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Everything posted by .SS-J5_Trunks.

  1. not on net! comics!! from local manga shop!! funimation licensing on it and everything!!
  2. hmm i think she was called laura ill have to check!!
  3. :love: :blush: :love: either bra or erm pan LOL!
  4. i got all the DBAF issues!! there 55!! in the end there are actually 8 ssj levels!! the only to reach them are gohan and vegeta!! trunks gets to level 7 but my fav version of him is ssj 5!! goku gets to ssj 6 and has no reason to progress any further as he has the power a level 8 ssj has neway! but trunks gets the most powerfull saiyan!! goten gets to level 5 but drops out the seires only to come from time to time to merge with trunks or gohan!! then trunks comes out with his most famous phrase!! "The super saiyan levels are just a short cut to the power you can hold in a super saiyan form there is no need to transform!!"
  5. erm hmmmmmmmm its either =============================================@ kamehameha! or ~)~)~)~)~)~)~)~)~)~)~)~)~)~)~)~)~))~)~)~)~)~)~~)~)~)~)~) Special Beam Cannon
  6. ok ok! u was all rite! "it wasnt trunks like i thought it was Gotenks! trunks and goten fused!!
  7. well ur lucky to have me round else uld know nowt wuld ya LOL! well trunks does go ssj4 in DBAF (after future) and his fur is red!!
  8. LOL i know wat ya mean! :laugh:
  9. well this ones easy! Vegeta! cause wen vegaatas gud hes BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADD and wen hes BAD hes BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD if u get wat i mean LOL! ;)
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