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Everything posted by elementalshadow

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]Raed sat in the aisle seat and looked around lazily, she hadn't really slept and was rather exhausted. [I]Wonder who that man was...[/I] She thought of the previous night, the huge demon, her new traveling companion and the strange zodiac the was also coming to Japan. "Oh well." She said standing up. She raised her hands over her head in a cat-like stretch. Tristen had fallen asleep and was quietly mumbling. Read laughed to herself and walked down the cramped compartment. The plane was landing roughly, waking up Tristen and the other people. While everyone else bounced up and down in their seat Raed walked smoothly to the front of the plane. She entered the captains compartment and looked out at the land. "You should sit down." The pilot said tensely. His co-pilot looked back at her as his eyes grew wide. Raed was standing in the middle of the floor with her hands at her side as the plane hit the ground with a lot of turbulence.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Kiana had turned her back to the fight. She was away from the battle and the heavy wind so it hadn't affected her much. She heard a small thump as someone landed behind her. Turning around she saw Kou land, holding onto Kyle. "What happened?" She asked evenly, avoiding eye-contact. "He got hurt. Mentally and physically." Kou answered, gently setting Kyle on the ground. "What do you want me to do?" Kiana took a step forward and looked at Kou.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sorcha was alone in the forest, sitting over a small pool of water. In the water could be seen a large grey castle, standing atop a spiraling tower was Merlin. She spit in utter disgust and turned away. Sorcha let go of the magic and the water began to cloud. She grabbed her sword, turned, and was faced with several soldiers. Unexperianced apparently, because one approached her sneering. "What'a ya doin out here so late lady." He said in broken english. "Minding my business, what do you want." She asked. "Why just to have a little fun." Another answered as they all began to close in. "We have someone who collects little whores like you." The first one reached out for her, but in one quick movement she drew her sword and crouched down, spinning, sliced his legs off. "You bitch!" He yelled in pain as he hit the ground. The others closed around her as she stood silently with her eyes closed. [I]I don't want to resort to murder[/I]. She focased her attention to hoof beats only she knew were there. [/COLOR] Merlin looked out at the land, his eyes seeing almost every detail. He took a step forward, and started to fall to the earth. He landed with a heavy thud, suprising a few men who were practicing on the battle field. "Hurry up!" All of them picked up their weapons and stood in a line, they walked towards the great doors of Merlin's home.
  4. Aieldail sat down on her knees staring blankly at the flame. Everyone was so cold, some more then others. [I]Do I really belong here? I should be at home, helping repair the village, restoring the town's profits.[/I] "But I can't just leave." She said aloud, not noticing if anyone heard. She sighed heavily, then stood up and grabed a bow and arrow. "Where are you going?" Latharix asked here. "I'm hungry, so I'm going to hunt." She replied over her shoulder. Later, she came back carrying a huge stag. "How can you lift that? You look so frail." Lynx asked carefully. Aieldail gave him a look then threw the deer in front of the fire and pulled out a knife. "It's my race, even the weakest of elves are stronger then any man." She cut open the deer, realeasing a horrible stench. "Aw, nasty!" Shenlong exclaimed, holding his nose. Aieldail just laughed, and continued with her work.
  5. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Kiana watched Rin go, then glanced at the others. They just stood staring after Rin. "Why did you let her go?!?!" Kyle said. "Where is she going?" He added, turning to Kiana. "You know damn well where." She replied cooly. "Are you crazy, what do we do now?" T'kure spoke up. "Let her go, lets see if she can talk some sence into Talan." She answered, looking into their faces for the smallest bit of sympathy.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=2]"Just give him a limb." Kiana said, staring angerily at the Satanics. "What?!" Rin asked, suprise audible in her voice. Everyone stared at Kiana with wide eyes. No one had expected a Celestrial to try to help a Satanic. "You want to [I]help[/I]?" T'kure said in disbelief. "No, I want to kill you whole. But for some reason I have a feeling theres someone that wants you alive." She replied calmly. "You want to [I]help[/I]?" T'kure rebutted. "Just fix him." She said, looking over at Kou.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [SIZE=2]"I'm not worried, if you try to make me your main coarse, I'll kill you." Aieldail said smiling, fingering her sword hilt. "I'd like to see you try." Harlan returned. She rolled her eyes and looked around. Lynx seemed to be in deep thought, staring into space. "Leaders." She said shaking her head. She fell backwards onto a patch of grass and stared up. All these people seemed to have lost something. She was no exception. The cries and the flames Aieldail had heard that night still haunted her. Everything had been lost, her family, friends and her home. Aieldail shook off her sudden feeling of sorrow and sat up.Looking around everything was the same. [I]This is my adventure...[/I] She thought smiling.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=2]Jadian sat down and stared at the ground. She couldn't help but take what the bandit said personally. "You sure don't look like you have any powers." She continued replaying the scene over and over again. "I the asestis!" She screamed, causing those out of the fight to stare at her. "Quit complaining! Nobody cares." Nida said in another moment of anger. "I'm sorry, I have a problem keeping my thoughts in my head sometimes." Jadian replied sheepishly, getting uncomfortable. She stood up and walked over to an isolated clump of trees. [I]Being alone seems to be the only thing I'm good for.[/I] She sighed, and thought back to her childhood. Always in trouble and constantly alone. [I]I guess I'm annoying everyone else.[/I] She sunk deeper into her own selfish sorrow, oblivious to her surrondings. "Why the long face?" Someone asked from behind her.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=2]I have to say I fall in a lot of different types. Some consider me popular, what I mean is a can talk to anyone and hold a conversation with just about everyone. I've been called goth, because of my black hair and some of the stuff I read. I guess being called creepy counts, right? And I can't forget my straight detention slips. Seriously I've had detention almost every day since school started. I don't know how many times I've been suspended, yet somehow I keep going back. Well, I guess thats about it. People, label me what you want, I don't care.[/SIZE]
  10. "Are you happy?" Merlin sat looking at Tyran, his cold, grey eyes fixed directly at the man. "No sir." Tyran replied, sweat forming on his brow. "What did you do wrong?" Merlin leaned back and took a sip of wine. "We underestimated the sorceress." He said quietly. "Yes, you did. She is powerful, I would know. But her soul is weak. Don't mess up again." Merlin rose and walked over to the soldier, standing a good 2 heads taller then him. "I suppose you expect your punishment." He said, sending cold chills down Tyran's spine. "As you wish my lord." "The dungeon, three days, no food or drink. Then I will let you go, if you mess up again I will have your head." Merlin chuckled slightly at the last phrase. "Yes my lord." "Guards! You heard me." [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sorcha tended to the sick. While look-outs and guards rushed to fufill orders. The five best sorcerers helped heal when they could. Time was running out, they were closer to making a move on Merlin's teritory. She stood in a dark corner, staring blankly out at the dark wood. [I]It has begun.[/I] [/COLOR]
  11. [SIZE=1]"I need to gag." Aieldail said, holding her stomache. "Calm down elf." Harlan turned to her, blood dripping from his chin. "Canibal." She remarked. "What are you?" She asked Shenlong. "Canibal or not?" "Depends." He replied watching Harlan. "My names Latharix." The girl next to her said. "Nice to meet... Will you cut it out!" Aiedail yelled at Shenlong who was sniffing her again. "You smell like freshly crushed pine needles." He said grinning. "Uh... thank-you?" She raised her eyebrows and shook her head. [I]What have I gotten myself into?[/I] [/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Orange]"Same." Raed replied pointing her swords blade to the ground as the blood dripped off slowly. "How many more are there?" Triston asked. "Don't know." She answered sheathing the sword and picking up her pack. "You staying in this dump?" She looked at the inn, a run-down rat infested building. "What'd ya expect?" Triston said, all ready talking like they knew each other. Raed had always put people at peace when she was around, it was her character. "Yeah, well see you." She replied walking towards a dark alley. "Wait. If we travel together then there won't be as many to look for, right?" Triston called after her. "I guess," she turned around calmly. "Maybe they have another room you could stay in." Triston continued. "Thats alright, I'd rather sleep outside." Raed remarked, shudering at the thought of waking-up with a bunch of rats and cockroaches. "Suit yourself." Raed sat down on the wet grass and closed her eyes. She started to hum and absently threw a ball of flame in the air. [I]I wonder how many more there really are...[/I] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"I don't want to fight." Kiana said. "Then what do you want?!" The satanic asked again, his power causing the entire room to drop 20 degrees. She shivered and took a step back, running into Kou. "You okay?" He asked her. "Uh... yeah, just cold." Kiana replied. "We're here to check on the blast." Rin said defiantly. [I]Shes good with conflict.[/I] "What happened?" Rin questioned, her voice rising. "He was attacked." Talan answered. He pointed to T'kure's arm. "Shut-up." T'kure growled. "Why are we standing here? Do something." Kiana whispered to Kou. "What do you want me to do, this isn't my war." He looked down at her and shrugged. "What help you are." She said sarcastically, returning his gaze. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=2]Jadian stood glaring at the man in front of her. "Do you even have any powers?" He asked wickedly. "Yes." She answered calmly. "Ya sure don't look like it. I mean, you haven't changed much." He replied. The stranger began to circle her, eyeing her figure. "Maybe if you leave these freaks you can live a half way decent life." He continued, grinning. He stopped and walked up to her so he was standing a few inches from her face. "Why don't you drop yer weapon and come with me." He said, his rancid breath in her face. "Why don't you go to hell." Jadian answered, jumping back and pulling out her weapon. The man lunged at her, she twirled lightly and hit him in the back, sending him to the ground. She stabbed him and walked away slowly. "I do have powers." She said, trying to convince herself.[/SIZE]
  15. Jadian felt odd. She could see everything perfectly even though it was very dark in the cave. [I]Am I weaker then the others cause I didn't transform?[/I] She felt worried that her body had stayed almost the same. She sighed heavily. Standing up she was dizzy at first but soon regained her balance. [I]Is this all I can do? Light up a dark room.[/I] She asked herself angerily. "Oh great, I'm a human lightbulb." She said aloud, making the others look at her. "What have you got to complain about." Nida said. "Sorry." Jadian replied, looking at the ground. "Are we ready to go?" She asked quietly.
  16. [SIZE=2][COLOR=Orange]Raed sat on the bench silently. There was a lighted parking lot on the opposite side of the street. Standing in the middle was a huge, ugly demon. And a zodiac. [I]Hmm... Wonder if she can use her power.[/I] Raed leaned back, preparing to watch the coming battle. [I]They havn't noticed me yet. That's a good thing, isn't it?[/I] She asked herself, cocking her head to one side. A wind shift brought the demon's stench towards her. [I]Egh, gross![/I] She thought, a look of disgust crossing her face. The wind changed again, blowing towards the monster. "Uh-oh." She said to herself as the demon raised it's head sniffing the breeze. "Oh crap." Raed stood-up. "Ah, another." The beast said aloud. It looked right at her, grinning hideously. "Oh, crap." She repeated. The other woman turned to, facing Raed. "She is a zodiac." The stranger whispered. "So, my little morons," the demon said staring at them. "I'm about to destroy both of you. Any last words?" It asked. [I]Most demons are always such morons.[/I] She thought, rolling her eyes. Advancing to the lot she had already felt her power gaining. Ready to be let out. [I]It's been awhile...[/I] OCC: Sorry for the late intro.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR=LightBlue]Kiana sighed, sitting down on the grass. [I]Whats happening? What now?[/I] She asked herself, lying back, looking up at the sky. [I]Are the Earthians really going to help us?[/I] She rolled over, trying to remember what Satanics had which powers. [I]Theres the lady of the trees, giant fireball, two plasma airheads and... the healing guy.[/I] Just then a loud blast caught her attention. "What was that?!?!" Kiana shouted, jumping to her feet. "Let's go find out." Kou, who had been standing behind her, answered. "Rin!" Kyle yelled from beside Kou. "Are you able to fight?" He asked her after she came up to them. "Yeah..." She replied, still a little shaken. Kiana sighed, shaking her head. "Are you okay?" One of them asked her. "I hate fighting." She answered. She launched into the air and took off towards the blast.[/COLOR]
  18. OCC: Sorry, sorry. I haven't been on much lately. Aieldail stood off to one side, the forest at her back, five soldiers in front of her. "You don't seem to be much of a threat. Your human." One of them said, smiling sickingly. "Not human, elven." She replied calmly. Raising her hair with one hand she reveiled a pointed ear. "No matter." He answered. Taking a step towards her. In one swift move she raised her leg and kicked him with such force his head snapped back, breaking his neck. "Whos next?" She asked cruelly. They all jumped her, trying to suprise her. "Jierd!" She yelled, sending them flying with magic. She ran in the middle where the others stood, fighting an unneeded battle. "How's it going?" She questioned the wolf.
  19. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sorcha dropped her sword as she watched Merlin's army retreat. [I]Praise God. It's been years since our last victory.[/I] She thought, sitting down on a nearby boulder. "The report?" She asked of a soldier who had run up to her side. "Seventy- four dead. 98 wounded." He said. "Bring the wounded back to the main building. Set out 10 posts to make sure no one comes back. Pick whoever can manage to bury the dead." She replied standing up. "Yes mam." Back at the hide-out the sick room was filled with the cries of hurt men and women. "It's going to be a long night." Sorcha exclaimed, shaking her head. [/COLOR] Merlin sat in his castle at the end of a long table. [I]Hurry up you lazy asses.[/I] He glared at the opposite wall. [I]How could they not beat them?! It was that damn sorcerer. My old comrade Sorcha.[/I] Presently he heard hoofbeats outside. [I]Finally!!![/I] He angerily thought. Standing up he threw his chair against the wall. [I]It was one win. They will not last.[/I]
  20. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sorcha stood surrounded by Merlin's army. She planted her feet and raised her hands over her head. She yelled an ancient word that caused a ring of fire to enclose the entire ambush site. "Wow." Triston said. "Damn!" Shouted Tyran, whos plan to suprise the UA army had just been ruined. She pulled out her sword and killed all the soldiers that were around her in one swift move. Jumping on a stray horse she surveyed the fight. The stranger that had been helping them was pinned on the ground. She took a flying leap and landed in frount of the horse. "Garro." She said, lifting the horse with unseen force. "You alright?" She asked the unknown knight. "Uh, thank-you." He said, a little stunned. "Hm, good thing you were wearing that armor." She said before running to a group of her soldiers that were losing. Merlin's army were slowly being pushed back. Tyran's plan hadn't worked and both sides were exhausted. [I]This battle will soon be over.[/I] [/COLOR] OCC: This battle will be won by the UA. But seriously, it's a small victory.
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I'll go." Jadian said, taking a step forward. She placed her hand on the stone and at first nothing happened, then the surface began to glow pure white with hints of gold. The light seemed to reach out and engulf Jadian. Her arm began to throb with pain and her eyes glowed with an eerie golden color. Looking at her reflection in the polished stone she saw how much her appearence had changed. It wasn't as drastic as the other two but it was something. Her color had darkened and her hair had grown longer, she grew taller. Eventually the glow stopped. When her eyes returned to normal the were golden and showed with bright red highlights. Her hand was glowing and the entire cave lightened. All the others aside from Sakura, were staring at her with disbelief. "It's not that bad, is it?" She asked, her voice had changed to, accented. "No. Your gift did not cause such drastic change as the other two." Sakura said calmly. Jadian walked over to the far side of the room and sat down with her back against the wall. "Who's next?"[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sorcha sat on her horse, sizing up the small army Merlin had sent. "If your going to stay back here and help me you better have a long distance weapon. I'll be using magic, so don't get in my way." She addressed Triston. "Of course." Triston answered, still looking at her brother. "I'm sorry this war has split so many families up. Merlin... is very selfish." Sorcha offered, looking at the ground. "Yeah, I know." "Jack! Maytone!" Sorcha yelled for her two top commanders. "Jack, go get the advancing soldiers ready. Maytone, assemble the archers." She ordered after the two had ridden up. [I]This better not destroy the troop.[/I] She thought to herself, regretting the soldiers thet already were slaughtered. Climbing down from her mount, she readied her power.[/COLOR] Merlin sat in his chamber, whatching the battle from a pool of water he used for scrying. [I]Once again she has hope for the empty-minded assholes she calls soldiers.[/I] He sat with cool satisfaction. "Simon!" He barked, refering to his personal servant. "Yes my lord." Came the weak reply. "Bring me refreshments, this should be interesting." "Right away." OCC: The battle is starting. nuff' said
  23. [COLOR=LightBlue]"Is it over?" Kiana asked Kou. "Don't know." He answered. Looking around she tried to guess what condition everyone else was in. She had blood coming down from a large gash in her shoulder. "Damn trees." She said to herself, holding the wound. She leapt into the air to get a better view of the battle field. Almost the entire ground was destroyed, and who knows how many buildings had caved in from all the blows. She landed back on the ground next to the earthians.[/COLOR] OCC: Is any one else gonna attack?
  24. [COLOR=LightBlue]Kiana stood surrounded by trees, with a burst of energy she jumped into the air a sent a series of lightning bolts to the dead limbs. Her eyes glowed white as she landed in front of Helie. "Daughter of the forest huh?" She asked, grinning. "Much more then that you pathetic Celestrial." Helie answered, dodging a gust of wind. "I'm so sick of your ugly satanic faces it's frightening." She replied, launching a bolt that blinded everyone for a minute. After it cleared Helie was gone, just then a tree shot out and grabed Kiana, restraining her and cutting off her breath.[/COLOR] OCC: Lets see, what to do...
  25. [COLOR=LightBlue]"Rin." Kiana said looking at her. "Hey Kiana, why haven't you attacked yet?" "Timing is everything." Kiana answered, turning around and picking a target. "Yo loudmouth!" She said, looking at T'kure. "Whos Talan?" Kiana asked, preparing to fire a lightning blast. "Why do you care? It's not like your gonna live long enough to meet anyone." He answered. A white streak hit him causing him to fall back into the hole Kyle knocked him into earlier. "You bitch, you'll pay for that." T'kure yelled at her. "Alright, we get it. To you I'm a bitch. Is that the only word ya know?" She asked sarcastically.[/COLOR] OCC: I had to shoot someone! Glad your back Kitty.
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