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Everything posted by Limeaide

  1. [COLOR=Lime][SIZE=2][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Cancelled second volume? Well, I really hope ADV releases more DVDs of it. I'm just thankful that it wasn't licinsed and dubbed by a company that would bucther it, such as the infoumas 4Kids.Hmm...so there are Majou Shoujo anime who haven't shared the same fate as [b][i]Sailor Moon[/b][/i] and [b][i]CardCaptor Sakura[/b][/i]. That's nice to know. ^_^ ...Crap, I'm babbling again. >_> [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Lime][SIZE=2][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Well, since I haven't been able to find an existing [i][b]Princess TuTu[/b][/i] thread, I've deicided to make one myself. I bought the first DVD a while, and I think it's very interesting. (so far.) Who knows, it could also become one of my favorties. ^^ Here's a summary of it:[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='the Anime News Network']Her magic is unexplainable and spinning out of control. Darkness hid the pieces of her beloved?s shattered heart and time?s running out for Princess Tutu to find them. Using the power of an enchanted amulet, she must uncover the mystery and keep herself and the Prince alive.[/quote] [COLOR=Lime][SIZE=2][FONT=Trebuchet MS]And [URL=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=1267]here's[/URL] the ANN page of it, if you need more info. Well, do you love it? Hate it? Want to see it? Here's the place to post about it! ^_^ ( Oh, and if there is a already existing thread of it that I couldn't find, please delete this one. Thanks. ^^;; )[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Lime][SIZE=2][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Wow sakurasuka, Sailor Venus, I didn't know there were other people here who's favorite anime is [b][i]Tokyo Mew Mew[/i][/b]! ^_^ Anyway, my favorite anime would have to be... well, [b][i]Tokyo Mew Mew[/i][/b], just like I said. It's my favorite because it's cute, but not [i]overly[/i] cute. (That, and it can scar 12 year-old girls for life. o_o Really.) Another one of my favorites is [b][i]Dragon Half[/b][/i]. Yes, I know it's quite old in anime standards (Around 12 years-old, since it was made in 1993.), but it's still very good! It's gut-bustingly fuuny, entertaining, and has enough fanservice to kepp the fanboys happy without really being hentai. Then there's good ol' [i][b]Shaman King[/i][/b] and [i][b]One Piece[/i][/b]. Their originals are so good, yet their dubs are so bad... >_> I like both for their enjoyable characters, catchy opening and ending themes (In the original versons, thank you very much.), and unique story lines. Well, I'm done for now, but I bet I'll have more favorites, soon. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Lime][SIZE=2][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Nyan, I really want to get into this series! >.< Ever since I read about it in NewType, I've been wanting to see it. Well, it comes out on May 17th, so I'll try to buy it with my birthday money. (My birthday is on the 15th.)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Lime]Wow....this thread hasn't gotten any replys in a while. *cleans dust off of topic* Anyway, [b][i]Tokyo Mew Mew[/b][/i] is one of my favorite seiries. It's not exactly "amazing", or anything, but it's cute and relaxing (At times..) I highly recommend it to people who enjoy the Magical Girl genre and/or cute anime.[/font][/size][/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='Dagger IX1']A few days ago, I picked up Princess Tutu v. 1 and Chrono Crusade v. 3, both of which are ADV titles. To my utter bewilderment, I discovered that Princess Tutu is rated TV-14, while the warning on the back of Chrono Crusade just carries the usual 13+ (or maybe it was 15+ ...meh, I can't remember) tag. Does this make any sense? No, not a bit. [/quote] [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Lime]Yes, I've noticed that, too. (I bought [b] [i]Princess Tutu[/i][/b] v. 1 a while back, and I was quite shocked to have it rated TV 14. Personally, I would rate "+7", or "+12." It certainly didn't have anything that would give it a full-fledged "TV 14" rating.) Now it's going to take me forever to get a DVD of [b][i]Elfen Lied[/b][/i], now that ADV is using the TV ratings and rated it TV MA. (Drat, and I really wanted to see that. >_>) Okay, this ish a bit off-topic, but..... Wow, ckime, you work with Geneon? Interesting! ^_^ [/font][/size][/COLOR]
  7. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Lime]Basiclly anything that 4Kids edits is horrible, but...I have to agree that almost all of the edits done to [b][i]One Piece[/i][/b] were awful, and sometimes uneeded, such as...well, EVA Unit 100 already listed most of them, so....[/font][/size][/COLOR]
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