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Everything posted by elementalshadow

  1. [COLOR=DarkGreen]"You're right, we have to attack. But if SOMEONE orders all our knights killed we'll have no warriors! Now, Jack, Triston and everyone else. SIT DOWN AND SHUT-UP!!!" Sorcha yelled, slamming everyone into their seats using her magic. "If you have forgotten your positions allow me to remind you." She continued. "Jack, Maytone and Triston. You come with me. A look-out has just informed me that one of our east building is being comandeered. There are no sorcerers with them so we'll have an advantage." After they had collected their weopons and about 200 soldiers were formed, they lined up for inspection. "Now, we have been training for a while, Merlin has yet to find the main hide-out so for the moment your homes and families are safe." She began, walking down the long line of warriors they had assembled. "Are we going to fight?" Sorcha asked. "Yeah!" The men and women called back. "Are we going to win?!" Jack yelled. "Yeah!!" The crowd answered. "Then move out!" Advancing on the battle field with Sorcha in the lead they found Merlin's army. Again...[/COLOR] OCC: Alright, UA we have about 200 fighters to Merlin's 100. Sorcha is the only sorcerer out so we have a better chance, but their weapons and armor is better. Merlin's troops have attacked the post, their getting ready to fight, fortunatly Merlin is not with them.
  2. OCC: Dude, awesome idea. Talking is boring... [COLOR=LightBlue]Sick of the Satanists shit Kiana stands up and looks at them all. "If you thought we were going down without a fight, then you were damn wrong." She said, her hands glowing from the lightning. "You're all a bunch of cowards. You have to attack when we're all hurt. Can't even wait for us to heal. It looks like your scared of power." T'kure just smiled. "Are we here to talk or are we here to fight?" He replied, drawing his weapon.[/COLOR]
  3. OCC: Whoa... attack of the Satanists [COLOR=LightBlue]"I'm coming to!" Kiana yelled to Kyle and Kou. "What? No, your not in any condition to fight. All of you get out of here." He shouted back, closing the door. "I'm going to fight." She said under her breath. Rushing out the door, she almost trips over the two Earthians. "I told all of you to leave." Kyle said. "I'm one of the few who didn't get hurt. I owe it to the others." She replied, glaring in the direction of the Satanists. "Fine, but it's your funeral." Kou said, also looking at the approaching enemies.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Red]I'm new and it would be greatly appreciated if someone would be willing to make me an avi/banner. Something dark, with the name Shadow on it somewhere. I have no talent at ALL. Please? Like I said, I have NO talent. I'm not a picky person...[/COLOR]
  5. Trudging along quietly down the deserted alleys Aieldail finally managed to get to the temporary headquarters. [I]At least now we might get something done.[/I] She said to herself. Opening the door as silently as possible she entered the room. "What is your name?" A man said sternly. "Uh, Aieldail." She replied defiantly, oblivious to his rank or who he was. "Are you here for the resistence?" He asked calmly. "What do you think?" She answered. OCC: I don't really know what you wanted so...
  6. [COLOR=Green]"Enough!" Sorcha yelled above the roar of villigers and warriors. "If you don't stop talking nothing will ever get done!" Finally she got the crowd to calm down. Sitting back down in her chair at the head of their table she managed to sort out her thoughts. "Now, we all know Merlin has been planning something recently. What we don't know is what it is or when it will happen. If you all tell me what you have learned I'll be able to plan our next move." She addressed the crowd. "I'm sorry miss, we have no new intelligence." A young boy to her right answered. "As I figured..." She said to herself. It has been about a year since the resistence formed. They have sent numerous spies and have gained a little information of Merlin and his army of ruthless murderers. Sorcha holds the place of leader among the Alliance. She has many faithfull partners she shares desicions and gets advice with. They had about 500 knights, a few sorcerers and one duel fighter. A pathetic group compared to the league of unknown number Merlin holds his standings with. Now, with Merlin at his peak of success the UA are starting to take action.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Silver] Merlin sat in his thrown at the front of the room. His steely eyes fixed on another nights celebration. [I]Mindless animals...[/I] He thought to himself. Merlin never held anyone in special ranks. He controled his kingdom through fear. Whatching the festivities and drunken collection of men his hatred relaxed a little. [I]It is all mine.[/I] Abruptly he stood up, capturing the audiences attention. "Tonight we rejoice in MY reign! All who have defied me lay motionless six feet under!" He shouted to the ranks. A wicked grin passing his face. They all cheered and raised their cups in health to their ruthless leader.[/COLOR] OCC: Okay, for the first post all members of the UA are in their hide-out discussing matters at hand. Bring up whatever you want. Merlin's forces are rejoicing in an outcide courtyard about another recent win. There's nothing more to say. Have fun!
  7. [COLOR=Red]Walking soundlessly on the road Jadian began to doubt her reasons for going on this mission. [I]Ah well... Maybe I'll meet some interesting people.[/I] Looking around she saw two others talking in frount of the hut they were all meeting at. Walking past cooly she received a quick glance from the man speaking. She stepped into the hut and sat down in a vacant corner, all the while returning the looks of two more people. "Yo." She said calmly. "Hi." The man returned. The other woman just closed her eyes again. [I]What a warm bunch...[/I][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Green]Awesome Idea! Name: Raziel Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearence: Raven-black hair she keeps out of her eyes by tying a leather strip around her brow. Dark, emerald eyes that often appear black and are slanted. Tan skin, she's tall and fit. She wears black pants she tucks into her riding boots and a green shirt. Bio: She was born in the outskirts of Lux, in elven territory. Her father taught her sword weilding and how to shoot a bow and arrow while her mother taught her magic. She had a very close family until her parents were killed by the progressive evil. From that day on she vowed to live her life in revenge. Class: Elf Job: Swordswoman, wizard Weapons: Magical sword with a white blade and an emerald stone incrusted in the base. Bow and arrow. Abilities: (lvl. 3) level 1: Small fires and wind shifting level 2: Able to hide herself in normal shadows level 3: Animal communication Elemental preference: A mix between fire and wind.[/COLOR] I hope thats okay?
  9. [COLOR=Blue]Cool... Name: Saikoro Race: Demon Era: Present Bio: She is the daughter of Sesshomaru and a full-blooded, demon-tribe leader. She knows Heero because of their relations. Although her father held a great grudge against InuYasha she managed to become friends with him and his family. She often receives lessons from Kigome and InuYasha about weopons and has learned all about preistesses. Also she got her sword from her father and learned all his tricks. She has the powers of the spirits from her mother. She was invited along by Heero and eagerly accepted. In her full demon form she looks like Sesshomaru in his demon form. I hope that's alright...[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed]Pulling out her weapon she was instantly circled by enemies. Her eyes began to glow an eerie shade of red. Shifting lightly on her feet she began to move back and forth, hypnotizing those standing in frount of her. Spinning around she skillfully mutilated the foes behind her in a blur of motion. Turning back around, she whatched the now brainless drones just stand there drooling. "Morons." She said as they fell from her blades blow. Another few charged her, barely leaving time for her to move. But in a flash of metal, they too were destroyed. Glancing around she saw the others ready their weapons and fight off different enemies. All the avatars had exceptional skill...[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Rin is right." Kiana said, her back still to all of them. "If we don't take action we will never regain our home." "WE LOST! Isn't it enough we've been humiliated?!?" A man in the back yelled at her. Turning around she looked at all the Celestrials and the few Earthians. Shaking her head she began to pace the room, thinking intently her eyes began to glow white. "Are you feeling alright?" A man asked her, stepping into her path. Looking at him, her eyes returned to normal. "I don't know..."[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I hope I can join... Name: Raed Age: 18/ soul: 500 Gender: Female Side: With Reoan Description: About 5', 2". Slender she only weighs around 120 pounds. Dark with black hair and golden eyes. Personality: She likes to be a companion but it suits her fine to be alone. She enjoys humor and pranks. Still a child at heart, but with a dark side. VERY dark. She loves to draw. And will always lend a helping hand. True to her zodiac she loves being in high places. Race: Zodiac- Leo She creates fire out of thin air and can manipulate it in size and power. She can morph into a lion or leopard. Even in her human form she moves with grace and balance. She can light her arrows on fire and also her fists when fighting hand-to-hand. (Ever hear of 'fists of fury'?) Weapon: A double-edged sword with bow and arrow. Bio: She learned of her power at a young age and mastered it early. She became fascinated with the Guardians and learned about them through her mentor, Gavran. He became like a father to her and taught her all he knew. All she remembers of her hometown are long, rolling mountains. She spent her free time in a morphed mode, exploring the forest with a cat's point of view. She never went to school and wasn't a very social person. For the longest time she lived by herself because her teacher died from a horrible disease. In the present she learned of the riot Reoan had started and seeked to join the plot. After a year of traveling she finally grew tired and began to lose interest in her powers. Raed was attacked one night by a man, being her last resort she set his clothing on fire and morphed into a leopard. Leaving with the sent of human blood on her hands, (or paws), she remembered how much she enjoyed the feeling of power. Training herself she learned her own tricks and started getting more wrapped up in the recent conflict. Now, she finds herself faced with a decision, will she join the battle? Or live a normal life? (Blegh on the last question) She chooses to find the other zodiacs. When the war starts for her, she'll be ready... I sincerely hope I can join! You know, being a newbie and all.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Name: Raiden Age: 70 (looks to be in early twenties) Gender: Female Race: Demon Appearance: Beautiful and elegent she tends to be a real charmer. Slanted exotic eyes, emerald green but so dark they often seem black. She has long black hair which she keeps out of her face by tying a small leather strip across her brow. She has tanned skin and a fit body. She wears black pants and a dark red shirt, for shoes she wears riding boots that come to her knees, concealing her calves and small feet. Her clothing hide her figure, but are rough and warm. Because she is a demon she has pointed ears. Reason: She found Alphiya a while ago and, being one of the few demons who feel sorry for her, decided to help her on her journey. She enjoys travel and feels as thou it is her job to protect Alphiya. Bio: She trained for the longest time as a warrior and spy. Taken from her parents a long time ago she was taken to Ranifa and sent to earth as an assassin. When she found the girl she didn't have the heart to kill her. Ever since she has been like a body-gaurd to Alphiya.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkGreen]The sign-ups will be open for a couple more days. But then I'll put the thread up in Adventure Square. So, be patient! MA stands for Merlin's armies. Characters: Me-Sorcha Rexamillion-Jake Harlot (UA) Latharix_sama- Maytone Gallote (UA) Straight Outta' Ensley- Maxim (MA) Sir Gawain- Gergory Corring (MA) DragonBlood- Sir Edwick (Undecided) silverwolf_fang- Tyran Tilson (MA) Raze_3103- Triston Tilson (UA) [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Red]Name: Jadian Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Slightly taller then average. Light brown hair that comes about to her waist. Shapely. Shes pretty strong for her age, but dosn't look it. Soft features, she looks exotic. Weapon: Bow and Arrow. For close-up combat she uses her fists and a small knife she always carries. Personality: She is a very outgoing person and is not afraid to speak her mind. When she talks she has a heavy accent. When she was young she kept to herself. Always willing to make a joke about someone her attitude often gets her in trouble with her elders and authorities. Gift: Hmm... Alright, Light. Besides the usual blast she can blind people or confuse them. I hope thats okay![/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=LightBlue]Looking at all the faces of her comrades Kiana felt unnerved. "Perhaps the Earthians will consider helping us." She heard a man say. Looking out at the land through a shatered window she thought about the pain and misery all her people had felt. The satanists had destroyed their once beautiful land. "But what about the next step. We can't just sit here and feel sorry for ourselves. Something must be done." She said aloud, stepping out of the room into the cool night breeze.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Okay, good job. Everyone is in, but I need more UA. Or else there isn't even going to be a real fight. Also, if no one asks I'll still be playing Merlin. (Which means I control all of you! HA!)[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Thank-you san! Okay, here's my character. Name: Sorcha Age: 200 (looks 20) Gender: Female Race: Sorceror Side: UA **founder Weapons: A sword with ancient language enscribed on the hilt and green vines on the black blade that glow when shes in battle. A walking staff she can use in hand-to-hand combat which also serves magical purpose. Powers: Green fire, white magic and electric powers. Description: Tall with long black hair and emerald eyes framed in the Sorceror's trademark, white lashes. Black pants tucked into her black boots and a green shirt that matches her eyes and leather gloves. She wears a white amulate with the markings of her clan on it. A black cloak for cooler weather. Bio: She was the top of her class in her training days, next to Merlin. They were good friends, until one day she started to notice slight changes in Merlin's outlook and attitude. When he first began to conquer she took into hiding. She traveled for the longest time, collecting information and gaining power. Eventually she felt it was enough, she learned all she could and set to work. She began recruiting people by finding hurt or homeless men, (and women), treating their wounds and giving them housage. The warriors came slowly, but rapidly grew when Merlin became more aggresive with his seige on the country. Many of the recruited are merely young people who wish to avenge or those who enjoy shedding blood. (The enemies blood that is.)[/COLOR] (Sorry if I spelt stuff wrong :/ )
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed]Looking intently at Ten, Beth stood up and walked behind Zimmy as he was dumping his cigarette in Fallan's water. "Nice trick," she said sarcatically, just loud enough for him to hear. She approached Ten, "What is it this time?" She asked, glad to get away from the hostile glare of Katie. "Guards, lots of them. We have to take them out." He replied looking at her. "Finally, I've been waiting for a good fight." "Yeah well, it's been awhile." Ten remarked, glancing at the rest of the avatars. "So, can you still fight?" He smirked. "Hm, better then you know." She answered, walking towards the door.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Thank-you for signing-up. Your in. Umm... Hopefully others will sign up. Hopefully...[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Orange]Name: Eldrinn Pixler Age:18 Sex: Female Job: Pilot, spy Powers: Flight, illusion, plasma (ablility to form matter into deadly blasts), and animal control. (I ran out of ideas!) Also, she can minupulate fire. Description: Brown hair, brown eyes. Dark skin, average height. Shapely. Dark clothing. Golden amulate with fire symbols engraved in red. Personality: Keeps to herself, but will speak when spoken to. Always says whats on her mind, when in conversation. But when shes happy, she'll show it. Also polite. Sometimes she acts slightly naive. But she always follows whats around her. Bio: She grew up in a very loving family, with a twin brother. Her and her brother were very close. When the bombs hit she was seperated from her family, Eldrinn never saw them again. When she came back above ground she searched the home's remains. The only thing that was left was an amulate her brother always wore. Another survivor found her digging around in the debris of the city. He took her in and trained her in espionage. *I really can't spell (I hope thats okay. Its kinda short but you get the point.)[/COLOR]
  22. Name: Rao Gender: Female Age: 21 Time: Modern Weapon: A handgun, knife, and rifle she carries on her back Rank: General Bio: She was raised in a family of demon-slayers and trained since she could hold a gun straight. Her parents were killed by demons after she had turned 18. Their deaths only caused her to fight harder. She trained for several years after that gaining power and hatred. Her life is lived by vengence and she feels no real emotion towards anyone. Until she meets a stranger, he shows her new forms of fighting and she starts to feel an emotion for him she hadn't felt in a long time, love. He was lost 2 years ago. He might be dead or he might not, she has no idea. Not only on a quest to revenge her parents death she now has a new cause, him. She follows small clues that lead her to the present town where she meets up with the other hunters and tries to forget her past. I hope your happy. It has to be at least a little better, right?
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed]Getting tired of the of examining the usual drunks and idiots, Beth began whatching the avatars. Looking over she recognized Julian attempting to win over Becca, who was enjoying Alex's present state of drunkenness. Fallen was also looking at the 3, stifling laughs. Amica was being stared at by a bunch of men, and Jan was apparently trying to rouse himself out of his constantly lazy attitude. Zimmy was correcting some idiot who called him Matarael. Ten was busying himself by talking to a couple of avatars. "Oh boy, what fun." She said to herself. At that she decided to attempt a conversation with Fallen. Walking over, she took an empty seat at the table. "Anything new?" Beth asked. "Hmm... What do you think." He answered, avoiding eye contact. "You know the only reason people don't talk to you a lot is because your always distancing yourself from others." She replied, leaning back in her chair. "I didn't know that, thank-you for enlighting me." He answered sarcastically. "Come on, don't you have anything you want to say. Something, I don't know, constructive." He thought of this for a moment, "Constructive huh? You know, there are a bunch of humans here who could use help. There's a few right there. Go get them tiger." He said refering to a bunch of men in the back who were staring at Beth. "I'm not leaving until you hold a decent conversation." She replied, crossing her arms.[/COLOR] OCC: x kakashi x , I hope I didn't change your characters attitude. :animeswea
  24. [CENTER][U]Underground Alliance[/U] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Another alternate universe, another blood-thirsty conqueror. In the time of Knights and Dragons, Kings always reigned. No question, right? Wrong. Sorcerors and magic control this realm. A realm of chaos and destruction. The blood-thirsty ruler I mentioned before is none other then the infamous, Merlin. One day he decided enough was enough, no more enertaining the king or offering medicine and shouting chants. He wanted power. So he threw him self into his work. Learning and storing knowledge of the dark arts, gaining the naive people's respect. All the while, planning his future. And then, his plot became reality. He threw the devotion of the court in the subjects face. He blew up the village, along with the palace, using his dark magic. Killing men, women and children alike. Merlin traveled from town to town in this fashion. He had acquired an army of villagers and others in the process. Begging for the lives of their family, he gained the peoples alligence. It has been four long years since the onslaught began, finally Merlin holds the known world at his command. Every town and village, every forest and lake is populated with his soldiers and spies. But, as with every great story, a resistance has formed. A small number of townsfolk, a few sorcerors and a number of knights. Underground Alliances from the few who survived the explosions. (Hence the Name.) Now, the hidden have started taking action. Recruiting being the first step, the following step, take a wild guess... WAR! This is the nature of the RPG You can be one of Merlin's soldiers or the UA. (Underground Alliance.) Your choice![/CENTER] Sign-ups are as follows: Name: Age: Gender: Race: Knight, Human, or Sorceror (There are very few, I'll be playing one so I would apreciate it if there was only, 2 more.) Side: UA or Merlin's Weapon(s): Powers: (reserved for sorcerors) Description: (A good paragraph including clothing is fine.) Bio: (Yeah, we all have to make sacrifices. But, I have to know how you joined.) By the way, if you want to play Merlin PM me. If no one is interested, then I'll have to play him. Also, I would appreciate it if when you sign-up, you stick to the game. Please Enjoy! I will be signing up after others do. If anyone does... ~Shadow[/COLOR]
  25. Name: Ember Age: 17 Crystal Shards: 2 [COLOR=Red]Fire shards[/COLOR], 1 [COLOR=Green]Earth shard[/COLOR] Weapon: Besides the magic she carries a bow and arrow. Ember holds all her shards by tying them around her neck Appearance: Red-brown hair, dark brown eyes about 5', 6". Slender, she wears jeans and a blood-red shirt. When traveling she wears a crimson cloak, and black boots. (Bios are a waste of time!) ~Shadow
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