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Everything posted by elementalshadow

  1. [COLOR=Green]Name: Aieldail Age: 270 Race: Elf Class: Healer, soldier Magic: Energy as well as dark magic, as well as advanced healing Weapon: Besides her magic she wields a sword and a staff Bio: She was trained by her people to fight in many different forms but stuck to sword duels, where she quickly rose to the top of her class and was unmatched by others. When the Emperor first began to conquer she was sent out to fight in a great army. The battle became personal when her friend and companions were slaughtered, as well as her home town destroyed. Appearence: Like her people she is tall and slender, with raven-black hair that comes down to her waist. She has emerald green eyes that resemble cat eyes. She wears a light green shirt with long sleeves and tan pants which she tucks into her knee-high riding boots. [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]Entering the pub Beth was immediatly caught in cigarette smoke. [I]Oh joy...[/I] She thought to herself walking over to the only empty seat at the bar. [I]Not to mention avatars swarming, and quite a few drunks.[/I] She ordered a glass of wine and sat down next to a couple of avatars. "Gross." She said, a look of disgust crossing her face as she swallowed a sip of wine. "What do you expect from a run down place like this." The man next to her replied, stifling a laugh. "Gee, thanks for telling me that." She answered pushing the glass away from her. "Water isn't much better." The woman on the other side of her claimed. "Hey, I know you two." "Well you ought to." "So, do you guys know when the great battle will be fought?"[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]The ship was finally starting to slow down. "If I have to stay on this ship for one more minute with these morons... I don't know what I'll do." Freya said to herself as the ship began to land. "Hey, Jane of the Jungle, didn't anyone tell you there are no pets allowed." A strange man in frount of her said, trying to get to her. "No, too bad to. I would have warned the pilot about you." She replied an evil smirk on her face. Just then the hatch door opened flooding the compartment with bright light. "Alright, everyone! Gather your belongings and line up to the right!" A burly man wearing an ornamented uniform yelled to the passengers. As Freya approached the door the officer pulled her aside. "No, not you. You come with me." He said leaving the steps of the ship. Freya did the same but the minute her foot left the platform she felt an unbelievable force pull her down. "Damn!" She said above the laughter coming from the crowd. "You'll get used to that." He remarked looking at her pathetic attempt to catch up with him. After a struggle with gravity she finally got to the frame of the door he was holding for her. "Get in, be quiet." He said as the door shut loudly. Total darkness filled the room, such darkness that Freya couldn't see her hand in frount of her face. "Welcome to Lone, satisfaction guaranteed or your DNA back." She thought after finding a chair.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Red]I agree with Kiba. I have no problem with the future, as long as the robots of the earth don't destroy us. :animeswea [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed]The girl started to stir, so before an explination could be given Raenoko turned and disappeard behind the corner of the hut where she saw InuYasha and Kigome enter. "Well, what a suprise." At that moment Kigome turned and looked at her. "You seem oddly familiar," she said looking Raenoko up and down. "Have we met before?" She inquired. "You could say that." Was the only explination Raenoko would offer. "You going in the hut?" "Yes." "You know, there was a demon here willing to tear InuYasha up. Although, he didn't seem very powerful." "Oh... Now I remember, we battled a tribe leader that looked like you. Are you a..." Kigome said, her voice trailing off. "Yeah sure, I'm a reincarnation." Raenoko replied, getting irritated. "Listen, if your going inside hurry up. I may be a stranger to those people but I'm not a shy person." She continued, taking a step towards the door. " I know you, I met you by the river like a year ago." Kigome said, making no move. "Kigome!" InuYasha yelled from inside the hut. "I'll be right there!" She shouted back. "Come with me, InuYasha will probably recognize you too." "Finally." " By the way, you never told me your name." Kigome said. "I'm Raenoko, and if you don't move I'll move you myself." "Pushy, pushy." [U]And so they entered the hut.[/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]I would just like to add, I can't think today! [/COLOR] :animeangr
  6. Name: Israfel- Angel of Music Name of Avatar: Bethany Age of Avatar: 21 Sex of Avatar: Female Appearence: Figure- Tall and shaply she has long limbs. She is very strong but she dosn't look it. She has naturally tan skin. Face- She has a clear, bright face and wears no make-up. Her eyes are emerald green, with gold streaks. She gets a lot of looks from strangers, for her looks are different but beautiful. Also, she has a birth-mark under one eye that looks like a black line running down her left cheek. Her gaze holds intelligence. Hair- She has long brown hair with blounde ends. There are two peices of hair that frame her face the are pure white. She always wears her hair down, reaching the middle of her back. Clothing- Her outfit consists of a dark green shirt with white flames in the middle. She wears blue jeans that fit her loosely. Her shoes are black boots which the jeans fall over the top of. Weapon of Choice: A bow and arrow for long-distant, and a small machete for close-range. (I suck at spelling) Powers: The ability to control people with her hypnotic voice and eyes. Also she can tame any wild animal. Favorite Color- Green, she believes it to be the color of music Likes- Nature, music (duh!), sports & books Dislikes- Constantly happy people Bio of Avatar: She grew up in a loving family but was torn away from them because of the raids the revoulution caused. She came to earth at the age of seven and was placed in a foster family. When the humans kidnapped her they abused her until she finally had to destroy them. Personality: Trustworthy and calm people tend to feel relaxed around her. Her voice has an uknown accent. She is a moderate talker and is always offering her own insight. She knows all about a variety of subjects and can hold a coversation with just about anyone. Beth likes to be in company and a companion. But it suites her fine to be alone. Often she sings to herself. She can be found in the middle of the night singing sad songs. In the spirit of duality temper always reigns. If she gets a little bit annoyed she'll kill. That may not be a good thing for her friends, but it comes in handy on the battle-field. Mortal Enemy: Sunturonuk- Goddess of Advertisement and Control (They BOTH have the power of control and the angel is second to NO ONE!) All-in-All: Calm and Nurturing, with reverse affects
  7. [COLOR=Red]Name: Freya Age: 17 Description: Tall, light brown hair and black eyes. Always wears dark colors, and a red emblem on her right arm. Dark complexion. Atittude: Tough and hard to get along with, she fits the 'bad-***' type. But she truely does care for other people, of course she would die before admitting it. Powers: Illusion and hand-to-hand combat skills. Also she has a slight ability over the elements. She carries with her a hand gun which she keeps hidden. Bio: She dosn't talk much about her past. She was abandoned as a young child and adopted by constantly drunk parents. One night, the man killed his wife and left the young girl for dead. The authorities found her and discovered she was a brilliant child. So she was presented with the DNA modifications and obviously, she accepted. She was enhanced with nature DNA as a test subject. It succeeded. But other humans were killed when the scientists tried giving the same DNA. [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]As Raenoko approached the hut she heard voices around the corner. "More excitement." She said to herself. "Then again I suppose being ignored is getting old." She contined, changing her direction towards the unknown voices. Raenoko turned the corner and there she saw a woman laying on the ground with other demons standing around her. "What happened?!?" She inquired a little concerned. [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed]I've already signed up and wish to begin. I will wait patiently though, of course. My question is this, how many players are you going to have sign up before the RPG begins?[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Tearanie Age: 700 (looks to be in late teens) Race: Demon Sub-Race: Vampire Appearance: Human- when she diguises her true form she looks like a tall brunette. She has brown eyes and is elegent. Her clothing is that of a school-girl outfit. Demon- Her true form consists of black hair outlined in red. Also tall in this state she wears a Blood-red kimono wich fits her loosely with sleeves that fall beyond her hands. She has razor-sharp fangs and can dish out deadly blows. Her eyes glow white when she becomes angry. She has a slender figure and her feet are fitted with black boots. Weapon: Her powers. Besides her fangs and claws she can jump 10 stories effortlessly. She has a secret power also, she can shoot white plasmic- blasts from her, but this tehnique requires a lot of energy and she rarely uses it. She fights with her fists as well. Bio: Long ago she was born, a small demon whos parents shortly forsakened her. She roamed the planet alone, killing and stealing for what she wanted. She had no idea who she was. She only knew she was a demon and she hated everyone. She was ridiculed and mocked when she went into society. So she remained in a dense, remote forest for most of her adolesence. One day she met a man walking alone in the forest she had named her own. This man took her for a mortal (by now she had learned to control all her powers.) He took her in and kept her as his daughter. One day she let go her diguise as human and took a short walk. The man came after her and found her. In a blind fit of rage she almost took his life. Now that her dark side is to it's fullest power she wishes only to live a normal life. So she ends up in Utoma, trying to forget her demon-side. But with the strange happenings and gorey murders the power within her becomes relentless and enraged. I've done worse.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Sade Age: 500 (estimate) Gender: Female Appearance: Olive skin, black hair with red streaks and crimson eyes. Slender, she always wears a long, black coat and black boots. She has a red tatoo that no one ever sees an her left shoulder given to her by God. On her face she has two markings said to signify her evil and pure sides. She has amazing battle abilities and moves with unmached speed. Personality: She is dark and sarcastic. She is down to earth and is constantly making jokes about other people. In battle, her train of thought never leaves the fight ahead. She is very brilliant and great at forming battle tactics. Although sometimes she seems rude Sade is very trustworthy and always sticks up for her true friends. Tough and somewhat 'creepy', she has a soft-spot for humans in general. Class: Warrior Mage Bio: Along time ago she was sent to earth by God to help the humans destroy powerful demons that had been unleashed. For two long years she fought in a great war, then in the middle of her 3rd year God sent angels to bring her to heaven. When she was there she was sentenced for a crime she hadn't commited. They told her she would slumber until the great battle begun and she was once again needed. They put her in a forsaken chamber atop an unknown mountain in a remote area of Earth. There she rest. Now, she has reawaken to the present time. She seeks vengence and justice to be done on the devil himself. Although her memories and reputation of Earth has long since past she won't rest until she feels all is right with the world. Beware. Weapons: A sword which holds the power of flame. A SAVAGE hand gun, a bow and arrow. Powers: Fighting techniques are unhuman. She can use all of her weapons like no one else. She has the power of a Mage and a special ability of fire from her sword, Blood-Biter.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed]As Raenoko approached the hut she caught the distinct scent of more demons and half-breeds. "I hate groups," she whispered preparing for the worst. 'At least now I can see something other than mortals." While she was standing outside the hut she heard footsteps behind her and tree branches moving forcefully. She began to wonder how outmatched she was. "Perhaps I won't fight," Raenoko said relaxing a little. After that small battle with herself she advanced to the door of the hut.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed]I hope I can be part of this. Here we go. Raenoko sat staring up at the sky. 'Hell, at this rate I'm never gonna get to where I need to be.' She thought to herself, getting up and turning around. "Maybe now I'll be able to escape those damn humans." She mused, picking up her weapons and preparing to continue down the road. After she had traveled a distance she saw a small, isolated hut with people moving around inside. "Perhaps I'll just 'borrow' some food," she said to herself advancing toward her target.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=LightBlue]Name: Kiana Nick Name:Midnight (Although she is caring people consider her dark.) Age: 17 Gender: Female Race: Human Group: Celestrial Power: Lighting. (Flight, strong white blasts.) Description: Black hair the length of her body with two blue strips. Violet eyes with white lines under each. Olive complexion, super-human strength with elegent features on her face. She is about 5'7", with graceful limbs and a slender figure. She wears white and blue clothing. Personality: Quiet and wise, very caring with a calm outlook. Mysterious.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed]I'd like to join. Name: Raenoko Age: 17 Description: White hair the length of her body. She is tall, has red eyes that glow when she's angry or using her power. She wears black and red, loose-fitting clothing. And two white jewels encrusted in her hands. She is a full demon but her looks are that of an elegent human. Era: Past Weapons: Bow and arrow. She also carries a sword which she rarely uses. Her claws are always affective Weakness: Her temper, a painful past and her life support is the two white jewels in her hands. Special Abilities: She has the powers of a priestess and healing. Bio: As I alredy mentioned a painful past. She is the reincarnation of an evil demon tribe leader. The tribe was a tiger tribe. (But she looks nothing like a tiger.) She is on the quest to look for a specific person. She dosn't say much, but when she does speak it usually isn't very polite. The person she is searching for is a half-demon, male. He was her mentor and love interest. He might be dead, but she dosn't know for sure. She was once a robber and murderer, but her teacher turned her around. Side: she was once evil, and is trying to go good but her attitude is relentless. I did my best [/COLOR]
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