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Everything posted by J2Assassin

  1. I used to be a dub listener and there are still instances where I watch dub over sub (like Nadesico, Getbackers, GTO) But mostly, thanks to the interference of my friends, I watch more and more subbed anime. What gives it an even better advantage is that most anime dvds, if you set it up right, you will see the entire original Japanese content, like in Detective Conan. I have been watching a lot of anime in Subs lately, like Maburaho, Gundam Seed, and even Hellsing. Point is, some anime I like dubbed and some subbed, but because there are more i listen to subbed, I'm more subbed.
  2. Suprisingly, my favorite games are ones that have come and gone, such as those on the SNES. My favorite games are Legend of the Mystical Ninja, which we all know is Goemon, but it was such an awesome game, not to mention pretty hard:( After that is Plok, where you attack fleas and other monsters with your velcro body parts. Now that's just cool. I won't even start mentioning the awesome RPGs that were on the SNES. Bestthing is, thanks to emulators, I can play these games even though my system broke down a few years ago. And I have all the original cartriges, so its nice and legal.
  3. I would have to say that Rurouni Kenshin has a really good storyline, especially the first two story arcs, Wandering Swordsman and Legend of Kyoto. It has its share of action, it's set in the Meiji era, which can give you some insight of the historical sense, and the characters are so good that you fall in love with them the minute they appear and you watch the whole series watching them grow. As someone who has seen all the series, even Samurai X, I can safely say that this is one of the best stories in anime history.
  4. Same here. I first looked at Utena through a couple chapters of the manga, then I grabbed the movie. The movie was good, but just like the End of Evangelion, unless you watch the series, you will find yourself confused and a little taken aback once you see the other scenes of the movie. Of course, even after I watched the series, I was still a little confused.......
  5. Some villians who I've rooted for in anime would include: Kougaji from Saiyuki- He's willing to do whatever it takes to appease his goals, even though he has a huge Oedipal complex, he was even willing to lose his emotions to realize his ideals. That's just cool. Shoudou Akebane- a.k.a. Dr. Jackel from GetBackers- A guy who takes on a job not for the money but for how much "fun" he can get from it is sooooo cold, that sends shivers down me and my friends spines.l Plus Bloody Sword looks awesome:) That's all I can think of at the moment......
  6. so far, it only seems to be on Video-in-demand, so if you don't have digital cable, you're kinda screwed unless you live in one of the 4 or 5 towns that actually do have itas part of the package. I was hopeful about this too at first, but now I look at what they show, and sometimes they don't even show a full series, and we get pissed off at adult swim for always going back atnd starting over rather than get anything new, so maybe we are better off. Plus, you can go out and find DVDs to these shows and spend one price to watch them whenever you want, while anime network would force you to pay by the month to watch episodes over and over again. So, just move on, appreciate the idea, and just go with waht you have.
  7. Being cursed to wake up at almost dawn through my childhood along wit ha short awake span, this show was my morning ritual. Much like anny other anime I saw at that age, it took me a while to realize that it was anime. But looing back, it was such a good show. AMVs I found to the SPCs were from Aqua songs like butterfly and cartoon heroes, but for those who have seen the series, its fun to relive it again. I really do need to find this series and check it out again, just for the heck of it. Maybe it will be on DVD soon, I don't know, but I suggest that anyone who grew up with this series to give it props for its awesome characters.
  8. How very true, fansubs can get boring sometimes, but other times they are preffered over the english dub. I've seen all Of FullMetal Alchemist thanks to the fansubs( this of course was all done before it was on Adult Swim) and now when I check it out, it's like sometimes its ok, other times its not. I'm also really worried about the Naruto dub that will be here soon, me and my friend were talking about that there are no current voice actor that could catch the annoying yet awesome way of Naruto's voice, but I'm going off subject..... I haven't seen any of the Negima anime, but I'm extremely tempted to. Only problem is that I have to rely on my friend to get any fansubs because bittorrent won't work through my campus network...........>:( But I'm sure that its good. RThe Love Hina anime was worth watching because it had some different stories in it than the manga, and I think Negima will be the same way. And on that note, Back to waiting for volume 6.........
  9. I have heard that it is an anime in Japan, but it's only being fansubbed for now. And due to the legal ramifications of that, its proabably better to read the manga for now.
  10. I'm a full believer in the fact that [spoiler]Rose was proabably raped. Think, before we see her near the end of the series, we last see her surrounded by children in a church as the State Military release all kinds of hell outside. he tells the children that everything's going to be all right and she has a positive, yet somber expression. When we see her next, she's gone mute, she looks even more somber, and she has a child. Her muteness could have been brought about by trauma, which is often times resulted by rape. So the therory of being raped by soldiers is not so faroff.[/spoiler]
  11. Well, If you think Iowa is corn country, you obviously must know my home state, a little place called Indiana. Nothing big in my hometown except the circus, and nothing goes on up here at college. Just bying time until I finally go to Japan......
  12. I guess the funniest manga for me would have to be Megatokyo, even though it's become more angsty and shojo-driven in its storyline, but It makes you feel good seeing the two sides of our world, the gamer-otaku and the anime-otaku. Second to that though has to be my first manga, Ranma 1/2, because every story chapter is so Random, you just have to read it. That and the fact that it's still going strong with about 30+ volumes.....
  13. Considering that it's a work by Ken Akamatsu, creator of such awesome manga like Love Hina and A.I Love You, it just has that feel to it. I have read all 5 current volumes (at least until #6 comes out this July) and I'm quite satisfied with it. It looks like it's Love Hina only you add a little Harry Potter-style mysticism, increase the number of prospective harems by, oh, 500%, and you double the humor. The best part is that immediatly you can see certain characters that share the same personalities and quirks of your favorite Love Hina characters despite Negi being an anti-Keitaro. All in all, Negima! is a great series that presents what you already love in a new, fresh package. I highly recommend it to everyone here.
  14. Oh hell, too many songs t olist, but my current fave is the opening to Air. If you want to read why I like it, look for other song threads to find out why. As for my least favorite, It would be the English opening to Escaflowne. It was all trance-y and whatnot, but it gave nothing to offer an insight to the story like the original opening did. Just the english dubbing of Escaflowne makes me cry in frustration.......
  15. Tales of Symphonia for Gamecube. That has both incredible graphics and an amazing storyline. Grab it now and paly it like mad. Some of the older PS1 games like Tales of Destiny and Earthbound for the SNES are also highly recommended.
  16. Ai Yori Aoshi, A.I Love You, Van Von Hunter, Sgt. Frog, Excel Saga, Suikoden III: The Successor of Fate, Boys Be, Megatokyo (of course), Tuxedo Gin.
  17. My friend and I argue this all the time, and our favorite examples are Naruto's techniques. We prefer Kagebushin no jutsu and Sexy no jutsu to the translations tha SJ has given them; Shadow Replication and Ninja Centerfold. (shudders) We know that without such mediums as SJ or possibly fansub teams, unless you take about 2 to 4 years of Japanese, you would have no idea what they are saying. But you wish that they would keep it as close to the original format as close as possible. I mean, they keep the sounds in japanese in their original form, why can't they keep the attacks in the same original name? It would give us a better idea of the setting and theme for Naruto.
  18. For story, I have to say 10. It was a very detailed story that didn't go too deep in philosophies like 8 and 7 did. For a challange, definetly 5. With so many jobs available that makes the original's jobs dwarfs as well as sooooooo many strategies plus a somewhat decent storyline and the uber bosses Gilgamesh, Shinryu, and Final X-Death, it makes you pretty much cuss like a sailor for the difficulty. however, we really need to give props to 7 for being the original milestone that helped for a greater understanding of the RPG and for giving us moments that we will never forget in our history as gamers. I'm gonna play 7 again.....
  19. I like the semi-evil guys, like Wooden Sword Ryu and Faust VIII. These guys can add a lot of depth to a storyline as well as some good moments. Such complexity can make anime and manga a lot more enjoyable when you don't know what thy will say or what they will do next. Ryu goes on from being a real jerk to being a wise philosophiser from his "Happy Place" speech in Volume 6. Faust follows his lineage to a T when he goes from a content doctor to a necromancer with a fuse even shorter than Ren Tao's. Like I said, these kind of characters really make you look forward to the next volume, which for shaman king, may be 3 months:(.....
  20. You really have to respect Sakura for her intelligence. If you remember, she was the first one to complete the tree-climbing test in manga volume 2 or 3, I forget which actual volume. Also thhe fact that she can put up a good fight without having to resort to some kind of ultimate-supreme-uber-ninja technique like Naruto or Sasuke just goes to prove how capable she truly is at being a ninja.
  21. Its both actually. I have read a couple of volumes of Crest of the Stars/Banner of the Stars in the local bookstore and I did see a couple of epidsodes of the anime from channelflipping on G4Tech TV's Anime Unleashed. So The have both a manga and anime.
  22. Let me see..... Kindaichi Case Files- What it is is more or less a darker and more mature look of Detective Conan without the weird "Men in Black" Subplot. A seemingly normal highschool boy is the grandson of a famous detective and uses his logic and reasoning to solve many characters. Tuxedo Gin- Ginji Kusanagi meets a girl, falls in love, and asks her out, but dies in a motorcycle accident the day before the date. Then he is reincarnated into a penguin and ends up living with his potential girlfriend until his natural penguin lifespan ends so he can be human again. Negima!- 10-year-old magic genius Negi Springfield becomes a teacher at a girls school and deals with many issues both magical and non-magical. Written by Ken Akamatsu Thats all off the top of my head.
  23. Has anyone else on OtakuBoards picked up this particular manga and read/bought it? If so, then what were your reactions to it?
  24. Keroro Gunso has to be my newest addiction. I just love this series to death. I would definetly say that my favorite characters so far have to be Keroro and Tamama, because those two together just creates pure chaos, and that's what keeps this particular series going. The Chaos........ ...yay......
  25. J2Assassin


    I look at Air and It just, I don't know, IT just one of those kinds of anime that you just watch and feel good. Not that normal good feeling when you watch anime, it's like this awe-inspired feeling. It's theme is jsut so beautiful. That and Potato is one of the best dogs in the anime universe, giving a Matrix-style jumping flip in episode 2 :) My point is that Air is basically comfort anime, which you watch and you just feel that happy feeling overtake you. That and the fact that the opening song is just so addictive that you will hum, sing, and just wish you had wings. Makes me want to watch it again......
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