] If anyone has seen G4s E3 coverage, thus far, I'd like to know your thoughts regarding it. I, personally, though that the PS3 videos were absolutely amazing. KZ2 blew me away with that supposedly in-game-scene, moreso than anything else. And, while I was entertained with Microsoft's claims, the like of their system being the most powerful, I wasn't much interested in them, I'll admit. Good titles here & there, but I was more intrigued in both the Revolution, & The PS3. Even if the latter had a boomer-rang a a controller. But, eh. The next-gen for consoles looks to be amazing, in more ways than one, rivaling PCs. Frankly, I found this a bit scary, but it show-cases a large amount of advances for the consoles. Hopefully, the PS3 will have a decent price - I don't want to be spending $600 on a system, just because of the admittingly great tech specs. Then again, I'd love to know what the hell the Revolution is. Even so far, Nintendo is, apparently, keeping their mouth shut. Information=Good. For me, anyway. Heh, despite this, I can't wait till more coverage comes from E3. Hopefully more information will come, because right now, it's lacking on some respects. Thoughts, everyone? [/Font] [/Color]
Anime Samurai Champloo [from the creator of Cowboy Bebop]
Shuiri replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
[Font=Garamond] [Color=Red] jean-san, I'm assuming that you should edit your post instead of making another one, correcting your mistake. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed CNs premiere of Samurai Champloo. So, say, unique. Granted, I found it a bit weird that Hip-Hop was used in such a setting - But it blended in together seamlessly. And, as many others have said, Mugen is strongly reminiscent of Spike. Honestly, I could've sworn they had the same voice actor. Still, though, I was surprised. I was half-expecting it to suck - Where that came from, i don't have much of a clue. But, in spite of that, I was wrong. Really Wrong. Hopefully, the series won?t drag on as it goes. All I know is that I?m going to see it for a long while. =] [/Color] [/Font] -
[Font=Garamond] [COlor=red] Frankly, I feel there [i]is[/i] a solid answer regarding whether it is worth it or not. It depends on the persons range of taste, & tolerance for the said shows. And, I'm speaking in regards to this occasion - Mainly because given the broad range that people have, it's fundamentally impossible to come up with a definite answer for all. But, in this case, there is one. Granted, it all depends on a person's tastes, as I've stated repeatedly. That of which I'm not entirely sure of. And, well, my views on the shows were posted a little while back, eh. [/Color] [/Font]
[Font=Garamond] [Color=Red] As Dagger said, you may want to consider seeking advice from experienced UK importers. And, frankly, you should make sure where you're buying from is reliable.[Well, eh, you probably know that already.] Region codes, as mentioned, are essentially a big problem. You don't want to buy a given number of series just to see that they don't want to work. So, you should make -sure- that you have a multi-region player. But, it [I] is[/I] worth it, no matter how you slice it. =] [/Font] [/Color]
Writing Taxi! [R-VL, and grotesque sexual content]
Shuiri replied to Annie's topic in Creative Works
[Font=Garamond] [Color=Red] Interesting, so far. My only problem[s] is the inclusion of such offhand remarks such as, "Man, all of those trips to the gym actually work.." Frankly, I feel like it breaks the mood into something far less serious - More of a parody in and of itself. I also felt that while the beginning sequence was good, you hinted far too much of what was going to happen. Instead of me being in a state of suspense, I was waiting 'till the guy pulled off something weird. Whether or not this was meant to be done is a mystery to me. Otherwise, I enjoyed it, for the most part. I do have a few things that puzzled me, tho. Here they are: [Spoiler] 1) Where in the world was Kayla when she got in the car accident? Normally, people would be around to witness & help. Was she like, say, in a deserted place, or something of the sort? The like doesn't make much sense due to the, 'She was heading toward the nearest police station'. 2) Heading toward the nearest Police Station.. Whether or not she knows where shes going, I find it a little odd that coincidentally she's heading towards the nearest means of help. Unless she knows her way around, or something of the sort.[/Spoiler] Anyway, in spite of my questions, it was still a good read. [/Color] [/Font] -
[Font=Garamond] [Color=Red] I -still- haven't beat Xenosaga. I was distracted heavily by an increasingly large number of games; But, frankly, I almost finished it. I think so, anyway .[30 hours in, or so.] But I liked it quite a bit. Granted, there was generally more watching cutscenes than actually playing the game, but that didn't bother me in the slightest. Given the easy option of skipping the cutscenes, it was an interesting concept, for lack of better word. Not much in the way of combat-heavy - Moreso on the story-heavy, which I generally enjoy. Once I wade through all these games I have lying around, I'll eventually beat it. Eventually.. [/Font] [/Color]
[Font=Garamond] [Color=Red] For me, the most addicting game has to be [I] [B] Disgaea: Hour of Darkness.[/I] [/B] I've played the said game: 136:23:27. And, frankly, I find that a bit scary. I have never -Ever- played a game that long, but, I suppose the aura of Laharl and his gang has its own grip on me. I assume MMORPGs are far more addicting, but I can't justify that for a fact. But, if they are, I'd best stay away from them >_
[Font=Garamond] [Color=Red] I'm a big movie fan myself, so I have a fairly decent lineup for '3 Worst Movies of All Time'. Decent being used loosely. 3: [I]From Justin to Kelly[/I]: The stupidity in this film is astounding. 5 Min. into the supposed film, & the audience gets a poorly made music video-esque thing. The actors can't act, full of enough teen cliches to make your eyes bleed, & you have an all around bad movie. I'm sorry, but it scares me. 2: [I]Alone In the Dark[/I]: Watching this movie in the theater was perhaps, and most likely, the worst mistake I've had the displeasure of making. Oh, the horror. Incoherent, illogical, & just all around stupid. Just Stay Away. 1: [I] House of the Dead[/I]: In short - The worst movie I have -Ever- seen. Take this: One second we have a group teenagers at a rave party, in an island, and the next second they have expert markmanship, guns galore, killing zombies at every turn. Am I sensing something wrong here? Oh, and they play the video game clips from House of the Dead every 5 seconds. So Painful. And, frankly, this is why I wish Uwe Boll dies a horrible, horrible death.[/Font] [/Color]
[Font=garamond] [Color=Red]I have to agree with James, GT3s license tests are hellish. Given the fact that I suck horribly at driving, I was just submitting into masochism. Hell, I still haven't beaten the last race for the Rally License. A bit sad, really. But otherwise, I'd have to for surviving more than five minutes in Shinobi's later levels. That game is just insanely difficult, and undoubtedly unfair. It frequently makes you its *****, & it's none to pleasing. Bouts of frustration are guaranteed. [/Font] [/Color]
[Font=Garamond] [Color=Red] I was planning on making a Hellsing thread, but apparently, one was already made, heh. Anyway, I find Hellsing to be a wonderful series [I even used a Hellsing-esque theme for my 'MyOtaku', shows how fond I am of the said series.] . Nice animation, great characters - The problem is that it ran too short, due to what I assume was budget cuts. If it had as much depth as I assume the manga has, than it would've been more worthwhile. I mean, the conclusion left much to be desired, even if it was a nice, apocalyptic battle. As for Victoria - Personally, I think she's awesome. I can't pinpoint an exact reason - But I just think she's wonderful. And the accent helps, too. As many other people mentioned ? She did a great job of portraying the change from a human, & a vampire. And, for me, she was just plain likable. But, really, I don't think a sequel or another season would do much good. I'll take my time reading the manga for a more cohesive story. [/Font] [/Color]
Gaming The 128-bit era (better known as the era of the PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube)
Shuiri replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Noosphere
[Font=Garamond] [Color=Red]I found this generation of gaming to be a vast leap in 3D graphics. Though not without it's 2D games that shined, & were a marvel to play,[GGX2#Reload, Disgaea:Hour of Darkness, etc.] 3D was at it's center stage. There were massive technological achievements, such as Half-Life 2, Doom 3, MGS2, GT3/4, & so forth. And, frankly, it was quite exciting. Seeing top notch titles come out frequently, such as the Jak series, GTA, Halo, & even Ratchet & Clank was quite a sight to behold, and a nice treat for gamers. Sadly, I feel that RPGs have had a weaker showing then they previously had - The only traditional RPGs that I can recall, that were mentionable, were FFX, Star Ocean:TTEOT, Xenosaga, & a few more. But the length, I feel, hasn't much changed. While there are some incredibly short games, that does not imply that all of them are like that. Take Star Ocean, as previously mentioned - The game's on two discs. And the FF series is practically always more than 40 hours. But flash over substance? Not necessarily. Just because a game's 13 hours long, and visually astounding, doesn't mean it lacks substance, RPG or not. And, frankly, I found that most RPGs are story-laced - maybe not entirely akin to the 64 bit era, but they're still story driven. There were, undoubtedly, a number of sleeper hits that were almost entirely overlooked such as Ico, Burnout 3, and Prince of Persia - Great games in their own right, some even better than mainstream titles. Sad that people bought more of Shellshock Nam?67 than Burnout 3 ? But it can?t be helped. See, while there was only a leap in 3D graphics, and not 2D to 3D, it was still astounding. Games now look like Hollywood productions ? to some people?s displeasure. But, alas, despite my contempt with this era, I would not say it?s the best generation to date. Not by a long shot. It was great, I'll admit, but last one was just significantly better. Makes me wonder if there's going to be enough to enjoy in time to come, heh. [/Font] [/Color]