Otaku America
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- Birthday 04/05/1985
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[color=blue]Okay, I went to my Bible study class on Saturday morning and I made a suggestion to focus it on homosexuality. Now my thoughts are calm & collective. All my other posts that are in this thread before this post please ignore them as they weren?t collective enough to voice my proper thoughts. My apologies to everyone including Ms. Aiyisha, sorry if I mispelled your name. [/color] [quote]How can anyone have a decent conversation with you OA if you keep calling people uneducated and dismissing their posts as BS just because they have an opinion that differs from your own perceptions.[/quote] [color=blue]Sorry, about my misconception.[/color] [quote]I someone who was homosexual attempted to deny themselves and have a heterosexual relationship then no doubt they would be extremely unhappy. Many can fall into depression and even suicide because of these warring emotions. How can you condemn anyone to that sort of life? What happened to tolerance and unity, of 'love thy neighbour' and such.[/quote] [color=blue]From what I acknowledged from by Bible study session is that only Christians understand the temptations of this world. That?s why modern-day Christians strictly interpret the biblical passages and apply them to present day situations, such as this subject for example. In the Holy Bible there are many references that refers to a [I]sodomite[/I] or a [I]homosexual[/I]. In the biblical passages God destroyed Sodom?s individuals because of their homosexual activity. All the men wanted to have homosexual sex with the visiting angels. Frankly, he destroyed this city of male?s homosexual sins. [/color] [quote]You say there would have been paradise if sins such as homosexuality and perversion among others had not come into being, I say there would be paradise if these things did exist but we all were able to accept eachothers differences and give praise to god for giving us such a diverse and interesting race. Homosexuality doesn't harm anyone.[/quote] [color=blue]You do have an interesting point. In my Bible session though, homosexual behavior is one act that will prevent a person from attaining salvation and it will keep that person away from the gates of Heaven. [/color] [quote]As a side note: God created Adam and Eve yes? Okay, Adam and Eve begat Cain and Abel, Cain killed Abel and now there is only Cain. Where did the rest of man kind come from? Don't you find that odd?[/quote] [color=blue]Adam & Eve were the first parents but God created man in his own image, in the image of God. Male and Female created them.[/color] [quote]Oh, and sin didn't create homosexuals. They're people, for crying out loud. Not embodiments of evil. Sheesh. I can't believe you said that.[/quote] [color=blue]I?m glad that I attended my Bible study session. God created Eve from Adam?s rib and thus the two share a bond together. The Bible references homosexuality to those who are confused with their own gender.[/color] [quote]OA, it's stated explicitly in Genesis what the punishment was, and there's no confusion about it. I've bolded the exact lines. There are no genetic disorders from GoE. I'll help you out by "translating" the bolded portions. Eve is punished by having painful childbirth. Adam is punished by being forced to do strenuous labor for the rest of his life, until the day he dies. You may argue that Eve's painful childbirth is a "genetic disorder," but that's not arguing your original "point," that all disorders today are by-products of the story of GoE. And by the way, as of today, there has still been no evidence that homosexuality is genetic. If homosexuality were genetic, entire family trees would have more homosexual branches. So attempting to establish homosexuality as a "genetic disorder" is a dumb idea to begin with, and trying to link it as a punishment for Eve plucking an apple...is even a dumber idea. Also, nowhere in the GoE is there any mention made of homosexuality as a punishment, so nice try in playing the spin doctor--but there's no spin possible here. There isn't any gray area in terms of the contextual content of GoE. Now, regarding actual genetic disorders, trisomy, monosomy, Down Syndrome, Tourette's Syndrome...you're not going to find anything of that nature in GoE, because genetic disorders weren't a punishment for Adam and Eve's transgressions, which is obvious from just reading Genesis.[/quote] [color=blue]Sorry, my thoughts weren?t fully expressed nor explained clearly back then so I?ll just disregard this post.[/color] [quote]It's called pure love, and you should talk to a few gay couples, by the way. Sage is entirely correct here. Fundamentally, a gay relationship is no different than a straight relationship. Gay partners desire happiness, security, affection--the very same things a straight partner wants.[/quote] [color=blue]God?s plan from the beginning was to make Man & Woman live eternally in the gardens without the humans eating the forbidden fruit. In the KJV/NKJV it states God does not condemn sodomites but sodomites who engage in homosexual acts. Thus, it?s a sin.[/color] [quote]Yeah. What if the actual God is a 3-foot tall, hairy, malformed bisexual leather slave Gnome? What if your entire upbringing and your vision of God is actually incorrect? What if what you think God wants is actually just the agenda of a handful of long-dead humans?[/quote] [color=blue]In John 14:6 ?Jesus said to him, ?I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.? [/color] [quote]I refer you to where I quoted the Book of Genesis and used the Bible itself to prove you wrong.[/quote] [color=blue]There are over 40 Holy Bible translations, explain which version that quote came from.[/color] [quote]And I think this where the problem with your argument starts, Otaku America. While I can do nothing about your core feelings on homosexuality, I think it would be unwise to bring such a huge religious overtone into an official debate (such as a debate tournament). As far as I'm concerned, I don't think it's allowed for anyone to start quoting the Bible or anything at debate tournaments...(and it would be impossible anyway, seeing as most of them are composed of you reading as much information as fast as you can. I always thought that was incredibly dumb, I ended up doing speech debates). While it's very acceptable that you have Christian-based morals, arguing over gut feelings such as this is...pretty dumb, to say it bluntly.[/quote] [color=blue]My apologies for the inane posts.[/color] [quote]Otaku America, all you have proved is that homosexuality is considered a sin in Christianity. There's nothing there that says what a homosexual experiences is different from what a heterosexual experiences. You are still wrong to cast assumptions for which you have no reference for.[/quote] [color=blue]God says Homosexual acts are a sin, an Abomination. God simply doesn?t want us to practice anything that is unnatural to his eye. In the Holy Bible, Sodom and Gomorrah were not only homosexual but they were so completely out of restraint. They even refused Lot?s daughter. All the men in the city demanded the men angels for sexual relations. Even after the men in the city were blinded by the angels they still searched for the door to get what they wanted. The reason certain homosexual practices aren?t allowed is because they are for an unnatural, unrestrained, & unproductive experience. They do not bring the total satisfaction that God meant for mankind to experience in the bond of marriage between one man and one woman in sexual relational terms. The Men in Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed for their object of their desires. Even after they were struck sightless they still persisted. Homosexuality is a sin that was epitomized from the disgusting wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah ? the grave, ungodly, lawless, and sensual conduct of unprincipled men, that tormented Lot as he saw and heard it day, after day, the corrupt desire of those that went after ?strange flesh.? The only crime that Sodom & Gomorrah committed was homosexual desires and thus, they were all annihilated from the Hand of God. God is Judge, Executioner, & the Forgiver. Those who believe or don?t believe have to remember their own transgressions. We do not have the sight of God nor can we see the heart of men. One thing is for certain, when the 2nd coming approaches, there will only be 1 religion left standing. Many people are going to church and studying the Bible because they fear God instead of loving him for what he gave to us, which is life. To deny his existence is sin.[/color] :animesigh
[QUOTE=Raiyuu][font=Trebuchet MS]I hoped to get in before Sage here, because I could tell what effect that statement was going to have... [b]Otaku America, [/b]I frankly don't care [b]what [/b]your beliefs are, they do [b]not [/b]give you the right to pass judgement in such a way. Have that view of homosexuality if you [b]really [/b]must, but [b]don't [/b]force it down other people's throats, please. Now for all I know you mean well with your advice, so I'm just going to give you some back, and I hope you take it on board: whatever your intentions, and I have to hope they're good, you are coming off as awfully bigoted. Just try and read your posts objectively and think about whether they could be considered insulting to others before hitting the 'submit' button. You gain nothing by alienating people: if everyone sees you as a bigot they're not going to listen to you, and your valuable opinions will be lost. Like I said in the dinosaur thread, let's try and keep the discussion [b]civil, [/b]please. I don't want two potentially interesting threads closed in the same day because of flaming. [/font][/QUOTE] [color=Navy]Yes, this is actually the first time I posted like this. When people object my opinions with no kind of structure to hold them to their words, it just becomes irrirtating. Just look at the Dinosaur thread for proof. I wouldn't mind if they believed in dinosaurs but when someone retaliates with the "I'm stupid," remark I just hold their words as a grain of salt. Thus, I lose respect for the posters. In that Dinosaur thread I pretty much kept my cool, a few people got tempermental. All my posts today were backed up by strong beliefs and understanding of the Scriptures. [/color] [quote=Sage]I'm sorry, but you [i]proved[/i] nothing except your own close-mindness. Everything you said was based on the Bible, which you obviously hold as some sort of a Zealot's Guide to the Universe. You fail to realize that not everybody thinks it holds the ultimate truth, so in the end, you've proven nothing. But I gotta say that you crossed the line with that last statement, as every single female member in this board is going to eat you alive now. Did you hear that, girls? He said you only exist to please men! Go get'im! >;D[/quote] [color=Navy]Yes, the dinosaurs thing was a joke but women being created for men wasn't. [b][i]On the ground that it was not good for man to be alone, God resolved to make "a helper" that was suitable for him.[/i][/b][/color] [color=Navy]Edit: I haven't slept for 52 hours and that's why my posting style last night was sloppy/immature. I'm going to rest and formulate better posts in a few days. Sleepy Alter-Ego = The Law.[/color] [b][color=DarkGreen][font=Verdana][size=1]Otaku America, be careful not to double post. If you have something to add to your post, hit the 'edit' button in the bottom right corner.[/size][/font][/color][/b]
[QUOTE=Aiyisha][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial] You can't 'convert' into heterosexuality. Where you get that flawed notion, I have no idea, but a true homosexual is homosexual to the core - it's not just a passing fad, it's not just in the mind, they are born like that. By telling him to 'convert' you've just revealed yourself as a bigot of the worst variety. Nice job. Now here's where I pull your argument apart.[/quote] [COLOR=Navy]In the Holy Bible people aren't born homosexual. You just made your statement useless. A person that labels herself as the "Sexy Stocking Goddess" who was born in 1989 claims to understand homosexuality? Please, you're not even passed puberty. I'd literally tear you apart in debates in real life in front of large audiences. No wonder you like the small font because you don't want anyone to see your stupidty.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Apparently, your God plans everyone's life from the onset - he has a plan for everyone, non? If homosexuality was such an afront to him, he wouldn't make people homo sexuals to begin with, would he? I mean, he wouldn't give men and women the desire to love their own gender if it was truely a disgusting a horribly deadly sin, it defies the point. It's like saying 'I want you in heaven, but I don't [i]really[/i].' [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Do you even understand what you're trying to imply? Your word isn't greater than God. If it is, did you create life? NO. God didn't create homosexuals, lol. How retarded. I shouldn't even respond to you because you "thought" God created homosexuals when SIN created homosexuals.[/COLOR] [quote]And don't feed me any bull about it being just because the person isn't Christian - someone can be born into a Christian family, have the requisite baptism and whatnot, and be the most Holy child they can be, yet still have desires for love and affection from their own gender. It's a source of much anguish for many, who just don't understand how they can be gay if they're such good Christians. But whatever. That's just my two cents. Tonight I've seen a lot of stupidity, and this is about my breaking point. I won't be replying to you if you quote me, so don't bother.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]It doesn't really matter because you thought in the 1800's we didn't have the machinery to create bones to this very day. That's just a classic nitwit remark. If humans were able to create metal in the BC years, how on Earth did you come up with that ridiculous statement? Yes, we can clone and yet we can't make bones, okay. [/COLOR]
[quote]Otaku America was wrong[/quote] [COLOR=Navy]I'm not wrong as I'm about to prove it. [/COLOR] [QUOTE=Sage]Aren't you a biggoted one... 8/ Here's where your arguments fail: Homosexuality DOES exist, even if you think it shouldn't. There's nothing you can do about that, and if you think God created humans, then who created homosexuals? Satan? I thought he could only destroy, not create...[/quote] [COLOR=Navy]The Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil was in the garden to test Adam & Eve. This was God's test to see his plan for creation. The serpent tempted them and thus, everything that is sin, what we suffer to this very day, deformity, sickness, murder, etc, etc. Thus mortality was born, Adam & Eve were created Immortal before they ate from the Tree with the Knowledge of good & evil. If this would have never happen which I shouldn't be saying, there would be no homosexuality, everything would be perfect. The point for Adam & Eve was to be fruitful & multiply. Since mortality is cursed upon us some of our genetic codes were simply altered. That one fruit made them ask questions they shouldn't have, "Why am I naked?" We only know the beginning of mankind but we do not know anything about the angels in heaven or what happened there or even why there was a choice for Evil in the first place.[/COLOR] [QUOTE] You can't share anything between a man if you yourself are a man? I'm sorry but two men can share quite a lot. For example, don't you have male friends yourself? Don't you have anything in common with them? What about your father?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]You misunderstood what I said. When a gay couple gets together what else can you have besides having sinful pleasures for one another? [/COLOR] [QUOTE]And don't give me that "lust not love"-crap. What do YOU know about the issue?! Have you ever even seen a gay couple? For your information, there can be true love between two men - I myself have that with my boyfriend. I love him with passion, I care for him most in the world, I would break into bits if something happens to him, I miss him horribly when he is not with me, I want to hold him in my arms and caress him gently, I want to share my life with him... Isn't that love? [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]This is why you called me "stupid" in my other thread even with my knowledgable replies. The reason you don't believe in God is because you're gay? I live in California & West Hollywood is the gay capital of America. Everywhere you go, you see a homosexual. What you explained isn't love but perversion. I believe people can change and I don't know how a homosexual can be born from a man & a woman. But if I were you I would go to great lengths in trying to convert into a heterosexual. When a child is born into this world do you believe God would like this child to view homosexuality as being one with nature? I don't think so. He could have created Adam & Adolf if he wanted homosexuality in this world. If you believe in science that's even worse because there is no explanation for homosexuality.[/COLOR] [quote]And you don't believe people can be born gay because then we would all be gay? That doesn't even make any sense! Of course there is a majority of heterosexual people, but there are also sexual minorities, like homosexuals, transsexuals, asexuals, androgynes etc.! All those people are born with those trades, and you are certainly not in any place to deny that. Get over yourself and come back to earth where we [I]normal[/I] people live.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]That's why I stated that we face deformities & the like. Life was created in the form of Adam & Eve so it's the only natural flow on how this civilization should be. I thought my neighbor was gay. He totally fit the gay profile since he was born but when he was pressured in High School he just totally switched. An alter-ego just formed right in front of me. I can't even picture a child at the age of 5 to act homosexual. Homosexuals don't seem to cause any crime like heterosexuals which can be an upside in this society bit if you were in other countries such as Afganistan or Iraq you'd be decapitated for being a homosexual. Simply because it doesn't look right. The simple fact is, women were created for men. If men were created for men, then you'd have dinosaurs.[/COLOR]
Can you speak, or understand any Japanese?
Otaku America replied to MirielleChan's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Revue][COLOR=FireBrick][SIZE=1]Or, if you're using FireFox, you can go to [b]Tools > Options >Languages...[/b] and add "Japanese" in the list. Just be sure to move it to the top of the list. Hey, have any of you guys tried [b]Ask Jeeves[/b]' Translator? Search [b]"japanese translator"[/b] and series of forms will appear at the start of the page. Pretty nifty tool; it also shows how words are written in Japanese.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Kool, thanks for that info, I'll install it tomorrow, lol. I only need it because I need to catch up with 2005 manga/anime/etc. Japanese is my 4th language learned but it's clearly my 2nd language in terms of fluidity. Once you learn it, you'd be amazed on how well you can write words in Japanese.[/COLOR] -
Do you believe that dinosaurs ever existed?
Otaku America replied to Otaku America's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE] How do you know that Sage doesn't possess the knowledge, for all you know he could [i]be[/i] a paleontologist. Also, in the 1800s we were at war, were we all at war? Was every single human on the planet at war? Was this a perpetual war that prevented anything else from happening other than the existence of this war? No, Archaeology and Paleontology started coming to the fore in this period through the means of people who weren't taking part in a war, like most of the people on the planet.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]With the budget back then, how were fossils supported? Yes, not everyone was at war but I imagine these so-called archaelogical sites were during the war.[/COLOR] [QUOTE] Why would lions, tigers and bears roam the earth? Why would crocodiles or alligators, whales, sharks and elephants? Why does anything exist, you're the font of all theological knowledge, you work it out. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]I'm already ahead of you. God created those animals on the same day he created Adam & Eve. As you know, Eve was created from Adam's kidney and thus the word woman was born, hence she came from a man. Animals exist today because they were on Noah's Ark.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]And who pays billions of dollars for this so called 'dinosaur conspiracy'? What possible benefit could there be from spending billions of dollars/pounds/franks/marks in upholding something which is a hoax? It wouldn't be justified, I mean the government barely has any interest as it is so its certaintly not them and who else has the money or the means to create such an elaborate hoax?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]I don't recall any politicians supporting dinosaurs. Same thing can be said about fraud companies, who supports them and why aren't they out of business yet? There was an alien consipracy that would make dinosaurs look like ants under a magnifying glass. Explain how dinosaur fossils exist? [/COLOR] [QUOTE]God didn't write the bible, humans wrote the bible. Its a secondary source and secondary sources always have flaws. Prehaps the word of God is infallible but the word of God interpreted through the words of man is not. Facts get mixed up, stories get changed over time, pieces get omitted or re-written to suit the Pope/monarch/leader of the time. If you've read the King James version twice (which by the way is absolutely nothing) then you have only read the version King James wanted people to read. The bible is not the be all and end all of religious theory practice and belief. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Sorry, your post is the only thing that means absolutely nothing. Why don't any of you answer the questions about dinosaurs? lol. The Kings James Version is the ORIGINAL VERSION. There is no Bible conspiracy when it comes to the KJV. Yes the Bible is the be all end all of religous beliefs. Why are there hundreds of thousands of churches out there? All recite to their own version of the Holy Bible.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Okay, are you regarding science as a single entity? Science is not another being to rival God, it is a process of understanding that was there long before humans ever existed. There are many different aspects to science that span far beyong space travel or 'tricky machinery'. Science permiates every aspect of our life, from our food to the clothes we wear. Dinosaurs would have been created through the chain of evolution, which you probably deny exists either. From a tiny single celled organism dinosaurs and other life would have evolved to suit their surroundings and their climate. This would have occured over billions of years of adaption through genetic mutations, breeding and survival. Humans are simply a blip on the life if this planet. We have been around for what 3000, 4000 years? Our planet has lived and will lived far longer than we shall continue to exist on this planet. We are simply the dominant species of this moment in time, much like the dinosaurs were in theirs. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]This Earth is under 10,000 years old according to the Bible. How can dinosaurs take up 65 million years of time? Who is the longest living man in the Bible "Methuselah" BS! I debunked your horribly wrong theory.[/COLOR] [QUOTE] Did you write it like? I'm afraid there are people far more knowledgable than you in such matters my friend. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Thanks for taking apart my sentence. You basically didn't even quote it all, lol.[/COLOR] [quote]And where is the factual evidence to support the idea that God created the world or of the flood or of anything like that? The bible? A book? If we said that 'this book tells us that the earth evolved and dinosaurs existed' you would tell us how the people who wrote the book were ill informed and that it was just a book, pointless info. For pity's sake, I could write a bible now and start preaching about it and who knows in a thousand years time people could believe my ideas of creation above all others. There are many creation stories, because that is all they are, stories. Stories that people tell one another because they have no proof as to the contrary.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]You're confusing fairy tales with actual fiction. Everything in the Bible has happened besides the Revelation of Christ. How can you say a "mere" man wrote the Bible? When infact it was Christ's followers who translated the scrolls? Sorry, you're not intelligent enough to even write a short story. Dinosaurs never evolved. Think about it, do you think the Earth created itself?. Humans were created from dirt from God's own imagination. Explain in science terms how come we speak different languages?[/COLOR] [QUOTE]And with that statement you just lost all credibility as the Bible expert you seem to be claiming to be. Pride is not only a sin. It's one of the seven deadly sins. In fact it's widely accepted as the most heinous of all seven (the others, since you probably don't know those either, are lust, covetousness, gluttony, envy, wrath and sloth).[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Actually, if you looked back that was a typo. I already explained this and one more thing you should know is that there [B]IS NO FORMAL LIST OF THE 7 DEADLY SINS IN THE BIBLE.[/B] All this talk about the 7 sins came from human talk which inspired the movie se7vn. I guarantee you 100% that you won't find a formal list in the bible which clearly states the 7 deadly sins. I never lost credibility to begin with.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Like Revue said, what would be the point of creating a massive conspiracy to make people believe dinosaurs existed when they didn't? You, personally, don't believe in them, so you've assumed it's a conspiracy. But what would be the point? It would be a colossal waste of time, money and effort.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]A lot of stuff goes behind government doors that not even the highest ranking official in the government would know. The fact is, the government can simply make money just for the sake of making money. We don't know what's happening behind closed doors so anything can happen. If we can create life now, duplicating fossil stones in the theorized 1800's is simple as building a castle in 700 BC.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]All humans have the exact same bone structure, are we a hoax too? I really don't see what point you're trying to make there. Also, it's possible for some people to conduct archaeology while others have wars. Not everyone has to do the same thing at the same time.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Yes, but the so-called dinosaur bones in the museum are all the same size from head to toe. Humans come in sizes than why do dinosaurs from my experiences in museums have the same exact size? People fail to realize back then, Ferrari's were never possible making bones is as simple as making styrofoam. How on Earth did humans create the Tower of Babylon? If towers that big were made back then, making bones is simply nothing in the theorized 1800's.[/COLOR] [url]http://www.crystalinks.com/babylonian.html[/url] [QUOTE]No, the fact that the bones are in the museum and are proven to have belonged to real living creatures in the world's distant past means the bones in the museum are dinosaur bones. We don't base our science off Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park based its premise off science. They do if you read Archaeology, Paleontology or Prehistory.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Yes, I know we didn't base our sceince off of JP. If you believe dinosaurs are so real, go to a museum and pay them a few thousand bucks just to drill a hole inside the bone. I won't be suprised if you found clay that was used to hold houses in the old days. Bones simply cannot be preserved for a insanely long period of time. Mummies are fortified, dinosaurs are not. You'd be lucky if you get to see an actual mummy in your museum, yet dinosaurs are a plenty.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]It's good to know that during the 1700s the human race had the ability to manufacture giant skeletons with fake carbon dating. I mean, wow, we can't even do that now. Our ancestors farkin' rawked.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]You need to brush up on your history because advance armor was created back in the B.C. years.[/COLOR] -
Do you believe that dinosaurs ever existed?
Otaku America replied to Otaku America's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkRed]This is getting more exciting. [/COLOR] [QUOTE] And YOU do?! I'm sorry, but every single one of your so called arguments are either based on the Bible or sheer ignorance! I don't believe the Bible is anything more than a historical document, so there's no use trying to pound my head with it.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]I'm sorry if my knowledge is too much to comprehend. [I]"Pound your head?"[/I][/COLOR] [QUOTE]I see clearly that you're too young to understand that life isn't all black-and-white, but your attitude still saddens me.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]I'm too young? I'm 20 years old and the point of this reply was surely out of anger?[/COLOR] [QUOTE]You truly are stupid, in the most basic meaning of the word. There is something called school, did you not go there? They should teach you these very simple and understandable things that are proven by people far smarter than you and me.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Did you actually check my profile before claiming "I never went to school?" Life isn't as simple as you make it out to be. Also for the record, I don't compare myself to other people(pride). I already know I'm 4.0 student so nothing you say will harm me.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Of course I'm not saying you should take everything for granted, but you fail to see that you ARE in fact taking everything IN THE BIBLE for granted. For that, you are a fool.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy] Please elaborate how I take everything in the Bible for granted?[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Oh, and the 1800's are a full century, there wasn't one big continuing war that every single human on the Earth participated going on! They had plenty of time to dig up bones, trust me. This is one of the things they teach you in the school. You really should try it, you really should! [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Yes, I'm sure they taught you how to [B]spoke[/B].[/COLOR] [QUOTE]'m sorry, Rai, but honestly I'm not even calling him names! I really think he really is stupid. As in retarded or something, I honestly don't know![/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Yes, I compared your post history to mine and you're the inferior one here. No pun intended of course.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]I now it's not polite to call someone stupid, but I can't help it if he is! He bases this crazy conspiracy to nothing even remotely reasonable or sane. Added to that, he really believes he is right about it, which makes him even more ignorant and self-centered. But you're right that I'm frustrated, and I try to hold my tongue in the future.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]This is a debate what do you expect? Now, I think this topic is about me.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Actually, from what I understood, Otaku Anime meant that the bones were manufactured just recently, and all those hunder-year-old photos and reports and all the excavation sites around the world are fake, part of a large conspiracy against the good, God-fearing people. He really thinks he is some kind of prophet who has inside knowledge on his God's work, so who are we sinful lowlifes to disagree with him? I say we all bow to our new prophet and guide to light, Otaku America![/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]You're taking this overboard. I was born Christian, what do you expect? Everybody on here with the exception of a few people have actually read the Bible, yet none of you have read through it all. Do yourself a favor and join a sermon. Your harsh retailations aren't going to do you any favor in this debate.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Oh man... I'm sorry if my English isn't perfect, because I live in Finland, where the people do NOT speak English. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Then what is the point of telling me to go to school? When I can speak, write, & understand 4 different languages: English, Spanish, German, Japanese?[/COLOR] [QUOTE]You don't even realize that you're taking everything in the Bible for face value? "No, God created the world in six days because it says days, not millions of years!" was the clearest example. The fact that you don't believe in dinosaurs because they don't tell about them in the Bible is another blatant evidence.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Sorry, the like I stated previously, God is eternal and thousands of years could have been yesterday, quoting Moses. The Holy Bible already explained into great detailed that days = 24 hours. During the flooding, do you actually think that it took 150 million years to flood the Earth? Moses would have been over 150 million years old, Sorry, my point is [B]VALID.[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE]I'm sorry for calling you uneducated, but you're denying things that a third-grader knows to be true! But unfortunately you're too arrogant, pompous, and way too full of yourself for me to try to reason with you. Despite you being only one year younger than me, all I can say is "grow up!"[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]I don't deny false things with simple facts that have been here since the dawn of creation. I can't even reply to other posts because you post every minute.[/COLOR] -
Do you believe that dinosaurs ever existed?
Otaku America replied to Otaku America's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Navy]The word 'omnipotent' means 'able to do anything', so I would argue that if God wanted to create something in six million eras then he most likely could have done. Nobody's disputing that the face value word of the Bible states that God created the Universe in six days. We're disputing that you should interpret it at face value. Why is it so hard for you to even consider that the 'six days' thing could be a simple metaphor?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Sorry, one that posseses [B]"actual"[/B] Bible knowledge do not resort in simple metaphors. That million year theory is what humans who didn't understand the Bible came up with. I already proved I was 100% correct.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]w00t? Now look what you've done, you've made me revert into l33tsp34k. What do you mean? There isn't the exact same T-Rex in every museum. Just because they're all the same shape doesn't mean they're all the same fossil - we're all the same shape too, but we're not all the same person.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]So far, the museums I've been to have the same exact measurements for each bone. They all look like exact carbon copies. Just like all those alien autopsies. If Dinosaurs existed, I don't there would be a vegetable eating T-Rex and a bone-crunching T-Rex. I see your point in humans, but as far as dinosaurs go I have to debunk it with my beliefs/facts.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]So you've read the Bible twice and you're claiming ultimate knowledge? I've read Battle Royale twice and I still can't remember what order the students die in ... do you have an eidetic memory or something?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]First, I didn't claim ultimate knowledge and secondly I understand the Bible, I didn't simply spend 1 1/2 years reading through one version of the Holy Bible just for the sake of reading through it. There is a difference between reading what's on google and actually stating what you know from the Bible. Yes, I have great memory when it comes to things I deeply study such as the Bible. I've read through Battle Royale also and still don't know the order in which the teens die in because I just read that for the sake of reading it. A lot of people can read the Bible but only a few understand it.[/COLOR] [QUOTE] Yeah, but six days is, y'know, reasonable. Let's also face the facts that you have no idea. If you ignore physical reality, and base everything in your life from a book - and a religious book at that - then you are a fool. And probably too much of one to overcome your own willing blindness. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Sorry, one who uses childish namecalling is the fool themselves. You don't think 6 days isn't reasonable for God? lol. Where is your opinion on the matter of this subject? Blindness? That would be you, hence your useless post just for the sake of bashing.[/COLOR] [quote]In the same token there, why doesn't God show himself to the Pope? The Pope's always been a holy figure, but yet, you don't see God showing himself to him.[/quote] [color=navy]You simply misunderstood my statement but I see where you are coming from. If God showed himself to one person it would be the end of the world. God is not suppose to show until Jesus?s 2nd coming where he shall cast down flames from heaven to devour this world and turn this place into hell. In the beginning god cast a great flood upon the Earth and in the end got cast a great fire upon the Earth. The Pope isn?t considered holy by Christians because they altered their version of the Holy Bible. [/color] [quote]And you say you've read the bible. Pride is one of the seven deadly sins my friend. Emphasis on deadly.[/quote] [color=navy]Sorry, I meant to put *deadly* sin. Pride isn?t a deadly sin according to the Bible. The motive of heart is pride. [b]"when pride comes, then comes dishonor.[/b] I don?t see any dishonor in my posts besides some users in here that see it as pride.[/color] [quote]If you want to follow the timeline thing, for all you know, dinosaurs could have died out before Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden.[/quote] [color=navy]The timeline starts when God created the Heavens & the Earth. So you?re implying that dinosaurs were on Earth before God even created it?[/color] [quote]Actually, that statements wrong. Not every religion shares the same beliefs there. So be specific next time.[/quote] [color=navy]Yes, you got me there.[/color] :p [quote]This statements a bit hypocritical, don't you think? This whole time you've been preaching about how false science is, and yet, you say it helps when it comes to other things, just not dinosaurs. Convience I tell you![/quote] [color=navy]Let?s be honest, what?s the point of believing in Dinosaurs if they were never there in the first place?[/color] [quote]More evidence of dinosaurs than God. I mean you've got millions of bones from dinosaurs, and just some book written by humans supposedly under God's influence. Which would the average person pick? [/quote] [color=navy]You have a point but what if the bones are actually fakes? The Holy Bible is simply not a book. Do you know the Holy Bible is actually multiple books from scriptures in the form of scrolls? God?s existence is simply proved all around us. Do you see the sun, stars, moon, the sea? Everything that is nature is what God created. [/color] [quote] There's not a huge argument there, but, if science is the word of man, the Bible is too. God didn't write the Bible himself, did he? I believe it was written by man. So really it's which opinion of man's do you stand by.[/quote] [color=navy]Read the last page of Revelation and tell me if Man said that. Everything in the Bible has been sealed in stone. Man cannot create a Bible that consists of different books. Man can only translate it into the form of the Holy Bible.[/color] [quote]Because you choose not to learn about dinosaurs.[/quote] [color=navy]If there is an actual college that teaches about dinosaurs, I?ll be much obliged to join.[/color] -
Do you believe that dinosaurs ever existed?
Otaku America replied to Otaku America's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Sage]Otaku America, do realize that you're actually saying it is [I]wrong[/I] to believe in something you [I]see[/I], like dinosaur bones, while it is [I]right[/I] to believe in something you [I]don'[/I']t, like God.[/quote] [COLOR=Navy] Actually, you're quoting a human. "I'll believe it when I see it." Sorry that doesn't apply to God. Why would God show himself to sinful humans? You logic is flawed.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]I don't think this is a debate of religion vs. atheism, to me it's [I]ignorance vs. reason[/I]! OA, thousands and thousands of paleontologists and other researchers have dug up dinosaur bones for two centuries now and dedicated their whole lives to know more about the lifeforms that inhabited the Earth before us, and you're ridiculing and diminishing them with a few unexplained arguments?![/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Sorry, you DON'T possess the knowledge to know that paleontoglogists have dug up bones for two centuries. You [B]clearly[/B] didn't read my posts. Unexplained arguments? I fail to see where I didnt' explained. In the 1800's we where at war, not digging up some imagined bones which all have the same exact structure across the world.[/COLOR] [quote]You are certainly commiting one of the deadly sins: pride. You honestly think you're above everybody and everything else? As I said in the other thread, get over yourself! [COLOR=Navy]And don't say you're only repeating the words of your God, because you said them, not anybody else. Take responsibility for your own words.[/QUOTE] Where on Earth did you think I was above everyone else? From your poor post alone, I'm already above you since you didn't contribute anything to this thread like the others have. Pride isn't a sin period, lol.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Is it a surprise that the same person who is telling us dinosaurs do not exist is also someone who is telling us, with great certainty, that God exists? It really shouldn't be a surprise. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Even is you don't believe in God he is with you. Why would dinosaurs roam the Earth? To eat Adam and Eve? lol.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Anyway, this topic reminds me of the moon landing topic (something like "Do you believe the moon landing ever happened?) Well, okay, we'll all just deny the mountains of evidence that exists and exercise a little "reality control". [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]This statement only comes from watching Futurama. Don't you remember the people who died in the Columbia Space Shuttle Crash? The government doesn't pay Nasa billions of dollars for the sake of fake Hollywood moon landing. Unlike "theorists," astronauts are dead real. [/COLOR] [QUOTE]Hack Helba, plenty of people have proved that the Bible contains inaccurate information. That is, if you take it literally. If you take Genesis literally, then I can tell you that it's been consistently disproven throughout history. lol[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]How can the Bible have inacurrate information when it's the word of God? God is the only perfect being. Genesis is the most important chapter of the Bible so how can mere humans disprove it throughout history? #1 sold book around the world is the Holy Bible. Every year it still sells millions. Not only that the Holy Bible has reached billions of people. Go to a church and ask if dinosaurs exist, they'll simply tell you No.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]I've recommended a book here a few times, though I don't know if anyone has read it. It's called "Telling Lies for God" and is written by a geologist called Ian Plimer. It basically goes through the fallacy of creationism and "creation science". But more importantly, it goes into great detail in terms of disproving the Great Flood and various other mythical events.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]A geologist? lol. Who gave Ian Plimer life? Science? People that have read the Bible know for a fact the flood was real. Do you also believe that we evolved from apes? lol., God created Adam & Eve in full form. All this science propaganda is simple falsehood.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Don't forget, Otaku America, that a great many years of research have gone into dinosaurs/fossils and Earth geology. It is ridiculous to think that this is all one great big conspiracy - largely because conspiracy theories of that size, by default, can't really occur. Science is based on empirical, testable evidence. Scientists are always trying to clarify one another's theories and improve their knowledge. So that competitiveness had led not only to discoveries, but to clarifications on what we already know.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Science only helps when it comes to space travel or some sort of tricky machinery, or simply how our body systems function. If you believe in dinosaurs then how were they created if you don't believe in God? Do you think "science," gave humans and animals hearts, brains, skeletal system, nerves, emotions? That is highly unlikely. There is no sort of evidence in the world that makes science the answer to life. To me, it's impossible for this science to give dinosaurs teeth and claws if you believe they existed. Theories about dinosaurs & the Earth are nothing but then the human imagination. Just because Jurrasic Park showed dinosaurs does't mean the bones in the museum are actually dinosaur bones. The actual dinosaur like species that exist today would be in the form of a Kimodo Dragon, not some Triceratops. It's funny they teach you about dinosaurs when you're in preschool so when you grow up, you actually believe it. Why don't they teach you about dinosaurs in College? [/COLOR] [QUOTE]So yeah, if you think that all of the fossils and carbon dating and so on are all fake...then I can tell you, a great many things we know about the world wouldn't be possible right now. It's all inter-linked. And if you really believe that none of those things are true - despite the overwhelming evidence - then perhaps it's better that you have your head in the sand. At least it's comfortable[/QUOTE] T[COLOR=Navy]he only heads that are in the sand are those palentologists. There is a difference between reading the Bible & knowing the Bible. I know the Bible first-hand and I know the real science, the medical science. Frankly that is the only science that matters in human life. Sure humans have created plenty of things that are useful in our everyday lives thanks to science, but humans can't lay a factual theory on how old the Earth was or fill our minds with BS, that Dinosaurs were here for 65 million years and an asteriod made them all extinct globally. BS theories like that belong in movies titled "science-fiction." Dinosaurs are as real as King Kong. Put two fictional creatures in a movie & you get a remake of a classic.[/COLOR] -
Do you believe that dinosaurs ever existed?
Otaku America replied to Otaku America's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE]Actually, the bible does not deny the existance of the Dinosaur. Just because they never talk about them does not mean they don't exist. I strongly doubt that anything in the direction of the Platypus is ever mentioned in the bible (although I'm now curious and going to search for it). [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]I know the bible doesn't deny the existance of Dinosaurs but it's true that they don't exist. The Bible describes large creatures but not large "reptiles," which are the human's imagination of a dinosaur.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]What you do is reading the bible exactly as they show it to you. What if the seven days in which the world started, were seven whole eras? If you read the bible now, you think the world exists for 9000 years or so. If you read it and think at the same time, the world could exist for more than that, just because 'the seven days' were several million years. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy] This would have been a good point for the people who haven't read the Holy Bible all the way through. Since God is an eternal being, thousands of years could seem like yesterday but in Genesis it has already been proven that when the Bible mentions a day, it is a 24 hour period. God says in Genesis verse 5, "And there was [B]evening[/B] and there was [B]morning[/B], [B]one day[/B]." Verse 8: "And there was [B]evening[/B] and there was[B] morning[/B], a s[B]econd day[/B]." Verse 13: "There was [B]evening[/B] and there was [B]morning[/B], a [B]third day[/B]." It's clear that God created everything within 6 days. What would the Bible be if 6 days where millions of eras as you stated? That would be false. It's impossible for God to create the Earth in 6 million era's. Take the verses above and add thousands or millions of years, it wouldn't make any sense at all.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]The dinosaurs could have already been extinct? Remember that that could've been thousands of years since the dinosaurs would have been roaming the earth. To answer the actual question: I quite believe in dinosaurs. Certainly more than in UFO's. On a side note: Yes I am a christian so I have read the bible enough to know atleast a bit what I'm saying. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Dinosaurs couldn't have been extinct because God created everything according to his will in 6 days. Why would he create such large creatures that serve no purpose? God never created such foul beasts to roam the Earth with humankind. Adam & Eve were here before any kinds of beasts. [/COLOR] [QUOTE]You can read more Here and Here. This solves that bit of the arguement for it states that just because it didn't have the name "Dinosaur" does not mean it was not stated in the bible. You just have to look harder for it. As far as Dinosaurs ever existing in real life, is kind of an obvious one. I find that really hard to take that you believe they don't exist especially when we have BONES of the creatures in museums around the world. Maybe you should go to one and see for yourself. Then maybe you'd have a change of heart. As far as the days go, Boo could be right. Seven days back then could have been a lot longer. You never really know. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Those sites don't have the knowledge I possess of the Holy Scriptures. I've read the King James Version of the Holy Bible once and the New King James of the Version once. Why would god have such imperfect creations? Millions of people around the world don't believe in dinosaurs, Iraq's entire population doesn't believe in dinosaurs. That alone is over 30 million people. I've been to a lot of museums in California and bones can easily be made at little to no expense. Why is there the same exact T-Rex in every museum? Don't tell me they found hundreds of the same fossils around the world? LOL. Why would fossils exist when human and animal bones crumble after several years when you're no longer living? How can these fossils hold up today if they were millions of years old? It just doesn't make sense. There are no dragon bones yet they existed. That's why I said Dragons did exist. Back in Roman times, Romans had mosaic's which carried Dragon drawings and that's around 2nd or 3rd century A.D. As for the Helba's links, those = no knowledge. They're just taking what they know today and adding it in with the Holy scriptures to try and solve the puzzle of "Where does the Dinosaur fit in the Holy Bible?" Since a lot of you believe in dinosaurs, did Satan create the dinosaurs since God clearly did not? Also as for the Moses & the Ark, Moses was 800 years old & dinosaurs couldn't have exist if he didn't bring them in the Ark. The creatures that fell prey to the flood where dragons which people didn't hunt. Behemoths, & the Leviathan are the only dinosaur like creatures mentioned in the entire Holy Bible. Verse 19, states the Behemoth was the "chief ways of God." This leads me to believe a dinosaur is highly unlikely but a large creature surely.[/color] [COLOR=DarkGreen]15 ?Look now at the behemoth, which I made along with you; He eats grass like an ox. [b]Made along a human and grass is on the ground..[/b] 16 See now, his strength is in his hips, And his power is in his stomach muscles. [b]Sound familiar yet?[/b] 17 He moves his tail like a cedar; The sinews of his thighs are tightly knit. [b]Moves[I] like[/I] a cedar[/b] 18 His bones are like beams of bronze, His ribs like bars of iron. [b]I've never seen any bronze dinosaur bones.[/b] 19 He is the first of the ways of God; Only He who made him can bring near His sword. [b]Only God can destroy this creature, not an asteroid.[/b] 20 Surely the mountains yield food for him, And all the beasts of the field play there. [b]If this were a dinosaur I doubt it would play with all kinds of beasts predatory or not.[/b] 21 He lies under the lotus trees, In a covert of reeds and marsh. [b]This behomoth wasn't tall since Lotus trees are your everyday average-sized trees.[/b] 22 The lotus trees cover him with their shade; The willows by the brook surround him. [b]Must have been some sort of elephant similar to a Mammoth.[/b] 23 Indeed the river may rage, Yet he is not disturbed; He is confident, though the Jordan gushes into his mouth, [b]Mammoths are larger scale-sized elephant looking creatures.[/b] 24 Though he takes it in his eyes, Or one pierces his nose with a snare. [b]Still sounds like an oversized elephant, aka The Mammoth.[/b][/COLOR] [IMG]http://tinyurl.com/avta2[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Job 41 1 ?Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook, Or snare his tongue with a line which you lower? 2 Can you put a reed through his nose, Or pierce his jaw with a hook? 3 Will he make many supplications to you? Will he speak softly to you? 4 Will he make a covenant with you? Will you take him as a servant forever? 5 Will you play with him as with a bird, Or will you leash him for your maidens? 6 Will your companions make a banquet of him? Will they apportion him among the merchants? 7 Can you fill his skin with harpoons, Or his head with fishing spears? 8 Lay your hand on him; Remember the battle? Never do it again! 9 Indeed, any hope of overcoming him is false; Shall one not be overwhelmed at the sight of him? 10 No one is so fierce that he would dare stir him up. Who then is able to stand against Me? 11 Who has preceded Me, that I should pay him? Everything under heaven is Mine. 12 ?I will not conceal his limbs, His mighty power, or his graceful proportions. 13 Who can remove his outer coat? Who can approach him with a double bridle? 14 Who can open the doors of his face, With his terrible teeth all around? 15 His rows of scales are his pride, Shut up tightly as with a seal; 16 One is so near another That no air can come between them; 17 They are joined one to another, They stick together and cannot be parted. 18 His sneezings flash forth light, And his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. 19 Out of his mouth go burning lights; Sparks of fire shoot out. 20 Smoke goes out of his nostrils, As from a boiling pot and burning rushes. 21 His breath kindles coals, And a flame goes out of his mouth. 22 Strength dwells in his neck, And sorrow dances before him. 23 The folds of his flesh are joined together; They are firm on him and cannot be moved. 24 His heart is as hard as stone, Even as hard as the lower millstone. 25 When he raises himself up, the mighty are afraid; Because of his crashings they are beside themselves. 26 Though the sword reaches him, it cannot avail; Nor does spear, dart, or javelin. 27 He regards iron as straw, And bronze as rotten wood. 28 The arrow cannot make him flee; Slingstones become like stubble to him. 29 Darts are regarded as straw; He laughs at the threat of javelins. 30 His undersides are like sharp potsherds; He spreads pointed marks in the mire. 31 He makes the deep boil like a pot; He makes the sea like a pot of ointment. 32 He leaves a shining wake behind him; One would think the deep had white hair. 33 On earth there is nothing like him, Which is made without fear. 34 He beholds every high thing; He is king over all the children of pride.? [b]The Leviathan =Sea Dragon[/b][/COLOR] [IMG]http://tinyurl.com/b733q[/IMG] -
[COLOR=Navy]IMO, this thread is inappropriate because suicide is a huge issue in the world and not only that, these forums have users ranging from 10 - 30+ years old. I wouldn't even have an 11 year old come in and find a way to release his soul through suicide. Yikes!![/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]This is sad indeed and no one should have taken their lives just because they were homosexual. But as a religous person, God created Adam & Eve not Adam & Eva. Homosexuality is actually a sin. Here are some passages from the bible:[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Navy]Old Testament:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Leviticus 20:13[/B] [B]If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Navy]New Testament:[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=DarkRed]1 Corinthians 6:9-10 9. Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10. nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Navy]So, in all Homosexuality shouldn't even exist. How can a man spend time with another man without always holding each other? Man w/ man is nothing but sin. You can't share anything between a man if you yourself are a man. Love & passion don't exist between two men, lust does. I still believe it was wrong for them to kill them because they could at least gave them a chance to convert and NO, I don't believe it's possible for a man to be born gay. If that were true, we'd all be gay.[/COLOR]
Do you believe that dinosaurs ever existed?
Otaku America replied to Otaku America's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Hack Helba][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=SeaGreen]There's a problem with that theory. We don't have museums full of Alien remains, however we do with Dinosaurs. You can't even begin compare the existence of Dinosaurs to that of UFOs or Dragons. There just isn't evidence to support that UFOs or Dragons exsist(ed).This seems almost like a silly topic, but I believe that the science of dinosaurs is one that the bible can not argue with. Dinosaurs once roamed the earth, 6 billion years ago; That is a fact. I, being an athiest, do not believe a word of the bible. I find the bible to be just as real as UFOs. I can believe that this is a touchy subject for religious groups, but in all honesty... How far will they go with thier beliefs? To deny the exsistence of something placed in their faces, cased in museums, all because there wasn't any talk about Dinosaurs in the bible? I find that ridiculus. I'd like to continue with my thoughts, later. Right now I'm going to get some rest. If dinosaurs didn't exsist paleontoligests would be out of a job =P[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]Even if you don't believe in God, God is still with you. In the bible it says if you're not with God you're against him (also meaning, if you don't believe in him, your creator, you're against him and with the devil). I see where you are coming from but do you actually believe some accidental science theory created life on this Earth. Everything from the sky, mountains, water, even seasons all have different creations. Those paleontoligists are as out of job as the Ufologist. The only thing they both have in common is that they're fake except that Ufo's have a much larger consipiracy theory. Roswell in Mexico anyone? I don't find this a touchy or silly subject so I don't know where that came from but this question has been asked for several decades. I don't recall Alexander the Great touting about dinosaurs. The word dinosaur wasn't invented until the late 1800's. So there is no such thing as 6 billion years ago and this is me speaking objectively. Instead of the flood, it was a Pluto sized asteroid. This is where science came from, from those who started questioning their beliefs and started developing theories. Those so-called "theorists," don't know how old anything is they just make silly 600 million year old theories. The Bible is the only thing out there that can explain our existance to the fullest extent. The only thing that can remain a fact for both believers and non-believers is that there is a greater being out there. With all the stars and the complexities of human nature how can one simply state life came from science? Back then, there were no cloning machines. If science did create life it would have to start back in the early 1990's when the sheep Dorothy was created from human science. Wars back then where fought with horses and chain armor, now you have tanks that can destroy a target a mile away. Unlike Dinosaurs, UFO's have been questioned by the public to the military mulitple times. Even America is "One Nation Under God." [/COLOR] -
Manga I need a list of dark mangas. Domestic or Import.
Otaku America replied to Otaku America's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='kayutori_sama']I would reccomend Lady Snowblood, but you'll have to wait a few weeks to get it. Due to the fact it isn't out yet, and yes Samurai Executioner isn't bad.[/quote] [COLOR=Navy]Lady Snowblood? I heard it's like Kill Bill, is this true?[/COLOR] ------- [quote]feh..... seems strange that ur looking fer "dark" manga.... type o' people i find i bit odd.....[/quote] [COLOR=Navy]Please don't spam my thread. I don't find anything strange about "looking" for dark manga or being a "bit odd" for that matter. Please elaborate on why this is [B][I]"strange?"[/I][/B] Different strokes for different folks. You might prefer Fruits Basket but I don't.[/COLOR] :nope: [QUOTE]LoL thats a good question[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]First of all, that's not a question and secondly, what was the point of your post if it carries no value to my thread? Nothing is wrong with dark-themed manga if you're mature enough to handle it. [/COLOR] :nono: -
Can you speak, or understand any Japanese?
Otaku America replied to MirielleChan's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Hack Helba][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=SeaGreen] That all depends on what you type in for a search. When I typed in "Japanese words", I was given quite a plentiful list of sites that list of common Japanese words and their meanings. Now if I were to type in "Japaness language" I would yet again, be supplied with many more websites concerning Japanese words and learning them. I didn't suggest going to a Japanese website, Silly lol. Now that! I can agree with you on. Any language is too complicated for me to understand. Which is why I'm currently not invovled in any language courses. I think it'd be interested to learn Japanese some day in the future, but then again, I wouldn't benifet any from it. Not like I'm ever going to Japan now, is it? xP[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]So, it's not only my browser then, lol. To be honest, I thought exactly like you about the Japanese language. I don't know how much you're into anime/manga/Japanese culture but when you start seeing edited manga or if you don't want to wait for an anime in your region, that Japanese buzz kicks in. I can't speak for others of course but this is just what happened to me. My mind during that time was like "Japanese Impossible." Japan, nah "I'll never go there." The quote in my sig is what led me to believe.[/COLOR]. ;)