That's pretty funny. :animesmil One time while my older sister was still in High School, a boyfriend of hers dropped by at night unannounced. He peered into what he thought at the time was my sister's window. He was wrong.
My dad, who was watching tv, saw him, pointed the remote at him and shouted "GET THE ******* OUT OF HERE!!!!!" which scared the frickin' pee out of him, (he thought it was a gun) and woke everybody up. it was funny.
We have a dog, but he's a toy pomeranian so he's too small to do anything except bark, so as long as a burgler can hear him but not see him, he'll be thinkin' twice about coming in. We also have a cat but he can't do much either. he's waaaayy too fat. :animesigh Personally, I have a prop sword that's made from fairly sturdy plastic, and a pocket knife or two.