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  • Biography
    If I told you about myself, you'd run away, screaming...
  • Occupation
    unemployed (i work! real cheap! 1 dalla!)

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  1. nearly all the shows on Fox Box (or now 4Kids tv) suck, no surprise there. I'd have to say while gatekeepers 21 had a good plot and good animation, the main characters kinda ruined it for me, I don't remember the name of the chick who flew, but her voice annoyed the crap out of me! "Ayaaaaneeee!" I wanted to puch the tv! :mad: Ayane wasn't much better, each episode began with some "deep thought" of hers, and one of them happened to kick of with: "I like birds..." WTF? :animestun
  2. that's a hard one, Steel Angel Kurumi would be cool 'cuz Saki's hot! And so would Vandread 'cuz then I could hit on Misty. Or any other anime where I could pilot a mech, like Dual: Parallel Trouble Adventure (but I'm a guy so that wouldn't work) or ooh! I know! Xenosaga! Then I could pilot an A.G.W.S. unit [I][U]and[/U][/I] hit on KOS-MOS! (but she's an android... darn)
  3. That's pretty funny. :animesmil One time while my older sister was still in High School, a boyfriend of hers dropped by at night unannounced. He peered into what he thought at the time was my sister's window. He was wrong. My dad, who was watching tv, saw him, pointed the remote at him and shouted "GET THE ******* OUT OF HERE!!!!!" which scared the frickin' pee out of him, (he thought it was a gun) and woke everybody up. it was funny. We have a dog, but he's a toy pomeranian so he's too small to do anything except bark, so as long as a burgler can hear him but not see him, he'll be thinkin' twice about coming in. We also have a cat but he can't do much either. he's waaaayy too fat. :animesigh Personally, I have a prop sword that's made from fairly sturdy plastic, and a pocket knife or two.
  4. Sunglasses= Toguro; Yu Yu Hakusho Idiot= Louie; Rune Soldier Louie Dashing Blonde= Cloud; FF7 Fat Dad= I forget his name but he's from the show: Dual Parallel Adventure, the Prof. Rara dude :animeswea I hate it when I forget don't you?
  5. I'm 15 yrs old and 5 feet 8 inches. There are, however people taller than me, they're mostly older than me though. It's fun being taller than my mom AND my sister, I have a loong way to go before I'm taller than my dad, though.
  6. [quote name='Sora']I'm the first Mormon on here to post that I know of (and I'm free to question I can answer because from what I can tell from friends at school Mormons are put down alot for things we don't believe in but other churches say we do) so extra cool for me.[/quote] Yesss!! A fellow Mormon! I can die happy! I too am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. (aka LDS or Mormons) It's kind of annoying cuz' there's this girl in my english class that thinks we're all polygamists. As for that issue, It [I]did[/I] happen in the past however, we stopped when congress outlawed it in 1890. (we believe that while the law of God is important, the law of the land must be followed, also) As for those who still do polygamy, they may claim to be LDS and they may have a copy of the Book of Mormon, but they have either been excommunicated, or they are lying, they are [B]not[/B] LDS. If one has further questions regarding the LDS church, do not hesitate to ask either Sora or me.
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