[COLOR=Lime][SIZE=2][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Wow sakurasuka, Sailor Venus, I didn't know there were other people here who's favorite anime is [b][i]Tokyo Mew Mew[/i][/b]! ^_^
Anyway, my favorite anime would have to be... well, [b][i]Tokyo Mew Mew[/i][/b], just like I said. It's my favorite because it's cute, but not [i]overly[/i] cute. (That, and it can scar 12 year-old girls for life. o_o Really.)
Another one of my favorites is [b][i]Dragon Half[/b][/i]. Yes, I know it's quite old in anime standards (Around 12 years-old, since it was made in 1993.), but it's still very good! It's gut-bustingly fuuny, entertaining, and has enough fanservice to kepp the fanboys happy without really being hentai.
Then there's good ol' [i][b]Shaman King[/i][/b] and [i][b]One Piece[/i][/b]. Their originals are so good, yet their dubs are so bad... >_> I like both for their enjoyable characters, catchy opening and ending themes (In the original versons, thank you very much.), and unique story lines.
Well, I'm done for now, but I bet I'll have more favorites, soon. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]